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16900160 No.16900160 [Reply] [Original]

I know this sounds like a weird topic but I swear I'm not memeing.
Are there any books that offer actual solutions as to how homosexuals and by extension homosexuality might be integrated into society in a way that is healthy and nondestructive?

>> No.16900196

Didn't that Jack Donovan guy talk about this? He's gay.

Foucault also talks about it at length.

Try searching for pederasty in Werner Jaeger's writings on Greek paideia, that's where I would start. He will tell you about its history in the ancient Greek consciousness. I believe he talks about its decline into "mere" homosexuality, sodomy, from its originally more social function.

The Spartans and the Thebans (look at the Sacred Band) both practiced it.

>> No.16900263
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holy shit bless you anon seriously I didn't think anyone would give a sincere answer. I'm going to look into these. Thank god I've gotten back into the habit of reading recently.

>> No.16900334

Plato, Symposium.

>> No.16900381

By putting a bullet in their heads

>> No.16900739

>in a way that is healthy and nondestructive?
Homosexuality is inherently destructive. The question becomes: do you want this destruction to manifest across society or to only affect the homosexual individual? The latter is the most reasonable. Keep sodomy in that one shady street during the night. Keep it in the closet of the upper class.
Look into how sexual deviants lived in Isamic societies. Gays were always with the cock fighters and illegal alcohol salesmen. The best way is for them to live their life. They will end up the same as other people who deviate from what is right. Is it any surprise we saw disgusting amounts of drug use in secret gay clubs? That NAMBLA lobbied for gay rights?

>> No.16900864

Based schizo

>> No.16901176

Jung thought most homosexual behavior is experimental and healthy individuals grow out of it. I think that making homosexuality this life long experience is damaging to both the gay community and the individual.

>> No.16901182


>> No.16901295

Integrated homosexuality means moving on from homosexuality to heterosexuality.
Homosexuality is a sign of arrested development, so in order for you to integrate it, you have to develop your sexuality into a healthier form.
In our current times, we pretend that being undeveloped is okay. It isn't. We don't praise people with regression complexes, but we are too afraid to admit that homosexuality is developmental phase.

>> No.16901311

>integrated into society in a way that is healthy and nondestructive
What's unhealthy and destructive about allowing people you'll never meet to engage in private behaviors you'll never see, resulting in things that'll never affect you? I don't get it.

>> No.16901605
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>inb4 "durr polshit retard no sources!!"
Check the archive linked in the image. It has hundreds of studies, articles, etc. from proper journals and reputable websites.

>> No.16901612

i bet the average homosexual is more well integrated into society than the average 4chan user