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16878496 No.16878496 [Reply] [Original]

Does he actively try to make his characters disgusting coomers or is he trying to show most men are like that?

Can’t help but imagine Houellebecq as the main character in most of his works

>> No.16878515

Pretty sure he goes to orgies frequently and is drunk and high all day every day

>> No.16878578

When i was reading Atomized I noticed that all of the characters sounded like the same person, and most of them have this psuedy way of speaking where they randomly start explaining the minutia surrounding a topic. Honestly I thought it was shit, the whole thing was repulsive but there was nothing to make up for it, characters were non existent, they were just mouthpieces and the things they were saying were things I've heard many times before. Never felt like bothering with his other books after that desu.

>> No.16878586

He talk from experience

>> No.16878591

Dudes just French hunter s Thompson

>> No.16878595

They are him. It’s not complicated.

>> No.16878653

Can’t help but imagine Houellebecq as the main character in most of his works
He is

>> No.16878711

Apprends le français avant de parler connard

>> No.16878731

Stop speaking your disgusting nigger language at me.

>> No.16878744
File: 110 KB, 772x293, wellbeck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16879166

I've never understood /lit/s obsession with this hack.

>> No.16879709

because /lit/ and /r9k/ has cross posters and he appeals to people who are obsessed with the disparity of who and who doesnt get to have sexual experiences

>> No.16879726

He actively cultivates his bum look, and wants his books labeled as disturbing truths givers, which implies getting in touch with the gutters of humanity. So, kind of yes?

>> No.16879753
File: 857 KB, 1224x814, screenshot-2019-05-25-at-19.35.55[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably true, he can clean up nicely.

>> No.16879767

The obsessive 'have sex' mentality isn't coming from the incels themselves, they're coming from the wokoids who found their way here from twitter, reddit and tumblr.

That obsession is also explicitly brought forward to be criticised and ridiculed throughout Houellebecq's books. If you think Bruno in the Elementary Particles is portrayed in a sympathetic light I think you missed the point of the book.

>> No.16879781

First paragraph is a huge doubt. Shit was born here and hopefully will die here

Second paragraph is true.

>> No.16879916

>First paragraph is a huge doubt. Shit was born here and hopefully will die here
It didn't materialise out of nothing through posting. The phenomenon was brought on by cultural and societal changes in attitudes around sex and relationships, but was first expressed raw and honestly in places like this.

The reason it's such a contentious issue at the moment is because there is a battleground between the people who are unhappy over not being able to take part in traditional relationships and those who have moved on to the new style of relationship that is increasingly parasocial, transactional, fleeting and commodified. The former is labelled a reactionary 'incel' and the latter becomes the progressive 'basedboy/bugman/cuck'. I assure you I have interacted with both types and none of them have a lot of sex. It's just different methods of coping; ressentiment and self-entitlement due to the trad gf that's been taken from you versus capitulation and rationalisations to justify your only fans spending habits, cuckoldry or trans discord gf.

Less desirable men will feel it harder and earlier than the rest of us, but it's going to encroach on us all as the change progresses.

>> No.16879927

Where do I start with this guy? What's his best novel?

>> No.16881304

"Whatever" is a good jumping point. It's brief, concise and sums up most of the themes that the rest of his work will explore from different angles.

>> No.16881336

Elementary Particles is really good but I find all of his novels pretty enjoyable. They're all different takes/flavors on similar themes.

>> No.16881405

I was enjoying Elementary Particles until the part in which Bruno goes to that hippy camp. I've finally gotten back to Michel; hopefully the book will pique my interest again.

>> No.16881714

I started with Submission but Whatever is a better introduction and way more short.

>> No.16881759

You're missing the third group, the people who don't care about sex or
romantic relationshis and wish 4chan wasn't so obsessed with those topics.

>> No.16881781

he is hilariously grotesque. he does not do the modern author photo at all like anyone else. he looks like he'd be right at home sitting in his own piss at a bus stop and swearing at passers by.

>> No.16882016

>Can’t help but imagine Houellebecq as the main character in most of his works

That would be a correct assumption, although he exaggerates for the sake of fiction of course. But the main idea stays the same.

>Basing your opinion of a man on a translation
Is this Plebbit ?

>> No.16882037

>Is this Plebbit ?
What is that question supposed to imply? What aspects of the authors work are lost in translation, you should be able to tell me seeing as how you're a frog.

>> No.16882092

Imagine Houellebecq walking around naked at Cap Agde,oggling at different vulvas,looking for couples to watch while masturbating

>> No.16882661


>> No.16882717

Hunter S Thompson got bitches though

>> No.16882728

He did actually go to a nudist / swingers colony for research with his then-wife.

>> No.16882794

an accurate portrayal of the tryhard french. ya got filtered

>> No.16882801

So does Houellebecq.

>> No.16882839
File: 256 KB, 2471x1647, Michel-Houellebecq-and-his-wife-Qianyum-Lysis-Li.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's based and yellowpilled

>> No.16882869

>I was enjoying Elementary Particles until the part in which Bruno goes to that hippy camp.
ITT: The hippie

>> No.16882958

Hang in there. Trust me.

>> No.16882967

This is basically all I want in life. I wonder what she's like.

>> No.16882972

Filtered as fuck

>> No.16883184

Basé et rougepillé(mais entre nous, Houellebecq c'est plutôt médiocre quand même, mais en même temps c'est probablement le meilleur auteur français contemporain donc whatever)

>> No.16883262

Guaranteed that they didn’t read a single book by this frogmen, just post them here because he is triggering the libtards xD. In reality no one gives a shit about what he says and rightfully so

>> No.16883319

She's a middle aged Chinese lady who's fluent in French, did her studies on his works, then married this perverted haggard divorcee. She has to be a bit out there.

>> No.16884834

Mail order chinks don't count.

>> No.16884980

Everytime I see a Houellebecq thread I think of the fact that my father studied in the same school as him and he was already behaving like a fucking alien.
So yes all your assumptions are true

>> No.16886077

>no one gives a shit
He is one of the most sucessful contemporary author, retard faggot

>> No.16886114

He seems like he would have been the type of teenager that got caught wanking in the stationery cupboard.

>> No.16886123

He is the most controversial one, learn to discern the two you commie virgin tranny

>> No.16886136

it's not that obsessed. the normal culture places huge weight on it which is why the incel meme was picked up so quickly and so overused everywhere. it's an easy and still regularly used shorthand to 1. claim someone is unable to get sex (hilarious). 2. in that imply a level of seething, specifically towards women, that invalidates the person socially and intellectually.

whether it's acknowledged or not, clearly if you don't have sex you are seen as a pathetic failure. i don't see this as particular to 4chan or even born here.