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/lit/ - Literature

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16901090 No.16901090 [Reply] [Original]

What are you reading?

>> No.16901098

death and the dervish by mesa selimovic

>> No.16901108

i only read haikus

>> No.16901139

Is your pic an actual argument or a meme? Hard to tell sometimes...

>> No.16901161

>Is your pic an actual argument
There are only memes here, pseud.

>> No.16901165

The Story of Art by Gombrich and Concerning the Spiritual in Art by Kandinsky

>> No.16901206

its not in the form of an argument
it is an observation

>> No.16901223

Starting Stoner
then Lolita
then Homeric Hymns
then A Canticle for Leibowitz
then Theban Plays
then Oresteia
then hopefully read another 4 books so as to reach 50 books read this year

>> No.16901225

Flannery O'connor's short story collection. I don't know why but I automatically see all her characters as black by default so when a story like TAN comes by again I have to take a moment. I honestly thought that Head and Nelson were kind of moneyed societised blacks hating on low city 'negroes' as a sub-class that even they spit on. That one makes no sense that way but a lot do.

>> No.16901227

Does this Kandisky's book is good? I have it sitting in my house for long, never read.

>> No.16901531

Holy shit, same.

Jel to za lektiru?

>> No.16901646

The Book of Disquiet

>> No.16901657

Just finished 1812 by Zamoyski. I was fairly horrified at the part where he mentions soldiers would have their cocks freeze solid if they tried to piss during the worst of the cold conditions. I recently picked up The Worst Journey In The World so I shall be continuing the horrific frozen conditions theme for a little while yet.

>> No.16901660

what haiku are you reading today

>> No.16901911

Infinite Jest, so I guess that makes me a midwit.

>> No.16901929

If you need more than 300 pages, you have failed as a writer.

>> No.16901989

her style reminds me a lot of langston hughes's short stories

>> No.16902030

Myth of nations by Geary

>> No.16902035

On the Road by Kerouac. Saw some reviews saying it was tedious and difficult to get through but I haven't been so engrossed in a book in a while. I love the style and how personal it feels.

>> No.16902265

are they not commutative?

>> No.16902280

Moby Dick audio book, Pride and Prejudice non-audio for when I can’t/ don’t want to listen.

I have The Magic Mountain on back burner when I finish P&P

>> No.16902286

How are you liking it? I tried it a while back, but halfway through and it still hadn’t really clicked for me. There are some great singular lines, but the novel itself was just kind of a chore.

>> No.16902298

I don’t want to read about blacks

>> No.16902305

i am a cat by natsume soseki

>> No.16902364

Is it good? I might pick it up

>> No.16902405

Different anon, but it’s one of my favorites.

>> No.16902801

Thanks then, I'll try it out

>> No.16902847

>I look at these long rows of words, the tombstones of my thoughts, and I do not know whether I have killed them, or given them life.

>> No.16902925
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the house on the borderland

fuckin’ pig people

>> No.16902992
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Just finished Camus' "The Plague" and now I'm reading Evola's "Revolt Against the Modern World," which is an absolute gem.

>> No.16903034
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Growth of the Soil and Plato's Five Dialogues.

>> No.16903216

been reading crime and punishment for a year and a half

>> No.16903242

How can you read 6 books at the same time?

>> No.16903243
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>> No.16903253

Billion Dollar Whale

>> No.16903269

Protagoras and Meno, basically done I think I have only around 50-70 pages left

>> No.16903273
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reading pic related
i despise you pseud kiddies
/lit should get /fit/ and /out /

learn to survive and be healthy

>> No.16903277
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whats so funny?

>> No.16903286


>> No.16903288
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big iq

>> No.16903297

I'm smiling at how much I love that book :)

>> No.16903321 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16903380

who's your fave char?

>> No.16903397

The criminal

>> No.16903405

Germania by Tacitus. Short book, more than half the text is translators footnotes.

>> No.16903662
File: 1.76 MB, 1362x2064, Shenshintei-洗心亭_少林山達磨寺_Takasaki_BrunoTaut_1934_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sumitaku Kenshin

>In the pool is ruffled, the winter sky

>> No.16904534

War and Peace

>> No.16904661

Mine's the punisher.

>> No.16904873

I misread it as

the pool refilled, the winter sky

and liked that version better.

>> No.16904975

East of Eden. Love it. Steinbeck's prose always puts me into a trance

>> No.16905136

Malcom X: A Life of Reinvention.
It's apparently a reaction to his famous autobiography, which I meant to read first, but my hold came through on this one first. Anyway it's pretty well interesting. I'm still only at the part where he becomes a little less hate-driven and racist, but apparently he still wishes he could go back to his cult. Long read. Genuinely interesting.

>> No.16905147

Is there a difference?

>> No.16905161

recommend me a book and I will consider it

>> No.16905178

It should be 10 short books

>> No.16905193

Exercises in Style by some French negger. It's great