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File: 91 KB, 500x732, just_a_joke_bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16889950 No.16889950 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this quote.

>> No.16889970

Seems kind of like a cope.

>> No.16890012

These "gurus" are all snake oil salesman taking advantage of people broken by the modern state of the world

>> No.16890020

yes. he is right, but not fully. all the Creation for God is one huge infinite eternal dude weed lmao. Dude I AM LMAO. let dead bury their dead with sick mood.

>> No.16890033

you mean doctors and journalists of course.

>> No.16890040

He's right, I used to think that my life was a tragedy but now I realize it's a comedy

>> No.16890052

Sounds pretty based

>> No.16890192

Paulie Walnuts was right

>> No.16890206

i thought Christianity/islam did that

>> No.16890278

Luke 22:32

But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.

>> No.16890311

d) all of the above

>> No.16890349

>But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.

why can't you talk normally

>> No.16890416

That life is a joke

>> No.16890426

In a sense hes right but I feel he’s missing something, seriousness has spirituality it just has a time and place like laughter and jokes. Joy and laughter is important but you cant ignore this

>> No.16890723

Bruh this guys a fucking comedian tricking thousands into free labour tilling dirt in a medieval society while he goons around the highways in his fleet of rolls Royce's, absolute legend. Be like this man and not one of his followers

>> No.16891363
File: 23 KB, 594x485, Tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truth be told, no matter when you make life the subject of discussion, what you're about to say is a cope.
>Life is shit
>Life is good
>Life is fun
>Life is meaningless
>The industrial revolution has been a disaster for the human race
>The Jews poison life with money
>The capitalist class poison life with work

The list goes on, religious people just refuse to have their copes dictated to them by depressives who cope by hating life.

>> No.16891705

One must imagine Sisyphus happy.

>> No.16891785

Crudely put but you're right.

All of life is a cope you imbeciles.

>> No.16891818




>> No.16891844

Marry, and it is cope; don’t marry, it is also cope; marry or don’t marry, it is cope either way. Laugh at the world’s foolishness, it is cope; weep over it, that is cope too; laugh at the world’s foolishness or weep over it, both are cope. Believe a woman, it is cope; believe her not, that is also cope. If you believe a woman or you do not believe her, it is cope either way; whether you believe a woman or you do not believe her, both are cope. Hang yourself, it is cope; do not hang yourself, and that is cope too; hang yourself or don’t hang yourself, it is cope either way; whether you hang yourself or do not hang yourself, both are cope. This, gentlemen, is the essence of all philosophy.

>> No.16891874

Kierkegaard, great quote.

I also like the one where he grew up and saw the world, and laughed and laughed, because according to the world, courage was risking being fined 10 pounds, the fear of God was communion once a year, etc.

>> No.16891886
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Checked and saved. Fantastic post.

>> No.16891904

You make the mistake of assuming that anything can't be classified as a cope. You separate your world into "cope" and "not", but there's no difference. The real cope is believing that out there, somewhere in the phenomological aether, you can find the difference that doesn't exist. There is no difference. The cope and the not are the same. It's only what you choose to make real, and to make cope, that separates them. It's all in your head and on your choice. You relieve yourself of the burden of creation, belief, and sincerity by labelling something as cope. You don't need to believe in it for it to be real, and it doesn't need to be real to be believed in. It's not about the cope or the real. It's about what you choose. That's the difference that doesn't exist.

>> No.16891906

i think hes right. when you really think about the fact that youre a being who engages in all these weird social rituals and communicates by restricting airflow out your face and experiences the world through wavlengths of light bouncing off things it is actually quite funny.

>> No.16891920

its even funnier when you consider the fact that youre a being who THINKS that is what he is but is almost definitely wrong

>> No.16891949

No, there are two things in life; facts and values. If you are in error about a fact, this does harm by ignorance, if you are in error about what is to be valued, this does harm by foolishness.

Copes are in the "values" category, but the world cannot be distilled down to how we look at it. How we look at the world does not change the world, it changes us.

>> No.16891992

Cope or cope. Either way, all you have is cope.

>> No.16892040

I think human torture is probably the funniest joke of life. When I think of all those people tortured an murdered it must have been at that exact moment when their finger nails were being pulled out or when an electric car battery was being discharged on their balls or when they were being burned alive at the stake that they realized what a le ebin jokester God really is. lmao,

>> No.16892062

Yeah the greatest joke of all is a guru who snatches up the emotionally drained intellectuals of the West and pushes them to suicide after permanently disrupting a small town with a bunch of degenerate mumbo jumbo

>> No.16892069
File: 40 KB, 720x265, 106426637_3352845644760268_2868963099142889222_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is CORRECT and I know because I am on FOUR CHAN and KNOW BETTER THAN YOU

>> No.16892209

Are white guys allowed to go to India and become cult gurus?

>> No.16892333

they usually the ones who join the indian cults, not the ones to start them. White people start cults based of christianity and science-fiction, and Asian people base theirs off Buddhism

>> No.16892350
File: 44 KB, 400x498, tumblr_9c2d691e7d3fe6e3883ec6d67413d43e_7a71f840_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I want to sell my Christo-Sci-Fi cult to thicc desi aunties?

>> No.16892734
File: 40 KB, 450x300, 1425907775_1470553169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jimmy actually SAID that? Let me explain what Jimmy meant really:

"Knowledge talks, wisdom listens to me".

>> No.16892804

Knowledge talks, wisdom chokes to death on their own vomit.

>> No.16892871

You did not understand Osho's truth.

I will pray for you both.

>> No.16892964

In my experience, God has more of an ironic sense of humour, than a joyous one.

>> No.16892978


well, he is an ex philosophy teacher in india
get educated on his history
he isn't a guru
he is a mystic like jung or jesus

>> No.16892986

Christ was known to weep and smile but never giggle

>> No.16892994

Based and clownpilled

>> No.16893000
File: 683 KB, 2461x1741, Osho_HD_014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Down the ages, Christians have been trying to paint Christ as more and more sad. Why? – because all over the world religion has been dominated by a neurotic kind of people. It has been dominated by the people who are masochists, sadists. In the East too, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism have all been dominated by the masochistic people, the people who enjoy torturing themselves, the people who are incapable of living life in its totality. The people who are too cowardly to live, escapists, have dominated religion up to now. These escapists have depicted Buddha as not laughing, Mahavira as not laughing.

And Christians actually say that Jesus never laughed in his life. Can you believe that? Jesus never laughed in life? – and he enjoyed drinking and eating, he enjoyed gamblers and prostitutes, and he enjoyed all kinds of people, and he never laughed? Can you imagine that a man like Jesus, who would feast for hours with his friends, never laughed? It is inconceivable! How can you go on wining and dining for hours without laughing? He must have joked, he must have told funny stories. They have been edited out. He was a very true man, and very courageous. He accepted Mary Magdalene, a famous prostitute of those days as his disciple. It needs courage, it needs guts. I cannot believe that he never laughed.

I can rather believe a very fictitious story about Zarathustra – that the first thing he did when he was born was to laugh loudly. That I can believe, but I can’t believe this story about Jesus, that he never laughed. It looks impossible. A child… Just the first thing he did was a belly laugh. But I can believe it. It has a certain beauty about it, a certain significance. It simply says that Zarathustra was born wise, he was born enlightened, that’s all. Whether he laughed or not, that is not the question.

And it doesn’t seem too difficult: if children can cry, why can’t they laugh? Doctors say that children cry just to clear their throats, so that they can breathe easily. But that can be done in a far better way by a belly laugh. And now there are doctors who say that if we take enough care children don’t cry; on the contrary, they smile. That’s a good beginning. Soon Zarathustras will be coming.

>> No.16893084

Life is meaningless refutes all cope though. The rest is cope precisly because it tries to give meaning/purpose to universe devoid of it. Common answer to this nihilistic outlook is hedonism, which is just animal form of cope. Actual answer is of course suicide

>> No.16893099

This, actual suffering makes idea of abrahamic god seem hillarious

>> No.16893101
File: 113 KB, 657x503, wowo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actual answer is of course suicide
There is a deep desire in everyone to commit suicide for the simple reason, that life seems to be meaningless. People go on living, not because they love life, they go on living just because they are afraid to commit suicide. There is a desire to; and in many ways they do commit suicide. Monks and nuns have committed psychological suicide, they have renounced life. And these suicidal people have dominated humanity for centuries. They have condemned everything that is beautiful. They have praised something imaginary and they have condemned the real; the real is mundane and the imaginary is sacred. My whole effort here is to help you see that the real is sacred, that this very world is sacred, that this very life is divine. But the way to see it is first to enquire within. Unless you start feeling the source of light within yourself, you will not be able to see that light anywhere else. First it has to be experienced within one’s own being, then it is found everywhere. Then the whole existence becomes so full of light, so full of joy, so full of meaning and poetry, that each moment one feels grateful for all that god has given, for all that he goes on giving. Sannyas is simply a decision to turn in, to look in. The most primary thing is to find your own center. Once it is found, once you are centered, once you are bathed in your own light you have a different vision, a different perspective, and the whole of life becomes golden. Then even dust is divine. Then life is so rich, so abundantly rich that one can only feel a tremendous gratitude towards existence. That gratitude becomes prayer. Before that, all prayer is false

>> No.16893131

>look at how heckin beautiful world is
Big cope. He is still based for scamming millions of pajeets out of their rupees though

>> No.16893135

loves life so much spends whole day praying a.k.a. not living life

>> No.16893144

at osho's height he had 200 Million USD

>> No.16893186

>Life is meaningless refutes all cope though.
Nice cope.

>> No.16893299


>> No.16893331

yes checked

>> No.16893791

This reminds me of Democritus.

>> No.16893803

"god is a joke" was the comfiest shroom thought i had. there really is something divine about jest, as if sprit itself is contained in laugher

>> No.16893829

I agree with the second line.

>> No.16893841

wtf that guy was a cult leader that tried to build his own town. ain't nothing profound come out of their batshit insane cult. apparently the cultist also tried to poison the neighboring townspeople by spraying poison on groceries kek.

>> No.16893912
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>> No.16894168

I had this with DMT

>> No.16894256

This is essentially the plot of Steppenwolf. MC goes the whole novel stressing about erosion of culture, literature, music, art, concerns himself with lofty ideals, gets upset that someone has a picture of his hero (Goethe) which he thinks lacks necessary gravitas. Struggles to reconcile his nature, is generally gloomy and borderline suicidal. At the end his greatest hero, Mozart, essentially tells him his problem is he takes himself too seriously and he needs to learn to laugh. Honestly a powerful ending, lifted me out of a depression almost completely.

>> No.16894323

Hahaha ok

>> No.16894331

Still the only cult leader whose private plane was intercepted by the US air force in flight just so that they can get their hands on him. Can you imagine how expensive that was ?

>> No.16894363

I wish i was born 40 years earlier so I could have travelled to India to strangle him to death with my bare hands

>> No.16894390

>i am crazy pajeet and i shit on the streets, be crazy like me! :DDD

>> No.16894463

nothing wrong with wanting to build your own town. I wish there were purpose-built towns to house people of a certain religion or political conviction.

>> No.16894475

he isn't exactly dead while he prays. It's just your personal interpretation of what living life is.

>> No.16894737

imagine how government hates truth to propagate such bullshit.

>> No.16895175


>> No.16895820

isn't this the guy who tried to poison some gringos while his cult fucked underaged girls and enslaved yuppies all the time?

>> No.16895836

>isn't this the guy who tried to poison some gringos
no. that was his Assistant
>while his cult fucked underaged girls and enslaved
no. sounds like islam.

>> No.16895864

Still, they were his followers.

And his cult did fucked underaged girls since they were all a bunch of hippies. Pretty interesting how hippies, mostly left wing, got convinced by a right wing godman who was against socialism in India.
Most people here would call him based I'm sure.

>> No.16895895

>And his cult did fucked underaged girls since they were all a bunch of hippies
What's the best age of consent personally for you

>> No.16895898

get a life chud

>> No.16895924

It's just him asserting something multiple times. I have no thoughts on it other than fuck this charlatan hack domestic terrorism enabling cult leader

>> No.16895945

Nothing mystical about duping a bunch of people to get their money.

>> No.16895952

>no. that was his Assistant
Yeah, I'm sure he had no knowledge of what his brainwashed cult minions were doing.

>> No.16895963
File: 58 KB, 787x530, Oregon17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn I'll be spiritual too if it gets me a fucking Rolls Royce and lets me kill my enemies with salmonella

>> No.16895988

t. christcucks

>> No.16896004

he didn't. He's a rich NEET at that point and didnt want to know whats happeening and didnt care.

>> No.16896017
File: 344 KB, 900x608, cult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, no idea why anyone would think those guys were cultists.

>> No.16896025

>didnt want to know whats happeening and didnt care.
Sounds really enlightened.

>> No.16896032
File: 118 KB, 1115x1683, a82a849a04a5f5c47f2f790b4e1bddc9451b40da-1115x1683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. But that pic is dynamic meditation.
vid related.


>> No.16896070

>Life is meaningless.
One of the biggest copes of all, as it conveniently absolves you of all responsibility.

>> No.16896196
File: 551 KB, 680x802, lit1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16896258

Did you make this meme?
Why is hilldawg on there

>> No.16896930
File: 304 KB, 492x395, img-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call it what you want to call it, cult leaders are parasites and usually obsessed with stupid garish material shit (pic related)

>> No.16897007

jesus was a cult leader too

>> No.16897014

Tell me again about Jesus's gaudily expensive wristwatch.

>> No.16897053

oh yeah I remember when Jesus got his followers to give him all his money so he could live in luxury

and then the disciples went and poisoned everyone

>> No.16897195

Live laugh love

>> No.16897199

Live Laugh Love Poison your enemies

>> No.16897214

Nothing wrong with building your own town, many in America have done just that historically.

>> No.16897221

Why would I care about the ramblings of a lunatic cult leader?

He was a pathetic drug addict.

>> No.16897225

What about invading someone else's town, trying to force them out and then trying (and failing hilariously) to murder them when that fails?