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16894505 No.16894505 [Reply] [Original]

>Fails to hold down shitty part-time store job
>Whines and tells everyone about her manga hobby
>Fails to work with her friends, complains about not having friends
>Inverse Electra Complex (?????????)
>Whines about wanting a hug
>"I hate myself ;("
>"I blame my parents and I'm scared of sex"
>"I have 6 gorillion self-diagnosed mental illnesses"
>Needs to "gather courage" to get in the bath
>Blames parents more
>Whines about being lonely and having no friends (despite pushing all her friends away)
>Weird schlopy lesbian sex scene with hooker
>Didn't even enjoy it, "heart wasn't naked"
>"I wrote a manga about getting my pussy fiddled, now I have a will (nectar) to live"
>Still fucking blames her parents for everything
This was absolutely abhorrent.

>> No.16894512

Nice to see a followup on the gay thread from yesterday, thanks for reading this garbage so that I don't have to, anon. Sounds awful lol.

>> No.16894517

women cannot experience pathos, it always amounts to whining about how they don't get EVERYTHING they want, while still basically having no responsibilities or problems

>> No.16894519

>Inverse Electra Complex
isn't that just an Oedipal complex? anyways, it's no surprise that a dyke is mentally ill. a woman who doesn't get dick inside her by the end of adolescence is bound to be unhinged.

>> No.16894534

How is this act different from the incel personality which is so widely empathized with on this board.

If a dude wrote this it'd either be ignored or celebrated as "hitting right in the feels" here.

>> No.16894536
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The absolute worst part of it was how she blamed her parents for everything despite them never doing anything to warrant it. They let her live rent free, encouraged her take a break and look after herself. She wrote that she "hated" her mother despite her mother letting her live with her. The whole thing stank of "whaaa I have dEprEssIOn it's not my fault and I blame my parents for everything". It was hard to get through. Not quite as hard as reading through the ten thousand 5 start gr reviews.
>isn't that just an Oedipal complex?
I think that would be daughter desiring mother. Regardless. that's how I intended it. AGAIN despite claiming to "hate" her mother (for no discernible reason) she also wanted to fuck her.

>> No.16894550

A man wouldn't write this shit. The difference is that she basically whined the whole time about being lonely and wanting a hug and having "NO" friends despite contradicting herself several times when describing how she was temporarily part of a manga-writing group thing... with her friends. She also said later that she had "basically no friends", which means that she has friends (just not as many as she feels like she wants). Top it all off with the fact that women can easily get support and attention for childish emotions like "I want a hug and I want more friends than I already have ;((((((". You're fucking dreaming if you think an ugly autistic man would get even a second glance.

>> No.16894582

It is honestly pretty bad, it just feels like thoughtless rambling. No reflection, no insights.

>> No.16894583
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>"I wrote a manga about getting my pussy fiddled, now I have a will (nectar) to live"
What really pushed me over the edge into outright hating this was how she published three more books with the exact same premise after the first was successful. It's like a female version of Welcome to the NHK, where the author wrote an entire book about how he hated being a shut-in nerd but then used its success to keep being a shut-in for the rest of his life.
Being self-aware but not having the ability to do anything about your problems is a problem for adolescents. It's understandable when a young person acts this way, but an adult who indulges in public self-pity on this level is just embarrassing.
Stuff like this is why I think a lot of anime/manga creators are kind of childish, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. On the one hand, the stuff they make resonates with young people far better than American YA stuff, which has a tendency to feel like a product made by adults for kids. On the other, anime/manga at its worst has a tendency to come across as immature and self-indulgent, even by the standards of a teenager. This is exacerbated when the comic in question is supposedly something that deals with "adult issues."
Of course there are exceptions, and I don't think anime/manga is all bad. At the end of the day Japanese-style pop culture (targeted at teenagers and nobody else) is still better than American-style pop culture (targeted at every level of society in an attempt to turn everyone into mental teenagers.)

>> No.16894615

>Being self-aware
Here's the thing though; she wasn't self-aware at all. This would be understandable if she were a kid, MAYBE if she were in her late teens- but no. She was 28. She self-diagnosed a plethora of illnesses and then blamed them on her parents for NO REASON. SHE was the one who wanted to please her parents (failed) yet she acts like her parents were terrible and abusive (despite clearly writing that she had never experienced any abuse). She would go to job interviews and talk about her mangaka dream like a child talking about wanting to be an astronaut. She was completely self-absorbed and unwilling to accept that her problems were her own fault. I fucking cringed the entire time I was reading this. She reminded me so much of my ex girlfriend that it made me sick.

>> No.16894625

why does this shitty manga keep being dicussed on /lit/?

>> No.16894626

Sounds like a female version of most people here

>> No.16894646

Speak 4 urself.

>> No.16894650

It's like looking in a mirror. They can finally see all the shitty aspects of their lives and personalities with clarity, because their de facto contempt for women prevents them from empathizing with or making excuses for the protagonist. And so then they screech about it here. A man would absolutely write a book like this, and many men have, but you are all too blinkered to acknowledge that

>> No.16894680

>Japanese-style pop culture (targeted at teenagers and nobody else)
This is wrong, please learn more about the topics you're discussing

>> No.16894688

It would be more accurate to say that the Japanese pop culture that actually gets exported outside Japan is targeted at teenagers and nobody else.

>> No.16894692

>gay thread from yesterday,

>> No.16894701

fairness is a modern ideological sensibility. Being hyprocritical is good and healthy and conducive to good government.

>> No.16894702

The "author" is 28 and was writing about her experiences as an adult.

>> No.16894705

>Being self-aware but not having the ability to do anything about your problems is a problem for adolescents.

Thats not very nice, I can relate to that pretty strongly, even if you think its 'childish' or whatever that doesn't take away that its a real problem experienced by a lot of adults that is worth expressing instead of dismissing as beneath you.

>> No.16894711


>> No.16894719

oh okay, thought i'd have a nice archived thread to read for once. quick rundown? was t any good?

>> No.16894725

I'm not asking for "fairness," I want you all to be honest with yourselves

>> No.16894739

This too is wrong. For every piece of expoeted Japanese media with an audience that is majority children, I can give you examples of one with an audience who are majority adults, and often times it's audience would be composed of significant numbers of both children and adults.

>> No.16894750

Jannitors infuriate me so much, they come into a thread, see that people are engaged in interesting discussion, and that no one is complaining that the topic is off topic, then delete the thread because they decided that it is off-topic. Why do threads exist if not so anons can have discussions in them?

>> No.16894765
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>Jannies being trannies
Truly an ancient battle that has raged for centuries. Our ancestors were writing about this.

>> No.16894796

I am so happy my poem made it in there
fuck jannies

>> No.16894810

>reading about women
there was your first mistake

>> No.16894866

Otaku don’t account as adults. They are manchildren and they enjoy the self indulgent fantasies that are typical of Japanese media.

>> No.16894908

fuck jannies, and fuck slide thread creators.

>> No.16894954

Jannies deserve death

>> No.16894961
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>> No.16894997

I liked it because it's literally a quick reflection on being a piece of shit that doesn't pretend to be deep or meaningful.

Get over yourself. It's a manga.

>> No.16895077

I cant tell if this book is popular or not

>> No.16895091
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Wow she is literally me

>> No.16895194

I really liked it

>> No.16895216

hi butterfly

>> No.16895280

This is what happens when a woman doesn't have a relationship with a strong male to set boundaries and lead them.

>> No.16895293

This sounds interesting (and similar to myself), I'll give it a read

>> No.16895312

Lesbianism isn't real and women can't experience loneliness.

>> No.16895389

self-awareness and self-responsibility

that said there's way too many manchild (deranged feminine type) men on here who are exactly the same

>> No.16895392

If people like Butterfly were publicly stoned or hanged, I would be morally okay with it.

>> No.16895411

this >>16894866 if you actually interact with such people you'll find they've been the same since they were 15 and are much like the teenagers now.

>> No.16895442

there are a couple of female imageboards and other parts of the internet with heaps of women exactly like this. they're all 25-35 and extremely infantile. i guess that's her audience?

>> No.16895478

I blame Americanization, but Europeans accepted it without much resistance after Hitler's fall.

>> No.16895624

It has nothing to do with America specifically. The same thing would have happened as soon as modern birth control was invented. Women were "emancipated" on a technological level. Once sex was unshackled from reproduction the entire social structure keeping them in line gradually crumbled.

>> No.16895657

>It has nothing to do with America specifically
Yeah, yeah, kys you degenerate American moron. Go watch some more porn.

>> No.16895669

Every thing that is happening is dependent upon birth control and contraceptive technology. Female emancipation is impossible otherwise. It's technological, not cultural.

>> No.16895672

Women are always infantile bro

>> No.16895673

Americans shouldn't be allowed to discuss such matters. Go watch some more porn as billions of dollars and Jews manufacture and spread it across the world.

>> No.16895674

This is also the reason why no modern nation can stand up to it. It's not a cultural fight. It doesn't matter what your culture values, technology will destroy it.

>> No.16895685

The porn industry is also dependent upon contraceptive technology, of course. Feel free to make an argument.

>> No.16895700
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Yeah holy shit people keep posting this book here and expecting something deep out of a fucking manga literally called
"I'm a lonely lesbian lol" and getting mad at some imagined boogeyman that it's pretentious, when it's literally just a lonely lesbian being a lonely lesbian

It's a manga about a lonely lesbian, don't know what you expected.

It's not even a fucking book. It's a picture book. Get real.

>> No.16895738
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This is why we're discussing it. People are shitting and pissing their praise over this pile of garbage.

>> No.16895801

so do you regard birth control as ultimately bad? if a woman cant refrain from mindless hookups and starring in porn, with which contraceptives help, she'd never be a decent mother and it's great that she's not reproducing.

>> No.16895819

Lately, all threads I post in (which, it goes without saying are great threads) are jannied. Let me be the first to say: We need a final solution to the janny question.

>> No.16895839

>People are shitting and pissing their praise over this pile of garbage.
All of them are Americanized and progressivists.

>> No.16895843

>so do you regard birth control as ultimately bad?
I think it's harmful to the well-being of society. It will be impossible to regain sexual control over women unless it is banned.
>if a woman cant refrain from mindless hookups and starring in porn, with which contraceptives help, she'd never be a decent mother and it's great that she's not reproducing.
A porn career in the modern sense would be impossible without contraceptives. Point being, the existence of these things creates in an entirely new social climate which encourages, discourages, rewards, and punishes different behaviors than in the past. The same woman who does that today may have turned out perfectly fine if she had been raised in a different technological situation.

>> No.16895850
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>Oh no, people like an unpretentious fast food book about being lonely

People don't like admitting they're lonely or have these thoughts.
Having a baby way to read about them helps a lot of people.

>> No.16895873

>It will be impossible to regain sexual control over women unless it is banned.
ok, incel. it indicates slave mentality when one wants to supress and control instead of solving the core issue, in this case - giving women a fucking personality and forcing them to develop an actual character instead of just reaping the benefits of "female priviledge" and never tensing their brain for a second unless they're some Curie tier exception (which gets opressed and ostracized in a supress-control type society)
i swear to Lord some people would give up everything to become a serf to BASED and TRADPILLED feodals who will control their life instead of thinking for themselves

>> No.16895881

at this point i do not wish to engage in any form of communication with those who take sex this seriously, which lesbians seem to do a lot

>> No.16895890

you read that title and expected it to be anything other than cringe dyke shit?

>> No.16895907

You are very naive. Women are what they are as the result of the pressures exerted upon them through hundreds of thousands of years of natural selection. You cannot undo that by telling them to get a personality. New technology has not changed what they are inside, it has only allowed them to live it without restriction, as the old controls placed upon them are no longer functional.

>> No.16895918


>> No.16895919

based and chastepilled
why cant people just hug and kiss? sex is overrated as fuck

>> No.16895943

any person can become interesting, good-witted, or at least kind enough to be pleasant, even the most feral nigger and most rabid whore.
to think we must power and serve this endless wheel of opressive sansara is beyond retarded. maybe if we didnt swing from hysterical prudism to outrageous promiscuity people would have a more adequate outlook on sexuality and wouldnt pretend it's at the core of everything about people.

>> No.16895956

Everything you've said is immature and I'm not going to waste my time responding to it, sorry.

>> No.16895966
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> it's only mature to wish sefrdom upon yourself and others
begone, pessimist pussy

>> No.16895978

literally catcher in the rye for lesbians

>> No.16895982

It's your teenage whining about women not having good personalities that is immature, and it has no relevance to what I was discussing. That's the last I'll say. Take it how you will.

>> No.16896139

well you’re talking about her abhorrent book and how much it makes you seethe, so i guess it must be pretty successful. what have you accomplished anon?

>> No.16896262
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Lesbian here.

Just a reminder that we are taking over. The fact is women have NEVER been attracted to men: we needed them for protection, economic support and procreation, and sex is what we traded for those things (or they just raped us).

But now? First-world men have been totally domesticated, so no need to worry about violence. We're taking over the work force too, so we can provide for ourselves. And medical science has made procreative sex totally unnecessary; we can just buy the sperm (with our superior earnings) and have it cleanly injected without getting within ten feet of a penis.

Women are naturally more attracted to other women. Who wouldn't be? We're beautiful, soft and smooth and curvy, basically the opposite of hairy oafish ape-like men. And we know how to please each other like no man ever could. Lesbian sex can last for hours.

Every day more and more "straight" girls are being turned. The world of the future is where a small number of strong men act as our designated studs and the rest of you losers are eunuchs designated for manual labor exclusively. Deal with it.

>> No.16896324


>> No.16896355

lesbians are plebs
there will never be a lesbian kenneth anger because their experience is silly and awkward by virtue of physiology, among other things

>> No.16896475

Funny joke bro

>> No.16896480
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>> No.16896484
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>> No.16896495
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>Lesbian here

>> No.16896508

Yeah like lolcow dot farm

>> No.16896522

Are all women this retarted or just lesbians?

>> No.16896527
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Christ, imagine the smell.

>> No.16896532

>noooooo you can't just desire men
>I wont fit in with my totally gay friends anymore