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File: 109 KB, 1024x1024, 9334FBD7-AA12-4510-9F2C-99D3B0F73209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16900339 No.16900339[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

TFW no bookish mommy college professor GF to have intellectual conversations with and who will let you live with her rent-free due to misplaced maternal instinct and loneliness.
Why live?

>> No.16900348

What’re you talking about?
You’d only call her a stupid tranny

>> No.16900349

What is 30-40 year old pussy like? Can you eat it or is it all busted up?

>> No.16900356

>wants babies someday
>already 36 and still single

>> No.16900362

Everyone deserves to be loved anon.

>> No.16900365

B-Butterfly,,, do you want to be my friend?

>> No.16900370

If she was trans that would be a major plus.

>> No.16900378

I volunteer. We could read the great modernists and have children before her eggs dry up.

>> No.16900393
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The ones intact are spoiled and your children will be retarded.

>> No.16900395

I’m Yikes!-ing at the fact that her clock is ticking louder and louder and she needs to settle down as soon as possible but is looking for a serious relationship on a dating app

>> No.16900436

She isn’t that old.
Honestly the worst thing happening right now isn’t older woman giving birth, it’s the damn poisoned food

>> No.16900464

She is advanced maternal age, risks are exponentially higher than they would be for her 10 years ago.
Food is shit now but if you read ingredients and nutrition facts you can find good ones.

People have children late now because porky wants your surplus value and women were trickes that freedom meant wage slaving.

>> No.16900474

This dumb broad is going to give birth to autists with that cobweb womb of hers.

>> No.16900479

My mom was 43 when I was born and I turned out fine.

>> No.16900486

>turned out fine
>posts on 4chan
(X) doubt
Also, it shouldn't be a gamble whether your children will turn out retarded or not.

>> No.16900487


>> No.16900488

You guys act like it's game over if someone gets too old. At the end of the day if a couple is 100% infertile, they can adopt and raise children.

>inb4 KEK
grow up

>> No.16900490

>turned out fine
you're on 4chan lad

>> No.16900493

How did this liberal atheist woman end up alone and childless at 36?

>> No.16900495

Its more about giving birth to retards.

>> No.16900498

Because of toxic masculinity. You incels can't stand the sight of a strong womxn.

>> No.16900499
File: 216 KB, 1400x2093, C10341E6-D819-4FFB-9F57-25F1269D97A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but if you read ingredients and nutrition facts

You’ve been reprogrammed to ignore the actual culprit of the autism/Aspergers/bipolar disorder/higher suicide rate as of late

>> No.16900504

shut up tranny

>> No.16900507

>LARPING as a family with some bastard kid

>> No.16900508


>> No.16900513

Yiff in hell, furry

>> No.16900516

Gender dysphoria too, right?

>> No.16900517

>You’ve been reprogrammed to ignore the actual culprit of the autism/Aspergers/bipolar disorder/higher suicide rate as of late
The food mummy eats?

>> No.16900525

Perhaps that too.
While you were all in the womb, since the 90s, and now take double doses. Small amounts no doubt, but that would hurt a fetus worst of all, I would think.

>> No.16900526

lol she has more sex in one month that you will have in 10

>> No.16900527

Retarded nigger

>> No.16900540

>>already 36 and still single
Modern women can have babies well into their 50s. And she can adopt little BBCs too.

>> No.16900548

Eh. You raise a kid, they're yours, biological or not.

>> No.16900554

>While you were all in the womb, since the 90s, and now take double doses. Small amounts no doubt, but that would hurt a fetus worst of all
Explain pls auntie

Maybe I should go back to Eastern Europe, maybe less pesticides and shit in the food there.

>> No.16900555
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MFW got banned from bumble.
>Not even my fault.

>> No.16900567

shut the fuck up you stupid tranny

>> No.16900571

Ideally children should not be put up for adoption and the state should provide extra for familes with children.

Only reason for adoption should be that the child is an orphan, but again ideally they should be cared for by extended family.

>> No.16900572

I hear the EU mostly bans Monsanto chemicals, yeah.
I don’t know much about it. What little I know bothers me. These pigs running the world don’t give a shit about our well-being in any other respect, so I just assume the worst

>> No.16900576
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Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

>> No.16900577

Sorry, I’m not a boy, anon. Can’t help it.

Hey, nice fives

>> No.16900583
File: 44 KB, 660x350, f1d48fea-36a0-4662-9d4e-c56c657f790d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You guys act like it's game over if someone gets too old. At the end of the day if a couple is 100% infertile, they can adopt and raise children.
The real tragedy is:
A probably smart, cultured and college-educated woman is not going to give birth while the poor dumb bitch in streets will have like 10 BABIES that will be born to violence and to go hungry.

>> No.16900590

Why don't women have children young anymore? If I were a woman as soon as I get out of highschool I'd find the hottest dude I could with nominal assets and just let him knock me up.

I literally can't think of any reason not to do this.

>> No.16900591

Might be unfortunate, not much can be done about it.

>> No.16900593

>wants a baby some day
heh. tick tock

>> No.16900595

>lol she has more sex in one month that you will have in 10
You hitted the nail, she WILL have sex but still she'll stay alone.

>> No.16900597

Meant the opposite of that, oops.

>> No.16900605


Get more reaction pics faggot

>> No.16900613

The real tragedy is that we have capitalism keeping the majority in such poverty and servitude

>> No.16900624

Most of them don't care. Many parents see children as an extension of themselves, not a separate human being

>> No.16900625

Media loves stories about working class families always on the brink of financial ruin but hates stories about lonely middle-aged people so everybody only sees one side of the coin.
Couple that with a recession that particularly bad for yuppies and most people have a long list of things they need to have done before they want a child.

>> No.16900627

The real tragedy is that you're a fucking stupid bitch and no one likes you.

>> No.16900635

If one person is making at least median income that is easily enough for two kids.
To the poor fags, god help 'em.
Why are you so hostile to butters? Does it make you feel better abusinf her like this?

>> No.16900639

Thirty six really isn’t that old to have a child especially when you think about how large families have kids over the course of a few hears.
I seriously doubt the risks are “exponentially” higher at thirty-six then at twenty-six, that’s just ridiculous.

>> No.16900645
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Yes it is, do some research pls

>> No.16900649

>virtue signaling to the all seeing masters this hard

>> No.16900650

No it’s not, do you know what an exponent is? You just proved my point

>> No.16900654

>virtue signaling
You're right, it is absolutely a virtue to point out that you're a stupid bitch.

>> No.16900657

Butterfly is a stupid tripfag attention whore and almost 100% of her posts are horrible.

>> No.16900664

>Why are you so hostile to butters?
Because I don't like her.
>Does it make you feel better abusinf her like this?

>> No.16900666

Her posts are meh. I don't really see her attention whoring desu, she's been posting for over a decade now.

>> No.16900668

>Because there’s nothing wrong with capitalism
>Everything is working perfectly according to plan
>No, I am not an NPC. How dare you suggest such a thing.

>> No.16900672

>Because I don't like her
Why not? Her posts are not THE BEST but they're rarely abhorrent

>> No.16900674

I fucked a 36 year old professor several times when I was a freshman in college. She gave me a copy of 100 years of solitude with a love note written in the cover. Found out she was married later on. Threw the book away. The sex was okay. I felt a bit guilty later on. Not really as hot as you'd think.

>> No.16900682

>You guys say she's not an attention-whore
>she just stole the thread

Can't you see the contradiction?

>> No.16900687

Post a pic o her. I wanna see if she's hot.

>> No.16900689

this is all she ever does

i have her and any replies to her filtered, and i regularly see threads showing 0 replies despite saying they have 100+ posts. why? because 90% of the thread is people chatting back and forth with her. she never puts a stop to it or backs out, she just wants company.

>> No.16900690

They are ALWAYS abhorrent you shithead.

>> No.16900698

You guys are shitting at her just for being here, if you just made normal responses to her posts we wouldn't be having this conversation.

>> No.16900702

>I discarded of the only evidence that could prove this happened
Sure you did, bucko

>> No.16900708

You're right, you'd be having a history lesson in this bitch's time on the board or talking about what she likes to finger herself to.

>> No.16900721

No I would be responding to her posts.

She should have never have revealed she had a pussay

>> No.16900726

Just look up this dumb cunt's posts on the archive retard.

>> No.16900729

You're right, you're right. We should run a train on her, as a rite of passage.
It would cure her histrionics.

>> No.16900740

I was pestered

>> No.16900752

How many times a day do you masturbate?
Do you enjoy yuri hentai? Lol

>> No.16900755

>want kids someday
unbased and anti-antinatalist pilled.

very hot but she would need to drop that

>> No.16900759
File: 103 KB, 853x960, C58BCCA8-BEB6-4A01-8E9C-FF7A5B6E400D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of your bee’s wax
Dabbled in it. Not the biggest fan, but I have been saving some

>> No.16900760

>who will let you live with her rent-free
How? Associate professors don't make any money, even if they're tenure track.

>> No.16900776

She pays the rent and they share the bed, obviously

>> No.16900783

Nah, that's retarded. She's still teaching as well.
No point in bragging about that here. I get nothing out of it. Just trying to show OP that what he wants probably isn't what he thinks it is.

>> No.16900790
File: 38 KB, 414x425, Emma_Gatewood_414x425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a desert island, in the lack of better option, would you breed with a male or would you go celibate?

How was your relationship with your father?

Do you believe in Astrology?

Are we in Hell? Were we left behind?

Is the Earth flat?

Are you actually Camille Paglia?

>> No.16900791

>She's still teaching as well.
All the more reason to do so then.

>> No.16900796

What's your shoe size

>> No.16900798


>> No.16900805

>Nah, that's retarded. She's still teaching as well.
You can blur her face, anon, I'm just curious.

>> No.16900806

Nobody needs to know if it's Butterfly talking except when she decides she needs attention, which she suckles from the thirsty virgins here like her namesake on pollen. If she had novel insight or something relevant to say, she wouldn't need to draw attention to herself because she could farm her (you)s through good contribution. OTOH, she's only an opportunist taking advantage of a market. If she revealed her OnlyFans, she'd be rich.

>> No.16900807

I'm saying she's going to need roommates then.

>> No.16900812

I love laughing at stupid dykes seething at trannies.

A man is superior to a woman, he is naturally determined to be the dominant sex.

A man can lose his manhood to become a fuckslut, a tranny, in a literal attempt to be a woman. He loses much in this, he voluntarily defeats the great forces within himself to become a fucksleeve. Manhood is something of virtue and in being a tranny this virtue is lost.

A woman can't lose her womanhood by being a dyke because nothing is below woman but child. Then again, while something distinctly stronger can voluntarily become weaker, something distinctly weaker cannot voluntarily become stronger. Trannies being able to pass through both worlds while the dyke is trapped in her autistic malignant suffering of the lowest order invokes the anger and jealous of the dyke. The dyke is the lowest order of being, it bites the hand that feeds and rages uncontrollably more than any other race of degenerate scoundrel Satan bestowed upon the surfsce.

Butterfly, listen, you can't do this on your own. You need a boost to actually upgrade your being into manhood. You should take steroids and hit the gym and become the disgusting abomination you've always dreamed you could be.

>> No.16900814

In my experience, smells more. Still good to pound.

>> No.16900819

We are home on Earth and allow the few to make it a hell
Clearly not
I don’t like her much
I buy my own shoes

>> No.16900825

As if women were not doing everything they could to enter the workforce, thinking freedom was slaving away for having slight financial independence.
You fucked yourselves over.

>> No.16900828

>I don’t like her much
Why not? She's pretty based
>I buy my own shoes
What size

>> No.16900858
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>> No.16900896
File: 15 KB, 559x423, vernebelterpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen some fairly delusional spinsters on dating apps, but this is verging on cosmic tragedy.
>academic, presumably focused on career
>identifies with beliefs contemporarily associated with skepticism, if not hostility towards the nuclear family as such
>on a dating app looking for a serious relationship
>of all apps, the one that most egregiously violates the socio-biological order heterosexual mating since time immemorial
>I want kiiiiiidsssss
Good luck, cupcake. KEK.