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16894209 No.16894209 [Reply] [Original]

>I have not been a theist for a single second of my life. In my first assemblies at primary school, when the theist idiocy was first wheeled out, I remember thinking: it is natural that adults should lie to you, but is it really necessary for them to insult the intelligence quite this much? As for the longing to believe, nothing could be more alien to me, because nothing is more obvious than the fact that humanity--far from being a creation-- is a disease. Why should the absence of a divinity analogical to mankind be more disturbing than the absence of a giant tortoise supporting the world on its back?

Why haven't you abandoned your dead god and dedicated your life to studying the writings of the greatest man of our time?

>> No.16894230

now, this is based.

>> No.16894242

Why is he so memed here? Didn't he fry his brain with drugs and just wrote schizo gibberish?

>> No.16894266

because he's so based. read the quote dude.

>> No.16894270

hyperbasado. neo(mcpbuh).

>> No.16894289
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I think atheists of that kind just don't understand the role of religion.

Maybe those people lack that certain longing for something permanent or absolute or for a true observer. A purely materialistic outlook of life will probably lead to worse results than when you believe in something divine.

There's people who disprove religious stories, reject doctrines based on modern sensibilities, deconstruct it one way or another- they simply don't get what Kierkegaard must have meant with the "leap of faith" that even an intelligent, rational person must do, to truly unlock that thing that needs to be unlocked- even though you don't know what is inside, even though it won't have an apparent, immediate gain.

I think ultimately people have to come to religion by themselves. There's no point arguing. Religions would always lose against an intelligent argument. You have to need it, yearn for it, fight for it, until your desire to believe finally becomes unquestioned, even irrational, faith. Its best to have it be a private experience and to not engage militant atheists and their ego-driven, smug approach to this sublime art.

>> No.16894292


>> No.16894294

Dont you have meth to take?

>> No.16894295

>because nothing is more obvious than the fact that humanity--far from being a creation-- is a disease.

Yes, because an onimpotent being could not create a diseas, or humanity as a disease.

This is just the standard ramblings of a misanthrope who hates humanity and therefor God, because God is humanity written large.

The problem is with hating God, you forget the Devil, who has also his domain.

> Why should the absence of a divinity analogical to mankind be more disturbing than the absence of a giant tortoise supporting the world on its back?

Because we found a substitute for the turtle in the natural laws that govern our universe, these laws are just as divine as God or the turtle, though nobody will admit this.

Are you going to hate the laws of natur now, or are they not personable enough to trigger your hatred for other human beings?

>> No.16894305
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>> No.16894433

What's amazing is that people don't post about him more.

>> No.16894437

what does the tortoise stand on?

>> No.16894476


>> No.16894487

Because his writing is amazing. duh.

>> No.16894515

>has no arguement
Go back

>> No.16894531

You know the answer

>> No.16894533
File: 73 KB, 640x480, main-qimg-a160aafb2bcab11c9e2ace598cccd67e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this moment you were a kike shill return to the pit from whence you came you snickering imp, go back and retract your long nose of darkness from this board. Back back I say

>> No.16894727

another thread where deaf argue if music exists, according to ancient texts about music.

>> No.16895223

Nice try slowfag

>> No.16895309

jesus christ you seem like a massive fucking faggot.

>> No.16895311

your understanding of science is about where it was in the 18th century, any notions of divinity in the natural world as imposed on it by people who want to view it that way

>> No.16895344


>> No.16895556

>Religions would always lose against an intelligent argument.

i dont know why people say shit like this, the 'religion is irrational but we need it' angle, if we need it then how can it be irrational?

>> No.16895572

he's so meek and friendly in interviews that its funny to imagine these edgy screeds in his voice.

>> No.16895629

Religion keeps the numpties in their churches on sunday, so I can have a quiet walk in the park.

The same applies to sports stadiums to quite an extent.

Even black friday is a good thing in that sense.

>> No.16895659

>a quiet walk in the park
Kys, cityqueer

>> No.16895972


>> No.16896072

>theism is idiocy
>why yes I believe that we should accelerate towards the singularity so we can be ruled by an omniscient machine intelligence that is absolutely not an unconscious reification of theism

>> No.16896376

Wrong. Read Land pseud

>> No.16896385

land sounds like a pessimist cum radical annihilationist
any landfags can confirm?

>> No.16897463

>same posts (ALWAYS in lower case) replying "based" to this thread yet again

>> No.16897489

>every "novel Landian concept" is brain-damaged redditcore schizobabble
Post more Land, his actual works do more to discourage potential readers than formal accelerationist rhetoric ever could.

>> No.16897493


>> No.16897545

Isn't he neofascist in favour of eugenics or something?

>> No.16897557

>humanity is a disease
The people who trot out this tired old line certainly are.

>> No.16898127

Hyperbasado. McNeo(pbuh)

>> No.16898519

Pretty based, too bad this guy is a nazi.

>> No.16898535

He's literally a hyperfeminist and technoantifascist

>> No.16898601

Wtf I love Nick Land now

>> No.16898837

the next paragraph following this excerpt is even darker and gloomier.

>> No.16898878

This sounds like something an edgy middle schooler would say. Grow up already.

>> No.16898888

Your English is shit. It is just "whence," not "from whence." That one is especially funny because you tried to use an uncommon word but you do not understand how to use it.

>> No.16898898

Well he isn't wrong about the "humans" he lived with.

>> No.16899012
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>he's so meek and friendly in interviews that its funny to imagine these edgy screeds in his voice.
that is the shizoid personality though to a t

>> No.16899039
File: 151 KB, 960x743, 27368702_2018638728379035_1594640584381570155_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is wrong with antiacc retards that quickly swarm land threads and quickly outnumber and drown out actual acc posters?
I don't understand how a group of people could be so pissy and so misinformed at the same time. You would think having no idea what is going on would be a humbling experience but no, it seems to inspire a sort of disproportionate pettiness and evasiveness.
Just imagine, for a moment, what was going through the mind of the person who made pic. related. Imagine being so self-unaware that you post nothing but greentext snippets of the people you are replying to and derivative meaningless quips for the sole purpose of upping the frequency of ani-acc posting in any given thread. It's so tedious I can now preemptively reply to my very own posts:
>so pissy and so misinformed
>disproportionate pettiness and evasiveness
>preemptively reply to my very own posts:
wtf accelfags, cope harder

>> No.16899066


any argument that pertains to whether not religion is "good" is less relevant than the superior argument i.e there is literally no reason to assume there is a god rather than there isnt

>> No.16899147
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If accelerationism is so great a school why has it No impact on real politics or art like previous philosophical school had?

Explain that!

>> No.16899253
File: 136 KB, 1070x1071, 1583591414906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do Atheists ACTUALLY gain from arguing that god doesn't exist beyond some stupid smug "victory"? I have never met a happy and complete person who is an atheist/nihilist. Being a nihilist did literally nothing for me except nearly turn me into an eternal neet. Religion and guiding principles are completely rational, its that extra bit of energy you need to actually get things done. They don't call it faith for no reason.

Following LITERALLY any religion is good for your psyche, want to have peace among others and create global brotherhood? Be Christian. Want to overcome all odds and become the uber-mench through constant evolution? Adopt Hellenism. Want to drop all desire and find eternal peace within? Try Buddhism.

tl;dr Don't be a nihilistic piece of shit

>> No.16900441

Holy shit I can't believe I put off reading Nicky.

>> No.16900448

he was literally contracted for Team Trump.

>> No.16900944

He is racist and for eugenics.

>> No.16900964

I had a similar experience as a kid. I had to attend Catholic school and vividly remember thinking how ridiculous it was that they expected me to believe in something that already felt so implausible to me at that age.

>> No.16900992

You sound like a teenage girl shopping for handbags.
You dont just become a Christian because it ferls good, either God exists and Jesus is his son or not. If not, then there is no point in being a Christian. You sound like someone taking a placebo while knowing it's just a placebo, it will not work.

>> No.16901003

Kek so he really was on the level of Dawkins , no wonders he is joke.

>> No.16901543

Dawkins is based

>> No.16901893

Kek imagine

>> No.16901896

And Drumpf didn't do anything

>> No.16901939

you will never be a real speedrunner.

>> No.16901945

Are you saying half of USA population is trannies? That's some mighty cope

>> No.16902414

He is. Hyper racist.

>> No.16902437

He literally said all men should be arrested to stop antisemitism

>> No.16902649

Ironically, atheists are just as obsessed with god as theists, because they both center their beliefs around god's specific image, with the difference that one accepts and other denies it, which is different from absence of any belief at all.

>> No.16902771

Yes but before he fried his brain, he provided the best solution to the modern world so far: acceleration

>> No.16902786
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>> No.16902787

>haha ive never been an idiot like you because i had a different idea as a teenager and have stuck with it ever since

>> No.16903160

his contract only had the clause that he needed to tweet daily some schizo's aberrant fox news interpretation of how Trump is better than x Dem?

>> No.16903171

but doesnt that one schizo who always talk to himself (aka read Crypto...) say early Land is shit but newer land is based?

>> No.16903233

>Do the exact same shit the world is already doing but FASTER
>This is what A*glos consider to be philosophy

>> No.16903449


Not really , I'm agnostic but actively antitheistic when it comes to public culture. Why do I have to have religious bullshit fed to me from a young age and be indoctrinated into a set of beliefs. If anything the ball is in the court of theists who have to prove to me anything at all. I respect people who believe, but the abrahamic religions are actively proselytistic , otherwise they cannot function. So again why do I have to accept r deny anything when it comes to religious dogma when it has nothing to do rationality and experience, and everything to do with the culture we are born with and belief? Creating secularism is the one major good thing the enlightenment achieved.

>> No.16903539

>I have never met a happy and complete person who is an atheist/nihilist.
That's because happiness and completion are for retarded sissies. Men want an uphill battle.

>> No.16903978

Sounds like a faggot

>> No.16904000

christcuck slave morality

>> No.16904076

congrats u know 1+1=2
now figure out everything actually important (math, programming, metacognition, etc), instead of repeating that you are better than everyone because you are athiest and like 84% of people arent.
and who is that?
because its possible to need something and not have it

>> No.16904173

Our needs aren't always rational

>> No.16905302


>> No.16906002

Thing like how the universe was created has very little impact on how a life should be lived

>> No.16906042

Read Why We Need Religion by Stephen T. Asma.

>> No.16906280
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Reminder that followers of Atheism caused the most mass death ever in history.

>> No.16906324

Land has disavowed his early work as Pseudo Christian

>> No.16906332

based atheist

>> No.16906369


Mockery is not a form of evidence or proof.

This guy is a faggot, is an example of mockery. I can't prove that he can suck a golf ball through a garden hose, but just look at those lips. The chances that they haven't swalloed nigger cum is smaller than his micropenis.

This is a convincing argument to atheists.