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File: 79 KB, 1024x576, Julius-Evola-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16900904 No.16900904 [Reply] [Original]

What is /lit/'s opinion on who is the absolute most BASED author of all time?

For me, it's Evola.

What about you?

>> No.16900912

Has to be H.L. Mencken, bunkshooting is how you keep a civilization sane.

>> No.16900926

Just quickly read over his wiki. Definitely a forward thinker. Any book recs?

>> No.16900954

I got 8nto him through this website and read the books that it recommended.
Goodnight, anon

>> No.16900959
File: 1.17 MB, 1345x1080, Arnold Schwarzenegger 130948203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16900972

From one of Baron Evola's letters to Guénon:
“Lo sperma negroide e le sue applicazioni magiche” (1937)
>Concerning Amrita and its applications, it is our opinion that the Negroid sperm has some animalistic magical potency inherent in it which cannot be baulked; thus we see the subconscious longing of white virginal European women lusting after the African male. Hermetic union of opposites, the unification of the bestial and the pure Elements that man constituteth of – body and spirit – black and white, respectively. Of this perfect medicine, it is said that a single dew-drop sufficeth – and this may be true. Yet it is humbly and with all deference and worship our opinion that every drop generated (so far as may be possible) should be consumed as a sacrament. In the same fashion, the Greeks talked of the minotaur, which is a mythological creature half bull and half man. The aim of the priests of that cult seems principally to have been the production of a temporary incarnation of this beast by sending select women of the community every year into the jungle or forest, to mingle with all bestial creatures imaginable; thus to produce a miraculous birth upon returning to the community.

>> No.16900976
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ohnonono tradbros we got too cucky

>> No.16900997

It's off-season for newfag. Why is this shit still being posted?

>> No.16901460

Fuck off newfag

>> No.16901468

Fucking kek. What was Guenon's response?

>> No.16901527

Non because its fake. Looked it up it was posted on /lit/ before.

Its interesting but i only read A Traditionalist confronts Fascism. Its a collection that starts with the Orientamenti essay that is considered the first thing one should read from Evola. It starts brilliantly... its almost a relieve to read it. Got a copy of another of the Arktos books now. Recognitions.
I like the physical quality of the Arktos books. In A Tradionalists confronts Fascism found one misspelling which the editor should have noticed. It left my furious of cause.

>> No.16901549

lel, did somebody update the pasta? i think the previous one was more tame and slightly credible

>> No.16901563

>absolute most BASED
Can you explain what "BASED" means? At this point in life I've seen this term thrown around in the internet thousands of times, ready definition online and etc, but I have yet to understand wtf people mean by that

ESL ofc, but that's highly unusual since I get most slangs/terms in English very easily (most I don't have to even look up, and the ones I do are simple like "oh, ok, makes sense")

So, wtf does "BASED" means?

>> No.16901592

Been here for a decade, amigo.

>> No.16901602
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>> No.16901604

Not OP here but i am from Deutschland. I personally translate it in my mind with Bodenständigkeit. Its basically a sort of groundedness in which a person says things the way they are/they see it. Regardless of the other persons reaction to it. In todays society were make public statements all the time and know that their employer, state and grandma is watching people often censor themselves or say stuff to make themselves look better. One might think that the bodenständige Mensch is a hero uprising against Newspeak. The other might claim that its nothing more than a rascal form a racism, bigotry disguising as humor.

>> No.16901606
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>> No.16901615
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>bodenständigeR Mensch

>> No.16901637

The based that can be named is not the true based

>> No.16902686

What's bunkshooting?

>> No.16902892
