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16891043 No.16891043 [Reply] [Original]

Is he the Philosopher King?

>> No.16891057

Doesn't the Chinese government literally arrest students who start Marx reading clubs?

>> No.16891065

The philosopher king is a contradictory notion that can’t exist. It was satire by Plato. Perhaps he is a intellectual king or philosopher tyrant though

>> No.16891562

I don't think so.

>> No.16891574

Not only is he not the Philosopher King, he’s neither a Philosopher nor a King.

>> No.16891686

I think Mao actually was a philosopher king, but as much as a like Xi I don’t think I’d call him that.

>> No.16891691 [DELETED] 

No, but I'm rooting for these faggots, anything is better than the kike-infested ZOG USA

>> No.16891709

No. Wen Jiabao was better and better read.

>> No.16891967

China's sociopathic technocrats are a force to be reckoned with.
They're the educated elites Liberals and Neocons like to imagine they are. For better and mainly for worse.
I wonder if they'll be able to beat the capitalists they have so kindly fostered into juggernauts. That'll be one hell of a fight either way.

>> No.16892006
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>tfw you were born just in time to see the demise of the Jewnited States of Weimerica.

>> No.16892013

Those were marxist extremists. The party comes first and who knows how relevant it actually was

>> No.16892320

As a European, I can't wait for the chinks to destroy the US once and for all. Let's go, chinky overlords.

>> No.16892441

We are all dengists now

>> No.16892535

Mao was functionally fucking retarded
Yes, he's just not an ideal one.

>> No.16893038

No, but you can still suck his cock if you want to.

>> No.16893125
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>> No.16893277

Asians and Jews have interesting histories together.
Take the Japanese, about a decade or so after it got cycled around Europe and the US finally found out about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Now they didn't realize it was bullshit, and thought 'oh shit we should get these Jew fucks to like us'. So they made up these plans to settle Jews in Japan and in Manchuria and then use them to try and link back to Europe and the US for influence. And that while the Jews were in Japan, the Japanese government could try and control them instead making Japan number 1.
Called it the Fugu Plan. Actually got 10s of thousands of settlers of either Russian Jewish up North or some other kind elsewhere over time.

Not much came from it long term. While the Jews weren't exterminated or anything in Japanese territory, they also weren't treated all that great, and most all of them went to Israel or back to Europe/US anyways.
But its a very fun historical tidbit I think.

>> No.16894698
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>> No.16894706


>> No.16894713


>> No.16894752

Don't forget their influence at the very foundations of the CCP

>> No.16895112

there is also this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Autonomous_Oblast but i think they all moved to israel because mummy USA dumps money into it

>> No.16895143

>A Hero of Our Time

Seems pretty random thrown in there

>> No.16895169

>Federalist Papers
>Call of the Wild
>The Sea Wolf
Xi is me in highschool

>> No.16895224


Close the thread.