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16886517 No.16886517 [Reply] [Original]

Is roberto bolaños the most inspired latin american writer?

>> No.16886533
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No, Borges is

>> No.16886592

But Borges just wrote bullet point outlines. He couldn't craft an actual story. He manages to trick readers and critics into thinking his unfinished ideas were intentionally unfinished to be more deep and profound.
>Woah dude the infinite possibilities! He left left out so many important details! Like it could mean anything!
No. Borges was a hack who couldn't write. Not a single one of his stories is finished.

>> No.16886640

Based. Fuck Borges. And fuck mestizos who LARP as being white.

>> No.16886653

Fue sin querer queriendo.

>> No.16886664

Borges has more ideas in 10 pages than some novelists in 800 pages. Borges is based. You are retarded.

>> No.16886796

I hated The Savage Detectives. It was "local" in the worst sense of the word. Nothing universal, profound, or even beautiful to draw from it. The sex scenes were really gratuitous and distasteful also. Definitely not high art.

>> No.16886894

No he didn't. You came up with those ideas yourself. Borges had none. He merely sketched. He couldn't complete a story if you gave him 100 years to write it. It would still be bullet points and only 5-10 pages long.

>> No.16886913

>But Borges just wrote bullet point outlines
incredibly redpilled, finally someone said it

>> No.16886935

Disregarding a work because it's "local" and not "universal" just means you're some retard who expects to be fed everything passively and is not willing to put in the work necessary for reading.

>> No.16886964


>> No.16886977

Local means that the work is trapped within the confines of its immediate environment and doesn't touch upon any of the universal aesthetic ideals. Tolstoy, for example, is an artist we consider "universal", because even though his works are set from a 18/19th century Russian point of view, he nevertheless transcends that locality and manages to speak to different cultures hundreds of years later.
The Savage Detectives, on the other hand, painted probably a reasonably authentic picture of young bohemian life in Latin America, but there was nothing there to speak to the human soul. It's just sex scenes, meaningless chunks of dialogue, meaningless sequences of events, and no theme or point to string it all together. Sure it was pretty fun to read at times but it's not serious art, it's just local.

>> No.16887001

Tenia que ser el chavo!
*punches his head*

>> No.16887255

*Castizos. To LARP as white you need to look it first.

>> No.16887409

Lmao at the retards itt who don’t even know who Bolaños is

>> No.16887534

>t. doesn't undestand fantastic fiction

>> No.16887546

>it's not serious art because it talks about a region

>> No.16887699

That's not the point. The point is even those works that paint a picture on the way people live in a certain region should be able to speak to you, to tell you something. The difference is certain works will take more effort in trying to apprehend that as they are set in different realities than yours. Your role as a reader is to make the effort to understand the context the same way you would make the effort to understand a book that asks of you an active role, as happens, for example, with most postmodernist or even modernist literature.
What I'm trying to say is not that you should like Bolaño, but to ask yourself why you would label him as local. How often, for example, would you say European literature is "local"? Also take into account authors like Tolstoi are not universal for everyone. I remember, for example, reading this Caribbean author saying how foreign canonical European lit was to him at first. That did not mean he did not come to appreciate it or that he dismissed it as local, rather he made the effort to try and understand it.

>> No.16887705

>but to ask yourself
But that you should ask yourself*

>> No.16887723

bolaños =\= bolaño

BUT I GUESS >fue sin querer queriendo

>> No.16887772

Borges never larped as white. He was textbook Argentine.

>> No.16887782

Imagine being this much of a brainlet. Burger hands wrote this.

>> No.16887853

Found the 1 digit IQ

>> No.16887912


>> No.16888859

He cowrote two film scripts.
>He manages to trick readers and critics into thinking his unfinished ideas were intentionally unfinished to be more deep and profound.
What a bunch of nonsense. You've proved nothing except how hard you got filtered.
"It tricks people". Imagine being so retarded you think this means anything.
Better terms would be major and minor. War and Peace is an epic, it deals with a wide scope of themes and subplots, it'a major work of literature. Savage Detectives is not as great in scope, so it's minor. Minor and major have nothing to do with the quality of the work, it simply refers to scope.

Still, I wouldn't say The Savage Detectives is a mere realism focused story, trying to show how life was, etc. It speaks of coming of age, the delusions of teenage life, trying to fit in, friendship, love, falling apart; "eternas demoras" (as Borges would call it, in the sense of Franz Kafka) realized in the final disappointment at how trivial it all was, how impossible it would be to bring back those days.
This is the stuff of universal literature. Of course, a poor reader would get confused by the idioms, the setting, the local color, and think the novel doesn't try to tell a bigger story about life than the seemingly simple story of a group of friends in Mexico or Europe.
>sex scenes
Incel criticism should never leave your head.
>meaningless sequences
You're the one supposed to extricate the meaning.
I could call W&P a meaningless string of salon scenes, galas, nonsense French lines, a few battles, fights between family members, etc, whose sole intent was being historically accurate. But I'm not retarded.
Hell, Tolstoy has his The Death of Ivan Ilych and several short stories about priests, dealing with religion and the material, Bolaño has By Night in Chile.

>> No.16888885

>Minor and major have nothing to do with the quality of the work, it simply refers to scope.
No one has ever used those terms in the way you say. A minor work is a lesser work, and a major work is a greater work. Just look at Oxford World's Classics books and how they sell Major Works by whatever author or how critics describe whatever poet as being "minor".

A better term would be intimist vs externalist literature.

>> No.16888927

fpbp and checked. Nothing else to see here

>> No.16888945

>most inspired
>Repeats every scene every 2 minutes in every episode

>> No.16889024

>No one has ever used those terms in the way you say.
Borges did, TS Elliot used somewhat similar parameters, and if you were unfamiliar with his take, I literally redefined those two words.
>Just look at Oxford World's Classics books and how they sell
Are you seriously going to argue a publisher's marketing strategy has something to do with literary definitions?

>> No.16889080

>Borges did
> I literally redefined those two words.
To a useless extent. When you say a work is major or minor in a literary context people think in terms of its greatness or quality, not in terms of the scope of the story. Many of the great or major books are not even works of fiction. For fuck's sake KEK.
>Are you seriously going to argue a publisher's marketing strategy has something to do with literary definitions?
The term predates modern marketing strategies. And funny how you ignore the bit where I said literary critics called some poets "minor" sometimes.

Are you an ESL or something? Because that would explain a lot.

>> No.16890266

>rewrites the same DUDE INFINITE RECURSIONS themed story every time

>> No.16890397
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>autists start arguing over these statements
>they didn't get the joke

>> No.16890676
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Un genio de la comedia blanca. Su obra me acompañará toda la vida.

>> No.16890678


>> No.16890756

he has like a story or two about infinity