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16878188 No.16878188[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Never has a book made me more angry
Now I understand how a jew feels like when he reads Mein Kampf

>> No.16878193 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16878206

The ironic thing is that 99% of the people who buy & read this stuff are white

>> No.16878231

Not only white, the creepy whites. Like the get out whites but they're actually real.

>> No.16878236

Imagine someone wrote the same kind of book about WHITE FUTURE.

>> No.16878270
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99% of American blacks have a massive inferiority complex
They know at heart that they have never achieved anything in their entire history and their ""culture"" consists of weed & mumblerap

They are so completely unable to take responsiblity or admit fault that they would rather blame everyone else for their failures, (especially whites) and never improve themselves

American blacks claim they want to fit in with American society, but they don't want to change
They are anti-education, anti-work and waste their lives on pointless shit

There's a reason African immigrants (some of the most successful groups in USA) hate them so much
The American black is, to the black race, the embarassing crackhead cousin we hate inviting over for thanksgiving

>> No.16878276

Good. eбaный aмepикaнeц

>> No.16878291

While I agree with much of your sentiments, don't fall into the trap mainstream media want you to fall into - that is, don't believe it's 99%. Sure, a good number of American blacks are the pinnacle of victim-status-craving wastes of space, but it's not 99%. Plenty of American blacks feel the same way you do.

>> No.16878297
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Ever wonder why blacks fail so hard in education?
Because every time a black kid picks up a book he's mocked for "acting white"
If you're not a gangbanger or haven't been arrested you just don't fit into black society
Can you think of a SINGLE OTHER CULTURE IN HISTORY where being arrested was a status-symbol?
Can you think of a single group where excelling in your field is considered a bad thing?

The "crabs in the bucket" mentality is extreme, but what's even crazier is their blatant inability to admit it
Blacks will complain about "maffs be racist", while at the same time mocking other blacks who dare to pick up a book and actually work on it

American blacks will NEVER succeed, no matter how much you try to help them
They will NEVER integrate in American society, unless they decide to actually fix their own culture (which they won't)

>> No.16878298

/lit/ isn't the place for 15-year-old's level of understanding of the world, unless it pertains to literary fiction.

>> No.16878302

black man´s burden: the inability to co-exist in a civilized society because they´re more close to the savagery of nature rather than the order and civilized

>> No.16878314


"False black power"

Why are blacks getting poorer and poorer despite being more and more represented in politics and pop culture?
Because representation =/= power
Again, we see the awfulness of black culture
They are outraged that a movie features and all-white-cast, but don't give a fuck that the school-class with passing grades are all white

American blacks think that if enough Marvel movies have black leads, they'll just magically become rich & prosperous
Let's just keep ignoring the fact that every other minority in the US achieved their power through economic means

The Irish, who were once kept as slaves and considered to be the same race as blacks, built businesses and got educated, they worked their way upwards the economic ladder
What did the black man do when he got access to education?
He threw the books away and went home to smoke weed

>> No.16878514

This is a problem of an american culture, and especially in poorer parts of the country.
You do not see this problem with indians or nigerians in america, because the values of what is considered important is based on academic success, constituted in both family and friends. In the american culture of poorer neighbourhoods education is simply looked down upon, saying that it is looked at as "white" behaviour is a little dishonest and condescending, but one could skew it in that way.

>> No.16878599

Can anybody say what happens to the black females?

>> No.16878601

They get bleached

>> No.16878606

i fuck the atlantic

>> No.16878607

Pretty sure a white guy wrote that book

Getting so mad about this book only proves its thesis

>> No.16878614

>Getting so mad about this book only proves its thesis
No it doesn't lmao

>> No.16878619

Yes, every single ghetto in every single country of the world.

>> No.16878620

so the black men are self-hating blacks?

>> No.16878621

It's basically impossible to do so.
I love me some white supremacist erotica, but it's so hard to come for the same reason it's difficult to find RAC on youtube, faggot SJW's mass flag it. If there's some underground white cock erotica sites I need to know about them, it's very important.

>> No.16878623

Comparing it to Mein Kampf is peak white fragility lmao

>> No.16878661

"White fragility" as a term is everything the Left stands against when applied to minorities: Using a word with humiliating/insulting connotations (fragility) to refer to defensiveness, and then putting a racial category besides it. Everything who at this point still denies the cultural left has an anti-white stroke needs to get out of his bubble more often.

>> No.16878665

but mein kampf contains facts

>> No.16878666

Reading may give you more knowledge but it isn't going to make you more intelligent. My father and his father haven't read a book they weren't forced to in 50 years, but they are both highly intelligent men. I have met plenty of men working shit jobs that were very intelligent, but essentially uneducated. Blacks fail at education because they are more or less mentally retarded as a race. I work in people's houses for a living... Most people don't realize this, but Blacks are almost unique in that a frighteningly high percentage of them that live even in nice middle class homes have junk rooms. Most of them have rooms in their houses that literally operate as trashcans. I can't remember if I've ever seen such a thing in a non-Black's house. You can see the wheels turning slowly when you talk to Blacks. They're just stupid bro.

>> No.16878667

White fragility is a Kafka trap, essentially.

>> No.16878686

You’ll enjoy this article

>> No.16878736

You're being fragile again bro

>> No.16878758

Mine Kampf wasn't marketed by Whites to Jews.

>> No.16878772

herp derp I can't refute any of the points presented let me resort to muh white fragility

>> No.16878790

Literal rich blacks whining about not getting a stupid grammy seems pretty fragile

>> No.16878805
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Leftists: men should be sensitive and open with their emotions, shaming them for this is bad
Also leftists: if you're not okay with being a minority in your own country then you're just a pussyass fag lmaoooo whitoids so fragile

>> No.16878817

The gotcha is always bro are you admitting being a minority is bad?!?! Like yeah your own rhetoric suggests this

>> No.16878838

Why is reading sanity written by black women so soothing?

>> No.16878847

It is a question of empathy and basic human decency. The discomfort you get at being asked to acknowledge your own privilege is not even one millionth of the humiliation trans people or PoC undergo every second of their waking existence from living under white supremacist capitalist heteronormative patriarchy.

>> No.16878866

The people who treat White Fragility as gospel can't be reasoned with. They've internalized the idea that white people, specifically men, hold all the power in Western society and institutions, and are oppressors who abuse unfair advantages and must be taken down. It's honestly pretty similar to Mein Kampf.

>> No.16878867

If there is mass instetutionalize race mixing as described, the white/ balck distinction would disapear pretty clearly

>> No.16878875

turners diary

>> No.16878881
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>> No.16878884
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>tfw no black enlightened centrist gf to protect you from the bizarro racists.

>> No.16878891

Displayed my powerlevel by mistake at a neighborhood fire by saying the real title should be 'Black Fragility: How HR departments can deal with coloreds'. Fire went dead silent and three of the guys started laughing while their wives shook their heads.

>> No.16878924

Almost all race-discourse in the US is projection by blacks.

>> No.16878932
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keywords are retention and engagement, everything is justified in terms of financial metrics, these things exist in the context of the flexible organizational world of endless mergers acquisitons and reestructurings, atomization and the commodification of eveything, immaterial economies of affect and symbolic processing which have no need at all for the self reliant, requiring constant engagement through intensive psychopolitics.

>> No.16878939

It's a selection effect. Ask some Euros about their experiences with Nigerians, or better yet, ask a Ngerian about Nigeria. I had a Nigerian co-worker who I had this exact discussion with, he was comically blackpilled about the country.
>"Now do you see why we don't want to go back there?"

>> No.16878947

New ones would just arise, hell there already kind of is in the black world of light skinned vs dark skinned

>> No.16878948

Don't tell me you consider this body attractive.

>> No.16878951
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99% of blacks just want to smoke weed chug 40s and lean listen to mumblerap gibberish and occasionaly murder each other in gangland shootings just for kicks its the white liberals who insist in pushig the as chist substitutes.

>> No.16878956
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t. low test

>> No.16878962

Take a look at Hispaniola. It's divided between a nation of darkskin blacks, a nation of lightskin blacks and they both completely hate each other.

>> No.16878967

>saying that it is looked at as "white" behaviour is a little dishonest and condescending
>t. majority white school attender
I went to a primarily black public school and not even a poor one. The kids were the children mostly of middle class families, but they didn't act like it. I was disliked for being a high performing white student, but the shit I got was nowhere near what the high performing black students suffered. It's no surprise that rich and powerful blacks in the USA distance themselves from "the community" except when it's politically expedient.

>> No.16878975

The Dominican Republic proper also has a bunch of gradiations of blackness. You're never going to get rid of race-discourse in the US because it's not as if everyone is going to mass-forget history.

>> No.16878986
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I mean its impossible to even parody leftists beliefs this is literally what kultmarx hr departments are pushing all over America. I hate it when marxists try to gaslight me.

>> No.16879024

well memed, but absolutely true. the underlying tone (of the book) is in itself racist. The real problems being dealt with is PoC feeling oppressed by unavoidable microaggressions, declaring their oppression and receiving social credit within their woke milieu, and reducing profitability. By minimizing the potential for oppression, the work environment maximizes productivity. Telling coloreds that they are at fault for their own feelings just creates more issues, so its best to turn it on the whites.

>> No.16879028

It's only loosely descended from Marxism. It's all about one question, really: "Why don't we be equal yet?"

The US Left derives its legitimacy from the following:
>We beat the Nazis
>We brought equality to the blacks
In both cases, we protected the victim. The problem here is with #2. It's trivially easy to see that black life outcomes aren't equal to nonblacks. Why not? If we are to claim it's because they're deficient in ability, then we were the real Nazis all along, and thus the Nazis were not defeated. Thus the perpetual Brown Scare. If it's because of inequality of opportunity, the Civil Rights Movement was essentially a lie. Thus the increasing claims of systemic racism, white fragility, Kendian logic, and so on. The catalyst for all this was the second Obama term, where it was obvious that Obama's election did not in fact signify a "post-racial" America contrary to white liberals' religious sentiments.

>> No.16879056

Its also about postcolonial governance, tell the coloreds exploit humilliation as a means of control prevent unmediated communication between arbitrary identity categories lest they get any ideas, instead of attacking the economic or military institutions of the imperial core, periphereal middle classes are made to look to them for narcissistic validation.

>> No.16879081

The catalyst was 100 years ago with Franz Boas and his friends. Since they took over the Ivy Leagues it was inevitable. When the students physically attacked Wilson in the 60s it was a foregone conclusion.

>> No.16879082

i just wish there was a return to the unter/ubermenschen dynamic

>> No.16879104

That article didn't seem too good to me. All she seems to be saying is that buying the book isn't good enough, and that the message of the book needs to be internalised and the mere performance of anti-racism done away with.

>> No.16879112

The USA is a totalitarian state a product of runaway social engineering , its obvious something like say qanon is being run by former military psy op people and scientology operatives, but what about the left? I dont doubt scientologists or CIA operatives might have been there on tumblr back in the early 2010s exploiting new mechanisms of sociotechnic control.

>> No.16879144
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You cant have that since it is not conductive to optimum finantial stability, human beings have to be molded into trivial predictable interexchagable units who always do as they are told. Its specially important to target potential discontents, sex and shame are excellent tools of control, if they can tell you who you are they can control you. Obviously perverse Sadomasochist dynamics will permeate every aspect of a thermonuclear garrison state based on paedophile blackmail.

>> No.16879155

>why do people respond negatively when I accuse them of racism in front of their boss and coworkers?

>> No.16879173

The CIA don't need to psyop the Left, the Left literally just believe whatever Harvard tells them to.

>> No.16879184

>Protestant work ethic
Are Catholics not "white" in the US? They're white where I'm from.

>> No.16879200

Terms like left and right are meaningless, more like multiple structures of propaganda and control targetting different sectors of the population.

>> No.16879215

In the world the left is trying to create there will be no room for white christian patriots but neither for devout latin catholics, pious muslims, marxists, are all set to be ground down into a single queer pink haired sludge of corporate consumer drones. All cultural peculiarities are incompatible with the apparatus of control.

>> No.16879216

the Left are people who will never contradict progressivism. Marxists who are racist are cast out and called crypto-fascists. Definitions may abound but the actual rules of what you are allowed to say without being ostracized are crystal clear.

>> No.16879220
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>Pretty sure a white guy wrote that book

Learn to read, Tyrone, although I know that's hard for your race. Nobody said anything about the race of the author. Anon raised the question of what would happen if someone wrote a book in which the races were reverse, and the book was fantasizing over a future of white racial dominance and black sexual slavery. I'm pretty sure we both know that a book like that would be removed from Amazon, and the author would be banned from Twitter and YouTube.

>Getting so mad about this book only proves its thesis
This is literally a logical fallacy. Your viewpoint is unfalsifiable. Obviously, you're not very educated, so I'll have to explain what that means. A claim or position is unfasifiable, if regardless of the outcome of some situation, the claim is always assumed to apply. For example, if someone supports this anti-white woke nonsense, then you would claim that this shows that people are 'open minded and willing to learn', whereas if someone disagree with your anti-white agenda, then that just proves that they really are racist and therefore that we need more antiracist training. Its the same type of reasoning employed by conspiracy theorists. Any evidence that directly seems to support their claim, they embrace, and any evidence which seems to undermine their claims is just disinfo and it proves that the elites/government/etc. don't want people investigating the truth.

So you can't read and you can't understand basic logic, or you are just intentionally lying and being disingenuous Like I said, I think your black, and given that the average IQ of blacks is around 83 points, I think you fit the bill. But if you're not a retard or a nigger, then you're a liar or a troll.

>> No.16879224

Can I just brownculture here for a second
>Rugged individualism
Even stronger in brown cultures - you are expected to do this and prop up retired elders
>Family structure
Even more rigid in brown cultures - you are ridiculed and outcast for not meeting this expectation
>Emphasis of scientific method
Every culture should care about this (brown cultures do)
OK there's deviation here - everything is very veda-centric
>Protestant work ethic
Brown cultures say "work, don't play"
Again, deviation, but anything that isn't the local religion of majority is "foreign"
>Status, power, & authority
Even more highly valued by brown cultures
>Future orientation
Brown cultures typically expect your shit to be sorted out by age 12
Literally the same for brown people
Based on local religious traditions, brown history, and male leaders
Based on local law and intent counts
Be #1 or we cut off your penis
If you don't speak sanskrit then you should just kys, also follow strict social norms and rituals for every interaction depending on implicit hierarchy

The cultures that the libwhites pretend this shit is "oppressive" are far more extreme in their practices of these things. t. Currynig

>> No.16879227

yeah libtards and orcs are racist Caucasophobes. it cannot be denied by anyone at this point

>> No.16879238

Leftist ideal of a brown person is rupi kaur.

>> No.16879246

Being a. Self proclaimed marxist is like trying to play checkers when everyone in the know is playing go.

>> No.16879252

Boas isn't really that important. Whatever the scientific/philosophical fad of the day was, the American Left would use it to call for equality. That's just what they do. If Boasian anthropology was refuted tomorrow and everyone realized online HBD was correct, the American Left would invent "genetic privilege".

>> No.16879257

this is no orc culture

>> No.16879259

Indians aren't niggers, you're Aryan like us.
Plus that pic wasn't made by /pol/ as Nazi propaganda, it was made by the National Museum of African American History and Culture, illustrating the absurdity of woke ideology given it's racist as fuck

>> No.16879279

now try
Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race
How to be Anti-Racist

>> No.16879282

>Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race

God this would be so based

>> No.16879289


So essentially this and this
Helps not to look at it from the point of the brainwashed emotional leftist but from the technical standpoint of the engineering of consent, the people on top know exactly what they are doing even gloria steinem was a CIA agent for one.

>> No.16879305

It's (mostly) meant to contrast against black American culture without overtly saying so, and accuse whites of not being very nice.
>Rugged individualism
As opposed to "I'm owed X because of my victimhood. Take care of me." Whenever a black person gets rich all their relatives, friends, friends friends, and so on, come out of the woodwork to ask for support. This is why so many pro athletes go broke.
>Family structure
Most blacks grow up with no father
>Emphasis on scientific method
Blacks do poorly in school, also it contrasts with black "ways of knowing" like "I know society is racist against me in spite of evidence to the contrary"
Started in 1619
Blacks are Christian as well, but the author of this poster is Jewish and fears white Christians will launch a pogrom against her people.
>Protestant work ethic
Black people can be a bit lazy sometimes.
>Status, power, and authority
(over blacks)
>Time, future orientation
What is "colored people time"?
Justice is racist
White folks always be cheatin'

>> No.16879312

>The American black is, to the black race, the embarassing crackhead cousin we hate inviting over for thanksgiving
lol you've obviously never met someone black person from africa who didn't immigrate here. They see african american as role models. It's only after they come here and live with them for a while that their view changes

>> No.16879316

It's a religious sentiment derived from certain Protestant sects and Reform Judaism that influence the US ruling cliques. If you can manufacture consent for anything why would you manufacture consent for so many obviously stupid beliefs?

>> No.16879343
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>Indians aren't niggers, you're Aryan like us.
>Indians having to learn to not wipe their own ass with their hands

>> No.16879352

Preciselu because its retarded its a great way of enforcing conformity shutting down legitimate criticisms of the military industrial corporate consumer regime and keeping people engaged. Either for it or against it.

>> No.16879360

It's because they think racism might lead to Nazism and Nazis destroyed their central bank.

>> No.16879363

Africans in Europe fucking wish they were American, they pretty much pretend they are.

>> No.16879364

If you can manufacture consent for anything why do you need to worry about "legitimate criticism"?

>> No.16879368

I do that wym?

>> No.16879370

>2021 minus one month
>still wasting time with the 2010s SJW/anti-SJW nonsense

Read a fucking book, retard.

>> No.16879372

These sentiments existed in the US before Nazism was a thing though.

>> No.16879375

Marginalised people cannot empathize with those who want them dead. One cannit empathize with racism with sexism or transphobia. Period. It is just basic sensitivity to human suffering yes iam PC yes i am a sjw i would gladly burn every single last page of the western cannon if it meant putting an end to racism and sexism. I dont believe this is radical or political at all but the bare minimum that should be required of a decent empathetic human being. If you dont agree whole heartedly then you should not consider yourself on the left an lgbt ally or an antiracist.

>> No.16879403
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>> No.16879415

"Inferior races" are actually superior those that pursue technological and organizational advancement. They instead live with nature (the only perfect system) and don't seek the illusion of dominance and superiority that consumes the minds of perceived "superior races." There's a dose of reality for your outsized ego.

>> No.16879416
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>I dont believe this is political at all

>> No.16879417

you can empathize with anyone actually. you can of course invent reasons not to if you want, that makes it easier to justify your hatred for them

>> No.16879424

Nature is not perfect, species go extinct all the time, they are dysfunctional in many ways even when extant, and eventually life on earth will be totally eradicated.

>> No.16879426

Oversocialized insectoid.

>> No.16879511

I dunno bro
They did invent modern music and they're basically the face of American culture

>> No.16879573

>they're basically the face of American culture
how is that supposed to be a positive. modern burgerland culture is garbage

>> No.16879585
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>it's the niggers invented music meme

>> No.16879663

Low-effort bait.

>> No.16879681

twerk twerk twerk

>> No.16879798

>It smears shit around its asshole without soap and water
>It doesn't wash its hands after using the loo
What the fuck is wrong with anglos?

>> No.16879809

As is the natural order. Meanwhile you think jacking off to feet pics 24/7 and paying to the girl(male)'s onlyfans is a better way to live.

>> No.16879886

Super true. Our public school education was essentially corporate masturbation and teaching you to conform and be prepared to work. There are no opportunities in small town America, family businesses are no more. You go to school, graduate, and work at the mill or Walmart ir get into drug dealing or using. It's fuckin pathetic and the Neoliberal machine pushes this monopolization and atomization of everyday life.

Sure, they could move, many people loce their family though and don't want to leave them for what ammounts to an equally low wage job elsewhere.

>> No.16879897

>Like, OMG, this is literally a logical fallacy
Do you hear yourself. Yes the book is shit. It was sold to make money and stir disunity, but jesus you sound like seething woman.

>> No.16879903

Nothing you said holds to serious scrutint and applies to all races.

>> No.16879912

The western canon contains very little literature that plays into racism. Frantz Fanon is the western canon. I say this as a staunch anti-racist. Plato doesnt hate black people, all people need Plato.

>> No.16879930

The western canon *is* racism. If it weren't then it would have an equal representative of BIPOC folk.

>> No.16879983

you sound racist

>> No.16879996

orcs never did anything on their own

>> No.16879998

Sweaty, the western canon stretches back further than BIPOC have been a part of the western canon. If you want representation of POC go to their own cultures history and read their philosophers, poets, and mathematicians. Of which there are plenty btw. Being white isnt racist. White authors who didn't write about race aren't racist. Many blacks are represented in American literature. WEB Dubois is one of my favorites.

>> No.16880035

>Because every time a black kid picks up a book he's mocked for "acting white"
Rural white kids get called "fucking faggots" for reading.

>> No.16880071

Where do you think Black Americans learned "Black Cultcha" from? Take a Southerner and lower his IQ 20 points and make him angrier and more impulsive. That's it. You have a Black American.

>> No.16880424


call them orcs

>> No.16880458

>distinguishing between nature and advanced civilization
Lmao, pseud

>> No.16880478

america was founded by prots. It took years for catholics to integrate. That image is specifically referring to american whiteness

>> No.16880909

White fragility, but if you call an orc a certain bad name you are cancelled permanently.

>> No.16881414
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>t. person who has never stepped foot in rural america and relies on media created caricatures thought up by other people who have never stepped foot in rural america

>> No.16881960

Whites riding on the coattails of other great white men bc of their lack of personal accomplishments are just as pathetic

>> No.16882058

fuck off with your LOTR cringe

>> No.16882071

That pic reminds me of when someone tried to tell me that the reason women are bad at math is because the stereotype of women being bad at math makes them want to achieve less. These retards always swap cause and effect.

>> No.16882543

I agree, it's really sad.

>> No.16882975

Sounds like a good idea for a Buzzfeed quiz. Is this passage from White Fragility or Mein Kampf?

>> No.16883132
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>medi thinks he’s white

>> No.16883137

Slavs are better than white people though

>> No.16883849

the white taxpayer is the only reason you're breathing, jamal

>> No.16883860

No, nigger lover, they do not

>> No.16883931
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Define, in the context you use them: marginalised, empathize, racism, sexism, transphobia, sensitivity, suffering, radical, political, required, decent, the left, ally, and antiracist.
Then demonstrate that your conclusions follow from your premises.

>> No.16883997

Jewish propaganda

>> No.16884342

How rural america is?

>> No.16884353

>15-year-old's level of understanding of the world
That's the whole 4chan.

>> No.16884371

It's the kind of book that actual racists will never read. Can you imagine some stereotypical uneducated, racist hill billy guy reading that book? The only ones reading it are people who are already not racist, who probably even already have negative in group preference and they only become even more insecure.

>> No.16884373

>continues to live of welfare, EBT, etc with no hint of irony.
Abe should have sent you all back.

>> No.16884573
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You can just tell from reading this that this guy owns a fedora.

>> No.16884582

>Marginalised people cannot empathize with those who want them dead. One cannit empathize with racism with sexism or transphobia.
The limits of their empathy seems like a character flaw on their part. How narcissistic do you have to be to be unable to consider that the world may be better off without you or what could make people feel that way?

>> No.16884628

He won't answer. I've asked that exact poster (I can tell from the writing style and terminology he uses), and he's never responded.
He's interested in spouting empty moralism, not having a discussion.

>> No.16884719

Does it really compare to the to the entire alternate history believed by African Americans or the major "black excellence" where they ride off the coattails of people who created shitty pop culture? It may be pathetic, but to say it's just as pathetic is a major stretch.

>> No.16884731

90% of Americans, irrespective of race, are fucked up in the head. There is such a thing as American Fragility, not White Fragility. Try explaining to Americans how destructive their country has been on a global cultural and physical level, and their brains shut down. It's not a racial thing either when you try to explain to Americans how both the insipid masses and Satanic elite are to blame.
Lumping Americans and Europeans together is disingenuous. In fact, even lumping Europeans with each other has problems (e.g., Frenchmen and Englishmen have different cultures and don't get along). There's also regional and cultural diversity within each of these countries.
The issue with Europe is demographic replacement. Europeans deserve to maintain ethnic majority of their natives ofc.
However, who cares about America? It's only ~250 years old. The USA's Founding Fathers were stupid and this country was doomed to eat itself up from the beginning. If USA remained a part of UK, then I would agree it wouldn't deserve to mantain demographic majority of ethnic NW-C Europeans, but we're talking about a bunch of rootless religious fanatic mutts who wanted to divorce themselves from European ethos. Many Founding Fathers even encouraged cutting ties to European ethos. America doesn't exist in a living continuity with Europe whatsoever. It's not like Australia or New Zealand where they have maintained their Englishness to some degree.
90% of people who live in America becomes rootless and materialist mutts. To question the devastating effect of becoming "American" is "American fragility". Both libtards and cuckservatives can eat shit in hell, and this country deserves to burn for its crimes against humanity with globohomo and Zionist jingoism. I celebrate each Americongo's soldier or veteran's death.
Just think about it, Amerimutts. Your ancestors came here and were willing to cut off all identification with a 3000 year old culture. You have nothing to do with Europe. Thankfully, I am second generation and of pure ancestry, so I realized this soon and won't have kids in this shithole of a "nation", which is more corporate conglomerate that lacks a cultural core or ethos.

>> No.16884738

>I would agree it wouldn't deserve
I would agree it would deserve*

>> No.16884745

>To question
To be insulted for questioning*

>> No.16884778

Nature isnt perfect system. They are still beasts who can imagine no other. Man's greatness comes from his sysiphian struggle to overcome nature

>> No.16885806

The left can't meme

>> No.16885845

>if you're not okay with being a minority in your own country then you're just a pussyass fag lmaoooo whitoids so fragile
who are you quoting xD

>> No.16885859

>Man's greatness comes from his sysiphian struggle to overcome nature

>> No.16885866

Cope: the post.

>> No.16886057

White men and white women blicker with each other at the expense of everyone else.
Comparing this to genocide. Gtfo

>> No.16886285
File: 86 KB, 1010x1010, SS_soldiers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll hang, tranny.

>> No.16886316

>Getting so mad about this book only proves its thesis
No. That's dumb.

>> No.16886751

>Thankfully, I am second generation and of pure ancestry
After all your shitting on the US, you go and commit the most American indiscretion possible. Will any nation outside the US be impressed with your genetic pedigree when you live completely outside of its culture? Of course not; it's only the rootless American who brags about Grandpa being pure English or Italian or whatever nation you're an imaginary member of.

Nothing you said was wrong, but you're also a bitter retard in for a rude awakening when you'll inevitably fail to assimilate into whatever nation you flee to. The Europeans will look on you with contempt when you claim you're one of them. You'll be stamped as an American until the minute you die, having wasted your life chasing the dragon of cultural authenticity. Is there anything more American than the child of immigrants hating America and longing for a romanticized Old Country they have only a meager knowledge of?

Don't forget, you're here forever.

>> No.16887274

You just remade our memes with some leftwinger's face (which you claim looks like a rightwinger) in place of Wojak.

>> No.16887399

Both are right, both are based.
The reality of America is that it represents what the global aristocracy of neoliberal "anti-racist" war mongers and neoconservative "fiscally conservative" war mongers want the entire world to look like in two hundred years.
A cultureless wasteland comprised of a mish-mash of ethnic and religious minorities who all harbor a deep mistrust for each other, their homeland, and anyone that the ZOG controlled media tells them to hate this month. Divide and conquer is always the best way to keep the plebs distracted after all. In our society the only way to escape from the nightmarish post industrial hellscape is to make as much money as possible so one can retire as quickly as possible before subsequently moving as far away from the city and urban liberals and their impoverished hordes as possible. That isn't to say the country side isn't a polluted, corrupted mess, however.

Anyone who wastes their time with political ideology and the illusion of democratic change to the system is just another rat in the maze.

>> No.16887421

Literally every american i've ever met looks at their own country with disdain.

>> No.16887448

America isn't "cultureless" you absolute dullard

>> No.16887472

This thread is full of seething retards posting huge paragraphs that mostly boil down to, "I'm not fragile, you're fragile!" Seems to really prove the point that white people can't talk about race without immediately acting like they are personally being attacked.

>> No.16887506

America has culture in the same way yogurt does.

>> No.16887512


>> No.16887518

Yeah yeah, stay mad you shut-in dweeb

>> No.16887524

honestly I don't blame black people for any self-hating behaviour. white liberals literally teach black kids to hate themselves, because they want them to get revenge. they teach the black kids to hate themselves because they hate being white.

>> No.16887531

>American fragility
Kys. Amerimutts have no culture beyond sucking either nigger or kike dick.

>> No.16887533

Gonna have to back that up with some examples

>> No.16887539

And the culture of any given European country amounts to some disgusting food nobody eats and some quaint festivals that nobody celebrates

>> No.16887557

Lol, the Amerimutt shows his true form as the destroyer of European ethos.

>> No.16887559

lol fragile goblino

>> No.16887590

You must be ugly to be this upset. Not that guy btw just an outside observer

>> No.16887594

American culture is a pale, homogenized, Hollywood produced drivel that celebrates hedonism, physical beauty, and "woke" virtue signaling for the heavily socially subsidized elites, and rugged "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" capitalism for anyone unlucky enough to be born poor. One side is fed a constant stream of "you're only poor and disadvantaged because of whitey" while the other is fed a constant stream of "you're only poor and disadvantaged because of Mexicans, or Muslims, or Blacks, or Irish, or literally whoever the fuck the aristocrats have imported to serve as the newest indentured servants in our corporatized Wal-Mart of a nationstate. Ah, but at least Americans have football, a bunch of millionaire would-be college drop outs and party boys, vast majority of whom are black, who are given an advanced cocktail of steroids before performing an highly elaborate, extremely commercialized, dubiously labeled sport that is gambled on in real time by millions of Americans from the comfort of their lazy boy sofas. They even throw in the red meat of "muh military" by saturating it with recruitment ads and propaganda trying to brainwash another generation of kids into fighting for Shlomo over in whogivesafuckistan. Really sums up American culture in a nutshell.

Whole thing is a pale imitation of any nation or people who have existed for over a thousand years, or who existed in a time before everything and everyone was owned and run by global corporate interests.

>> No.16887608

Stuff like this made me realize that the neoliberal machine REALLY hates white people, only reinforcing any sentiments about race I’d already had.
Then again this book is for whites who’ve already drank the kool-aid and have been conditioned to absolutely hate themselves.

>> No.16887609

The title of the book is probably the truest concept in the book. It blathers on relentlessly about how critical thinking is racist lmfao.

But white people are extremely fragile and easily butthurt. Seeing a black doctor or inter racial. Couple on their glowing braindrain box makes them cry and whine about replacement lmfao. Titty babies about everything.

Nooo you cant remoce white people from commercials thats a racism. Its fucking hilarious

>> No.16887631

Got damn. This is accurate as fuck. It's all disunity tactics and the ethnocentrists somehow think they aren't completely brainwashed.

>> No.16887676

I dont give a shit. They are still worthless niggers

>> No.16887683

They're starting to read about how great crass niggers are to children now:

>> No.16887692

If white men are bad, nonwhite men are worse.

>> No.16887714

Do Japanese people have half of the people in their commercials be niggers? 13% of the US population are niggers, yet make up 50% or more of the people in US media. But, well, you knew that already.

>> No.16887735

Jewnited States of AmeriCongo

>> No.16887765

Us to in Canada its the same thing. Having white people is imcredibly rare. The black population are 3.5% of the total pop here. In every fucking adds its a black familly or black men with white women.
Its really fucking weird.

>> No.16887766

The neolib elite want everyone to be consumerist queer goblinos, how do you resist this without ethnocentrism?

>> No.16887790

When the white man saw the ocean, he built a boat. When he saw the sky, he built a plane. When he saw the stars, he built a rocket. The white man, when unshackled and let loose, is the most powerful force on the planet, but they have one "weakness" and one group of people who evolved specifically to exploit this "weakness" - they are the white man's altruism and jews, respectively.

>> No.16887804

I would argue Semites as a whole. I've read Phoenicians were just as bad. I think there's something about the Semitic languages, compared to IE languages, that can induce neuroplastic changes to make one value self-interest above nobler virtues like honor and chivalry.

>> No.16888333

When the white man saw the black man, he gave up his wife.

>> No.16888340

>Getting so mad about this book only proves its thesis
It’s a Kafka trap, you idiot

>> No.16888436

Speaking as a black person, I think there is a confounding lack of discussion within the black community concerning the split world or reality in which has been engrained into the minds of blacks, and specifically black men. The worlds are nearly night and day in which you find yourself in the consort of driven and more astute blacks than the stereotypical case the thread flaunts on about.
Those that belong to the former are extremely studious, high achieving, mindful, but feel, perhaps in their indoctrination of school, a vague inferiority to all of those around them who are white or Asian, always questioning the well intentioned friendliness of others as one figures that in private acquaintances, the stranger hates them as he hates himself. It's an existence created by the stereotype existing in perpetuity. Watching the news, bastardizations of the French language in the form of given names litter the screen with violent offences, or even more tragically, the unkempt eyewitness who talks in code, unable to switch when the eye of the public turns its face.
Imagine, if you will, having the capability to work within your environment and attend school, an all black school filled to the brim with the group of the former, to which your self-esteem might rise exponentially and feel yourself comfortable with your existence relative to others and with yourself. And in an instant, it is dashed as the graduation speaker of the highest authority in the world cannot help but create a moralizing message addressed to the latter group, as if the former was an anomaly to which was localized only to him. Hearing the message of, "Raise your kids! Stay in school!" Being projected from the position of ultimate subjugator of your race stabilizes your place. No matter what, you're still lumped and grouped with the stereotypical group. With it, you hold intrinsically the disconcerting feeling of what you are versus how both your internal and external communities might perceive you. The ultimate message is that images are nigh inescapable and rather than ignoring them, people shift the creation of those images onto others to keep their own self-image intact.

The speech I'm referencing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e50Tt9qJRQk

>> No.16888455

There are conspiracy theories that the Phoenicians (along with or alternatively the Canaanites) infiltrated the Hebrews' priest class and undermined Jewish traditions from within. I won't pretend to know enough about ancient history or genetics to stake any sort of credibility for the theory, but the claim is that today's Jews are really descended from the Canaanites/Phoenicians and not the original Hebrews. At least on the face of it it makes logical sense that a group of people known for dissimulating kinship would themselves have been infiltrated by a previous group doing the fact same practice.

>> No.16888584

I really wish we knew more about Phoenicians and Carthaginians. Just imagine the ancient Semitic secrets hidden in Carthage's library before the Romans destroyed it and gave the contents to the Numidian savages.

>> No.16888680

Definitely. It makes you wonder whether the Greeks and Hebrews would still be considered the most intellectually advanced civilizations in the West if we had access to their forbears. I do believe that the most important teachings were appropriated into the literature that's still extant, but the question that's unanswerable is whether or not it was fundamentally mangled in the process. I'm definitely inclined to believe that the ancients had an alternate strain of technology far superior than what we think they were capable of.

>> No.16888717

Who are your favorite (black) writers, guy?

>> No.16888722

>They know at heart that they have never achieved anything in their entire history
american niggers have achieved plenty in the 20th century. a nigger is the most awarded musician of all time. not to mention those like ben carson. the problem is current american negros today and brainwashing media

>> No.16888740

This is what precocious yet unlikeable high school students think of as American culture. Go kill a deer or something.

>> No.16888756

You only notice the interracial couples because it triggers you, the vast majority of people on American TV are still white

>> No.16888768

I don't think it's exactly wrong. The defining feature of American culture that began with the popularization of jazz and became uncontested with the release of Star Wars is that it creates and propagates the media designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator and then congratulates itself for doing so.

>> No.16888772

This is incredibly cringe. Nobody has you "shackled" you fucking retard, you'd be working whatever shitty job you have in a white ethnostate too

>> No.16888795
File: 3.08 MB, 2048x2048, german elections.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jews dont feel

>> No.16888819

Low effort bait, but I wonder if anyone would burn the western Canon or something equally valuable to end injustice once and for all

>> No.16888837

no, he's right, and your comment about deer demonstrates that you are one of the proles he's talking about. only proles shoot deer for sport (they also shoot negroes for the same reason)

>> No.16888856

Your oppression isn't even a billion-billionth of the humiliation I suffer knowing someone in the world actually believes the shit you just said.

>> No.16888861

>Can you think of a SINGLE OTHER CULTURE IN HISTORY where being arrested was a status-symbol?
The mafia?

>> No.16888891


>> No.16888898

That image isn't contrasting "whiteness" against "browness". It's constrasting the African-Americans against literally the rest of the world without realizing it. It is overtly an infographic created by a black organization in the United States.

>> No.16888907

>Never has a book made me more angry
Reminder that this response only supports the book's thesis.

>> No.16888922

Nigga hunting is a pastime appreciated by all strata of society

>> No.16889124

such a fucking brainlet take, go back pleddit.

>> No.16889232

So, he can have free access to resources his forefathers did if he openly expresses himself?
No. The only thing “cringe” is some internet faggot who can’t express his ideas without meme speech and is delusional about the state of the world.

>> No.16889253

no, you can't hunt them anymore

>> No.16889262

>If there's some underground white cock erotica sites I need to know about them
me too :(

>> No.16889317

There's a bleached booru but as far as I'm aware there isn't an equivalent for fiction

>> No.16889358

why would you cover people in margarine, are you sure this is a word that came out of your head originally

>> No.16889361

I prefer ancient Central Asian groups like Sogdians, Bactrians, and Medes.

>> No.16889602

Don’t tell me you’re really as gay as you seem

>> No.16889917

All men are men they are bad, good, and everywhere in between. Race is a pointless distinction.
Ethnocentrism serves Neoliberalism by fostering disunity. We overcome them by banding together not as races but as members of our nation with shared interests.

>> No.16890365
File: 163 KB, 878x1098, 83194242_126282085308620_6458052165105638538_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those books never answer the most important questions, "Why should I care about black/oppressed groups?" and "When I put them into positions of power, who says those people won't take revenge for the failings of my ancestors?"

>> No.16891218

Ralph Ellison, W.E.B Dubois, Malcolm X, James Baldwin. Typical individuals that stew over the souls of the American Black.

>> No.16891417

>All men are men they are bad, good, and everywhere in between. Race is a pointless distinction.
This is simply not true, and I ask you to prove it, which you won't because you can't.

>> No.16891423

Being unshackled does not mean every single white person becomes a billionaire.

>> No.16891438

Let me give you one example which may or may not reflect how much over-representation blacks have in media - how many companies put out some sort of statement about "Black Lives Matter"?

>> No.16891457

>"Why should I care about black/oppressed groups?"
"Because you're white."
>"When I put them into positions of power, who says those people won't take revenge for the failings of my ancestors?"
"They will and you need to accept it with open arms"

>> No.16891502

White men commit more crime against children according to the CIA statistics. Also over reresented in mass shootings

>> No.16891631

Maybe the real Nazis were the friends we made along the way.

>> No.16891634

>White men commit more crime against children according to the CIA statistics
Are they over-represented?

>Also over reresented in mass shootings
Assuming this is true, it would be because gang-related violence is not included under mass shootings.

>> No.16892848

American culture still has its classical liberal roots. Some of the best literature in the world is American 19th Century literature.

>> No.16892908

Weed is part of Indian culture. Spanish bought African slaves in india they found weed took it back to their country and called weed is from their country. Fucking niggers

>> No.16892967

Is this cope? Do we just explain away fact like some Twitter liberal?

>> No.16893336


the chosen have small amounts of dna from their hissing snake god.
our dna is from our gods

they are demonic
we are angelic

at present our planet is just emerging from a dark area of space. whites began waking from the demonic nightmare in 2012. Every year now white consciousness will grow. The chosen had a narrow time window to implement their technocratic tyranny. it looks like they missed their chance.

>> No.16893354

Meanwhile if you talk about race to an Asian, black or whatever dudes, they will be completely chill. Fuck off you ravist

>> No.16893449

Qanon is 100% a psyop. I still go back and forth between whitehat or blackhat psyop though.

>> No.16894332

Yes they do

>> No.16894665

Explain the difference between cope and a counterargument.

>> No.16894684

A counter argument would be countering an argument. Cope is you being willing to contextualize and explain other causes for white crime rates but not doing the same for the blacks you arbitrarily define in such a monolithic, boring, and binary way.

>> No.16894696

Denisovans and homo erectus were lazy. Ergo, niggers.

>> No.16894703

It’s genetic, they are confined to the present moment and cannot anticipate long term consequences.

>> No.16894712

controlled opposition through and through, washington is filled with pedophiles no doubt, but Qanon is likely a pedophile himself trying to blackmail/extort colleagues while elevating himself.

The idea that there are somehow virtuous individuals who are simultaneously embedded in pedophilic circles while unable or unwilling to produce hard evidence (i.e. photos, video) is textbook CIA tactics. You'd have to be a child or a boomer to fall for something so blatantly self serving.

>> No.16894732

If a black man and a white man are shooting 3-pointers and the black man makes 5/10 shots and the white man makes 4/5 shots, who's the better shooter?

Does gang-related violence such as drive-bys and initiation rituals usually involve mass deaths at the hands of a few if not singular perpetrator with the use of a gun? Do blacks make up the majority of these gangs or not? Is gang-related violence classified under the same definition as mass shootings or not?

>> No.16894735
File: 6 KB, 242x250, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from Appalachia and I can confirm that most everyone in my rural town is hugely anti-intellectual and has never read a book they weren't assigned (they never read those either, unless sparknotes counts). They also will just rip your book out of your hands on the school bus and fling it into a ditch to own the nerds

>> No.16894756

>A counter argument would be countering an argument
>Cope is you being willing to contextualize and explain other causes
Actually, nevermind, it just sounds like the difference between a counterargument and cope is whatever you want it to be.

>> No.16894795

>Now I understand how a jew feels like when he reads Mein Kampf
Sounds like you still don't understand anything

>> No.16894837

>I'm from Appalachia

Proddies aren't human, you shouldn't expect them to respect rationality.

>> No.16894888

Drive bys don't typically constitue mass shootings. I worked as a paramedic in a murder capital. Typically the victim is one. Now, you could make the argument that cummulatively gang violence constitutes mass murder, but it's not on the scale of the white terrorists alienated by capitalist realism and the culture machine that take their vengeance out on large groups of purely innocent people. Gang violence is terrible, but it's 95% inter gang conflict. Either these people die in a gunfight or in jail, they aren't innocents in the way club, concert, or god forbid church goers are. I would argue that one is morally worse because the quality of life that is lost os much greater. You see, nothing intelligent or even socially significant comes out of reading statistical data in a biased way and claiming that only one of the MANY factors as to why things are this waycis important. It only alienates you from the realm of thinking men and makes you appear foolish.

As for overrepresentation(a pointless distinction) over 70% of child abuse convictions were white men. This number only goes higher when you single out cases of molestation. 85% of child molesters in England and Wales were white with only 3% being black. Does that mean I should say white men are all perverts and pedophiles? No, that's as ridiculous as saying all black people are violent.

>> No.16894935

Sad. Truly coming apart.

>> No.16894939

Why wouldnt I say that all whites are pedophiles or that all blacks are violent murderers given the statistics? Because despite being 85% of the molester market in Wales/England in 2011. This was still far less than 1% of the total population of whites.

Despite being overrepresented in act of homicide in 2018.(~54%) this still only is 8000 people, a absolutely fraction of a fraction of a whole.

>> No.16894972

>SINGLE OTHER CULTURE IN HISTORY where being arrested was a status-symbol

Catholics in Northern Ireland

>> No.16895056

So you're just either blatantly lying or ignorant.


"A study done in 2002 on mass public shootings excluded incidents of gang activity and drug dealing. That is the motive behind most of Chicago’s gun violence."


"Another definitional disagreement is whether to include multiple-victim shooting incidents that occur in connection with some other crime or domestic dispute. Because mass shootings that stem from domestic and gang violence are contextually distinct from high-fatality indiscriminate killings in public venues, some have argued that they should be treated separately."

"These definitions matter. Depending on which data source is referenced, there were seven, 65, 332, or 371 mass shootings in the United States in 2015 (see table below), and those are just some examples."


"Gun Violence Archive recorded the most mass shooting incidents at 346 incidents in 2017, while Mother Jones only recorded 11 cases. Only 2 events were found in all four mass shooting datasets. When the strictest definition – four or more individuals fatally shot – was applied to all datasets, the number of mass shootings in 2017 ranged from 24 (Gun Violence Archive) to 5 (Mother Jones), but incidents collected still varied."

I'm talking about all gang-related violence, not just drive-bys, but in the first place, you don't have anything to prove your assertion "Typically the victim is one". But let's say you're not making shit up, by "victim", are you only counting fatalities and not anyone who gets injured?

>but it's not on the scale of white terrorists

>purely innocent people
Also lies.

>Gang violence is terrible, but it's 95% inter gang conflict
So you're saying the definition of a mass shooting depends on the supposed virtue of the victims? Watch out, bro, you might be the next terrorist.

>You see, nothing intelligent or even socially significant comes out of reading statistical data in a biased way
I agree; I'm surprised by your show of self-awareness.

>As for overrepresentation(a pointless distinction)

>over 70% of child abuse convictions were white men. This number only goes higher when you single out cases of molestation.
Where are you getting this?

>85% of child molesters in England and Wales
We're talking about the US, not the UK or the world.

>Despite being overrepresented in act of homicide in 2018.(~54%) this still only is 8000 people
What is this referring to?

>> No.16895333

>but don't give a fuck that the school-class with passing grades are all white
They absolutely do though?

>The Irish, who were once kept as slaves and considered to be the same race as blacks, built businesses and got educated, they worked their way upwards the economic ladder
Blacks did this too. Multiple times. Whites tend to like to burn it down though. Or just try to massacre everyone.
And then when the civillians couldnt undermine black efforts enough, the government steps in with the Tuskegee syphilis study and the handy introduction of crack into black neighborhoods...

>> No.16895403
File: 542 KB, 1072x2150, Screenshot_20201128-112800_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your comprehension is horrid.
>Because mass shootings that stem from domestic and gang violence are contextually distinct from high-fatality indiscriminate killings
This is exactly what I said.
>are you only counting fatalities
Data only exists for homicides and is shaky for injuries.
Its definitionally not. In Vegas there were 58 deaths, in Orlando 49. Those numbers eclipse if you look at mass shootings(over 10 deaths in this context)since 1949 you won't see a single one that's gang-related violence.
>>purely innocent people
>Also lies.
Are you fucking stupid? Concert goers are innocent people. Club goers were innocent people. Church goers. Innocent people. You fucking piece of shit.
>So you're saying the definition of a mass shooting depends on the supposed virtue of the victims?
No, I'm saying gang violence claims the lives of gang members. Its not indescriminate. I value the lives of criminals, but they were involved in risky behavior that they know often leads to death or lifelong jail sentences. It is different, to say it isn't is to deny reality.
Because no ammount of overrepresentation can reflect the whole of an ethnic group. At least in any crime that we have data for.
>Where are you getting this?
Pic related. FBI
>We're talking about the US
Yeah, its in pic rel. Though our distinctions for molestation are different.
>What is this referring to?
There were 16000 homicides in 2018. 54% were blacks. 8000 black people don't constitute a scientific or intelligent reflection of the whole.

>> No.16895415
File: 365 KB, 1391x1511, MilesDavis_byFrancisWolff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>their ""culture"" consists of weed & mumblerap
You're a philistine.

>> No.16895416

Dude also overlooked that the Irish werent enslaved or segregated or redlined...etc etc fucking etc. To NEARLY the same extent as blacks. They also were Irish meaning they already had established wealth even if it was little. You should also add freedmans savings bank being forced to collapse by the government. This savings bank held 70% of Black wealth post emancipation and it was all lost.

>> No.16895509

>Both libtards and cuckservatives can eat shit in hell, and this country
Haha, I knew it.
You don't have to like the place, but hating it is silly. At least make peace with it before you check yourself out.

>> No.16895523 [DELETED] 

I hate the average American, and if I knew I could get away with it, I would enjoy torturing burgers and showing them worlds of pain they cannot imagine. Eat shit, burger shithead.

>> No.16895534

seek therapy

>> No.16895548

I prefer to say I have no country than to ever identify myself as an American.

>> No.16895557 [DELETED] 

America is a sick society, but you're left alone if you pay your taxes. I don't mingle with degenerates like you.
Seek suicide, depraved Amerimutt.

>> No.16895584

kys, Amerimutt

>> No.16895591

this post and thread is an example of white fragility lol

>> No.16895603

White fragility is a bullshit term made up to hide American fragility, which is the real problem in the modern world.

>> No.16895612

This. It's hilarious. I don't care what's inside the book. The cover and the reviews by wypepo are all you need to see