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16891816 No.16891816[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

boston /lit/ meetup 2019

>> No.16891836

Was this the Bring Your Own Slag meet?

>> No.16891842

I don't get it

>> No.16891845

probably an easy place to get laid. you already know the sissy faggots that post here tremble at the thought of speaking with women. they'd probably watch you flirt and take notes before going home to write a sonnet about lost love. fucking homos, every single one of you.

>> No.16891851

>there are actual female human girls on /lit/
s-so you like reading books huh? me too hehe

>> No.16891864
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It's funny how normal the people at a 4chan meetup look compared to a Reddit meetup.

>> No.16891868

Since Im moving to New England I actually would like to go to one of these in the future
If theres a qt sure but I’d be wary of a woman that browses 4chan, women that are outcasts are usually fucked in the head or not gf material or wife material

>> No.16891879

>/lit/ are relatively normal people pretending to be autistic losers
>/r/books are autistic losers pretending to be relatively normal

>> No.16891945

good luck

>> No.16891977
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That's not r/books, that's a very old picture of a local meet-up for r/Maryland or something like that. They just look like weirdo white trash, probably fun to have beers with.
I imagine r/books to be more like pic related.

>> No.16891982

Nah. Those people look sick sick sick

>> No.16891986

Thanks, its my first time moving out of a family members house so Im actually very excited once I get my car. If I go to the next meetup and people there arent annoying or losers ill consider making friends

>> No.16891996
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im gonna organize a meetup in my city once gook-flu is over. hopefully early to mid 2021. We'll meet up at a bar so I can vet the people who show up and invite the actual cool ones back to my place for a real party--coke, booze, and women will be enjoyed by all whist we discuss our favorite /lit/. I floated the idea of a meet up in my city in a past thread and everyone seemed enthused so the turn out should be decent. Looking forward to it ; )

>> No.16892015

We've had more than one well read hooker at our afterparties. Vetting is important though esp re drugs.

>> No.16892017

What city? Thats very important.

>> No.16892023


>> No.16892050

Ha. I might be moving there shortly if I can secure a job.

>> No.16892052

good luck

>> No.16892054

yeah I dont want any party poopers showing up; I know how autistic some people on this site can be lol. I'm pretty socially adept and I plan on bringing a friend or two with me to help with vetting, so I'm not too worried about it. Maybe I'll make people take a bump with me in the bathroom before they are allowed to come to the after party haha.
Hmm I don't know if I should say just yet... don't want to cause premature hype. Think midwestern United States, think cheese, think beer.

>> No.16892061

I'd happily show up coked out of my mind first thing to embarrass the whole party while at the bar, prompting an immediate relocation and my own ejection.

>> No.16892066
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you can be as blown out as you want, as long as you bring some to share!

>> No.16892094

Are you an IRL Bull, Sir?

>> No.16892096
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the boston meetup is all manhole pupils

>> No.16892105

Do it. I'll come.

>> No.16892124


>> No.16892607

I would happily flash my cock at unsuspecting femanons :)

>> No.16892736
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>> No.16892741

You and other cringcel posters, as well as the many misogynists on the board (lol), are the reason no femanons want to go to irl meetups. That said, I will be showing up at a future meet in male drag and will pack with a fake dick so I can participate in the measuring contest.

>> No.16892789

How many times did that 6/10 woman get raped that night?

>> No.16892807

>not gf material or wife material
Who gives a fuck?

>> No.16892813

>I'll make people take a bump with me in the bathroom before they are allowed to come to the after party
Enjoy your brain hemorrhage

>> No.16892852

can they just please shut their mouths.

>> No.16892946

Green Bay?

>> No.16893029

Nah MKE. I figure it's close enough so that chicago anons can make it up too.

>> No.16893064

That’s not too far from where I’m at. I’d go but I’m under 21 lol.

>> No.16893088

damn, I'm gonna do a brief survey to see what age range to expect before I make any official plans. If there's a bunch on <21 anons then we could meet at a non bar location. I just wanna meet /lit/ homies desu. A place that serves booze is preferable because alcohol stimulates socialization but I'll play it by ear.

>> No.16893103

Now post one of the hundreds of normal reddit meetups, or does would that go against your intention of criticising reddit whenever possible?

>> No.16893110

At 15, you think of your 20
at 20 you think of your 25
at 25, you think of your 30
at 30, well this one is big, you think of your 35 and 40
at 35, you think of your 40 and 45
at 40, you think of your 50
at 45 you think of you 55 and 60

until 25 you think about your pleasures ahead

at 25, you wonder whether hedonism or suicide is all there is to life, but you fail to find an escape, especially to find a solution on your own. So why not do what everybody else does, after it cannot be so bad if so many people do it?
But of course, you know that you are too scared to pull off suicide and even worse, you hear that ''suicide is for pussies'', plus you tell yourself that it would make your mom cry. So you stick to hedonism and try to make your life full of ''good moments''

you clearly despise to be alone
(this applies to men only, since women cannot be alone naturally)

at 30 you still have not seen anything outside hedonism, so you stick to it and strive for it.
You know that junk food and beer take their toll and you hit the gym but you notice that 25 yo men have been already the gym for a few years already while claiming that ''they do not do it for girls, they swear''

at 35 you fully know that trying to keep being a normie is draining and requires means that you do not have, even worse, means that other people have, more or less for free or without much effort, but not you [typically for housing, where the babyboomers have the power on the estate market and girls]

at 40 you begin to think that being a normie is worth it, especially if you think that 30-yo gf is not cucking you or is bearing ''your'' child
at 45, you wonder, jsut like your gf approaching 40 (but you do not know it), whether breaking up is not an option and you want to ''offer the best to your kids'', you go fantasizing about being a fullon libertarian with a light touch of leftism, so that you can justify sticking to hedonism and helping your kids, but clearly, and you are even pride of this, you stick to playing by the rules of the game of the baby boomers so that perhaps, one day, you would have all their riches

at 50, you just want to retire and see your daughter avoid marrying (whatever you put behind) ''the pleb'' but you are happy that some guy chooses to provide for her (just like you did at his age) or rather you build a sweet certitude that your daughter will do well without too much work on your side... You want your children to find a job instead of costing you money, especially the boy since boys end up too many times back to their room (for a few years)

at 55, After some of your acquaintances have died or been ill, You fear cancer more and more and you think that, all those years, your wife was right to be a ball breaker about pesticides on apples and salads and that she sticks to organic products.

>> No.16893119

your 60 yo wife drags you to some ''meditation learning course'' where you are taught that ''the capitalist society is wrong in making people consume more and more and happiness is just being nice to people and letting go'' and you must learn to ''follow your breath'' while crossing your legs 15 minutes a day. It hurts your knees too much to do it, so you do not do it.

You are also at peace with cucking. You even think that it is expected and that ''everybody is a cuck anyway''.

you tell your children that it is worth it to be a normie.

>> No.16893148
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>> No.16893152

doomer cope

>> No.16893173

Keep letting reddit live in your head rent free.

>> No.16893181

>wanting to meet any of you faggots
I'd show up, punch each of you and walk out

>> No.16893203

Poor dog.
>if you only knew how bad things really are