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/lit/ - Literature

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16887597 No.16887597 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16887603

halfway through moby dick and i believe it is the greatest book ever written in the English language

>> No.16887982
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Almost halfway through Exercises in Style and so far it's been really fun. I'm excited to read other Oulipo nonsense

>> No.16888006
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>> No.16888429

the illiad
pretty good so far although I skipped the catalogue of ships because fuck that shit

>> No.16888589

I'm reading /lit/ right now and it's pretty trash

>> No.16888601

Interview with the Vampire
It's actually good

>> No.16888759
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Currently I'm reading some light kino I bought off the Kindle store.

>> No.16889531


>> No.16889662

>I skipped the catalogue of ships

>> No.16889682

We get it

Boobies makes you angry

>> No.16889774

I started reading the Autobiography of Malcolm X and it's actually pretty good. It has a nice flow.

>> No.16889836
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Its pretty fun, although idk how can I apply it irl

>> No.16889850

The Kreutzer Sonata by Tolstoy

It's based and redpilled. Pretty fun little story.

>> No.16889857

>Getting filtered this hard

>> No.16889877

Magic Mountain

It's good but whew boy long and dry at times. Got like 50 pages left maybe macho tommy Mann van clutch it

>> No.16889958

>they must know that I know that they're morons
wew lad

>> No.16889961
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if on a winter's night a traveler - italo calvino

it's delightful and a joy to read. breaks the "fourth wall" in a clever and novel way that runs through the book incorporating the reader into the plot.

>> No.16889999
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Kuroageha no Uta by Nakamura Regura. Artwork is good and the plot is wholesome (as far as hentai is concerned). To be honest I want a mommy gf because my real mom sucks. She's nice and well intentioned, but a fucking moron. It's because of Christcucks like her and my Dad that I don't have a foreskin. Kuroageha-san would allow no such thing to happen to her son.
>tfw no mommy gf

>> No.16890030

If you study something psychology related, it will help you

>> No.16890060
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>Pliny's Natural History
This is pretty much a Roman encyclopedia, it's an extremely long series of books listing all of contemporary Roman knowledge by the polymath Pliny the Elder. Right now I'm reading about the curative properties of certain plants, it's pretty comfy. I wouldn't mind trying some of his remedies.
>Discourses of Epictetus
A famous work of Stoic philosophy by a Greek former slave. It's written in short (usually half a page to a few page) dialogues or monologues.
>The Cloud of Unknowing
I just started this one, but it's a classic of Catholic mysticism. Interestingly enough, despite being written in medieval England, it shares some similar ideas with Zen Buddhism.

>quads wasted on someone reading a hentai doujin

>> No.16890066
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>> No.16890069

I know it's pretty normalfag-tier to say "<protagonist of novel> is literally me," but in this case it's actually true.

>> No.16890087

Under The Volcano
Highly Schitzo I like it

>> No.16890089


>> No.16890181

>calling someone else pathetic on a mongolian basketweaving forum

>> No.16890234

Reading Hunger by Hamsun and a book on Carl Schmitt by Paul Gottfried. Hunger is very based, I like the scene where he annoys that woman. The Carl Schmitt book is great and very illuminating.

>> No.16890503
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>> No.16890594

Started reading On the Soul by Aristotle. Pretty good so far, hopefully it'll be nearly as good as Phaedo, or even better