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16884664 No.16884664 [Reply] [Original]

Books about how we're all enslaved to the banks?
Bonus points for any that can help break us out.

>> No.16884668

Capital by Marx

>> No.16884676
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>> No.16884692

It's not banks.
Society of the Spectacle doesn't lead out of the labyrinth, but it was written by someone who made it far down some potential exits before slicing his wrists.

>> No.16884723

What can it possibly be if it's not the entire banking process.

>> No.16884845

Why do these threads have so little activity

>> No.16884874

Because the worldview the OP is asking about is too simple and naive to be correct. The "redpill" is that the "elite" are not a unified whole but a bunch of groups that want to crush one another, too weak to create the dystopia he describes. The world is the way it is because this is what happens when conflicting powers duke it out.

>> No.16884942

I don't think the OP image was made to be taking literally. We are however undoubtedly enslaved to the fractional reserve banking system which quite literally creates money out of thin air and uses that to propel itself even further.

>> No.16885116


>> No.16885510


>> No.16885571

we have to kill the rich.

>> No.16885712


>> No.16885726


>> No.16885734

you're not enslaved by the banks you fucking moron. You're enslaved by your own desires and taxes.

>> No.16885745


Imagine thinking such a system could exist without it immediately breaking down due to petty in-fighting on jealous grudges.

>> No.16885748

No, you are enslaved by the banks you fucking moron.
Do you know how fractional reserve banking works? Do you know why the thing you call money is used as money?

>> No.16885751

Fucking retarded brainlets ITT taking the OP image seriously

>> No.16885752

>hurr durr muh fractional reserve
ever thought of not hoarding cash scrooge mcduck? Or maybe you think you'll retire on a pile of cash under your pillow?

>> No.16885754

>Do you know how fractional reserve banking works?

Yes. Its a very useful system for providing capital where capital is desired, leading to economic growth and prosperity for the whole of society.

>> No.16885762
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>> No.16885790
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I wonder what will happen once you kill them, oh right another people will take on their shoes.

>> No.16885803

actually. If you think about it logically, it's much better to kill the poor. Half of them are basically parasites that feed of welfare and the other half are retards. If only middleclass+ people were left the world would make massive leaps forward with all the surplus value left from taxes no longer supporting retard breeders.

>> No.16885804

then we'll kill them too
there needs to be cap on how much money a person can have. Set it at 100 million. Set it at 200 million. Everything more than that gets fucking taken.

>> No.16885809

and kill this guy too

>> No.16885814

'A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind' is what you are after fren.

>> No.16885818



>> No.16885822
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hurr durr me retard no understand economics
just kill everyone wit mur money den me


>> No.16885825

Why in god's name would anyone need that much money? Do you know how much unethical shit a person has to do to acquire that wealth? There are so many underfunded public works, and there are people that can buy islands. Do you not see an issue here?

>> No.16885834

An excellent argument, anon.
Here's my rebuttal: suck on my asshole.

>> No.16885846
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nurrr vote me communism so me retard and friend can make policy for retard unites!

>> No.16885861


>Why in god's name would anyone need to spend time on 4chan? Do you know how much unethical shit is posted on 4chan? There are so many underfunded public works, and there are people that can spend their time shitposting on 4chan. Do you not see an issue here?

I propose a law that forbids you from spending time on 4chan.

>> No.16885892

those two things do not equate at all.

>> No.16885906


Sure. Things that you do and have are necessary and permissible, and things that others do and have are unnecessary and not permissible. Indeed they do not equate at all.

>> No.16885937

you're a little bit on the slow side, huh

>> No.16885946


>hurr durr you just don't get it bro

Smoke more weed man

>> No.16886026

Actually a good idea, without the killing part.Just impose a limit on how much wealth(liquid and illiquid assets) one person/family can possess at a time

>> No.16886096

finance anon chiming in to say youre retarded and its terminal

>> No.16886112
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>> No.16886118
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What is to be done about the banks?
Any country or community of people that try to declare themself independent from the current monetary system will immediately get invaded by the U.S™
There will be another recession, a big one. That's for sure.

>> No.16886120
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>> No.16886126
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>> No.16886134
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>> No.16886142
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>> No.16886155
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>> No.16886167
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>> No.16886170
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>> No.16886173
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>> No.16886180
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>> No.16886183

In a perfect world, if there's a cap, there'd be no reason not to pay their workers a decent wage, or do all other kinds of unethical shit. I mean, I doubt it would work like that. Those fuckers don't even have to pay tax. But, y'know. That doesn't mean we shouldn't try, and at the very least, it'll piss them off.

>> No.16886990

Thank you

>> No.16886999

based thread
love to see the lolberts getting attention

>> No.16887033

At this point, I don't care for the consequences as long as there is going to be bloodshed. I'd rather see the world go down in flames than for life to go on without insane chaos.

>> No.16887243

literally only this, and Imperialism by lenin

>> No.16887483


>> No.16887660


>> No.16887744
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This one is really good and it relies on data from Harvard historian Carroll Quigley

>> No.16887755
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>> No.16887763
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>> No.16887797

Even before fractal reserve banking, value was being created out of thin air. You think currency has any inherent value? You think excess amount of gold bullion has any real use? You think countries weren't lying about how much they had?

>> No.16887805

>by lenin
German agent

>> No.16887824

Kill the technological system, which gave rise to banks.

>> No.16887825

>not getting his point
If you didn't desire so much and spend the cash you earned on unnecessary things, you can easily become self sustaining or without the need of debt. The financial markets and corporations may exploit your desires but they are only opportunities and not the real trap.

>> No.16887835

i just came back from my daily 1 mile lunch-break walk. thinking about how shit my work is, even though im paid decently for it ($50k CAD). thing is i have no goals or motivations (outside of surrogate activities), particularly when it comes to money. i was eavesdropping on an employee review and this guy wants to retire and move to south america before he's 50. i don't have any goals like that. im just existing day to day, feeling powerless to change anything in my life.

>> No.16887842

People are too stupid for that. They should be kept healthy and consume the correct propaganda that will keep the people strong.
Not this week lethargic consoomer crap, being reduced to cattle to be exploited from.
Mammonists will hang for the crime of treason, I will make sure of it.

>> No.16887862

Without excessively rich people like Elon Musk, we wouldn't have had the huge jump in battery technology necessary needed to move us into the age of electronic vehicles which is ecologically good for all. Public sector is always terribly inefficient with money because they have a neigh unlimited resource.

Stop being a moron. Money after a certain point is about influence, good people with lots of money can use it for their purposes. This is particularly useful when going against the status quo, given that the two biggest economic powers in the world don't care about climate change.

>> No.16887908

>the age of electronic vehicles which is ecologically good for all.
you don't believe this, do you?

>> No.16887910

Evidently you're too stupid for it. The modern age has given us all the power to break our chains, obviously everyone can't become rich (free/influential) but now even the poorest can because education is so accessible. I'm not talking about public school propaganda, I'm talking about the internet and the wealth of free information and access to markets where as this was previously a luxury of the upper classes.

>> No.16887932

>american poster has turned up
>d-d-did you know that lithium is mined in horrible conditions
It's also infinitely recyclable so mining will massively reduce once there's enough in the market to simply reprocess old batteries.
-b-b-but China and other places use coal burning to generate batteries
Well stop doing that and we're solved the problem. Wind, Solar and Nuclear and more than capable of meeting our needs.

>> No.16888110

Number for number, more people are slaves today than ever before in history. Free access to information means fuck all, you can lead a horse to water...
I am more concerned with the fact that people abuse others' stupidity for their own gains rather than do what is possible to educate and allow people to live their lives in a more pure and dignified manner.
You wouldn't exploit your own family members, why your own countryman?

Mammonists will hang, they are nothing in the eyes of history.

>> No.16888137

Incompetent people of which there are very many

>> No.16888146
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I fixed your pyramid bro

>> No.16888198
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and here's the inverted version for shits and giggle

>> No.16888228

>more slaves today than ever before
In feudal times, maybe 10% of the population had access to education and any sense of social mobility. There was no way for a peasant to have any influence, even if they had revolutionary ideas or more important had the nature of spirit to create them without the academic/financial means to.

>lead a horse to water
I don't care about the morons that aren't going to do anything with their lives be they rich or poor. I care about the previously disadvantaged people that have the will to make a difference now have access to do that. The best way to move the world forward is to find and utilise the 1% of people which can innovate and we are rapidly getting better at that.

>pure and dignified
Ah yes, can people stop exploiting other's stupidity for their gain so that I can start using my own propaganda for what I believe is right. You can't question what I think is right though and I have nothing to back it up. Spoken like a true marxist.

>> No.16888238

>self being outside of everything

>> No.16888346

>In feudal times, maybe 10% of the population had access to education and any sense of social mobility. There was no way for a peasant to have any influence, even if they had revolutionary ideas or more important had the nature of spirit to create them without the academic/financial means to.
I don't care about social mobility or peoples' own quests for riches. Those who have an idea and a service to provide may do so ON THE PRETENSE that they are not EXPLOITING the lower sensibilities of the common folk.
>I don't care about the morons that aren't going to do anything with their lives be they rich or poor.
You don't HAVE to, I'm simply saying you shouldn't ABUSE the morons' lower intelligence.
> I care about the previously disadvantaged people that have the will to make a difference now have access to do that.
You care about MO' MONEY. That's what you care about.
>Ah yes, can people stop exploiting other's stupidity for their gain so that I can start using my own propaganda for what I believe is right.
YES. I will use the idiots so they can live more fulfilling lives rather than being a bunch of cattle primed for the slaughterhouse.
>You can't question what I think is right
I am not going to pretend that I have the moral high ground. I do *however* want what's best for the common folk, and I think treating people like human beings will progress society a lot further than treating them like cattle.

>Spoken like a true marxist.
I'm not a marxist.

Nobody remembers the rich, don't forget that.

>> No.16888373

all commies are cryptofascists

>> No.16888390

>all commies are cryptofascists

>> No.16888414

And that is a good thing.

>> No.16888425
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Its the only thing based about them

>> No.16888447

Going to need a citation for that

>> No.16888462

Fascists, proper italian fascists were pro freedom and pro democracy. To them fascism was the truest form of democracy.
Deleted my post because I @ the wrong guy.

>The Fascist state, on the other hand, is a popular state, and, in that sense, a democratic State par excellence… Every citizen shares a relationship with the State and is so intimate that the State exists only in so far as it is made to exist by the citizen.
- Gentile

Fascism is just continuation of Hegelian idealism.

>> No.16888469

I don't care about the rich nor money, though you seem obsessed. I bet you didn't even grow up in a poor family, your just full of guilt for not utilising your privilege.

What I care about is opportunity of freedom and creative expression which the modern world has created that especially for common people by eradication of all base necessities in 1st world. Unless you bring this back to the root cause which is their own desire, people will never be free. If you want to treat people like human beings that you need to let them figure this out for themselves, allowing them the freedom to make mistakes. If you want to treat them like animals then you can train with good propaganda to live what you consider is the right way to live.

>> No.16888475
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Commies and fascists are both socialist, different sides of the same coin, different flavour of the same icecream, there's no difference between communism and fascism, they are both one and the same. Their goal is human slavery.

>> No.16888479

you can only pick one bro

>> No.16888485

I do love that "populism" is politically considered a bad thing. Surely, the most popular thing is the most democratic.

>> No.16888499

Society of spectacle is a retarded word salad

>> No.16888504

What people desire is decided for them through propaganda. I want to change the propaganda, that is all.

>> No.16888557

You're still stuck at the materialist level. We are more than educated animals, are souls manifest in this form for a higher purpose which is why some desires are deeper than propaganda. If that weren't true how does innovation come about? Especially the big leaps in science, technology, art, etc.

>> No.16888614

>Their goal is human slavery.
Whose isnt?

>> No.16888643

>You're still stuck at the materialist level
Sorry if it seems so but I am not a materialist.
>our souls manifest in this form for a higher purpose
To do good, yes?
>which is why some desires are deeper than propaganda.
Common man wants nothing but health, longevity, amusement, comfort, and happiness.
Disgusting, I know but that is the state of common man.
>If that weren't true how does innovation come about? Especially the big leaps in science, technology, art, etc.
Genius, these people are gifted with genius and good genes.

>> No.16888811

>Disgusting, I know but that is the state of common man
It is not compassion that is in your heart but distain. You wish to herd them too but you'd rather they be less sightly, off to one side. There is beauty and greatness that lurks dormant in the so called common man which is why I choose to give them the tools to find it even if that does open them up to destruction.

>> No.16889005

>It is not compassion that is in your heart but distain.
It was just an expression, It doesn't actually disgust ME, I understand it and empathize with them. However it would disgust men that have a master morality.
I certainly do not DISDAIN them for it. It would be like holding a man without legs in contempt for not being able to walk. Different eople have different capabilities.
>There is beauty and greatness that lurks dormant in the so called common man, yes GREATNESS can be found in a common folk. But their greatness would make them NOT common folk.
Instead of bringing people up in a capitalist dog eats dog world where every man and his wits for himself, I would rather we bring up the future generations VIRTUOUSLY and it is a VIRTUE to be honest and not to trick people into following their primal desires.
We can bring out the BEST in everyone.

I LOVE ANIMALS, cute little creatures. I think we ought to not exploit and be needlessly cruel to them. I think of man just the same.

>> No.16889077

And probably given to some other millionaire. Or just some offshore billionaire.

>> No.16889090

mein kompf does this but expands on and clarifies it. it also goes over how to fix a whole other host of problems. the german economic miracle is a great example of it being put into practice. he found marxism, fixed all the wrong retarded shit (egalitarianism, internationalism in the wrong sense, race doesn't real) and made a destitute country into a great power in 10 years.

>> No.16889097

Where does the power to charge your car come from? What about all of the other rare minerals that go into producing ev's? I think we should all just ride bikes.

>> No.16889103

nice unsourced bullshit quote

>> No.16889153


>> No.16889219

Typical doomer BS.
James Rickards is a hack, stick to Marx's Capital and Austrian School economists

>> No.16889228
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>> No.16889736

Is literally on wikipedia
>Alvin Rosenfeld, the Director of the Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism, agrees that Bakunin's antisemitism is intertwined with his anarchist ideology. In his attacks on Marx, for instance, Bakunin states:

>“the communism of Marx wants a mighty centralization by the state, and where this exists there must nowadays be a central State Bank and where such a bank exists, the parasitical Jewish nation, which speculates on the labor of the peoples, will always find a means to sustain itself.”[83][84]

>"This whole Jewish world, comprising a single exploiting sect, a kind of bloodsucking people, a kind of organic destructive collective parasite, going beyond not only the frontiers of states, but of political opinion, this world is now, at least for the most part, at the disposal of Marx on the one hand, and of Rothschild on the other."[87] [88][89]

>> No.16889886
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>Capitalism is good for everybody, I never bite the hand that feeds, I love being cheated out of the surplus value of my labor

>> No.16889901


In what world is spending time on this shithole even remotely equivalent to committing wage theft on the scale of billions of dollars

In what fuckinh world

>> No.16889912

>surplus value
Doesn't exist, all value is subjective, there's no such thing as objective value.

>> No.16889915


>> No.16889981


>Anon you baked five pies in one hour and they sell for ten dollars a piece
>Wow so I just made fifty bucks?
>Lol no you made $7.25.


>> No.16890003
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Sorry that trash pie you baked has 0$ value to me, a rock in the ground has more value than it.

>> No.16890639


>> No.16890922


>> No.16890951

Fuck, you mean the mining industry? Must be worth a bit more $zero, then

>> No.16891026
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Yea. Cause you agreed to do so.
You consensually entered into a contract to work for a wage, rather than the profits of the product. So that you wouldn't have to worry about supply, logistics, market fluctuations, etc.
If you don't want to agree to give up labor in exchange for a regular wage, you can start your own pie selling business. And if that really is such a grand example of exploitation, it would not only be easy to start your own business, but you would make money hand over fist.
But you will never do that because you know that isn't true.

You people really are that fucking retarded.

>> No.16891071


Imagine baking pies in an oven that's not yours with a recipe you didn't write, that are sold in a store you don't own using a marketing campaign you didn't come up with and thinking that those pies and their proceeds are somehow yours.

Also the amount of pies you can bake in one hour aren't a reflection of how hard the baker works but of the size of the oven and the demand for pies in the market that the bakery is in.

The fact that you don't understand this is why you make minimum wage.

>> No.16891254

>f you don't want to agree to give up labor in exchange for a regular wage, you can start your own pie selling business.
You're living in a fucking fairy tale mate.

>> No.16891274


You literally can though. You make a proof of concept and apply for a loan. Oh what you're afraid it's not going to work out? You can't handle the risk involved?
So is your employer when you go the labor route.

>> No.16891289

>Sorry your loan has been denied due to a lack of credit history. Great idea though, we wish you luck you broke piece of shit.

>> No.16891350

>start selling pies door to door or to your friends
>don’t be a nigger
>reinvest into fancier pies or some shit
>get enough funds to rent a small place to sell your pies
>repeat until stablished business

>> No.16891377

what's the big deal about it? none of it's real anyway. just DEBT MAX and get a whole bunch of shit for free, as long as you enjoy your job, do it well, and pay your bills, it's never a problem.

>> No.16891394

The expansion of the rentier economy, productive capitalism exists in China alone

>> No.16891413

not the guy you quote, but you are in dire need of a reality check. Fortunately I know that you'll get it sooner or later. that's the beauty of reality. You cannot really run from it. Given enough time it shatters every delusion.

>> No.16891479

Because it's one of the lamest conspiracy theories.

>> No.16891487

>old employer temporarily decreases profit margin on their pies
>you would have to lose money on each pie sold to compete
>no choice but to close up pie shop
>now you have no business and no job
>competitor now the only remaining pie shop in town, so pie prices jump to 110% of what they were before

>> No.16891494

Dude, even the shittiest podunk town has a commercial strip with dozens of small businesses. How much of a little wagie cuck do you have to be to think starting a business is some monumental thing.

>> No.16891505

Should have used better branding so you weren't selling a commodity product that competes solely on price. Maybe go to business school before you try your next idea.

>> No.16891513


>People won't give me things for no reason at all so the system is broken

I believe we've arrived at the heart of leftard ideology. It really is just gibmedat.

>> No.16891554
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>> No.16891567
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>Fortunately I know that you'll get it sooner or later.

Maybe If I were a retarded nigger like you

>> No.16891592
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It was while he was in one of feder's lectures on economics that drew Hitler into the NatSoc party. When you read his works, you will understand why. There is no force in human history more destructive than usury and mankind will never ascend until we rid ourselves of its practice, and those who perpetrate it.

>> No.16891593

>hiring for a small business
>in 2020

Never gonna make it stupid 20 IQ nigger

>> No.16891884

Without interest, there is no lending. Without lending, the poor can never create wealth.
If it weren't for my mortgage, I could never be able to afford a house. Could I save up and buy one outright? Sure, but it'd take me ~15 years, and by then the prices will have gone up tremendously, much more so than the interest I'm paying on my 15 year mortgage.
In the meantime, I'll have spent 15 years throwing money away in rent to a landlord, but now my monthly housing expense is just equity for me. By the time 15 years have gone by, the price of the house will still have gone up, but the difference is I will own it.
Explain to me how this is a bad thing.

>> No.16891929
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>> No.16892092


I live in a town of sixty people and most of them live in the nursing home. Our commercial district is the gas station.

>> No.16892123 [DELETED] 
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So move where the opportunity is. If you can't even move to where you have the potential to create value, why do you think capitalism owes you anything special?

>> No.16892153

The majority of educated people in world today agree it's a good thing which is why Muhammad Yunus got the Nobel. Who cares what some deadbeats in an internet forum of cartoon watching yahoos think? The only problem with having so many financial illiterates around is it gives extremists on the left and right a huge pool of people to recruit with conspiracy theories about banks, etc.

>> No.16892181

Do you live in a communist country where movement within the country is restricted? If you live in a free country, move somewhere with opportunity.

>> No.16892462

>abandon your fatherland
Fuck off

>> No.16892529

>We have a nation of immense wealth and prosperity but everyone should still take maximum risks with borrowed capital or be forced into extortion wages
Read more, post less

>> No.16892548

>get blown the fuck out of the water because you are competing against massive pie making supply chains that can streamline the production via scale, and in some cases actively sabotage you because there is literally zero enforcement of anti-trust or punishment of anti-competitive practices
The system is absurdly rigged, you must be some kind of braindead boomer if you actually believe the nonsense you are spouting

>> No.16892560

Your "fatherland" doesn't have one city? Some fatherland.

>> No.16892565

>"bro, just brand your massively more expensive pie better, of course tons of people will spend exorbitant fees to support local business rather than just buy from the cheap big corps!"
You are a certified retard or entirely disconnected from reality

>> No.16892590

>extortion wages
If you really create so much "value" above what your wages are then you really need to create a competing business because you can easily undercut their margins. Oh, but you won't do that because it turns out it's actually hard to create $15 of value an hour while selling dollar menu cheeseburgers. Wow, after the revolution you get to keep your surplus value and now you get $15.50 an hour! But now you also live in a communist dictatorship were human rights and freedom don't exist. Totally worth it! Gosh, I just can't figure out why the masses aren't interested in communism anymore...

>> No.16892602

Wow, I guess all of these little pizzerias that sell pizzas that cost more than Dominos but taste way better don't exist!

>> No.16892656

>If you don't like $15 an hour, shell out several million dollars to start your own business
What if I want to start an online business selling diapers and other baby supplies? And then I get a visit from a certain prominent online retailer ordering me to fold the business or face a nuclear take down? Would that be an example of a capitalistic dictatorship where human rights and freedom don't exist?

>> No.16892668

Were this any other time than Covid time, you may have a point, but currently, your post is unironically correct (in case you plan on being pedantic, I am referring to the massive percentage of small restaurants which have closed permanently)

>> No.16892673

The Justinian Deception

>> No.16892675

That's a weird way of describing government picking winners and losers.

>> No.16892680


>> No.16892696

That's a weird thing to say considering corporations pick who government favors

>> No.16892707

There once was a guy who was forced to sell his online diaper retail company to a dominant online retailer for 500 million dollars, but he didn't become a resentful anarcho-communist smashing Starbucks windows and posting conspiracy theories online, instead he founded another company and sold it to the dominant online retailer's direct competitor for three billion dollars. Dumb example, moron.


>> No.16892728

>government seizes control of the economy through "emergency powers"
>forces small businesses without connections to the governing party out of business
>communists complain

What a world, what a world indeed!

>> No.16892756
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>> No.16893461
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>> No.16893538

The value is in credit and always has been

>> No.16893825

>Not a communist
But it sure is comforting that any criticism of capitalism gets sorted into the neat little "rotten commies" box. Very mature.

Again, anti-competitive practices aren't punished by the government, and the government's power is actually leveraged in favor of the mega corporation's interests

>> No.16893882

Banks don't control you unless you choose to take on debts. Most of the people in this thread are just delusional. It's perfectly possible to live only on cash from wages, make a little business and be totally free from the banks except as a literal place fo store some money, and that's secured through ringfencing. It isn't the bank's fault that people want more nice things than they know what to do with. Buy good clothes that last, don't gorge on fast food, don't go crazy on hardcover books, AAA games, etc., and you'll be fine. Bank/debt "truthers" just need a cope for social issues.

>> No.16894274

I literally posted the books OP asked for, brainlet.

>> No.16894334

>Banks don't control you
>what is inflation

i bet you think you own the money you have. it's not yours.

>> No.16894894
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Aye but the moment shtf I can scarper faster than you can say 'minimum wage'.
Ol' bossy boy on the other hand...

>> No.16895010

Adorno and Horkheimers "The Culture Industry" would probably better illustrate how society is enslaved to mass media and consumer Capitalism. It's not bank specific but to understand the enslavement of the modern man it's important to understand that culture has been absorbed by industry and used as a cudgel against popular uprising and cultural shift.

>> No.16895138
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why is inflation a problem if managed properly?

>> No.16895281

My comment refers to what I quoted.
Door-to-door salesmanship is illegal and you cannot just walk out and sell cakes. this simplistic view of business is exactly why we don't have hundreds of lemonade stands around. the teenage business magnate wannabes wake up very fast when they notice that many businesses simply operate at a loss and the owners just go with it.

Moeover if we strictly speaking theory there's no reason that starting your own pie selling business must be possible- because of that it isn't a suitable way to look at the economies of pay. It may be that bureaucracy and robotics makes your labour simply superfluous in some possible timeline.

But back to reality: calculate the cost of pie-making and the time of pie-making and distribution as well as the risk involved to be mugged on the street or tripping and losing some of your produce, consider the hygiene regulations and tools (in germany for example you need a detached kitchen if you wish to start your won food based business at the very least- in practice you will not be able to meet hygiene standards in an apartment kitchen), consider taxes. Consider now the cost of rent, insurenace, food, clothing hygiene articles and then consider the cost of starting a real pie baking business as in having an actual shop. You'll be selling pies door-to-door for years and years to come and you will always be at risk that your business fails because the novelty of your cakes wear off etc, or some health fad amkes people stop buying cake. You could get injued: now you need to pay medical bills.

The truth is that labour could not generate enough profits to actually live a humane life with it. This is the reality for many people who live below the poverty line. Maybe the tattoo artist followed your idea of labour, has his own shop and does business on his own without having to rely on an emplyoer- but he still receives a partial unemployment check and can kiss his ass goodbye if his routine is interrupted by an unexpected catastrophe of some kind.

>> No.16895313


Listen, retard, inflation is a natural and inevitable product of a dynamic money supply. Read A Monetary History of the United States by Friedman. There is no conspiracy. Financial institutions do shitty things for very plain, obvious reasons. You can acknowledge corruption without roleplaying as a freedom fighter.

>> No.16895490

>dynamic money supply

The USA doesn't even have their own currency. Needs a private entity (FED) to print its own money and borrow it with interest.

you help pay for this interest with taxes.

fuck you

>> No.16895841

ideally there wouldn't be building codes enforced by construction cabals to ensure that normal people can't build their own houses with their own materials. homes would be a lot cheaper then.

>> No.16895882

Only if we bring back the Code of Hammurabi that says if a house collapses and kills someone then the relatives of the dead person get to kill the builder.

>> No.16895883

Imagine being this fucking nigger.

>> No.16895899


Yes, I hate the Federal Reserve, and Woodrow Wilson was a piece of shit, probably the worst President of all. But that has nothing to do with the practicality of money as a store or measure of value. There is the principle and then there is reality, and just because things could be a certain way under a shitty system does not mean they are that way. I would love for the central bank to stop existing, or at least for it to become a proper public institution instead of a semi-private crony corporate tool. But things like QE show demonstrably positive effects on the economy, and the real issues plaguing the West are social issues. We are extremely materially satisfied and yet we are not happy. Changing the financial system will not stop people voting for importing niggers or letting their kids be propagandised or voting for corrupt politicians. You have to separate potential from current reality, even while acknowledging that the potential also needs to be eliminated.

>> No.16895955

You faggot small town businesses have been disappearing at a rapid rate since Reagan. Nowadays businesses fail 5 times as often as they succeed. They can't compete with Chinese goods in walmart and Amazon. You're a piece of shit. Objectively and forever.

>> No.16895964

the builders in this case would also be the owners

>> No.16895973

Friedman? That snake destroyed the world with his crony Neoliberalism.

>> No.16896607


>> No.16896647

A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind by Stephen Mitford Goodson 3rd Edition

>> No.16897695

seethe juden

>> No.16897701

yes, Bakunin was retarded

>> No.16897801

debt is a useful tool desu. Being a retard about your finances usually involves fucking up your debt obligations. But if you wisely utilize debt to get a degree (that pays), fund a business, buy a rental property etc, you will eventually be without debt, and sitting pretty.

It is no coincidence that many of the posters here are 19 year old english majors.

>> No.16897810

absolutely based and underrated. Never look for conspiracy when you could look for greed or incompetance.

>> No.16897864

Even people who have money will still take out loans to buy property because why would you risk your own money when you can risk Other People's Money instead? Why would Other People let you risk their money to buy a building when you have your own money? So they can collect interest on capital that would have otherwise been idle. Capitalism is fucking amazing when you think about it, but you don't have to think about it, just look at the super computer in your pocket.

>> No.16897960

Absolutely true. And why spend your money when you can take other peoples money as an incorporated limited liability business, and bankrupt yourself when it doesnt work? Commie teenagers lack imagination.

>> No.16898046

All money is debt retard

>> No.16898100

Quigley, Tragedy and Hope and Anglo-American Establishment
Francis, Leviathan and its Enemies
Burnam, The Managerial Revolution
Goodson, History of Central Banking

Read all 4 of these first and you will know most of the important names and concepts:

>> No.16898178

Marxian "socialism" is communist fascism. Marxist doctrine has led communist revolutions to establish fascist governments such as the USSR and PRC.

>> No.16898183
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>like, just grow your own food, bro
>like, just generate your electricity, bro
>like, just create your own housing market, bro

>> No.16898189

why is the basedjak touhou?

>> No.16898192

Genuine liberals and libertarians

>> No.16898206

would you rather it be someone like reimi?

>> No.16898653


>> No.16898665
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>> No.16898682

>everyone who disagrees with me is a tranny
rent free

>> No.16898803

categorically false

>> No.16898823

>schizophrenic greentexts
safely ignored

>> No.16898844

you had me until you started whinging about immigrants, i know you don't care but i won't listen to yet another raceb8, take that shit to a Bible camp (or not, i know you don't care faggot)

>> No.16898852

show me the research for that statline and maybe we'll talk
>inb4 "it's common sense"

>> No.16898868

I wonder how long I can keep mooching off my parents to help with rent while working weekends at restaurants. the /lit/ lifestyle is not glamorous, i didn't expect it to be, but nonetheless i desire more. maybe even the whorehouse that is adjuncting would be better than this

>> No.16898962

Just the Jews

>> No.16898977

ok, you're not wrong. i'm gonna contact moot for the detonation code

>> No.16898990

>Yes. Its a very useful system for providing capital where capital is desired, leading to economic growth and prosperity for the whole of society.

just let us counterfeit money and give it to whoever we want in total secrecy, it'll be fine bro

>> No.16899031

Wrong, money is created by debt. Do you know how the federal reserve system works?

>> No.16899107

Maybe when Nick Land's "Bitcoin and Philosophy" comes out we will all be saved

>> No.16899180

>there needs to be cap
How does inflation influence the cap?

>> No.16899193

Of course they equate. You are an able bodied person who could be creating value for society, instead you selfishly shitpost the day away. In a true communist society everyone will be forced to work.

>> No.16899194

I don't understand how those of you who hate the rich are so optimistic about centralized government, what harm do the rich do that those at the top of bureaucratic committee/councils won't do?

>> No.16899201

> post yfw Plato had it right all along

>> No.16899206

I think people grow up hearing horror stories about how their dumbfuck relatives maxing out their credit cards and so they think DEBT BAD and not only hate the concept but also the banks and the people who are responsible enough to successfully use it to create wealth for themselves. Why would you ever want to understand financial literacy if you just consider it jewish tricks used by evil people?

>> No.16899208

Also, how does it work with assets like property? If you buy a mansion for 90 million dollars, and then the value goes up to 110 million dollars, do you have to like sell the guest house to your neighbors or something?

>> No.16899217

People that go for communism in the 21st century aren't the smartest. Maybe not as dumb as the Qanon crowd, but close.

>> No.16899224
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>too weak to create the dystopia he describes.

>> No.16899280

>breaking down due to petty in-fighting on jealous grudges.
This is brainlet take. All it takes it a common central belief in the system at hand (greater good or egoism) and antagonism towards external threats to unite them. As long as the belief in the system remains it doesn't matter if there is constant turnover of the individual pieces.

>> No.16899325

>looks at America
>70% disprove of and don't trust their government.

>> No.16899420

> 150 million people voted in the last election
The consent of the entire population is not needed

>> No.16899596

>he thinks voting means anything

>> No.16899612

where did I say it means anything? The people voting believe it does however

>> No.16900223


>> No.16900578
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Gottfried Feder -- Manifesto for the Abolition of Enslavement to Interest on Money (1919) - Full Audio Book

The Money Masters The Rise Of The Bankers - Full Documentary

>> No.16900600
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>a communist fucktard calling someone a bootlicker
The irony of how stupid these people are never ceases to amaze me. Yes literal slavery is true freedom and the solution to greed. Please eat a fucking bullet you imbecile

Who Invented The Term ‘capitalism’ And Why?

>> No.16900618

You kill them too

>> No.16901086

Jews are capitalists

>> No.16901134

Shit dude, i need to get myself hired by a think tank if they're that powerful.

>> No.16901209

how many choices were there and when did i get a vote?

>> No.16901226 [DELETED] 


>> No.16901427


Can I read this if I have little to knowledge of economics?

>> No.16901600

Cope kike

>> No.16901691

Education and socialism are evil
t. Burger

>> No.16902377

The choices of work are only limited by your imagination and state interference.
And you got a vote when you signed up for the job you chose.

>> No.16902585

Do retards seriously place corporations above government and education in the meme triangle?

>> No.16902624

But it is the banks MOSTLY. With aid from governments past and present. Offshore bank accounts, tax havens, American companies listed as Liberian corps. All in order to control global trade and finance

>> No.16902667
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>> No.16903744


>> No.16903760

>we fix the world by killing the doctors, guys who started their own plumbing businesses, the CEO of Heinz ketchup, the Flappy Bird creator, and the 16 year old who's Soundcloud song went viral

>> No.16903777

We'll lets start off with Bezos and Musk and et all. and see how we can redistribute their wealth before setting our sights on people that aren't even in the same credit score as the aforementioned

>> No.16903871

>first we fix the world by killing this guy because he started the most popular shopping website in the world, next we kill this guy because he builds rocketships and electric sportscars, then we kill the guy who invented the operating system I'm using, then...

>> No.16903880

Sounds fine by me. The world can learn to live without amazon. Consumerism and amassing unneeded items is what is killing this planet

>> No.16903895

The world can learn to live without you.

>> No.16903985

you scared of having your prime day ruined?

>> No.16904045

Once I die the universe will end. Dubs confirm.

>> No.16905004

And that's a good thing!

>> No.16905097

Hey. They're at the golf course. Right now

>> No.16905687 [DELETED] 

Fug off

>> No.16905722

You don't know what that word means. Either that, or you're spooked out of your own mind.

>> No.16905752

I know several books but they're not translated into English

>> No.16905785


>> No.16905805

Based retard

>> No.16905823

t. spooked cunt

Or maybe you're REALLY in debt, in which case, I would understand why you would confuse debt with slavery.

>> No.16905832

the rich are only rich because of the poor dummy

>> No.16905885
File: 54 KB, 850x400, quote-none-are-more-hopelessly-enslaved-than-those-who-falsely-believe-they-are-free-johann-wolfgang-von-goethe-11-18-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All money is debt retard, all money is created from debt.
Read Virtual Wealth & Debt by Soddy or any book by any economist explaining how the banking system works.

>> No.16906022

I don't think upu know what that means

>> No.16906126

>All money is debt
Did I argue otherwise? But debt is not slavery. Debts can be paid off. Slavery can't be.

I don't think you have a point.

>> No.16906782


>> No.16907139

They're rich but not as rich as bankers. Wasted energy.

>> No.16908111 [DELETED] 


>> No.16908396

Not at nearly the same rate and the same scale. Governments could get away with a bit of bullshit hear and there, but often they were beholden to banks and merchants that kept careful watch over real bullion stocks in order to ensure repayment. Back then, buying debt meant that the bank gave loyalty to the state paying off your debt in the next war, so balance budgeting was more important. This goes doubly for individuals, who at no point prior to factual banking could get away with the debt scams we have today. Only in specific instances, like risking your life and leaving something valuable behind as leverage to go to America or out West, could you get loans for paltry items like oxen and wagons. Houses, education, etc. were not loan able items.

>> No.16908439

youre an actual retard

>> No.16908454

like engels?

>> No.16908455

Why don't you make an argument, retard.

>> No.16908839

I'm enslaved to my own retardation and unconscious. Fuck a bank, they can't do shit to me.

>> No.16909357 [DELETED] 


>> No.16909674

based and redpilled

>> No.16909715

>tax havens
lol, where?

>> No.16909731 [DELETED] 


>> No.16909842

That super computer is the most powerful enslavement device that has ever existed. Its a source of infection where a sleep is constantly produced in you by constantly-updating propaganda. Luckily, they tried to double the strategy they used in real life (pseudo-freedom) on the web, which didn't work as well, hence why every once and awhile you can find some edifying sites. Believe me, though, 4chan is already infected. Eight chan (it was saying my post was spam until i changed this), too, but that shouldve gone without saying ever since that badly faked pewdiepie livestream shooting

>> No.16909954

>dynamic money supply
a perfect currency would never change in amount, as the quantity of money represents the value of all goods in a market at once
what we perceive as "growth" is just old goods becoming less valuable and new goods becoming more valuable relative to each other

>> No.16909961
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>> No.16909964

>want to save for tomorrow because there's nothing i want to buy today
>government says fuck you, buy something with credit or we're going to take the value you would have retained from saving and inflate it away to help the short-sighted debt-fueled consoomers

>> No.16910022

tanks i was looking for that Gottfied Feder book

>> No.16910034

But I'm a neet without debt.

>> No.16910040

Lenin was funded by the Rothschild my man

>> No.16910052

Bakunin never said any of this.

>> No.16910225


So I'm lost here, do Jews allegedly run the international banking system and have their fingers on the scales of capitalism or are they communists trying to overthrow the banking system they allegedly run?

>> No.16910233


>Even the shittiest podunk town has a commercial district with dozens of small businesses
>Mine doesn't
>Well then move

Only thing moving is these goalposts, am I right folks?

>> No.16910245


>Marxian "socialism" is communist fascism

I 100% guarantee you don't know what four of those words mean

>> No.16910254
File: 181 KB, 550x777, _uu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch the documentary: The Money Masters

>why would some of the richest men in the world financially back communism the system that was openly vowing to destroy the so called capitalism that made them wealthy? researcher Gary Allen explained it this way: if one understands that socialism is not a share of the wealth program but is in reality a method to consolidate and control the wealth then the seeming paradox of super rich men promoting socialism becomes no paradox at all instead it becomes logical even the perfect tool of power seeking megalomaniacs

>communism or more accurately socialism is not a movement of a downtrodden masses but of the economic elite as W Cleon Skousen put it in his 1970 book the naked capitalists. power from any source tends to create an appetite for additional power it was almost inevitable that the super-rich would one day aspire to control not only their own wealth but the wealth of the whole world to achieve this they were perfectly willing to feed the ambitions of the power-hungry political conspirators who were committed to the overthrow of all existing governments and the
establishments of a several worldwide dictatorship

>> No.16910454

This is top-tier satire. Very distopian.

>> No.16910508

>identifying power with money

fuck off leftist, you people are so tiresome.

>> No.16910518
File: 45 KB, 850x400, quote-if-all-bank-loans-were-paid-there-would-not-be-a-dollar-of-coin-or-currency-in-circulation-robert-w-hemphill-142-1-0143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Illiterate fucking faggot, kill yourself

>> No.16910530


This is entirely incoherent gibberish and I resent you making me waste time reading it

>> No.16910570

Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How

>> No.16910573

The poor are completely useless for anything other than the rich using them as a golem to destroy the middle.

>> No.16911793 [DELETED] 


>> No.16911856
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Bezos is literally the richest man on Earth????

>> No.16911874

thats not how surplus value works. You forgot to subtract the cost of ingredients of the pies. In reality, not all fifty dollars were made by labor, a fair amount existed beforehand, and the value added by labor is split between the capitalist and laborer. Under no circumstance is the laborer responsible for the total value of the commodity produced

>> No.16911881


>> No.16911896

Bump this

>> No.16911984

Manufactured homes are nice these days. Trailer parks are comfy little communities. We shouldn't have to be slaves to banks for 30 years for a simple home.

>> No.16912007


>> No.16912042


Why should the capitalist be entitled to any of the value added by labor? Businesses aren't currently designed to split that value fairly and therein lies the problem.

>> No.16912130

What is your fair share of what someone else has earned?

>> No.16912176

he's not entitled to it, he just has the power to take it. We're on the same page, I just wanted to correct you so that you dont make a more easily strawmannable version of marx's argument