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16895565 No.16895565 [Reply] [Original]

I read an article about Camille Paglia. It discussed how she thinks the Humanities need to be reorganized to be saved:

>When it comes to collegiate education, Paglia’s recommendations for a new trinity of intellectuals to undergird a future university curriculum are Marshall McLuhan, Leslie Fiedler, and Norman O. Brown in place of Jacques Lacan, Jacques Derrida, and Michel Foucault. Further, Adorno, and Marcuse should be replaced by Northrop Frye and Harold Bloom. This is a canon of erudite, witty, and pragmatic media-ecologists from our neglected Anglo-American Tradition against the morose, cynical, snarky intellectual fads spawned by the Frankfurt School and Francophone-Freudianism. Further, Paglia believes that Comparative Religion should be the mandatory backbone of the humanities, to give some spiritual insight to our woefully materialistic and secular society of pharmaceutically numbed neurosis. Everyone should have more than a caricature of understanding when it comes to the great world religions and their eternally relevant symbolic systems.


What does /lit/ think about her plan?

>> No.16895639

Sounds decent

>> No.16895655

Big fan of Logo Daedalus

>> No.16895660

Camille Paglia's a dumbass pedo protector.

>> No.16895666
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>Norman O. Brown
>Life Against Death influenced Pynchon in GR

holy based, forgot abt that dude

>> No.16895670

Paglia is at the end of the day still the Enemy, but she can and should be used to obfuscate

>> No.16895678

I think the people who inspired her to come up with such a list to begin with know perfectly well what they’re doing and as such even proposing such a thing is totally useless regardless of who is named.

>> No.16895698

Naming this or that individual(s) is just another manifestation of the rot regardless of the specifics.

>> No.16895756

What do you mean?

>> No.16895766

Wasn't she taught by Harold Bloom?

>> No.16896208

I support this

>> No.16896220

Derrida is really underrated and if people actually read him they'd see he's more rigorous and interested in preserving the canon than the memes suggest.

>> No.16896784

Yeah but he's very widely misunderstood, even in academic circles. I like Derrida but he isn't easy to understand and it's really easy for the intellectually dishonest to twist his work to fit whatever agenda they're trying to push.

>> No.16896792

Camille Paglia is incredibly stupid and uncultured. Her Sexual Personae is ridiculous american trash to say the least. Fuck this pedo granny.

>> No.16896795

Derrida is a cringe libtard faggot
For me it's the BASED gigafaggot Foucault (PBUH)

>> No.16896811

Yeah, and she even dissed Naomi Wolff for snitching out Bloom for creeping on her. You know Paglia prob dug getting groped by a powerful old professor. She keeps it real, what can I say.

>> No.16896829
File: 428 KB, 680x797, gigachad2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For more than a decade, Paglia was the partner of artist Alison Maddex.[17][18] Paglia legally adopted Maddex's son (who was born in 2002).[19] In 2007 the couple separated[20] but remained "harmonious co-parents," in the words of Paglia, who lived two miles apart.[4]
>Paglia identifies as transgender and stated that she has "never identified at all with being a woman".[21][22][23][24]
I am not going to listen to this schizoid hag.

>> No.16896838

Make Maths mandatory.

There, now you've filtered all the idiots who went into the Humanities purely because they were too stupid for STEM, as opposed to having an actual interest in then.

>> No.16896858

To be fair so is Adorno. Culture Industry covered in prophetic detail what's happening in America. They posited in the 40s that consumer culture would consume culture itself. Becoming a beast that repackaged and sold back to us our anger and alienation with society. BLM as a company slogan is a recent and blatant example of such. Any social movement or popular uprising will be co-opted and defeated by consumerism. It creates an emotional appeal. "This product supports what I support." Apply this indefinitely and you have the entirety of American culture at present.

To be fair though. McLuhan and Brown are pretty great and I'm unfamiliar with Fielder.
Cancelling Adorno and Derrida in a response to what's happening in the humanities seems strangely ironic.

>> No.16896864

Thanks, I'm done before starting.

>> No.16896868

BLM was always a corporate slogan.

>> No.16896873

Exactly. Neoliberal hegemony is doing exactly what Derrida, Foucault, and Adorno said it would doing. By absorbing any meaningful resistance and turning it into homogeneous consumerism, driven by psychological mabipulation in ads amd media.

>> No.16896887

You aren't immune to it either, our government and media are more intelligent than we give them credit for. Where do you think the utterly insane and alienating ideas of internet spaces come from. Some are organic, sure. Some are also really misleading and easily disproven....why would that be?

>> No.16896890

Foucault was Nietzschean not Marxist, he didn't give a shit about "capitalism". If anything he critiqued "scientism" for lack of a better term.

>> No.16896922

Deconstruction was just pointing out that structuralism was flawed. Calm down.

>> No.16896952

You might also want to check out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vance_Packard

>> No.16896989

who are u quoting

>> No.16897008

looks like he cut and pasted directly from wikipedia given all the wiki style citations

>> No.16897042

Who the fuck said anything abour Marx you imbecile. I'm referring to Foucaults theory of knowledge and power being inseperable and working outside of the public good to define "truth" and to apply power over the public.

>> No.16897069
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I google every person that gets shilled on 4chan and look at the "personal life" section in Wikipedia. If there is a mention of Jewishness or faggotry they go straight into the trash can..

>> No.16897077

Knowledge and power don't automatically come from "capital" and Foucault did not argue that in anything I've read of his. Just look at how the CCP managed to push the "knowledge" that extreme economy destroying lockdowns were the best response to a coronavirus strain with a 99.7% survival rate. If it were up to "capital" granny and her pension would be cancelled and everybody would be back at work. Marxism is, as usual, stupid for reducing everything to fit an outdated grand narrative.

>> No.16897089

Paglia is a Roman Catholic which why you are told to hate her, and apparently you do as instructed. Heh. Ironic.

>> No.16897100

She's a degenerate and a sodomite.

>> No.16897112

>one of the most pro-masculine authors in academia

if u say so buddy

>> No.16897161

She is pro-masculinity because she is a hyper-masculine lesbian hag living a poor man's imitation of a marriage with an adopted child. That woman clearly does not know her place.

>> No.16897259

Lmfao listen here you slimy fuck. How much does Marx pay to have such prime real estate in that empty head of yours. So far I haven't mentioned Marx once and you've responded twice with your bullshit.

Read Foucaults lectures at the College de France he talks about Neoliberalism knowledge, power and the creation of "truth" to guide and control the public.

>> No.16897271

philosophy is just consumerism for people who think they're intelligent.

>> No.16897292

cringe jewish deconstruction
based german destruktion

>> No.16897307

Which one? There's like 6 of them and they're all 40 fucking bucks. His only lectures I consumed were on Manet at some Arab college in the Maghreb and I listened to those lectures he gave at Berkeley.

>> No.16897318

What about Paul de Man tho?

>> No.16897358

>His only lectures I consumed were on Manet at some Arab college in the Maghreb

holy moly its now out of print and a used copy goes for $900 on Amazon! I better still have that mfer in storage!

>> No.16897405

Most Universities make you take a Math course for a general education requirement.

>> No.16897682

why would anyone listen to the shizophrene female version of peterson??

There is nothing more retarded than symbolism.

>> No.16897724

The birth of biopolotics I believe.

>> No.16897736

Yes they pointed that out as well. I think its covered in a secondary source which may be cheaper. Or maybe. b-ok or libgen