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/lit/ - Literature

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16881507 No.16881507[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I realize there is literally 1 (one) female-authored book in my collection (To Kill a Mockingbird)

how do I stop being a bigot, /lit/?

>> No.16881524

Only female /lit/ I truly enjoyed on a deeper level is Ursula K. Le Guin

>> No.16881526
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You gotta get a dakimakura body pillow. Women will realize you love them and slobber over your cock

>> No.16881531

one too many DESU

>> No.16881540

TKAM is really good though, if I didn't know Harper Lee was a woman I never would have guessed. Some books you can just tell were written by a woman, but not this one, yknow?

>> No.16881550

Don’t sweat it. Just read what you enjoy. It shouldn’t matter what’s between their legs, just what’s in their heart and on the page.

>> No.16881552

I want one of these but my family will bully me

>> No.16881553

Choose your books on the merit of their content not the gender of their authors desu

>> No.16881559

that's because it was ghostwritten by Capote

>> No.16881564

The better question is if you have any PoC deaf women on your bookshelf

>> No.16881565
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Blessed take in a shit thread

>> No.16881576

You got that one wrong. Let's try again. The correct thing to say is:
>"I want one of these but if I got one I'd hate myself forever"

>> No.16881603

If your family truly loves you, then they’ll support you no matter what decision you make.

Nah dude, dakimakuras are one of the greatest inventions since the lightbulb

>> No.16881609

I feel like I've become predisposed to only read men though, and I few google searches have confirmed this is normal. Men tend to read 90% male authors. It makes sense of course, men write stories they want to read. I can't help but feel like I'm missing out on a lot of other stuff. What is the Canon of GOAT Female Books?

>> No.16881611

Read Austen

>> No.16881620
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Just read Convenience Store Woman (by a woman). 2/5.

>> No.16881623

Fullmetal Alchemist

>> No.16881625

Read Jane Jacobs

>> No.16881629

Oh, I loved Fullmetal Alchemist. I've got a respectable amount of female manga in my collection, no trouble there.

>> No.16881638

It shouldn’t matter if a woman wrote it, only that a good author wrote it. But if you want to read something a woman wrote then >>16881623 Fullmetal Alchemist is great.

>> No.16881640

>white woman
found the aryan brotherhood member

>> No.16881649

Be better. Add more retarded muslim cripples to your reading list.

Try reading Jane Austen.

>> No.16881653

Stop LARPing, Read about three of the so-called female classics and realize its a waste of his time. Even these wouldn't be admired if fembot English teachers didn't need a role model. They are all 100% fucked in the head.

>> No.16881680

"Feminist FAIRYTALES for young and old" it says on the back cover.

Surely that means I met the female-authored book quotum for the month?

>> No.16881695

Tbh I do feel for you. Some hobbies and tastes really are very unjustly frowned upon. You shouldn't have to feel shame for wanting what you want.

>> No.16881704

Read Yourcenar, Lessing, Woolf, Morrison, condé, Shelley, Morante, Bronte, Austen, and George Eliot. There are more of course but this is a good place to start.

>> No.16881726

I feel like the butchy 8 year old girl that doesn't mind getting dirty in the mud and has some aunt bitch always up her ass about wearing jeans instead of dresses is an archetype that only gets written by women.

>> No.16881846

That's a fair point

>> No.16881921

Is Marilynne Robinson /lit/?

>> No.16881966
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>TKAM is good

>> No.16881993

I recommend Alice Munro, Anna Kavan, Ursula K Le Guin, and Robin Hobb

>> No.16881995

this is a dumb meme, TKAM isn't even that good anyways
also this

>> No.16882111

you shouldn't even have that one

>> No.16882123

Women are awesome.
Women are great.
Women always have insightful things to say.
Women are smart.
Women always think of new concepts and ideas.
Women are always pushing the boundaries of thought.
Women are true innovators.
I love hearing about how they feel. I love hearing about what they "think". I love hearing about how their day went.
Women are important

>> No.16882135

Burn TKAM.
Congratulations, you are become based.

>> No.16882168

i ignore all books by indians and africans

>> No.16882174


>> No.16882179

By reading Emily Dickinson, greatest of the American Poets.

>> No.16882185
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>> No.16882200
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>> No.16882223

Wallace Steve’s is better

>> No.16882236

He's right behind her :)

>> No.16882248

I don't think I have a single one

>> No.16882339

I never used to pay attention to the gender of the authors I read, didn't even cross my mind. I remember the first time I saw that challenge to critically look at the sex of the authors in your collection, and what I found was that I had about a half and half selection and that nearly every book written by a woman was fucking terrible. I now actively avoid female authors and enjoy books much more.

>> No.16882342

And it's not even one of the good ones. You're a faggot.

>> No.16882356

Some are, some aren't.

>> No.16882364

Not at all. He's an American mediocrity. Dickinson is up there with Whitman.

>> No.16882388

Get Flannery-pilled. She's notoriously racist, a cutie and crippled BTW.

>> No.16882434

>She's notoriously racist,
Nice. Casual reference to blacks as negroes is precisely why I only read old books

>> No.16883467

frankenstein is still one of my favorites

>> No.16883483

Frankenstein Mary Shelley

>> No.16884126

Jane Austen is pretty essential
Virginia Woolf too
(I'd also add Kate Chopin and Simone Weil to start)

>> No.16884137

Did Pessoa ever use a female alter ago?

>> No.16884851

How many books by africans can you name?

>> No.16884859

Chuck it out, mate.

>> No.16885049

As they should you sad weeb.

>> No.16885060

Jean Rhys captures natural speech quite well. Her books will not make you less of a bigot, but at least it's not boring.

>> No.16885118
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hi anon

>> No.16885122
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>> No.16885151

Try The Heart of a Gopi by Raihana Tyabji

>> No.16885159

Maggie Thatcher is not a midget for a woman.1.66 is close to average height for them.

>> No.16885168

forgot to mention that she's utter scum

>> No.16885180

giants just want food bottlenecks, so they cannot fully grow up to freakish height. It all makes sense now.

>> No.16885192

I just counted and it seems a little under 2% of my library is written by female authors.
But I'm not interested in modern anglo "literature", so I don't think it will increase.

>> No.16885356

buying product isn't a 'hobby' or 'taste'

>> No.16885370
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>> No.16885469

The Dispossessed? Favourite novel

>> No.16885500


>> No.16885528

mentioning it will attract retards and only spawn a discussion about the fanbase, or Butterfly, or whatever, anything but her books. her books are fine, her characters are often pseudy.

>> No.16885556

They're meant to be psuedy, it's a shame about the fanbase. It was nonexistent until only a few years ago

>> No.16885572

yes. Secret History is like a pseud cake with pseud-icing and pseudery sprinkled on top of it, but that's the fun of it.

>> No.16885720

Look senpai I feel the same way, most things that interest me are written by men.
However, if you for whatever reason want to "diversify" your collection try picking up those female authors who are read by men.
You're probably not the type to read dumb young adult novels, but you might enjoy Ayn Rand.