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16894514 No.16894514 [Reply] [Original]

Thread to discuss The Magic Mountain

Was Hans actually sick? With what?

Were the different patients and their nationalities a metaphor for the budding European tensions leading to WW1?

How does it compare to Mann’s other works?

Would Mann kicking Herman Hesses ass in a fist fight?

>> No.16894892

Do you really think anyone here read this? The best youll get is some dumbed down wiki quote

>> No.16894948

i have doktor faustus in my shelf

>> No.16894962

>Were the different patients and their nationalities a metaphor for the budding European tensions leading to WW1?
>How does it compare to Mann’s other works?
1. Joseph and His Brothers
2. Doctor Faustus
3. The Magic Mountain
4. Buddenbrooks

>> No.16896368

I only picked it up because it was recommended on here, but yea I do get the vibe there’s a lot of literature majors on here that don’t actually read

Hell yea I feel smart for picking that up. I’ll check out his other works then thanks

>> No.16896505

You should check out Buddenbrooks next. Faustus bores some people because of the music theory. Joseph and His Brothers is extremely long, it's 4 books in one but very rewarding.

>> No.16896512

Also if you like Mann check out Broch (Sleepwalkers first) and Musil

>> No.16896595

I wonder if the question of whether he was actually sick is more a psychological thing sick people seem to experience where the explanation is not always satisfying and for whatever reason there feels as if there's an internal element to it.

The way I saw it with the other guests was they were more tied to behavior patterns or ideologies. Iirc Naphta was based directly on Lukacs, Settembrini was typical comfy/naive European humanism etc.

>> No.16896603

> lot of literature majors on here that don’t actually read

Generally people on /lit/ now don't have /lit/ majors, there are threads about this, along with the joke that this whole board is currently CS people.

>> No.16896604

everyone here has read this

>> No.16896674
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I’ve already read Doctor Faustus and The Magic Mountain. Which should I read next, Joseph and His Brothers or Buddenbrooks?

>> No.16896728
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Hans was a hypochondriac. The different patients were all walking stereotypes, all Mann could do was ramp up some national, sexual or physiognomic features to cartoonish proportions.

Mann was a raging faggot-in-denial and both his sons were raging faggots. He wrote diary entries on how sexy they looked so I am suspecting he touched them.

>> No.16896762

Tackle the big beast - Joseph and His Brothers.

>> No.16896774

Excellent post, this. But Mann is still one of my favorite writers.

>> No.16896791
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The plot is entirely forgettable (yeah, I know that is partly the point), I only like his prose which is excellent for a German book.

>> No.16898274
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>> No.16898324

I purchased Doctor Faustus right before quarantine hit, but I haven't read it yet. I've yet to read any Mann, though, so is it a good introduction? Obviously, Death in Venice would be the natural introduction, but truthfully it seems like the least interesting of his major books, so I'm gonna try to bypass it if we think that's a good idea.

(P.S. I'm a musician with solid music theory education and an abiding interesting in the subject, so that wouldn't be a problem in the case of Doctor Faustus.)

>> No.16898684
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>> No.16898703

is it 4 separate books? Cause my local bookstore has Joseph the Provider?

>> No.16898918

Yea, provider is the 4th one, unless it’s like 1,200 pages then it’s all 4

>> No.16899370
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>> No.16899888
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>> No.16899933

I've bought this and War & Peace but I know there a sections with French in them. So I made myself a goal not to read it until I can read French

>> No.16900303

>Was Hans actually sick? With what?


>Were the different patients and their nationalities a metaphor for the budding European tensions leading to WW1?
I don't think so but I'm open to persuasion.

>How does it compare to Mann’s other works?
never read any of his other works lmao

>Would Mann kicking Herman Hesses ass in a fist fight?
two fags fighting over the same dick

>> No.16900804

You can get a single volume from Everyman that collects them all. It’s a great translation. It can stop a bullet, you can use it to kill a man, and on top of it all it’s a damn fine read.

>> No.16900808

>Would Mann kicking Herman Hesses ass in a fist fight
Definitely. No contest.

>> No.16900942

I'm currently in the last major chapter and I am still loving it. Nerds getting blown the fuck out by the drunk gigachad.

Seriously, what a novel. Intelligent and fun.

>> No.16900950

Sure, if you are interested in music you won't have problem with the theoretical passages. Just expect a slower paced book.

>> No.16901012

Way to esoteric for me.
But I enjoyed the jeezuit Vs masons parts, the different secret society views, monism Vs dualism, but was kind of surprised that the jeezuit was not defending the Trinity as a unique concept and complete different form both of them. But that is par of the course for jeezuits I guess.