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16886474 No.16886474[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's /lit/ related btw (various books referenced)
I found it a very precise account of some of the views of life also cultivated around these realms. Any views on it? https://www.thecut.com/amp/2019/05/incel-plastic-surgery.html

>> No.16886909

How are they going to react when they finally realize incel logic is wrong and they can't ever get plastic surgery for more charisma.

>> No.16886948

Some of their logic isn’t wrong. Women are more choosy about mates than men are on a biological level, in a society where superficiality becomes the norm and promiscuity is easier, women are less likely to bother with less attractive physically attractive men, some men are just too unattractive to get laid (without money). Charisma and confidence is an important factor but anyone who thinks that looks aren’t extremely important is completely delusional. Of course the uncles would be better off getting in good shape than just getting surgery

>> No.16887007

Will someone please think of the uncles? For fuck's sake.

>> No.16887016

Why cant my uncle get laid bros

>> No.16887039

Women project what they desire on handsome men and they project what they despise on ugly men. It's as simple as that. You can take a 10/10 guy, photoshop him bald, and turn him into a creepy incel. Same guy. Same confidence. But different hair.

>> No.16887078

Isn't it a recurring pattern? When they found out that working out or dressing well" wouldn't "fix" their facial bones or their shoulder to hip ratio or whatever they started undertaking extreme plastic surgeroes. They will probably resort to drugs next to fix their personalities.

>> No.16887088

>They will probably resort to drugs next to fix their personalities.
I guess they really will start to fit in with most normalfags

>> No.16887090
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Actually, females mate selection is more closely associated with social status/perceived competence than physical attractiveness. It's 60/40. Whereas intelligence/social status literally accounts for 0 of male mate selection.

>> No.16887093

>The user uploaded a selfie, and other Sluthate posters agreed, mocking the flaws in his face. They congratulated him for “taking the black pill,” shorthand for waking up to the tragedy of being ugly. Ugly people, especially ugly men, they said, are destined to lead unhappy lives and die alone.

>Reading this, Truth4lie felt exhilarated. In the mental hospital, counselors had told him the roots of his depression and anxiety were repressed childhood traumas. In therapy, he relived getting in physical fights as a kid with his dad and the time he punched his sister in the head. Cognition determined emotions, the counselors told him. By changing his mind-set, he could change his behavior. But what if his problems weren’t inside him but outside? Looks can’t be changed with a mind-set adjustment; neither can the cruelly superficial world that values them above all else. The realization was awful and great all at once, as if someone were finally telling him the truth about himself after a lifetime of fake validation.

>> No.16887104

Looking better only increases the quality of woman you can get. It has a smaller effect on your actual ability to get laid. Yeah the handsome guy could probsergeant, get some less attractive lonely girl into bed even if he was still a sperg but the relationship will be an unhappy one for both. This won't happen however and these new plastic men will go for woman they now judge as attractive as them, mumble out the same unconfident garble they always have and end with the same results, returning to the internet and their own personal worlds where they can cry about the evils of woman without a dissenting voice.

>> No.16887105

>t. Jordan Peterson reader

>> No.16887113

Well it will increase their success rates on apps like Tinder where visuals are paramount. So it will statistically increase their chance for one-night-stands, maybe not their chance to secure a lasting relationship though.

>> No.16887116
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Femoid hands typed this post

>> No.16887154

The entirety of the incel mindset is a view of females and dating through the lense of tinder only. They have no interactions with the normal rights of passage that are a part of irl dating and therefore cannot grasp how they are different than an app designed for whores to get banged without anyone knowing.
Notice how the incel mindset didn't really start appearing until a few years after Tinders release, it was in a sense the introduction for a lot of lonely men to the world of dating, except it was an unreal representation of actual dating and instead a twisted version based entirely on lust.
Notice how incels love to prove their points with data from online dating sites and tinder screencaps, they have no relation to natural romantic relationships.

Internet escapism and pornography use are to blame for that.

>> No.16887181
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>The entirety of the incel mindset is a view of females and dating through the lense of tinder only
The women on tinder are a completely different species teehee! Look at pic related and weep
>Notice how incels love to prove their points with data from online dating sites and tinder screencaps, they have no relation to natural romantic relationships.
That's because tinder studies show us the raw form of sexual attraction, untainted by morality, social norms and other factors that could potentially distort the study. Also - again, pic related. In 2020 tinder IS real life.
>Internet escapism and pornography use are to blame for that.
You've got no evidence for that

>> No.16887185

No and no. On your first point you are switching cause and consequence. On your second point, if your statement was true it wouldn't have started in 2008.

>> No.16887213

Meeting online does not mean meeting on tinder. I met my gf online but it had nothing to do with tinder and therefore required proper romantic rituals.

Incel movement was started the in the 90s by a fucking woman, the modern incel movement started in 2014, I'm sure it had rememnents earlier but it didn't become widespread and solidified until then.

>> No.16887246

>Meeting online does not mean meeting on tinder. I met my gf online but it had nothing to do with tinder and therefore required proper romantic rituals.
I'm not going to argue any more because I don't have the proper data (and neither do you), but I presume that it's extremely rare to meet someone on apps/sites other than Tinder, OkCupid and Badoo. Out of curiosity, where did you meet your gf? And don't tell it was on /soc/ please

>> No.16887252

The way you found your gf online is an uncommon exception. Large dedicated online platforms are the norm.
Also you miistake the incel movement with incels themselves. Workers existed before worker movements. Ask yourself why that chart >>16887116 gives a break the past range at around 2012. The reasons are very mundane.