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16888003 No.16888003 [Reply] [Original]

Your favorite christkino work?

>> No.16888015

you will never be a womyn

>> No.16888038

Flannery O'Conner's collected stories

>> No.16888043

I don't know about favourite, but I recently thought about Laurus again and thought to myself that that was pretty kino.

>> No.16888053

The Holy Bible

>> No.16888078

This. O'Connor is S-tier.

>> No.16888102
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Till We Have Faces

>> No.16888120

Came here to post this.

I've only read Wise Blood by her but can confirm O'Conner is great.

>> No.16888129

>Also you are a worthless piece of trash that doesn't deserve salvation, now grovel or else

>> No.16888161

christians are a bunch of faggots who need a "daddy jesus" to fuck their bum

>> No.16888169

Thunder, Perfect Mind

>> No.16888197

when I was a teenage assburger my english teacher randomly told me
>you seem like the type of guy who will be a complete loner who shows up at church at age 35 to find god

and luckily i was immediately redpilled on how gay christfaggotry truly is lmao. a bit harsh t.b.h. since i didn't turn out that bad, but
>that XX year old coper who goes to church because he has nothing but le imaginary magic man's love

is truly a pathetic creature

>> No.16888264

Everything by Scorsese

>> No.16888272


>> No.16888302

Confessions by Saint Augustine

>> No.16888306

Rent free lmao

>> No.16888384

christianity in 2020 is cringe bro, in 50 years it won't even exist outside of history books. these losers gotta realize their folly before it's too late and they become bitter and old and full of regrets. chr*st is not "there for you" so spending your valuable time on this is flushing value down the toilet, you gotta find the strength in yourself.

>> No.16889632

*tips menorah*

>> No.16889925

noooooooooooooo i've been discovered

>> No.16889943

Jesus was a J*w

>> No.16889979

>when I was a teenage assburger my english teacher randomly told me
no they didn't.

>> No.16889993

she really did

>> No.16890067

A Canticle for Leibowitz

>> No.16890086

Christianity will outlive science. Muslims and Christians will be the dominant ideologies again and holy wars will help wipe us out. That and COVID-20.

>> No.16890096
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I'm going to be honest guys: I hate christianity. I think it is the most disgusting thing to ever exist. The amount of torment and misery it has caused is unquantifiable. I want to see every christian killed. Nietzsche was 100% correct in his prognostication of this putrid religion, it is the most brazenly nihilistic mentality to ever afflict humanity. I hate it so much, bros.

>> No.16890106
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i pray for ur soul man. Even with all that hate you have towards Him, He still loves you.

>> No.16890129

Jesus loves you.

>> No.16890140


Jesus loves you.

>> No.16890157

Master and Man
Norm MacDonald

>> No.16890420

cope and dilate.

>> No.16890458

Im not christian either but can you guys just leave them alone? No better than the christtards shitting up your threads too so fuck off and atop derailing everything we have plenty if other threads to hash this out. Personally havent gotten to it yet because Im still on the Greeks but I’d really like to read Augustine’s City of God. Especially when I learn latin in the future

>> No.16890464

stop* sorry for typos unfortunately have to phonepost

>> No.16890522

if christ is truly as strong as they say then he should be able to vanquish shitposters like me with ease

>> No.16890684

Christ to me is Dulcinea to Don quixote

>> No.16890747

>t. Benito Mussolini

>> No.16890761

City of God sucks so bad. It's only interesting for late Rome trivia, and even then not that much.

>> No.16890766

Lord of the Rings for me.

>> No.16891404

imitation of christ
interior castle
cloud of unknowing
piers plowman
pascal pensees
confessions of augustine
boethius consolation of philosophy

>> No.16891474

>I hate christianity. I think it is the most disgusting thing to ever exist
Says the animefag

>> No.16891611

Silence was pretty good. Book much more Christian than movie.

>> No.16891983

This loving and merciful christ is a postbiblical fabrication.

>> No.16892001

Christ himself is a fabrication so who cares? There may have originally been a schizophrenic street magician but they got carried away with the descriptions and half of what he said plainly means something else.

>> No.16892021

How much better and more beautiful could the world have been if people just worshipped anime girls instead?

>> No.16892029
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Cosmic Mystery of Jesus Christ by Maximus the Confessor. The perfect synthesis of Platonic Philosophy and Christian Theology.


>> No.16892033
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>Anime poster
It's an older code, but it checks out

>> No.16892078

How do you people still exist? Not one of you picked up god after 18

>> No.16892084

I converted to Christianity when I was 22 after being raised in an atheist household.

>> No.16892365

Les Récits du pèlerin russe

>> No.16892375

I converted to Christianity at age 24.

>> No.16892385

Welcome home brother.

>> No.16892396

thus spake zarathusta

>> No.16892406

My trial of faith happened after 18.

>> No.16893784

Welcome to the faith

>> No.16893893

How do I become a Christian? I want to, but I don’t think I can force myself to believe something I am unsure about.

>> No.16893919

Read the Enneads. Small steps. It's hard to shake off the modern worldview so you'll need to recondition yourself to see the world like the ancients did. Not as a machine running according to impersonal natural laws but a living organism that is slowly working its way towards an end that was built into it by its creator. The teleological worldview is necessary.

>> No.16893954

You need to define your standard of evidence and search for it. I could recommend 'I don't have enough faith to be an atheist' - Frank Turek since he claims to validate the existence of God through evidence. I've only read some of it, but give it a go if you want.

>> No.16894083

>force myself to believe something I am unsure about
I wouldn't do that either, friend. Why not just ask God for guidance and see what happens?

>> No.16894091

What's the matter with you?

>> No.16894092

have you even read the gospels?

>> No.16894106

Have you read the Bible from start to finish, without skipping anything? You don't have to be like the bible bashers who take every word in it as god given dogma. There are some melancholic/nihilistic parts in both OT and NT but many vigorous words too.

>> No.16894616

not gonna lie I'm starting to hate it a little bit too. Seeing so much tolerance with gays, drug users, sexual deviants, whores makes me wonder why even try to be good. Christ is used as a wildcard where nothing is wrong and everything is forgiven, a tool for self assurance that whatever you do is fine.
Why be a paragon of virtue if in the eyes of christ you're no better than a street whore? Fuck how many times have I seen bible verses tattooed on porn actresses. Why should anyone be forgiven? why do they deserve it?
Yes I know it might not be like that in theology. I can rationalize my way out of this, but my gut feel and general atmosphere seems like that.

>> No.16894632

That chapter in Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.16894660

Spoken like a truly ignorant zoomer. I'm not even religious, but the teachings of Jesus can lead anyone to a better life. You don't know the world child, your worldview is shallow and compromised. One day your past ignorance in relation to others will embarass you.

>> No.16894668

True spiritual faith is far more than simple belief. Acquiring it is a process and is different for all, it's a journey of self discovery and reflection. Similar to mans search for meaning, purpose, enlightenment.

>> No.16894771
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>See Bible verses tattooed on whores
>Beam? What beam? stop changing the subject
So you admit that you watch porn, so who is more guilty? If it weren't for men watching porn, porn would not exist.

Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you. (Matthew 21:31)

>> No.16894858

yes but I don't kid myself tattoing verses of a book I've never read, or being thankful that someone else suffered for my wrongdoings while I lay in bliss. I know human beings are not deserving of mercy, including myself.
You can take any self loathing neuroticism from that as you'd like, but it still doesn't change
>Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you. (
it's all good if you accept in your heart :)

>> No.16894882

this one

>> No.16894887

>can you guys just leave them alone?
No. I criticize whoever I want.

>> No.16894899

>just pretend until you successfully trick yourself

>> No.16895391

So why would you pick a failed abortion of Judaism as a coping mechanism?

>> No.16895515

Towing Jehovah

>> No.16895532

Have you even read the Bible, let alone the NT? Anything can change meaning if deliberately misquoted to twist its meaning. That quoted phrase is spoken in reference to the scribes and the pharisees, as a reproach, insult and condemnation.

>> No.16895695
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>> No.16895995

Paradise Lost

>> No.16896028

I puked a little. I'd much rather die jerking off.

>> No.16896053
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>> No.16896179


>> No.16896418

You keep telling yourself that pal. I'm sure you're very happy and satisfied with your life as it is.

>> No.16897296

You think she was doing you a favor?

>> No.16897309

>The amount of torment and misery it has caused is unquantifiable
Compared to what ideas exactly? The concept of money? The concept of power and fame?

>> No.16897333

You have a very shallow understanding of the world

>> No.16897361

Hello fellow Christians, let's change this thread up a bit. Who is your favorite secular author, someone you feel is ultimately or tragically wrong but challenging and or entertaining nonetheless?

>> No.16897410

God is not a human being. God is faultless. By dint of God having created the universe, all the beings and aspects in and of it are reflections of His will, and His commands are based in absolute truth- an over-Good literally beyond your fathoming.
You look on God as if He is another man, a petty warlord or a politician, as opposed to an absolute and intransigent diety.

>> No.16897442

Cringe trend tb h
What youtuber-twitterhead started it this time

>> No.16897447

>this copypesto again
I hate your actions, but within you there is a frightened, cold creature deserving of love and pity rather than hatred.

>> No.16897491

Literally everything causes torment and misery. Even sex havers have misery.

>> No.16897593

jesus of nazareth by ratzinger helped me a lot

>> No.16897597
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>I hate christianity. I think it is the most disgusting thing to ever exist.

Based. Except instead of christianity, put all religions (including religious concepts like liberalism and tradition).

>> No.16897610

>You look on God as if He is another man, a petty warlord or a politician,
That's pretty much how God is described in the Bible so I'd say I'm on point.

>> No.16897616

At least buddhism makes clear the provisional nature of the teaching--that it's a raft used as a means to cross to the other shore, where it should then be abandoned. Most doctrinaire christfags hang on every last word of their given priest or theologian, each word a drop of spit on Jesus' face.

>> No.16897628

>My Spook is better than your Spook!

>> No.16897641
File: 90 KB, 750x725, A3D33A44-B9AA-4B0E-89D2-A55B3FFB0115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine believing this

>> No.16897664

The Divine Comedy

>> No.16897688

Space trilogy by CS Lewis

>> No.16897917

Started this today. Even with the half starving to death and ass canings the monastic life sounds comfy. How is it so beautiful to live for God?

>> No.16897966

The ancients before Plato believed in impersonal natural laws. Their theism was restricted to minor deities, who, like humans, were seemingly generated through natural processes: fire, water, air - excepting people like Anaxagoras, who attributed creation to an impersonal Mind that might just as well be a natural process.

>> No.16898083


>> No.16898168

I didn't say anything about pretending? I said that you need to shake off the erroneous modern worldview and the presuppositions that come with it that have been drilled into you from birth. You don't need to "trick" yourself you just need to move outside your current frame of reference for understanding the world and know that it's mostly arbitrary and cultural and there are different options that make more sense than the "clockwork universe" model that says all things act according to arbitrary impersonal laws.

>> No.16898182

The Everlasting Man

>> No.16898219
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>> No.16898322

I'm expecting this tho happen

>> No.16898340


>> No.16898349

The Pilgrims Progress is pretty shitty. There's no subtlety to it at all.

>> No.16898402

It's true, they feared him for he told the truth. Christ is a crutch.

>> No.16898431

Just like Protestantism amirite?

>> No.16898487

CS Lewis is a cool guy but really should have joined the Church and not a church.

>> No.16898687

Nice bait

>> No.16898692
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I'm confused, showing up to church at age 35 alone sounds kino as fuck. Seek salvation in Christ anon.

>> No.16898693

She mind fucked you in actuality. But women have a tendency for that.

>> No.16898713

Why should there be? I doubt subtlety was the goal when naming the characters.

>> No.16899088

also hes a jew who is the son of a cuck lol

>> No.16899204
File: 22 KB, 653x469, 1B0E5DB4-AE31-46AB-9821-6E47D8C922F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that faggot who was implicitly comparing himself to the fuckin Knights Templar in that thread yesterday here in this thread? I'm ready to continue humiliating you.

>> No.16899225

this but dont bother tacking on the hebrew nonsense afterwards. Christianity needs platonism and not the other way around. There is zero reason to believe you need the fucking Torah for your philosophy and ethics, and Christianity is necessarily dependent on literally jewish and hebrew tradition and canon.

>> No.16899228

>censoring Jesus Christ's title
This is only ever done out of fear.

>> No.16899237

>the avowed nu-atheist who enters Christian threads to sow discord and discord tranny accessores is a chinkophile
No surprise there.

>> No.16899252

>Christianity needs platonism and not the other way around
Not true at all. There's a reason a lot of Platonists converted to Christianity. Reason only gets you so far. Platonists could understand that God exists but couldn't have a relationship with Him in any way. You need revelation for that. Christianity completes Platonism by extending out from what can be achieved through reason by using faith to accept what God has provided from reaching down to us. Religion is two intersecting circles of man stretching towards the transcendent through use of intellect and God reaching down to us to provide what we lack so we can achieve our purpose.

Christianity shows that God is not an abstract principle but actually works through history and influences events so that man can come to a full knowledge of his nature. That's what Platonism needs and it's why Augustine and Victorinus converted despite both being extremely knowledgeable Platonists.

>> No.16899284

not redpilled

>> No.16899288


The best action to to just try it out. Pretend you believe and experience the Lord. You wanting to become a Christian is pretty telling, you're probably struggling in some areas in your life. Read the scriptures, at least try to believe, and act in power. Live guilt free, like their is a divine force that can absolve you of all sins. Live like the prophecy spoken of in the New Testament is real. Live like encouraging words can speak life into someone. Live like He can heal, physically and emotionally.

Give it a real shot and then evaluate your life once you feel like you gave it your all. It's the only way to truly know.

>> No.16899377

>that 30 year old boomer who enters an atheist world to try act tough to children and pretend he is a usurious warrior from the past is a philosemite

>> No.16899391

>Platonists could understand that God exists but couldn't have a relationship with Him in any way
What is the entire scope of PIE religious traditions and practices for thousands of years before some uppity jew got nailed to a cross? Why don't you worship Krishna? He already explained everything you need to know about god and creation in the Bhagavad Gita way before the jews start meddling in Roman affairs.

There is literally no reason to take the Torah as any part of your guiding principles in life or philosophy. It's just nonsense to assert that you would. Christianity is absolutely not necessary. What it is is opportunistic and effective at preserving itself.

Are you a member of the LDS church? You know God literally has a living prophet on Earth right now giving live updates from the heavenly throne, right?

>> No.16899436

Jesus Christ was raised from the dead meaning his claims are legit. Religion is not relativistic, you don't pick or choose one you fancy.

>> No.16899454
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>> No.16899701


>> No.16900943

I also bear an enmity towards Christianity but in my case it's more incidental than essential. Regarding Christian institutions and individual Christians, however, my opinions are decidedly less charitable.

>> No.16900987

JFK and the Unspeakable

>> No.16901327

You're right indeed.

>> No.16901351
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Aion - Carl Jung

>> No.16901582

But christianity is still rising?

>> No.16901587

Every time someobe censors a word here like j*w, wh*toid etc I always think of how jews censor the word God out of fear and reverance

>> No.16902271

Tolkien, what did God tell you about posting from Heaven?

>> No.16902279

Replace Pilgrim's Progress with Paradise Lost, the book so influential that most non-Christians (and even some Christians) think its story is canonical

>> No.16902285

Spinoza's Ethics, but with reservations anent the 'tragically wrong' bit because I do feel he remains *philosophically* correct.

>> No.16902306
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Easy. Bonhoeffer's Costs of Discipleship.

>> No.16902534


>> No.16902597

That pic just makes me feel guilty.

Also, I'm not a low brow christian like most of the guys in this server. I reguarly attend church, read the bible and pray and try to stick as close as possible to biblical moral codes without compromising them for modern new age woke views of morality. Yet I'm fucking depressed, I hate my life and most importantly I hate myself. There is no doubt in my mind God exists, there's no doubt in my mind that Jesus lived, was the son of God and died and was raised up again for me but my life has been such a disaster that I sometimes honestly think I'm an example of deism since why else would God create such a meaningless and pointless human as I. I really struggle to see any reason for my existence and am evidence that God doesn't do all things for good.

I thought that going to college was going to fix this but a few weeks in to my first year and I feel more lost, alone and worthless than I have ever felt in my life.

>> No.16902990

>Jesus Christ was raised from the dead
According to what? Your dad?

>> No.16902997

There's no need for such self-hatred, bother. I know you've heard this a million times, but the love Christ has for you is unconditional. It's hard. I'm struggling too. The world is chaotic and the future is unknowable. But we live for Him, and He lived for us. And yeah, there are periods of doubt. Every Christian leader from C.S. Lewis to the Apostles have struggled with doubt. Hell, Thomas lived with Him and still doubted.

When I feel absolutely worthless, I try to remember that Christ loves me unconditionally, and that I was literally not made for this world, that I am meant to be with Him eternally. I hope this helps.

>> No.16903019

You let some cunt of a teacher poison your mind with an offhand comment

>> No.16903043

Dubliners, specifically the kino sermon in Grace. Makes me want to become a Catholic and take confession.
>'Well, I have looked into my accounts. I find this wrong and this wrong. But, with God's grace, I will rectify this and this. I will set right my accounts.'

>> No.16903857
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>in this server.

>> No.16904164

confirmed at 22

>> No.16904227

Sorry, I meant in this thread. I have special needs, sorry.

>> No.16904751
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>Why don't you worship Krishna? He already explained everything you need to know about god and creation in the Bhagavad Gita