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/lit/ - Literature

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16888816 No.16888816 [Reply] [Original]

What is some serious anti-porn literature? When I say serious, I mean rigorous work on porn's deleterious effects. We have Dworkin etc. who examine it from a feminist lens but that's political shitposting by midwits. The problem I've run into when trying to understand this subject is that the only people who bother to discuss it are feminists and reactionaries. My intuition says that pornography induces certain negative qualities onto the viewer but so far what I've found has been lacking.

So if there is such a thing as serious literature against pornography, where to start?

>> No.16888827

Read Olavo de Carvalho.

>> No.16888852

lmao no

>> No.16888879

You're not going to find much, because there hasn't been much formal investigation into it. Most of the anti-porn writers and sites like nofap base their claims off of small studies. This is a primary argument people who support porn use when you bring such stuff up.

Regardless, you and I know that porn is bad (intuitively as you said), so stop using it. Do you need formal studies to prove to you that eating glass isn't good for you?

>> No.16888888

lol that fucking giga pseud

>> No.16888893

It is a relatively recent phenomenon (on a massive scale) so you'll probably have to think over this one yourself

>> No.16888894


>> No.16888903

What about masturbation? Any quick read about the subject on a philosophical or metaphisical take?

>> No.16888904


>> No.16888928

I already have earlier this year, but it's still an interesting subject. When perhaps the majority of people engage in pornographic consumption (from literal hardcore streaming services, to just softcore e-girl simping or even quasi-pornographic parasocial relationships in a similar vein) it is something worth paying attention to. It seems there is a massive shift in consciousness happening that is fueled by this industry.

>> No.16888931

Why do you need literature to reassure you of things?
You already know watching porn feels wrong and every time you delve into it feel like shit afterwards.
Do you use drugs or stimulants that make you more susceptible to porn? If so then start with quitting those.
Do you have hobbies or pastimes to replace porn with? A job? You probably spend hours watching each week but if you just quit cold turkey you’ll find yourself with free time and probably relapse. You need to have things to do.

>> No.16888964
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read Louis Cachet

>> No.16888974

Michael e Jones, "Libido Dominandi" But be warned, hes not a very high tier intellectual.

>> No.16888995

It undoubtedly is something worth looking into, but for the majority there isn't much interest, and no doubt the porn industry itself is trying to silence anything that comes out about it, similarly to cigarette companies back in the day. One argument you can make is that pornography is over stimulation and gives you a false understanding of sex, it conditions you to behave in certain ways (i.e beginning only to be attracted to unrealistic standards present in porn), and go from that viewpoint. I can't give much else though, but maybe I'll think of something later on.

>> No.16889028

If you've already stopped watching porn, why do you need a book about it?

>> No.16889045


ignoring this is like if everyone just started drinking cranberry juice, like at least 50% of the population, and saying
>dude it's a personal issue just be urself

it is a big deal. you need to understand porn to understand our world in 2020, so where is the scholarship?

>> No.16889160

>intuitively bad
could it be that general societal conditioning has made you feel guilty over it? i mean sex has the same feeling of guilt attached to it in societies where it is repressed and so people abstain from sex too. im not a porn activist or anything but it just makes sense to me that guilt and superstition play a role in the bad mental effects of porn. im sure it has bad effects and its addicts too

also i wouldnt bundle the e-girl simping over one girl in this catagory. obsession over one girl in those kinds of cases tends to be a madonna whore type situation where its more of a social need and less a sexual one

>> No.16889204

Shut the fuck up deconstructionist.
>could it be that general societal conditioning has made you feel guilty over it?

>> No.16889241

>could it be that general societal conditioning has made you feel guilty over it?

no i am despooked, this is about mental (and thus physical) health

>> No.16889284


>> No.16889338

societal conditioning has the exact opposite effect you're claiming it has

>> No.16889406
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numbers don’t lie baby

>> No.16889417
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oh for FUCKS sake. porn is perfectly fucking healthy and the people who postulate otherwise are literal bro-science /pol/cels who thinking chugging raw eggs will make them immortal and take memes and infographics for scientifically validated studies.

this whole antiporn movement is nothing but the last desperate attempt of what was once the fundamentalist redneck right that has now morphed into le epic internet nazis to propagate a thinly veiled fascism of the body (and a not so subtle anti-semitic dogwhistling) while feigning moral concern.

there is zero science behind the idea of porn being bad. let me repeat that. ZERO. science. As in none whatsoever. On the contrary, there is a plethora of studies which document the benefits of regular porn use.

the whole nofap community is just an extension of the anti-vaxxer crowd who refuse the authority of accredited institutions in favor of their own uninformed intuitions. the results of this militant ignorance will be no less sinister.

porn is as much a part of modern life as high-speed internet, deep-learning AI, and Uber Eats. Consider the percentage of women who have already set up an OnlyFans account in just the last year. Obviously this normalization will only benefit them as it becomes more and more a reliable source or income and in the future probably everyone will either have an OnlyFans account themselves or be subscribed to one (or numerous!).

porn is here to stay and I sincerely suggest you quit following the antisocial in-group signaling that spills out from /pol/ since taking nofap seriously will only lead you to a very sad and lonely position of inceldom cut off from the rest of well-adjusted society.

>> No.16889428
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>> No.16889446

>all that urbanoid "please murder me pol pot" essence

lol workers rise up

>> No.16889449

>2 or 3 times a day
how can anyone be that horny beyond the age of 21

>> No.16889469

poe's law post

>> No.16889476

traditional values linger on in the background even if they arent currently in the zeitgeist. many people, especially many people here, make constant appeals to tradition even if those values are harmful.
okay. like i said, it could have bad effects and it definitely has on some. but i havent seen a lotta good arise from sexual repression. i guess this isnt neccesarily sexual repression but still.
>no i am despooked
no one is truly despooked

>> No.16889503

>Consider the percentage of women who have already set up an OnlyFans account in just the last year. Obviously this normalization will only benefit them as it becomes more and more a reliable source or income and in the future probably everyone will either have an OnlyFans account themselves or be subscribed to one (or numerous!).

Damn, I almost fell for it until this point.

>> No.16889517

no wonder I'm not getting corona

>> No.16889518

nobody advocated sexual repression or mentioned traditional values, you are making an even worse mistake than dworkin by being some boring scientism goof. this thread is about serious literature on anti-pornography, not your e-brained understanding of it. are anti-porn feminists no fappers? no they are not, and you are even dumber than them.

>> No.16889529

anon cast meteor on that mafk

>> No.16889590

desu the main reason I quit was that I realized that I was conditioning myself to only get hard with 8+ women. I feared going after someone below an 8 because I was worried I wouldn't be able to keep an erection. this seemed like an enormous waste. I don't know if it worked, haven't been there, but I hope I will be able to de-condition myself.

>> No.16890488

>but i havent seen a lotta good arise from sexual repression. i guess this isnt neccesarily sexual repression but still.
Where has anyone mentioned sexual repression you stupid motherfucker? Was everyone pre-Hugh Hefner sexually repressing themselves? Learn to read.

>> No.16890560

Wait, what's the problem with cranberry juice?

>> No.16890900

>masturbation = porn

>> No.16891702
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nothing, it was just a poor analogy for
>if you saw massive amounts of people doing x, wouldn't you be interested?

but the analogy sucks because there are probably some statistics that show massive swaths of humans drinking whatever and it's irrelevant. i guess the point is just that porn is an exceptional product that is internationally consumed in extreme doses that is more significant than mere cranberry juice but nobody talks about it. also I was (and am) drunk when i posted this thread and I'm pretty sure "induces onto" showed my ESL but whatever man

>> No.16891826


>> No.16891891

That's why I only jack it to shoes now. Every woman cam wear a nice pair of shoes, assuming she isn't some kind of heifer.

>> No.16891910

Why would you want that?
Hentai can literally save humanity.
Unless you mean literature against real porn specificaly, in which case the answer is also hentai.

>> No.16892634

This months Playboy has a good article on it.

>> No.16892645

It worsened for me. I was fine as a teenager and then it became worse as a young man.

>> No.16892652

Worsened as in become stronger and even more of a problem. I don't mean to imply it abated.

>> No.16892660
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>> No.16892859

Holy shit.

>> No.16892949

Idk maybe all the weight lifting I do keeps my t up bro.

>> No.16893032

Read “The Easy Peasy Method”, it’s about quitting porn addiction but there’s tons of info on what porn does to the brain, dopamine receptors and how they work, how it skews sexual maturity, and all the other terrible shit porn and the porn industry do

>> No.16893039
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never did I think I’d see the day

>> No.16893050

sauce on this

>> No.16893055 [DELETED] 

Read The Coiled Serpent by Cornelis Johannes Van Vliet.

>> No.16893057

baudrillard and byung-chul han are pretty anti-pornography. not exactly rigorous case studies though just philosophy

>> No.16893065

write your own thoughts down

>> No.16893070

Legendary post

>> No.16893078

Cupid's poison Arrow

>> No.16893091

>putting your faith in 21st century "science"

>> No.16893113

forgetting a couple Greeks here, aren't we

>> No.16893408

Pornography is hyperreal sex, I'd start with the hyperreal critques like Baudrillard.

It's also intimately linked to the problem of technology, so people like Bernard Stiegler's Technic's and Time.

>> No.16893714


>> No.16893757

masturbation != porn

>> No.16894021

literal kek magic here

>> No.16894065

Before you think about the benefits or the logic, you should think about what kind of people you are validating by watching porn, and how powerful these people are growing in people's minds, and how they are destroying things such as beauty, art, culture, in favor of more self-serving hedonism. You can see it for yourself that the more people consume porn, the more they will want porn and nothing else. Have you talked with people who make porn, either drawn or otherwise? They are filth. They believe they are doing good work and giving people the best the world can give, and that all the other boring stuff is pretentious and worthless. Every single one of them is an unthinking servant of vice. You should despise porn and everything made by these people on the basis of aesthetics and dignity, not because of health benefits.

>> No.16894189

>six of the eights
level of truth: 99.95%+/-0.008%

>> No.16894220

Time to go over this again

Masturbation is fine, especially if you fantasize of previous sexual experiences.

Moderate porn use is perfectly fine (a couple times a week).

Extensive porn use is damaging (a couple times a day). Also if you find yourself itching and trying "to find the perfect video" while having browsed pornhub for 1,5 hours, you got yourself a red flag.

>> No.16894226

Atum created reality via masturbation. I interpret that as a man that is satisfied with masturbation can live a life with no limits.

>> No.16894245

>could it be that general societal conditioning has made you feel guilty over it?
Weird, since society is basically about promoting it and making it guilt free, ever wondered if guilt is perhaps a natural response to doing something evil and your lack of guilt just makes you a sociopath.

>> No.16894253

No, neither masturbation or porn are healthy, just sex with a partner you love, if you do any of these things, you will just cause yourself to emotionally burn out.

>> No.16894492


>> No.16894523

I don't even know of this post is serious or a shitpost
If it's a shitpost this is a 10/10
If you're serious kys

>> No.16894545

You're actually retarded if you think porn use is healthy in any way.

>> No.16894569

Don't even know if your serious prime quality bait if you are my man however if you are not firs off kys second off I can only imagine the hellscape that is every women on the planet having an only fans account there would be no marriage thus no proper child development thus complete catastrophes in all other ways of life including massive suicide rates.

>> No.16894618

>I can only imagine the hellscape that is every women on the planet having an only fans account there would be no marriage thus no proper child development thus complete catastrophes in all other ways of life including massive suicide rates.
This will be reality in like, 10 years tops.
Everyone's already a prostitute in intellectual fields.

>> No.16894640

Look up the mouse utopia experiment if you haven't heard of it.
If a single generation isn't socialized during childhood it can overthrow any state of affluence.
Once the zoomers turn 30 we're gonna have some serious shit to deal with

>> No.16894649
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holy shit

>> No.16894657


>> No.16894700

I have made posts about the behavioral sink. I doubt we'll get to that situation as illustrated by the experiment outside of the internet (which is an incredibly saturated space and displays some of those crises), in the future we will simply accept suicide and then force people who are not necessary within the system to kill themselves through social pressure and maybe the use of drugs. It's already happening but much less methodically because society still pretends they care about preserving human lives. I doubt we will ever have to deal with critical levels of overpopulation or that society will ever need to forcibly remove people who are unwanted or unneeded.

>> No.16894708

Culture of Critique

>> No.16894755

As long as there's a bunch of people who decline othets based on their partner count there will be guilt.

>> No.16894780

Outright declining others on that basis is wrong, but it's certainly a reason to be suspicious.

>> No.16894787

As has already been said, there isn’t much “serious” literature on porn. In terms of books for a more general audience, I found Pornland to make a very compelling case for the problems with pornography. I’ve also read Getting Off: Pornography and the End of Masculinity which I would not recommend. The former is more academic and evidence-based, while the later is more personal and hysterical. Boys & Sex is only partly about porn, but I also found that to be a worthwhile read. It uses data on young men’s experience with porn to make a rather damning statement about the negative effects of early exposure to pornography.

>> No.16894802

There are plenty of serious studies on how pornography conditions the brain similarly to how drugs work, and is addictive just like a drug. There's a .pdf that is rather easy to find, but I assume we're in a case of "I don't want to believe this source because it's against porn".

>> No.16894895

I dunno, I have trouble seeing people who dedicate themselves to erotic art as on the same level of depravity of those who exploit young women and put them through disgusting experiences for money.

>> No.16894903

The ultimate truth.
Brazilian pseuds will never recover.

>> No.16894981

>I have trouble seeing people who dedicate themselves to erotic art as on the same level of depravity
They're both depraved. You shouldn't validated depraved people no matter the scale of their depravity.

>> No.16894989


>> No.16895002

This is it folks, the ultimate proof that we are actually living in hell.

>> No.16895026

if you've ever been a porn addict or interacted with porn addicts you should be able to write a huge list.

>> No.16895357
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you don't need any serious literature. there are millions who feel its deleterious effects, especially older millennials who were the first to gain access to free hardcore porn on the internet.

there was a period in my life when I couldn't masturbate for around 6 months. had plenty of wet dreams. but the sheer, raw energy I had then was just incredible. only made the association between abstention and that period much later.

>> No.16895375

Participate to the average "art" community and people will have this mindset except entirely unironically