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16875575 No.16875575 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/ I have a family member who suffers from some mental illness. Unfortunately it has become more difficult to deal with. He is an absolute nut that is incapable of basic logic or critical thought. He believes in QAnon conspiracy bullshit, he thinks the moon landings were faked, he genuinely believes that Covid is fake and instead is an elaborate international conspiracy to dethrone Donald Trump and enslave everyone in Western society. He truly thinks that Biden will force him into a "covid camp" for not wanting to take a vaccine. So you can see what I'm dealing with here. He's fucking overweight as fuck and I am convinced the only reason why he isn't dead from covid yet is because he lives in a rural part of the country.

How do I introduce sensibility and reason into this man? He doesn't have much going for him in life and is generally bitter and depressed but I want him to realize it's not too late to turn things around.

>> No.16875603

I would try keeping a normal conversation with him and when he says something that doesn't make sense ask him to clarify it. It takes awhile and when you want to have him hold interest in something else try Plato. It's bound to get his noggin joggin but just keep w the conversations. He needs more clarification not less

>> No.16875607
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lol it sounds like your average /pol/ chud. You have to realize that he is probably brainwashed. There have been people who get covid, get fucked and have to go on a ventilator and still insist the virus is fake and a ploy to ruin Trump. It’s a cult. I really don’t know how you Americans have sunk so low. Absolute insanity.

>> No.16875609
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>The mental illness we call paranoia also manifests another symptom that is an element of every ego, although in paranoia it takes on a more extreme form. The more the sufferer sees himself persecuted, spied on, or threatened by others, the more pronounced becomes his sense of being the center of the universe around whom everything revolves, and the more special and important he feels as the imagined focal point of so many people's attention. His sense of being a victim, of being wronged by so many people, makes him feel very special. In the story that forms the basis of his delusional system, he often assigns to himself the role of both victim and potential hero who is going to save the world or defeat the forces of evil.

>> No.16875614

>former marine

>> No.16875616

he sounds based af

>> No.16875621

That doesn't say how to fix it

>> No.16875626

That's what I am saying he literally is brainwashed.
Thanks I will try but normal conversation is difficult because he always attributes something he can't explain as being the fault of "democrats" or "globalists" or "the left" it's fucked.

>> No.16875646

Remind him that trump printed 2 trillion dollars in March as "covid relief"

>> No.16875655

Tell him to take his meds.

>> No.16875658

That's where you need to grow in the Socratic method. I can have normal conversations w ppl having a psychotic episode. You just have to be really straightforward and charitable.

>> No.16875727
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Also Aristotle. Where he gets his information should conform somewhat to Aristotle's rhetorical triangle. This way you can develop a critical worldview not presupposed by bias and conspiracy.

Also, I hate this for you. I lost my uncle to Trump and it spiralled directly into qshit and now everytime I see him he brings up reptillian moon people. Boomers werent made for this kind of social conditioning, they don't question it at all if it sounds plausible despite where it comes from. At least the younger generations are familiar with thebinternet and it's many lies.

>> No.16875731

Thanks anons

>> No.16875737

I lost my stepfather to TDS.

>> No.16875760

He's right about everything except the QAnon and Trump shit

>> No.16875784

you're not very bright are you? Take thy meds.

>> No.16875829

Ironically, becoming a paranoid lunatic is an increasingly understandable (if somewhat tragic) response in a modern society of liberal/globalist gaslighting. The NPCs who make fun of and/or pity “those lunatics who believe COVID-19 is a hoax and Q is real” are just as brainwashed as the people they disparage, just in the opposite way (i.e. that the MSM is our friend and wacky “conspiracy theorists” are simply failures who can’t fit into society etc.)

>> No.16875847

lol no, no I’m not and the fact you automatically categorize people like me as NPC’s brainwashed by the MSM just further goes to show your in group echo chamber has fucked your mind completely. I don’t even indulge in mainstream media I simply have a stem education and understand a lot of the research being done on the topic. People who politicize public health like you do are hyperindividualist morons who are only concerned for yourselves. Go seek help.

>> No.16875860

Both sides have politicized covid anon

>> No.16875868

In America yes because America is a wasteland where reason and logic is unattainable by the vast majority of corporate owned sheep.

>> No.16875870 [DELETED] 

Sure everything is political. One side wants you and your family to die for the economy and the other side doesn't want that and wants mandated safety measures.

>> No.16875871

Youreewrong though, at least in my case. I recognize the inherent biases and propaganda in all media espescially in America. Some is easier to spot than others but with careful reflection and by checking multiple sourves on the most important issues you can come to an informed worldview without relying on liberal media propaganda or the new conspiritard republican propaganda. That you think other people are as brainwashed only serves to weaken my faith in you as an objective observer of reality. This isnt to say our views would allign perfectly, only that we could form our views off of the closest possibly obtained truths.

>> No.16875876

absolutely based

>> No.16875878

Sure everything is political. One side wants you and your family to die for the economy and the other side doesn't want that and wants mandated safety measures.

>> No.16875892

Sounds based, what's his 4chan username?

>> No.16875893

The fact that the government didn't just lock down all at risk populations and pay them 1000 usd a month to stay there is politicized crap. The democrats aren't going to China the whole bitch so it's just some bs political game. I will say I'm grateful to see Biden's presidency swing everything back to normal.

>> No.16875903

>. I don’t even indulge in mainstream media I simply have a stem education and understand a lot of the research being done on the topic.
Do you have some research that proves the lockdown is in any way proportionate to the actual threat of coronavirus?

>> No.16875915

You can't in science. Not him but that doesn't make sense. You make vaccines in science and analyze what coronavirus does. That we all have the same science but different ethical approaches proves this.

>> No.16875916

Brainwashing is a word for someone who believes something you think is stupid. How close you are to the objective truth has nothing to do with how "brainwashed" you are, in the end no one will ever fully grasp it anyway. I'm not claiming the whole "there is no reality except what you believe" bullshit, but it doesn't make a different to your brain whether the information you have stuffed inside of it is true or not. People behave the same about their beliefs whether they are paranoid conspiracy nuts, media dick slurpers, enlightened skeptics, christian, athiest, member of some weird fringe cult, there is no discernment with that shit. The truth is a noble goal to strive for but you'll always be heavily impaired from reaching it in ways you are utterly blind to, and that blindness is part of being human.

>> No.16875919

Covid isn't as deadly as the media pretends it is. Have you considered that one side wants to completley restrict freedoms and kill all small business?
Lagos has a population 9 million, pop density of 6k per km2, and only 22k recorded cases. 220 deaths. Do the math.

>> No.16875928

The best thing we have to go off of are the most succesful coubtries. Vietnam and South Korea handled the shit swiftly because they forked out money, didnt fear monger, and issued universal mask mandates. It was so simple for them but America is fucked, the public mentality is one of distrust and conspiracy. Trump played these emotions up, and probably kept playing conspiracies so he could snowball this paranoia into his election fraud bullshit. His whole term has been one big con.

>> No.16875929

So you define freedom by freedom from macro institutions. Good to know because not everyone defines it that way. Nothing else you said is really relevant except conjecturally

>> No.16875931

The fact that Sweden didn't lockdown during the first wave and has now done a complete 180 doesn't mean anything to you huh? It's only when it fits your agenda that you talk about the Swedish narrative, right? You know if you just temporarily wore the mask until a vaccine and other treatments were brought to market there would not even be a need for a lockdown right? I live in a country where over 80% of people wear masks and we have no economic lockdown and hardly any active cases. You're just a mentally ill, selfish retard.

>> No.16875942

Shut the fuck up you god damn retard. Covid isn't as deadly for young people but there is a real risk of permanent organ damage. For fucks sake more research is showing that people have long term symptoms even after recovering from the initial disease. Do you get paid to push virus denial propaganda or do you do it for free because you are genuinely that fucking retarded?

>> No.16875944

You probably don't live in an area of large tourism. All they had to do was lock down at-risk populations and let everyone else deal w it until they get a vaccine. Cheaper, better economy, no bitching rwers who read too much ayn rand and no overgrown children protesting

>> No.16875951

Absolutely, i typically refrain from calling people brainwashed except on these dark forum obscurums.

Look though, objective truth is impossible to obtain I agree. But there are better truths and more accurate views, more factual claims. These should be the basis for your belief systems and we need to foster HEALTHY skepticism. Lets be honest though, I'm only able to think things through because of a lifelong dedication to self-study. Like Philosophy and Ethics, metaphysics. These give you a rational basis to reflect clearly on. I try to foster that same internal reflection and socratic method to those who have a harder time with it. Because the truth is unobtainable, that doesnt justify believeing the least supported claims form the least trustwprthy sources. Does it?

>> No.16875955

>All they had to do was leave people to absorb the health consequences of a Chinese made biological weapon with an r0 over 5
Good job retard

>> No.16875957

Do other common illnesses not cause these symptoms in people? Is it that unique to COVID that an illness can cause lasting damage?

>> No.16875961

What's the health consequences of a coronavirus that's unlike prior coronaviruses?

>> No.16875966
File: 61 KB, 601x275, Memoryholed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In such large numbers and severity? Yes your typical flu season is much less severe than this and the year isn't even over yet. Pic related, but keep pushing that narrative you fucking idiot.

>> No.16875979

Other coronaviruses didn't have such a high r0. Nor did they cause such widespread damage. Stop trying to act like sacrificing people's health and vulnerable family members is normal.

>> No.16875980

>People who politicize public health like you do are hyperindividualist morons who are only concerned for yourselves. Go seek help.

I certainly don’t think COVID is a hoax, it’s definitely a real virus which can have unpredictably terrible effects for a minority of the population (most likely created in a lab btw), but it’s certainly not the Black Death or the Spanish Flu. The average age of death from COVID in the US is higher than the average life expectancy in the US, for instance.

What we’re seeing today is the promotion of wild fear and despair (shutting down of small businesses and restaurants, moving education to a much more inefficient, impersonal online form, forcing the use of masks in public, etc.) which is essentially meant to encourage everyone to take a rushed vaccine. “Hooray!!! Finally we can end the lockdown and get back to our normal lives with the extremely rushed vaccine!!!”

And this of course ties in with the extensive media gaslighting that’s been ramped up especially recently over the past few years about “the danger of fake news,” including the risk that “anti-vaxxers” supposedly pose to our health. But don’t talk about how the Bill-Gates-funded oral polio vaccines ironically led to more cases of paralysis then wild polio itself! Just get your rushed vaccine and assume you won’t get some weird form of super-AIDs within 5-10 years as part of a plot to depopulate humanity ... the elite would never want to depopulate us, right, goys I meant guys? Right? Heh heh...


>> No.16875986

I haven't even left the house since March, you're fighting some imaginary boogeyman of what you think a corona-truther is like.

We're being told to believe the fact that anyone is dying at all (almost overwhelmingly people who were going to die anyway) is sufficient to need a massive, nation-wide economic lockdown comparable to fighting a total war against an invisible enemy. It's completely absurd. In March we were being told the sole purpose of the lockdown was to prevent a massive spike in cases that would overload our healthcare systems (reasonable), and we accomplished that goal. But now it's supposed to be war of extermination on the virus itself, with the lockdown ending only when the number of people dying to corona is zero. It's completely Orwellian, the truth is whatever the government says and it changes every couple of weeks, if you don't think something is going on then you're braindead.

And don't even get me started on this "great reset" shit, as if it wasn't already obvious enough that actually fighting coronavirus was of secondary importance to this lockdown.

>> No.16875992

You can lockdown at-risk populations and pay them to be locked down until a vaccine is there. Shit you can give them a park, a personalized store, personalized transportation and a movie theater in bigger areas and still come out ahead. I think 70% of all deaths from it come from nursing homes.

>> No.16875996

Do you live with him? If you don't have to deal with him everyday I would just say forget about it.

>> No.16875998

I'm not pushing a narrative I'm just asking questions you absolute autist. It's because everyone acts like someone who doesn't sound 100% on board with them is following the exact hardcore agenda they are against that people get driven towards extreme polarities and there is almost no room for nuanced information or discussion about anything.

>> No.16876001

Freedom as in freedom of movement.
State borders. Shut.
Curfew. Enforced.
Police house checks. Happening.

>> No.16876005

> The average age of death from COVID in the US is higher than the average life expectancy in the US, for instance.
The average age of death is becoming lower due to more young people dying. You keep talking about death and yet you don't address the side effects (mostly permanent damage to the heart and lungs) that the virus can cause. Go seek help. If people like you could follow basic public health guidelines there would be no need for lockdowns.

>> No.16876006

>long term symptoms
Long term as in a month afterwards? I don't call that long term.
Thanks for all the mean words tho

>> No.16876009
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>> No.16876010
File: 423 KB, 1438x1444, Screenshot_20201125-233047_Opera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But not freedom from outside influences damaging you? Daily reminder that China's freedom is more freedom from government and its solutions are better

>> No.16876015

Are you a shill? Can you talk like an actual human being or are you only capable of regurgitating basic talking points?

>> No.16876016

1-2 months is considered medium term. But there are more and more people with symptoms far past that (namely covid "long haulers" as they are called).
Surviving does not mean surviving without health consequences.

>> No.16876018

>permanent damage

>> No.16876029

Because normal human beings talk about Bill Gates vaccine conspiracies, the elite de-population plan and economic conspiracy to destroy small business...right?

>> No.16876030

>comes looking for help. Only finds more conspiracy

>> No.16876031

I don't live in an overpopulated shit hole. I can avoid a minimum distance of 20m from everyone at any time even before covid.
I refer you to the population density of Lagos and the fact that only 0.2% of the population so far have caught the virus.

>> No.16876037

>more and more
What does more and more mean? Do you have actual numbers of how many are affected, to what extent they are affected, and how those numbers compared to a host of other relatively common illnesses (no, not just the flu)?

>> No.16876038

>he genuinely believes that Covid is fake and instead is an elaborate international conspiracy to dethrone Donald Trump and enslave everyone in Western society.
This is correct though.

>> No.16876042

They do. And more should.

>> No.16876047

I haven't traveled there but I'm sure they're taking precautionary measures that exceed western especially considering they were third or fourth wave hit.

>> No.16876049

Do you think everyone in this thread except for you is the same person? I don't know why I'm asking, of course you do.

>> No.16876050


>> No.16876051

Except for the trump part. He printed two trillion out of thin air and gave a free pass to the Fed reserve to keep the printers rolling.

>> No.16876060
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>prove it



>Long-Term Effects of COVID-19, updated November 13th 2020
>CDC is actively working to learn more about the whole range of short- and long-term health effects associated with COVID-19. As the pandemic unfolds, we are learning that many organs besides the lungs are affected by COVID-19 and there are many ways the infection can affect someone’s health.
>The most commonly reported long-term symptoms include:
> Fatigue
>Shortness of breath
>Joint pain
>Chest pain
>Other reported long-term symptoms include:
>Difficulty with thinking and concentration (sometimes referred to as “brain fog”)
>Muscle pain
>Intermittent fever
>Fast-beating or pounding heart (also known as heart palpitations)

>More serious long-term complications appear to be less common but have been reported. These have been noted to affect different organ systems in the body. These include:
>Cardiovascular: inflammation of the heart muscle
>Respiratory: lung function abnormalities
>Renal: acute kidney injury
>Dermatologic: rash, hair loss
>Neurological: smell and taste problems, sleep issues, difficulty with concentration, memory problems
>Psychiatric: depression, anxiety, changes in mood

But you sure know better than the Centre for Disease Control huh?

>> No.16876066

Have you ever seen what Lagos looks like? It's impossible to implement any measures there. People live in each others trash. No one can afford masks or hand sanitizer. There's no ubereats delivering supplies. Everyone still has to go into crowded street markets.

>> No.16876067 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 640x584, EBC2EE02-E6A9-4F42-B8E2-ED4485A60696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m the person you’re responding to and I do follow health mandates like wearing a mask when expected, because I’m kind enough to not want to freak other people out even if I personally disagree with the MSM narrative. Why the fuck do you assume that anyone voicing any skepticism about the MSM narrative about COVID is a lunatic who goes around deliberately coughing on people or something?

Do you not see the extent of the brainwashing which has made you equate [view against MSM narrative] with [bad] [evil] [deranged] [threat to society] [should seek mental help]?

Anyway, enjoy the side effects from that vaccine, friend, L O L.

>> No.16876069

No, they don't. But when you spend so much time in an echo chamber you come to truly believe that. Go back to /pol/.

>> No.16876070

This says absolutely nothing about how prevalent it is.

>> No.16876073

Still not decade long studies.
Just conjecture from an organization that is more profitable during a massive crisis than during no crisis.

>> No.16876074

Fuckin qoomer brainlets

>> No.16876078 [SPOILER] 
File: 20 KB, 640x584, 1606369278258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>16876005 #
I’m the person you’re responding to and I do follow health mandates like wearing a mask when expected, because I’m kind enough to not want to freak other people out even if I personally disagree with the MSM narrative. Why the fuck do you assume that anyone voicing any skepticism about the MSM narrative about COVID is a lunatic who goes around deliberately coughing on people or something?

Do you not see the extent of the brainwashing which has made you equate [view against MSM narrative] with [bad] [evil] [deranged] [threat to society] [should seek mental help]?

Anyway, enjoy the side effects from that vaccine, friend, L O L.Forgot I’m on a blue board so reposting booba with spoiler function, pls don’t ban me janny

>> No.16876081


>> No.16876084
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Buddy I work with people irl, I talk with people irl. I'm not stuck in my house parroting media headlines.

>> No.16876085

It's cause they're all young. There's no one to die there

>> No.16876087

You don't need a decade long study to detect permanent organ damage you absolute fucking retard.

>> No.16876089


>> No.16876093

Scientific Journals with no connection to government or msm have published mountains of evidence and you can view their methodology and funding.

>> No.16876095

>Difficulty with thinking and concentration (sometimes referred to as “brain fog”)
Lmao what.

>> No.16876098

>A religious archbishop is a reliable authority on public health
He will burn in hell.

>> No.16876107

By the way anons yesterday there was a thread about covid and immediately some guy came in and started calling everyone a retard and threatening to actually kill people. He claimed to have had covid and is now suffering from its lasting effects.
Didn't bother to discuss anything else just say "I'M SICK AND I'M GONNA TO BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT ALL OF YOU"

>> No.16876112

You...you don't know what brain fog is?
Sounds like brain fog to me.

>> No.16876115

It's a vague bullshit symptom that can be attributed to almost anything

>> No.16876116

Don't be shy about actually citing them.

>> No.16876122

Brain fog is a meme for brainlets who don't want to admit responsibility for ignoring their mental faculties and failing to train them as a kid and through adolescence
It was real popular among the r9k perma fapper types

>> No.16876128
File: 61 KB, 812x1024, 5496A9D9-ED20-4443-8373-2E5FCDD720DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already know you’re an NPC (and of course this claim is going to make you explode in self-righteous anger and contempt of me), so I’m not making this response directly for your own benefit, this response is actually for the benefit of other young naive lurkers here on 4chan like I used to be as a teen, for instance.

I just want to say that YOU ARE A FUCKING NPC KEK. You are the perfect little docile slave willingly taking it up the ass from the New World Order and calling anyone who dares question mainstream narratives “crazy.” Maybe Reddit is more to your taste.

>durrrrr “Limits to Growth” by the Club of Rome?? I’ve never heard of that ... and sure Bill Gates has admitted he wants to work to reduce population growth but he’s only doing it through nice happy fluffy means like promoting contraceptives and better access to medical care in 3rd world countries so that decreased infant mortality leads to the stupid Africans having less children ... they would never do stuff like put AIDs in the vaccines, right? There’s no scandals about Gates-funded oral polio vaccines causing paralysis, right? It’s not like there’s a huge complex of deluded journalists and their genuinely sociopathic controllers creating a Baudrillardian hyper-reality simulacrum where all information about a potentially genocidal sociopathic NWO is denied as “fake news” and “debunked by independent fact-checkers,” right?

>> No.16876129

That wasn't a thread about covid it was a thread about 1984 with media/public/political reactions to the pandemic being highlighted as an example of Orwellianism. I was in it and you're taking that out of context completely.

>> No.16876131
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Didn't read, go take your meds you mentally ill freak.

>> No.16876134

>ignores all other symptoms listed

>> No.16876136

I knew it was you bro just having a lil shit post

>> No.16876139


This ones about the dangers of misinfodemics. You should give it a read. Honest.

>> No.16876146

That wasn't a shitpost and I never directly threatened anyone you're just a complete idiot like all your other deathcult members.You ready for your forced vaccine yet?

>> No.16876147
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>> No.16876151

Its just funny that it was listed

>> No.16876153
File: 1.21 MB, 376x380, 8D8369EF-0687-4AB0-85F4-D4A8DC92AD2C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, now show me the statistics on how prevalent long-term effects are.

Next, show me proof the vaccines won’t have long-term side effects, which maybe might even take, oh, say, 5-10 years to suddenly show up.

>> No.16876155

>Psychology and politics of COVID-19 misinfodemics: Why and how do people believe in misinfodemics?
Do you not see how this very premise is completely loaded? Imagine instead the title was
>>Psychology and politics of holocaust misinfodemics: Why and how do people believe in the holocaust?
Do you see how there's a very major assumption built into that question?

>> No.16876158 [DELETED] 
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Imagine voting for pedo biden

>> No.16876163


>> No.16876164
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>somehow memoryholes Trump's 15 year fruitful relationship with Jeffrey Epstein

>> No.16876169

Take your meds, schizo

>> No.16876179

Sounds like you’re the bluepilled one here

>> No.16876185

Yeah, bro. NGO's are infallible fountains of truth that get their funding like mana from the heavens. Academics truly are priests to these bugmen.

>> No.16876187


>> No.16876201
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If niggers could follow basic rules and act like literally any other race, then we wouldn't need to have our police constantly engaging in negro population control, or what the low t Marxists in the media refer to as 'excessive force'.

Niggers constantly bitch about how 'whites be raciss', but how come no other race faces as much 'systemic oppression' as the nigger? I'll give you a hint, it's because the nigger isn't quite like any other race. They're dumber and more violent than literally any other race, and all the available data on both crime rates and IQ confirms this fact. Even literal third world immigrants from Africa and Middle East are more educated, more successful, and less violent than the American negro.

>> No.16876207

After viewing this thread dear anon. I'm agraid there's nothing that can be done. The qoomers and the ones who follow Trump have denounced reality. They've created a false reality and to question it hurts them to their very core. They will defend all of their conspiracies because they believe in them like a religion. It's incredibly sad that we've reached this level of cognitive dissonance, I underestimated how powerful the confirmation bias truly was. No amount of evidence from any reputable source will change their mind. Changing their mind is impossible from the outside. They will either snap out of it and examine their beliefs in a sane and rational way, or they will remain in that dark state of fear, paranoia, and unknowing. I sincerely don't despise them. I do pity them though. I do despise the president and his propaganda minions for spreading such cancerous misinformation. Their evidence doesnt have to be logical. It doesn't have to come from a place of scrutiny, skepticism, or a trustworthy source, they simply believe what others like them and those that control them tell them too. One day, I hope they find their way put of their fugue state, and realize that there's more to life than fear and paranoia.

>> No.16876208
File: 11 KB, 210x230, 74CB6F54-115B-4A73-BCCF-0BCA9DA45D2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how the shill/NPC, when faced with tough questions, simply responds with the NPC phrase “take your meds schizo”, and even refuses to read anything which is outside their narrow worldview. These twisted freaks, as they are getting raped in the ass by the New World Order, bleat out their sheepish dismissal of anyone who suggests the herd is being led to death.

Note it well, my dear lurker friends. I, for one, in the face of such disgusting, subhuman behavior and lack of ability for skepticism and critical thought, actually welcome and embrace the coming genocide. Too many useless eaters who should just die, what a fucking relief!

Saddam has WMDs, too, right, retards?

>> No.16876215

Debunked and bluepilled NPC take. Go back to your NPC containment board.

>> No.16876217
File: 2.93 MB, 576x1024, Average American White Girl.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet somehow the best looking women in America choose them over you when it comes to deciding which penis they want to cum inside them. Really makes you think huh? Maybe if you were not such a gigantic /pol/cel loser screaming about niggers, Jews, fake covid 19 pandemics, vaccine conspiracies and praising murderers you'd be able to breed.

>> No.16876218

One side wants you to be free to do as you wish and the other side is a tyrannical force trying to imprison you for daring to breath free air. Two can play at this hyperbole anon.

>> No.16876219

why are you here
you don't even read

>> No.16876226

>all available data
You mean whatever stats you've been spoonfed. You only follow the science so long as it lets you make dumbass assumptions

>> No.16876228

He's on a path, let him go down the rabbit hole, he will find an equilibrium eventually and you likely dont have the answers he needs yourself.

>> No.16876229

>says every source is fake news.


t. Fucking idiot.

>> No.16876230

well said anon

>> No.16876237

Do you have any IQ stats where black people outperform white people?

>> No.16876238
File: 94 KB, 680x522, E9D6AA4F-58F9-4D9F-90E6-0A5BA15441AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are literally being psy-opped by the MSM to think anyone who has views outside the purview of the MSM is a [Trump supporter] [Nazi] [Q-anon supporter] [flat earth theorist] etc etc. I’ve been posting controversial views in this thread, for instance, but don’t give a fuck about Trump or Q or whatever.

You. Have. Been. Psy-opped.

Super fucking hard.

Not everyone who disagrees with you is one of [them], whatever image you have of “deranged Q-anon followers”.

>> No.16876242

Where did I say every source is fake news, shill? Please tell me. I’m actually dying to know.

>> No.16876247

why did you feel the need to explain yourself to that post, if you -supposedly- weren't its target
defensive much

>> No.16876248

you fucks really think americas the only country on earth.

>> No.16876251

You are literally being psy-opped by alternative media to think that anyone who develops a worldview based on logic reason and fact is a[NPC that only listens to MSM] I've been flinging shit all over my bedroom for instance, but don't give a fuck about Trump or Q or whatever.

You are empty and substance less. A slime mold of little sentience.

>> No.16876252

I hate to break it to you anon but "big organization bad" is hardly a compelling position. You show no differentiation that can be measured by an empirical standard. Everything to you is fruit of the poisoned tree, which I'm sure works fine for schizoposting on an imageboard but out in the world it's not very helpful

>> No.16876254

US Marine Corps, one of the primary divisions of the burger military

>> No.16876259

The target of the post was corona-truthers, the conflation between corona-truthers and MIGApedes was just one step of that post's shitty logic.

>> No.16876260

Oh? I don’t read? You crack me up, anon. I read a lot, actually. My tastes are simply very idiosyncratic and different from the average /lit/ posters.

>> No.16876262

If I can't see or smell your other country, it doesn't exist to us amerifats.

>> No.16876266
File: 131 KB, 1160x770, direction brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duh MSM
>duh joooz!
>anything that challenges my echo chamber is false!

>> No.16876270

>introducing government mandates like wearing masks isn't political
>political institutions creating restrictions, laws, or orders for individuals living under said political institution isn't political
You're not very bright, are you?
Having a STEM education means nothing. I know a Chemistry PHD and he gets his news quite literally from a single website, knows nothing about the vast amount of things going on politically (like the riots/protests), and has some of the most cookie cutter beliefs you could ever find - that is, not because he weighed both sides and came to said conlusions, but because he does not consider opinions outside of his very limited realm of experience. If you have a STEM degree, then stick to what you know or gain an understanding of other topics if you wish to speak on them/relate them to your research, you fucking troglodyte.

>> No.16876271

I'm a marine. You don't say exmarine you say you're an inactive marine. You're always a marine after you get ega

>> No.16876274

When you work backwards to get an answer you want instead of looking for the truth, you're never going to change your mind.

>> No.16876278

Why though? Is this just some kind of espirit de corps thing or are US marines actually on the hook to be called back to service for their entire lives?

>> No.16876280

Its funny because several discussion have been had in this thread. Allow me to pick one for you. These people arent left wing or righg wing. They're trying to reason family members back from legitimately falling to a BLATANT psyop as you put it. Q shit and rona shit is Surkovian disinfo...and despite youd enlightened centrism I feel you sympathize with the Q crowd, because you're part of it, and the posts in this thread were very close to making you reflect, thus setting off an alarm in your brain NO ANON REFUTE HIM ATTACK HIM THESE SRE YOUR COMFY IDEAS AND YOU'RE RIGHT!! NO ONE ELSE CAN BE RIGHT.
>Youre wrong though, at least in my case. I recognize the inherent biases and propaganda in all media espescially in America. Some is easier to spot than others but with careful reflection and by checking multiple sourves on the most important issues you can come to an informed worldview without relying on liberal media propaganda or the new conspiritard republican propaganda. That you think other people are as brainwashed only serves to weaken my faith in you as an objective observer of reality. This isnt to say our views would allign perfectly, only that we could form our views off of the closest possibly obtained truths.

>> No.16876282
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I am actually graduating with a degree in math this winter, and I'm am well versed in both applied math and evolutionary theory. Last year I literally did an REU on game theory and dynamical systems.

I imagine I know far more about statistics, probability, and race then you do. For instance, could you explain how the concept of a Measureable set is related to the concept of,a probability distribution? Can you explain the relationship between topological fixed points, and evolutionary stable strategies in evolutionary game theory and population dynamics? Do you even know who John Maynard Smith is? Or Bryan Skyrms? Henri Lebesgue?

I can guarantee that I know more about both biology and mathematics then you, and probably pretty much any other scientific subject. Anyway, probability is literally a subfield of math, and race is biological concept, so I'm certainly more qualified than you to talk about both crime stats and race.

>> No.16876288
File: 51 KB, 1024x576, 559C3D0E-E2AE-4769-971C-918C3A5E936E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit ... I see the fucking light!!!! Thank you for the armchair psychoanalysis!!!


Saddam DID have weapons of mass destruction!!!! The mainstream media IS trustworthy!!!! Elite globalists would NEVER want to depopulate us!!!! I CAN’T WAIT TO GET VACCINATED!! All those racist sexist transphobic homophobic Trump supporters, golly, they’re stupid anti-vaxxers, they listen to Alex Jones and stuff, fucking retards ... we should just put those Nazis in camps or something, give them a lil delousing shower then forcibly vaccinate them, I dunno.

>> No.16876289

I followed you guys convos. Dude....you gotta break away from your ideological slavery. I don't feel like argueing, others in thread have realistic, logical, and rational arguments...give them a chance. Maybe study this issue a little more deeply from respected sources that you can view the funding or whatever schizo criteria you require...you just sound sad dude, in denial or something. Its painful to watch, and I'm sure someone in your personal life wants to see you smile again. There are well researched and thought out arguments against what you're currently accepting, they srent nefarious and you can HACKERMAN through the methodology the names the funding. Just give it a try anon....

>> No.16876291


>> No.16876304

Don't you know that has already been debunked by a team of independent fact checkers?

>> No.16876306

No one here has suggested you rely on mainstream media. Open your eyes there's a whole world of media out there, some of them only exist because they're trustworthy. OAN CNN MSNBC FOX these are all bullshit. You can do it, you can't possibly like feeling hopeless and paranoid about the country. Many people have come to develop a more realistic and researched worldview. You can do it to.

>> No.16876320

>He thinks his big boy STEM knowledge about how to interpret statistics is the same as applying the concepts
Good for you. Maybe next you should also pursue a degree in criminology and the psychological sciences where you can read the Shaw and McKay study and Flynn's work since you appear to only be able to apply what you've taught to the specific field in which you've been educated. I'm sure you're very good with numbers and data sets but your attempt to intimidate me by bringing up your knowledge of "evolutionary theory" is undercut by saying something as retarded as "well race has to do with biology so I know about it."

>> No.16876322
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Nope, don’t think Jews control the world, fucking retard, although ironically the (admittedly pretty funny, but still a red herring) /pol/ meme of elite Zionist bankers ruling over goyim cattle is (in my opinion) a surprisingly close fit to how the elite view us. Once again, you fell for the psy-op of “anyone who goes against my worldview is a Stormfronter!!!”

>> No.16876323

>0.5mm leads

>> No.16876325
File: 475 KB, 1080x1322, Mental illness in a nutshell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seek help for your psychiatric issues.

>> No.16876330

This might be bait but statistics is shit math and biology doesn't apply to race

>> No.16876333

>and despite youd enlightened centrism I feel you sympathize with the Q crowd, because you're part of it, and the posts in this thread
I'm not even American, bro. This corona shit is far bigger than your country's retarded WWE politics. Do you not see the illogic in how to your mind [corona skepticism] immediately conflates to all these other tagwords like [conspiracy theorist] [evil] [crazy] [Qtards]? Where do you think you got that attitude?

At no point in this thread have you seriously considered the possibility that the mainstream narrative could be in any way flawed, your brain rejects that line of discourse immediately and switches to ranting about Trump or /pol/ or some other bullshit besides the topic at hand. At this point you're not even defending the reality of coronavirus, because no one in this thread is denying it, you're feverently defending the MSM narrative that this lockdown is necessary.

>> No.16876336


>> No.16876339

Statistics don't apply to race...then anon...why do they always use statistics to support racist belief?

>> No.16876347

Statistics is a shit field. It's the bottom-of-the-barrel approach to any field, math, science, polling etc but I said biology doesn't apply

>> No.16876351
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>This might be bait but statistics is shit math and biology doesn't apply to race
Good thing there's respected and published biologists that also agree with race-realism.

>> No.16876357


If he's genuinely severely mentally ill, e.g. schizophrenia, extreme BPD, DID/OSDD, there will be almost nothing you can do for him. If it's less extreme, like MDD, GAD, etc., then you might still be able to help him. Speak to him sincerely and calmly to as FP said to let him outline his beliefs. If he's open or pliable, reading actual books on the subject will help: if he loves someone like Churchill, have him read the autobiography so they learn what lucid reality actually looks like. Use authors that he would respect or agree with ideologically in principle, but whom are accessible. If he doesn't want to read, try Peter Robinson interviews with Tom Sowell or Hitchens, which may be easier to digest and have a more moderating or ameliorative influence. You must be patient or he'll just turn away, and it's very likely to feel like it gets worse before it gets better.

People turn to this stuff because they need an identity to cling to, not because they want to fall into a cult. Reality can be very, very boring when you delude yourself into thinking there's a special plan, so it's extremely important to replace the banality of an otherwise plain life (staying inside all day) with the excitement of new activities. Humans, like all animals, are neophiles: novelty will provide a distraction and let him feel content and safe instead of staying captive to anger and fear.

I wish I could help more, but I have to stay anonymous on here. You could benefit from speaking yourself to relevant organisations in mental health to see what they advise, obviously not with the intent of taking him away, but just so you know what resources are available. Untreated, even if he doesn't have a bona fide or by-the-book psychiatric problem (diagnoses can become quite technical), he can spiral quickly out of control. Show him a life in reality is not only better and more fulfilling, but also more accepting and exciting than easy fantasies. Finally, remember that all of this could be a cope for deeper-seated or more serious issues, like if he's been propagandised into hating himself for liking cock, or if he feels otherwise consumed by nihilism or material worship.

Good luck.

>> No.16876359

I never argued for lockdown. I specifically said I don't watch or take in MSM. I work in healthcare. I don't need to rely on "narratives" to see corona virus you silly child. I haven't ranted about Trump or pol.

I've discussed conspiracy theorists and Q shit because it's what the thread is about. Ivd conflated Trump with Q because they're part of the same phenomena. Ive only defended philosophically organizing your world view based on reliable information and healthy skepticism. It's strange, not once have you responded accurately to any messagr I've conveyed in this here thread. Dude, are you ok?

>> No.16876360


>> No.16876369


Also, before some retard says it, no, I don't love Sowell, but he is a good way of getting people closer to reality.

>> No.16876370

Sounds like an arbitrary way to only support what works in your favor when you want it ti but dismissing it otherwise. Statistics being used in biology is still math. Indeed biology requires statistical mathematical approaches much of the time.

>> No.16876371

Respected x thought the world was flat. Not an argument. The field is just shit

>> No.16876372

he's fucking retarded obviously he's not ok

>> No.16876374

What the fuck are you talking about? That was the first post I made in this entire thread. Go back to whatever site you came from, or lurk more until you can figure out how the reply system works.

>> No.16876377

Thanks dude

>> No.16876378
File: 880 KB, 1421x682, 3A76352B-E931-473E-B93E-2674935C9F9E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually a kind and good response and I just want to let you know that I don’t even rely on any of the sources you’ve mentioned and I’m not really as angry and paranoid as you think I am. In fact, I welcome the coming catastrophic decline of humanity, I’ve made peace with it.

And yes, OAN and Newsmax clearly seem to be made up of grifters exploiting Trump’s more conspiratorial fanbase, MSNBC, CNN, etc are all liberal as fuck, Fox News of course is just the boomer controlled opposition to this, making Republicans feel “based” and “redpilled” when they point out liberal hypocrisy and double standards, and alternative news sites like InfoWars are also biased in their own ways, etc., although I still think InfoWars is unironically a better source of news than CNN, as is rense.com.

Anyway, this is useless. NPCs gonna NPC, haven’t even brought up more “wacky” stuff like David Icke and already your brains are crashing.

>> No.16876379

It requires it when they can't properly determine causation. Statistics isn't even mathematically-causative so if it qualifies as math it's just barely. Either way race isn't biologically-causative.

>> No.16876382

Great post.

/thread desu

>> No.16876384


>> No.16876388
File: 2.66 MB, 3264x1836, WIN_20201125_22_40_49_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>statistics is shit math
I'm not a statistician, and if you read my post and understood basic math, then it would be clear that I'm not a statistician. . . but I do know statistics. Now probability, on the other hand, that is a real branch of math.

>Biology doesn't apply to race
That is simply false. I think what you mean is that race is not a 'natural kind term', meaning it doesn't have a fixed set of what are called necessary and sufficient conditions for it's application. It's still a category that is studied by biologists. Once again, if you actually knew any Contemporary evolutionary biology, then you would know this. For example, pic related is from the Vienna Series of anthologies released by MIT.

>> No.16876390

Politics is necessarily only about power. If you're basing truth on political organizations besides powergrabs then you're screwing yourself over. They aren't made to be what you want them to be.

>> No.16876393

So you are saying that when people claim that white people are 'over-represented', those claims are statistical bullshit? Or is statistics only bullshit when it conflicts with your political beliefs and moral values?

>> No.16876394

And for hundreds of years scientists were persecuted, silenced and killed for daring to tell the truth that the world is round.
>The field is just shit
Yes, if the conclusion's scientists come to are ideologically unacceptable then the field itself is to blame, not that ideology could be wrong.

>> No.16876396

Doggy dog my brain aint crashing im aware of Alex and David. Im also aware of the many rebuttals to their claims. I'm not who you appear to be assuming I am. My worldvirw wasn't easy to develop and I only remained above darkness out of serious Cartesian reflection and open Socratic dialogoue with those I trust.

>> No.16876398

Probability is nonsense as well. It's similarly not mathematically-causative.

>it doesn't have a fixed set of what are called necessary and sufficient conditions for it's application
Then what are you arguing for if it doesn't have anything but a sociological interpretation which may, in the most charitable sense, be correlative with however you or any million interpretations of race is defined?

>> No.16876402

>Either way race isn't biologically-causative.

>> No.16876407

Dude my bad, that's roughly my position as well, I thought you were the guy you were responding to. (Phonefag)
To elaborate I dont think scientifically proven racial disparities should go unexamined, only that we should exhaust all other causes before depending on something as immutable as race. With the many many outliers to common race realism theory I believe environmental, cultural, and socio-economic factors to be the MOST important.

>> No.16876411

Statistics, the whole field, is retarded. Saying why 1+1=2 needs no statistical inference. Any decidable structure doesn't need statistics.

And for years people thought evolution didn't exist, vaccines are the devil's work or climate change either didn't happen at all or wasn't man-made at all. Not an argument.

>> No.16876414

How a person can be this is truly beyond me. Do the world a favour and neck yourself

>> No.16876415

>And for hundreds of years scientists were persecuted, silenced and killed for daring to tell the truth that the world is round
In which culture and which time period was this? Babylonians though the earth was in a sphere.

>> No.16876417

posting the whole article for anyone who's curious

>> No.16876419
File: 26 KB, 568x320, 84D541AE-071D-4A9B-9897-E8D81CB1AAB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Can someone summon the ghost of Thomas Szasz, please? Motherfucker is probably rolling in his grave right now, the psychiatric nanny state has become a reality, the new Nazis are our kind, compassionate, caring, also slightly freaked out but “psychologically stable” overlords.

I’m not even denying OP’s family member is probably just another crazy loser. I’m just saying all you “level-headed” “stable” “dude are you ok?” people are also crazy losers without realizing it. I’m a crazy loser too, I‘ll admit it, but don’t pretend your smarmy worldview and concern isn’t parallel to the Soviet political abuse of psychiatry to pathologize dissent.


>> No.16876420

QAnon is mostly bullshit, but they're right in that the elite are psychopaths who worship power and are completely willing to sacrifice the innocent while playing their games.

>> No.16876422

have sex

>> No.16876423

Sure, however we define race (let's be easy and skip the "are italians white" debates) we can look for those traits and see how causative they are in biology. Considering dick size, skin color (albinism), height, weight, crime etc etc aren't specific to race, whatever we have of race, if there's anything left, it is more indicative of just normal mammalian or human biology.

>> No.16876435

I don't see anywhere where race can help. In sickle cell disease, for instance, it can't be put under a racial narrative to fix it (i.e. I can't change a gene in blacks to fix it). If I want to solve sickle cell disease then I need something more institutional to sickle cell disease. I can't think of one racial narrative in which you can solve an issue in race at least at a materially-present level.

>> No.16876437

>And for years people thought evolution didn't exist, vaccines are the devil's work or climate change either didn't happen at all or wasn't man-made at all. Not an argument.
What's the argument here? That science is constantly being smothered by ideologically driven zealots at every moment in history? I strongly agree. So what kind of idiot would trust the "consensus" when you could just look at the evidence itself?

>> No.16876442
File: 2.35 MB, 186x190, 1D6B4CC2-1EE0-4C52-8BED-DCAE3A089AC9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel akin to you and think you’ve misinterpreted me because I’ve been raging against other NPCs in this thread (although of course it’s not “PC” or spiritually bueno to call them NPC, I’m guessing is what you’ll say, and only reflects my bitterness, yeah yeah, I get it). No hard feelings, I’m just shitposting and raging because I’m high and these are crazy times and it’s amazing to see how the conformists gobble up the lies and instantly henpeck to death anyone who’s a little suspicious of the sludge that the mainstream media is feeding us.

>> No.16876448

That's not my argument. That's the exact opposite of my argument. I think using man as a basis of truth is pitiful for making pro or anti positions. Idc if man wakes up and decides unicorns are pissing in our water. It's not helpful for solving the issue for one and it just reinforces positions by even acknowledging it outside an existential, or at most sociological, truth.

>> No.16876451
File: 207 KB, 2000x2000, 6fyttuhtYBSSPyHN82UNNojllIpF2P9LucEG6pmhsLg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you still using chud? It's not going to make the right mad and it's 1 letter off from being chad.

>> No.16876452

Already debunked shillfag find a new slant

>> No.16876455

Doesn't sound like you're observing without evaluating. The conversations with Jiddu are lost on you.

>> No.16876459

based. when did /lit/ get so infested with media lemmings? are adults this comfortable with abject submission to the every whim of their governments?

>> No.16876460

It's probably less about making the right mad but in feeling inadequate to not having a word like "cuck" or being prevalent in online meme culture

>> No.16876461
File: 3.00 MB, 1200x1080, 1601555672798.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, you don't even have a basic understanding of math. I do not work in probability or statistics, but I understand them. My undergraduate work and hopefully my graduate work has focused on dynamical systems, combinatorics, and game theory. This would be clear to anyone with even a basic understanding of math. You don't even understand basic terminology, let alone the nature of contemporary mathematics.

For instance, you clearly don't even know what probability actually is. Probability as a field of contemporary mathematics is in no way itself probabilistic, nor is it an empirical science. Probability basically refers to the theory of sigma algebras, and measureable sets. This closely connected with descriptive set theory and model theory, all subjects and concepts which you've probably never even heard off.

You are just playing semantic games and trying to distract from the actual point of my post. As I said, I am not a statistician, but I clearly have a far deeper understanding of probability and statistics than you, given that you don't even know what a measureable set or a sigma algebra are.

Moreover, your post is pure cope. Imagine if you were in a debate with some low IQ redneck about some political topic, and you pointed to facts and data to support your argument, and they responded by saying 'oh yeah? Well I think statistics is fucking bullshit. God damn marxist professors and their data sets and probability hocus-pocus'. How would you react to that? I think you're a liar if you don't admit that you would consider that completely retarded and intellectually disingenuous. For instance, I'm sure you don't doubt the statistics on COVID? Just to be clear, I'm not a COVID skeptic, but my point is that you would probably call someone a schizo/nazi/etc if they were to suggest that COVID stats are inaccurate. I'm correct, aren't I?

>> No.16876462

In China, though that post was actually somewhat exaggerated, I don't think there was actual violence against round-earthers in China though they did stridently deny it.

>> No.16876466

Childhood is rationalism

Adulthood is embracing the schizophrenia

>> No.16876473
File: 90 KB, 977x1024, 1601444722126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an argument

>> No.16876475


>> No.16876477

Haha. Fair enough. Some loes contain a grain of truth however. It also doesnt make one a conformist to look at the same evidence and draw a different conclusion. They aren't doing so to conform, but rather, doing so because they think it's the most correct in an extremely turbulent time. Underlying all of our back in forths in this thread is something frightening, we live in many ways in a post-truth society. Who can you really trust and why? These are deeper questions, but they undermine all of our back-and-forths.

>> No.16876484

No it isn’t. It’s a suggestion.

>> No.16876486

You can't prove that climate change is occurring without statistics, you fucking retard. All of science is inherently statistical. Stochastic behavior is literally an integral component of both thermodynamics, and the study of any ergodic system, in general.

>> No.16876487

Yikes take your meds sweaty.

>> No.16876488

I'm working in model theory rn so I'll call you out on that one. Whichever model you're using is meant to be causative. If your model is in probabilities as part of the function set then that's redundant as everything is in a model.
I'm not a redneck and I'm asserting that math, as a model, which isn't yet formalized or founded, is about truth preservation. Truth isn't preserved in probabilities, it is made into a range of numbers. By definition it's the least truth-preserving.

>> No.16876492

We can say that criminality isn't specific to psychopaths, does this not mean psychopaths are no more inclined to crime than neurotypicals? Of course not. The argument from race-realists was never that crime itself is caused by black people and without black people crime would cease to exist.

> if there's anything left, it is more indicative of just normal mammalian or human biology.
The thing is these attributes aren't random, they cluster strongly around regionally disparate ethnic groups. With our contemporary understanding of evolutionary biology we could come to a better understanding of how these differences came to be and the full impact these have. But the conversation simply allowed to progress beyond linguistic debate on the concept of "race" itself.

>> No.16876493


I am the person you're responding to.

I've already written several pages of posts today, and this thread will probably be locked for caustic autism, so it's unlikely I'll respond after this.

Your understanding of what we view as mentally healthy is not based in reality. When we prescribe antidepressants or mood stabilisers, the intent is not to keep people in some fuzzy ever-happy world. We don't define mental health by emotional states, either temporal or permanent, but by the ability for the mind or brain to respond /appropriately/ to stimuli. We are not trying to guarantee or force set responses.

In the extreme cases, like with DID, sustained trauma (often sexual) during the final phases of personality development, usually between the ages of 7-9, can lead to the creation of a system of personalities, all of which are themselves initially dysfunctional. I have dealt with people whose minds can flip on a dime between acting as an abused seven year-old to being a twenty-seven year-old abuser. There is no cure for this, but you will find many of the people who suffer from this, or its lesser forms OSDD A/B, are actually quite happy in their existence. With care and acknowledgement, each alter (personality) can learn to become independent and they can co-exist successfully, if not happily. You will not find a respected, accredited psychiatrist who would say that it's better for this comfortable albeit grossly neurodivergent state to be taken away from someone simply for the sake of fitting in.

I understand the genuine concern, and psychiatric iatrogenesis is an extremely serious problem that I would honestly like to see given significantly more attention to. I am not a pill or diagnosis pusher. The aim is to stop people from engaging in self-destructive behaviours and to behave in a manner that we would /universally/ deem as appropriate. Biting into ice cream too quickly should not end up with people on the floor, and handshakes should not make people throw up. These aren't just undesirable traits, they are issues that people want to fix themselves because they devastate self-confidence and destroy quality of life. The vast majority of us do know the difference between functional albeit deviant behaviours and dysfunctional personal hells.

>> No.16876494

Ah, then thank you for your suggestion. I sincerely hope I have sex sometime soon, since its been over a year, but at least I'm not a virgin.

>> No.16876498

Glad you admit you don't think evidence matters and just believe you want.

>> No.16876500

That's inheriting many fields from a particular ontology and epistemology. I deny those are helpful and prefer an analytic science without statistics and with more causative and bound truth-preservation.

>> No.16876501

>Haha I'm so special I know the internet is full of lies! I don't fall for it like those boomers!
>This post about an anon needing help with a fat NEET ruraltard obsessed with Q? This is totally real!
And don't forget me, assuming this post is true in responding to it.

>> No.16876505

those countries are only “successful” because they have near 0 rates of obesity, which is the greatest comorbidity of covid

>> No.16876508


"There are extreme cases", not "in the extreme cases". Whoops.

>> No.16876512

Yes but how do you solve crime if it's not from psychopaths and black ppl? If you point at them then you're even less capable of solving it. If a medicine has a 95% success rate, how do you solve the 5% failure rate? You look for what factors fundamentally cause it. That's just how any formal system works. You can't solve it by saying "this population has a 10% failure rate so that's that".

I can agree with your second sentiment if I'm given any reason to care about race at all then. Even still, I'd be interested in knowing ONE single biological trait that is racially-inherent.

>> No.16876513
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I’m not claiming to be some spiritually enlightened master, I do like Jiddu though and just think that one quote was particularly apt. Of course, if we go all the way into Krishnamurti, this whole conversation and all the argumentation doesn’t matter and is just a distraction from choiceless awareness or what you will, which is fair enough but sort of ends all possibility of conversation.

The direct, practical, immediate view of mine, though, aside from all hippie bullshitting and mysticism, is that THIS RUSHED VACCINE IS NOT TRUSTWORTHY. You know there’s a Buddhist parable that goes something like, a kid in a burning house is playing with toys and is so obsessed with the toys he doesn’t even notice. It appears “harsh” and “rude” to him to be abruptly pulled away from the toys and out of the burning house in the short-term, but it’s for his ultimate good.

That’s parallel to real spirituality in my opinion. It’s not just about, “Oh, well, if you were really enlightened you wouldn’t be so angrily declaiming about these ‘conspiracy theories.’” No, it’s just saying the truth: we’re ruled by genocidal maniacs, don’t trust them. OP’s family member, again, may be a crazy loser, but that doesn’t mean he’s wrong in being paranoid. Funny how that works out.

>> No.16876514

Yes, and according to CIA statistics white people commit more crimes against children but people don't cling to that. It also shows that crime is often ameliorated by upward economic mobility. It's just not so simple and that's the main issue with absolutists who wield statistics like a political cudgel because it confirms their internal bias. Its shitty science and that will continue to be the criticism against it until newer more exact approaches emerge.

>> No.16876518

I said evidence matters man doesn't. You said man matters. I didn't bring up man.

>> No.16876537

I'm sure thats a factor, even a significant one, it doesnt explain the whole data set. They had a vastly superior government and public response. It's almkst like their media and their elite haven't been fomenting distrust in the fields of science for the sake of political kayfabe

>> No.16876553

Yeah, I can understand that. I'm against forced vaccines precisely because the public doesnt trust them abd I believe the psyche to be far more delicate than most give it credit for. We could beat the virus without vaccination but our corporate overlords would have to sacrifice productivity and our lecherous governments would have to use some of the peoples money to help them out. We'd also need some degree of social cohesion which we're farther away from than ever. Shits fucked up man.

>> No.16876562

Dude never stop. I'm on your side and still find your posts excellent and informative.

I also work in related areas. Curious if you've seen an increase in conspiratorial anxiety?

>> No.16876572
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Thanks for this response and no hard feelings. I’m mostly a lurker on this board because for I have a tendency to making aggressive criticisms and arguments when I post, which DOES usually get interesting responses and is fun in the moment but eventually burns me out.

I don’t have a psychotic vendetta against all of psychology, I know there’s great people in it, my ranting and railing is more of an abstract Kaczynski-esque “fuck you” to the system which makes people mentally ill then “treats” them and profits off the treatment. Of course, there ARE real mental illnesses not just caused by societal conditions, and there are uses for psychiatry, but overall I see the modern state of psychiatry as a farce, incestuously betrothed with Big Pharma as well as the totalitarian technocratic agenda, even if its unwitting pawns are very well-meaning and have very rich inner lives of their own and have helped many of their patients.

>> No.16876577

It's also possible that due to previous outbreaks like SARS, their populations have developed immunity to coronaviruses.

>> No.16876589

I would have to read up, but sounds plausible. An undeniable fact is that SARS gave them practice. The US didnt even have a fuckin plan

>> No.16876603

Dude I enjoy how you always turn back into that sarcastic fucking WIT god at the end of your most friendly posts.

>> No.16876607

As a conspiratard myself the mechanics behind this is the following:
>you find out that your parents aren't always right or telling the truth
>you find out that the media and government aren't always right or telling the truth
>you find out that the media and government don't care about truth, but about furthering agendas
now comes a critical stage
>you find out that a key concept of your society is actually a total lie
This is when most conspiratard become completely unhinged because tehy start doubting simply everything and only listen to the most outlandish claims. The conspiratard believes himself to live behind enemy lines where people around him are out to get him.

A relationship usually ends when there was a significant breach of trust. The same way the conspiratard won't be able to ever trust authority commonly accepted worldviews/history interpretation ever again. The only chance for him might be to move countries (start a new relationship) and let him have a new chance to trust authorities. Maybe a country that is already more conservative and has less powerful focus on narratives for societal cohesion. Eastern Europe is an option for that.

>> No.16876616

If he is mentally ill is he getting professional help?

You can coax him into seeing a psychiatrist by appealing to some other minor psychiatric problems he might have, ie. if you're schizophrenic you often believe you are just stressed, have anxiety or dont get enough sleep. Check if he believes this and have him go see a doctor for it. They will probably quickly realize there are deeper psychological issues causing it. If he still refuses help, there is not much you can do.

>> No.16876619

What book is that? Oh right, this post doesn't belong to /li/


>> No.16876628

Philosophy was an early and accurate prescription to his question.

>> No.16876636
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Thanks anon, it’s what I do. The drugs also help.

For sure. We’re on the same page on this man. If anyone cares at all, what I foresee is depopulation, one way or the other, whether it’s through this bioweapon flu, vaccines, engineered wars, etc. Exciting and scary at the same time, also tragically funny because for most people the thought that a shady cabal wants to depopulate us and take away our civil liberties and soften us up for the great AI/transhuman-merger agenda is “just crazy Alex Jones tier conspiracy stuff”.

>> No.16876642

The goal can't be to eradicate crime, as that's an unachievable goal. Instead we can formulate a comprehensive analysis of why crime happens, and in that analysis it would be valuable to explore if and how there could be hereditary traits predictive of future criminal behaviour.

>Even still, I'd be interested in knowing ONE single biological trait that is racially-inherent.
There's much debate to be had around discrete racial groupings, but it's an unassailable fact that there are identifiable biological traits that are inherent to ethnicity, given how evolution works it's impossible that there could not be. It's known that West Africans are just genetically better at sprinting than other ethnic groups, as genetically they tend to have larger hearts and their muscles are better at making quick, rapid contractions. These same genetic traits concentrate even further still in Jamaica, and so every pretty much every year Jamaica cleans out Olympic sprinting.
Is "race" real? That's really an ontological matter, and not a very interesting one. Are there definite, hereditary differences between ethnic groups? For certain.

>> No.16876645

I said. "So what kind of idiot would trust the "consensus" when you could just look at the evidence itself?"

>> No.16876651

based based

>> No.16876666
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A lot of mental illness comes from obesity, solve that and he'll be more open-minded and chill. You can put him on zombie medications so he can't think coherently enough to think anything politically incorrect, but that doesn't sound like something a friend would do.

>> No.16876679

>I'd be interested in knowing ONE single biological trait that is racially-inherent
Sickle-Cell Disease.

>> No.16876690

No clue what you’re saying but I agree

>> No.16876693

>you can't eliminate crime
You're suggesting something can be done to limit it so you have to limit that statement aforementioned or you have to limit that you can lower crime at all.

Not all west Africans or Jamaicans are good at running and I don't even mean in that they can get defects which aren't racially-inclusive (is there any racially-inclusive disease?). I mean simply that there are plenty of slow-pokes in those groups and let's assume there aren't. If it's a racial trait to run at a certain pace then what's the point of ever training?
To go back to the statistical point, if there's a range of running ability, it's better determined w another variable than race (if not by the aforementioned arguments then at least by the fact that it's a range at all). I haven't heard of one ethnic difference when I was far right.

>> No.16876698

I answered that here >>16876435

>> No.16876719

He's just repeating topics talked about on /pol.
Weightlifting and eating meat+eggs fixed it for me, now I just acknowledge the monsters in the woods without losing my shit over it.
Stop using slanders like "racist" & "conspirac theorist" to stop him from expressing his thoughts & feelings You claim to be his friend, but you only want him to be like you.
reptile people are a metaphor and a dogwhistle, we don't believe in a ruling elite of reptile chimeras
He's just a fat smart guy who knows about alternative media. His basedom will go nowhere if he doesn't take care of his physical health (which aids mental health). Q is a larp, corona is stupid, and I wouldn't be able to believe most of these things if I had low testosterone (obesity decreases that by a lot, for example).

>> No.16876728

kys you primitive low IQ ape

>> No.16876737

This, unironically. Modern world is comprised of a huge class of people incapable of comprehending the world around them because it is full of so much deception and disinformation. This is deliberate though, it's how countries have been subverted throughout the 20th century, make the truth seem so unbelievable it's difficult to talk about and force feed propaganda claiming the exact opposite down the public's throats.

It's DARVO, but en masse. While you're rigging an election, claim the opponent is doing this to muddy the waters. While you're selling everything to Chinese operatives, claim the opposition is selling everything to Russian operatives. And so forth. Then give the midwits who read the NYT a pat on the head for repeating the party mantras so well.

>> No.16876742

These are good and based posts. This site has become infested with retarded NPCs at an alarming rate this year.

>> No.16876745

>noo don't categorize me
Says the retard who uses terms like "racist", "homophobe", and "conspiracy theorist" to shut up their friends and close off their mind to any discussions other than what you are allowed to think as a "free citizen". My uncle kept using those slanders & slurs, so I just told him that. I got him off porn, and now he's (even though he doesn't know about alternative media) telling ME about how communism is going to be enacted the US since it's all lining up. He's finding out this shit on his own, and all I had to do was free him from a couple mental shackles.

>> No.16876776

Samefagging in 2020 whoda thunk

>> No.16876794

Which sides are these?
all that's needed for this is 30 seconds of critical thought
>shut the fuck up you god damn retard
>are you genuinely that fucking retarded?
Ah, the sign of a wise, humble, and objective man. Anyone who doesn't agree with him should just not talk, censorship is the best way to find truth.

>> No.16876801


>> No.16876810
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It’s not just /lit/, it’s the whole goddamn world baby. The media lemmings are infiltrating everywhere ... glassy-eyed automatons ...

For sure. The post-truth society is rather frightening. Ironically, in a way Trump DOES happen a big part of it, but it’s not just his fault, it’s also the fault of the clown-world “Orange Man Bad” media campaign which has been run against him. It’s led to a schizophrenic split in society, I think future historians will look back on Trump as the president who started the post-truth era, in which one of the most powerful men in the world is consistently at odds with the majority of mainstream Western media reporting and managed to get a surprisingly huge number of people on board with him.

It’s become so farcical, I actually feel like a pariah in many social situations simply for saying, “I don’t love Trump, but I don’t particularly hate him either.” When telling a friend how a lot of MSM smears against him were out-of-context exaggerated lies (“fine people on both sides” — he explicitly condemned white supremacists just before this and was talking about people protesting the removal of Confederate statues since they were an important part of Southern history — “made fun of a disabled reporter” — actually he used the same gestures and voice to make fun of many other non-disabled people for years beforehand, it’s verifiable, on video, it’s just a habit he has apparently), and was met with a, “Dude, you seem to LOVE Trump,” simply because I was pointing out the reason he saw Trump as a bad person was due to extremely biased MSM reporting.

The MSM psy-op of “Boomer Civnat Orange Man is literally Hitler!!!” is fascinatingly hilarious, tragic, and dystopian all at the same time. As well as the studies and testimonies you can find online of doctors against masks, against lockdowns, etc. We truly do live in a post-truth era.

>> No.16876812

Calling someone an NPC is the most effective way to trigger an NPC, so I try to do the same thing.
>objective truth
The thing about being the most objectively correct, is that you need to always tell yourself you probably don't know everything, and what you do know is never 100% probable.
Literally no one lost their balls over this supposed fever that melts balls and organs.
Also aren't we talking about "evil conspiracy theorists"?

>> No.16876824

When did I say racist or homophobe you absolute fucking retarded faggot? Go take your meds. Nut case.

>> No.16876827

It's like the NPC slanders like "racist" and "jewphobic" or whatever, they just keep changing to whatever is most convenient. Is it really realistic to assume everyone with a dry throat one day, or "shortness of breath" has the mystery VIRUS OF DEATH that literally no one here has known a person to get? Do you have one friend that suffered any sort of permanent damage or died from it? Just stop entubating old people, take zinc (which is in read meat), and go outside (vitamin D). You'll kick the mostly imaginary disease (cold) in a day.

>> No.16876831

Kill yourself

>> No.16876834

You didn't answer anything; you asked for a biological trait which is racially inherent. Sickle Cell Disease is a racially inherent biological trait.
Even so, though, I think your wording of it in such a way that is "we must be able to label this thing as unfixable without specific racial consideration" is flawed. Assume a hypothetical orangutan with an IQ of 75-80. This would be an extreme outlier to the general IQ of orangutans. It would be capable of 'integrating' into human society at a surface level. Should we also let all orangutans into human society? Should we reject this one orangutan based on principle? At what point does an orangutan because similar enough to humans to be able to live in human society? What if all orangutans were near human levels of intelligence, around 60-80, with some outliers; should we focus on fixing this by discriminating against orangutans and not letting them into society, or accept that whatever is causing them to be this way is non-species inherent, and focus on fixing that instead - and what if there is no fix we can find soon?

>> No.16876863

"Slander is the best way to counter cold-hard facts."
-Some Jew
>oh man, I haven't hit the gym in a week and I'm all depressed now, must be the corona
>get home from work
>I sigh because I'm tired
joint pain
>oh man, I've been lifting weights 3 days a week and lifting boxes all week without eating red meat, my joints are making little creaking noises and starting to ache
>ohgodohfuck it's the corona
difficulty concentrating or thinking
>be me
>be retard
>be NPC
>have no inner monolouge or pattern recognition, since it was programmed out through years of college and school
>mfw I realize that means I have the kung flu
>eat msg and some random shit I ordered from McDonalds, sleep 5 hours, drink nothing but soda for hydration
>head aches for some fucking reason
>mfw I have the corona
fast-beating heart
>be me
>need to open my so ylent, but it takes me a couple minutes to use my arms to sort of vice grip it since I have tiny boi hands
>work up a sweat taking my time to open that sweet, sweet soi nectar
>realize my heart is pumping faster than when I'm sitting down using Twatter
Only a mentally-ill freak filled with S O Y can believe this shit.

>> No.16876865

Scd is inherited by purely euro and Asians. It's not inherent to any race, that is exclusive towards others.

About your orangutan point, if an orangutan has the ability to operate in society, and wants to, then using orangutan as a marker probably isn't helpful because you have to, as you said, either exclude or include simply by that we classify him as an orangutan. My point is we can use a better characteristic that would separate them by something more fundamental that speaks to their ability. Again, statistics is linear and doesn't even properly account for orders (or hierarchy in your terms). This is probably why "white vs black" is always a dismal roll of the dice of who wins one week or the other. Statistics, race, even species, is largely an unhelpful classification. Granted I obviously have issues unordered pluralistic nonsense which is about as irreal as the racial hierarchical arguments - they just aren't good classifications.

>> No.16876866

Hell yeah. I think alot of the attack on Trump was relly duebto him bufooning things up and not "draining the swamp" but revealing by accident how inept the gocernment is and how lavishly they'll gift the corporate state. To each their own though, I gotbalong with plenty that support Trump, none of them as irrational as what you see online. Some didn't even believe ALL of his bs. Some simply hated the Dems or bought the Socialism meme. See, I don't like being some rigid ideologue. People generally have decent reasons for believing what they do. I also don't mind telling them what I think and why I think it. We need a return to open honest discourse. The poo-flinging of internet discourse has spilled over to the fuckin public arena and it kinda blows.

Shits just all fucked up dude.

>> No.16876881

/lit is a good example of how having an above-average iq does NOT make you automatically based if your balls stop working from shitty eating/soi consumption/being told "not to be politically incorrect" or whatever

>> No.16876891

Literally just slurs, I believe what I do because (unlike you) I have stopped caring what random coworkers, Twitter users, and family members assume about me.
Your social justice score won't save you, reject the system of fear and bowing-down you so eagerly blow.

>> No.16876898

Doctors against masks and doctors against lockdowns often have clear conflict of interest (they are funded by people like the Koch's) or have their own private practices that suffer patient volume. For example the Great Barrington Declaration co-authors Martin Kulldorff and Jay Bhattacharya are funded by the Koch family. This is deeply immoral because they are advocating herd immunity (not possible with this virus and has already failed in Sweden) which means just let the virus kill the sick and the old and force the peasants back to work. You are very naive and simple minded.

>> No.16876907

To be fair, users like you bring the collective average down by a shit load.

>> No.16876910

You believe what you do because you're an idiot that is incapable of critical thought. You slurp up the nonsense you're spoonfed from alternative sources without batting an eye. You are no better than the retards that watch CNN.

>> No.16876917
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Speaking purely from a zoologist standpoint, human races are the same thing as animal species. Calling different types of human that adapted to different parts of the globe "species" is not only correct, but clears up a lot of stigma that has been attached to the word.
That and everyone should try not to do gay things like eat raw soi beans, consume massive amounts of sugar, drink starbucks, or use restrictive social slanders to prevent people from voicing politically incorrect opinions, which won't work on some people anyways.

>> No.16876926

>literally no one here has known a person to get?
> Do you have one friend that suffered any sort of permanent damage or died from it?
My aunt died of Covid in April, my mother got it about a week before. Besides those two I know at least 5 persons who couldn't leave bed for days or had serious trouble breathing (to the point of being considered for hospitalization). One of them was also under 30.

>> No.16876935
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>But you're a shill covid is fake!

>> No.16876936

SCD is only inherited by those with black ancestors.
Species and race are both great classifications, and they help with many things. Race matters in stem cell and bone marrow transplates, for example. In the case of the bone marrow transplate, if the people are not of the same race, then the new white blood cells will attack the host body. In addition to this, we know that whites, blacks, and Asians are genuinely different species; it's why interracial relationships have a much more difficult time producing children (half the success rate of non-mixed race couples), and why an allele of LTA4H causes heart attacks in blacks by more than 250%, but only 16% in whites - the 30% of whites with this allele have counteracting genes, while the 6% of Black Americans who got it through race mixing did not. Even moreso, Alzheimer's is influenced heavily by race due to a variant of the gene ApoE4 - it occurs in 20% of blacks and lowers their risk for alzheimer's, yet occurs in 6% of Japanese people and increases their risk of Alzheimer's by a factor of 6.

>> No.16876940

this is a good example of a liberal/annoying coworker or family member
>blah blah blah you're an idiot it's all nonsense, you're spoofing, you're a retard
once you stop listening to people who talk like this, it's so fucking liberating man
just tell someone like this to go fuck themself like I did, or ignore them (it shuts them up well)
if your job isn't a matriarch of angry black women, you won't get punished for refusing to listen to baseless flack
but it would also help if you weren't so desperate to please your boss, if I lose my job so what?

>> No.16876955

I agree w the second paragraph but not the first. I have no reason to accept humans to be differentiated enough to call them different species. There aren't any "black/white/asian/etc" diseases or any vaccines that only work on one particular race. I'd be fine with being corrected but I just haven't seen or heard of one. I don't think it's even possible to manufacture a race virus given all the power and effort in the world.

>> No.16876966

You kind of can't just tell people that like the way you're describing, most of my family members with functional testosterone aren't even that based and they don't believe in the over-the-top restrictions out of common sense. It really doesn't matter to me that most of the blacks/karens that live around me are cowering in fear and wearing masks all the time, and I don't think it should matter to people that believe corona isn't a big deal.
Sounds like most of your family has aids or breathing problems, unless you're just pulling this sob story out of your ass since it is anonymous.
Okay that's great and all, but the fact you people think low-testosterone obedient scared (technically white) men can hear you over the sound of their emotions and brainfog is beyond me.

>> No.16876969

This is a good example of a conservative/low iq coworker or family member.

Once you stop viewing them as human its so fuckin liberating man!(Ric Flair whoop)
Just punch this little bitch right in her tits like I do, or tell them to cope.(it shuts them up well)if your job isn't sum hicktown mcdonalds you won't get punished for knockin his bitch ass out. But also HELL YEAH IM A BAD ASS WHOOOO

>> No.16876974
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None of those imply, besides your first sentence which picrel, that there are any racially-inclusive diseases. I can similarly say 4 ppl in my family of 6 got sick from covid. I can't make a biological claim from that of anything.

>> No.16876981

redheads react differently to most medications
I haven't spent years researching it but I can remember that one thing off the top of my head
different races obviously work best with different diets, since they've adapted to different types of food in those different areas

>> No.16876984


>> No.16876985

>uh you dont agree with my mentally ill worldview and fringe theories you must be a librul!

>> No.16876989

Jesus what a pedantic and utterly useless post. Can you imagine a man so weak and featureless that he relies on advice about testosterone from the interwebz to make himself feel better. You fuckers are the saddest most fearful and paranoid motherfuckers on the internet. Its just constant screeching and whining and arguments so slimy and flimsy that even the worst Jew wouldn't stoop so low. Fuck i hate this place sometimes.

>> No.16876990

>You're suggesting something can be done to limit it so you have to limit that statement aforementioned or you have to limit that you can lower crime at all.
Are you suggesting that nothing can be done to lower crime?
>Not all west Africans or Jamaicans are good at running and I don't even mean in that they can get defects which aren't racially-inclusive (is there any racially-inclusive disease?). I mean simply that there are plenty of slow-pokes in those groups and let's assume there aren't. If it's a racial trait to run at a certain pace then what's the point of ever training?
Right but due to the presence of genetic mutations that are absent from other populations it's true that if you are Jamaican and you try very hard to be a professional sprinter it's almost certain that you will outperform a Norwegian that put in a comparable amount of training, as we see in the Olympics every year. This difference in ability is undeniably tied to differences in genetics, not to any kind of cultural or economic phenomena. To say my premise is that "All Jamaicans are good at sprinting" is a blatant strawman, what was said is genetic mutations that would improve your sprinting ability concentrate heavily in Jamaicans as a population. If you never get off the couch you're never going to use this gene, but you still have it and it will still be transmitted hereditarily to your offspring - hence why it's an ethnically inherent trait.
>.To go back to the statistical point, if there's a range of running ability, it's better determined w another variable than race (if not by the aforementioned arguments then at least by the fact that it's a range at all). I haven't heard of one ethnic difference when I was far right.
This is shifting the goalposts. Was the question you posed "is race the best indicator of running ability" or did you ask "is there a single biological trait that's racially inherent", and now that one has been presented you ignore it. If you were once a /pol/tard and you unquestioningly believed race-realism without ever actually to question if there's any identifiable genetic difference between ethnic groups then that's on you for being a lemming that needs only faith, and such a quality in a person will not change with a switch in ideology.

>> No.16876993

build back better and the great reset are the real danger

>> No.16876995
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this is your future. Your blood will be used to mop the streets of America and it's going to be beautiful. Get ready for your vaccine boy.

>> No.16877004

>all that's needed for this is 30 seconds of critical thought
So that's a no then.

>> No.16877008

Yes but redheads isn't racially-classifiable (I believe albinism can cause red-headedness). It would imply a different classification.
My point is that any person of any race needs to have certain vitamins and minerals to survive. This isn't true of all species in fact some foods are poisonous to other species. Whichever foods some people can find in one race they can find in another. I don't see why using that as a classification system is any bit helpful.

>> No.16877015
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Yeah, I've seen plenty of conservative family members mogged and publicly humiliated by liberal male feminists in my lifetime.
>larp harder

>> No.16877018

>There aren't any "black/white/asian/etc." diseases or any vaccines that only work on one particular race.
That's because most diseases are generalized even across species (i.e rabies) and vaccines are always generalized to all races. No country is going to invest in making a vaccine for only one race, it wouldn't be profitable and it would destroy their public image.
>Okay that's great and all, but the fact you people think low-testosterone obedient scared (technically white) men can hear you over the sound of their emotions and brainfog is beyond me.
I'm not sure what the rest of your guys' conversation has been about, I should have already been asleep by now.
They imply, and in fact prove, that there are significant genetic differences between races. They also prove that there are genetic factors which are racially-inherent (The allele of LTA4H) that affect biological traits such as heart attacks.
See above for a short explanation of why most diseases aren't "racially inherent."
I have absolutely no idea where you got the pic related from. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a genetic link between those groups that causes Sickle Cell Disease, considering how closely related the early migration patterns of those peoples were.

>> No.16877022

He's an idiot with nothing going for him in life anon. People like him are drawn to the internet because it is the only place where they can get people to listen to their inane babble. That's how schizo's operate. Just tell him to take his meds. Sorry about your family.

>> No.16877023
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I’m not saying I agree with the anti-mask anti-lockdown faction (nor am I saying I disagree with them, either). The point was that such diametrically opposes viewpoints existing today is yet another great example of how we live in a schizophrenic, postmodern, fractured “post-truth society”.

And the irony, in my opinion, is that you have a better chance of getting the truth by being open-minded enough to objectively review both “fringe” sources and MSM propaganda (propaganda isn’t always 100% false, remember, there could be some good mixed in it — such as anti-smoking propaganda — it IS a form of conditioning/propaganda but it has a good intent behind it).

But anyway let’s just casually list off some of the harms of mask-wearing and lockdowns off the top of my head —

>many people will wear masks improperly, keep touching them and readjusting them, reuse them, basically making them worthless
>reduced interaction with other humans = weaker immune system, less exposure to the normal bacteria and germs which strengthen our immune system
>depression, poverty, unemployment, drug abuse, suicide, and lack of access to necessary medical treatments and surgery from lockdown and COVID-19

To make clear, I’m playing devil’s advocate/being somewhat agnostic about all this, I’m not saying “end all lockdowns and take away all mask mandates now,” just bringing up opposing viewpoints.

>> No.16877029

Conservatives are all fat keyboard warriors. I've never even seen one in the wild, just their fat wives on walmart rent-a-rascals.

>> No.16877036
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take your meds you schizo freak. Or in the great words of President Biden, will you shut up, man?

>> No.16877039

>nothing can be done to lower crime
I asked you to clarify your point. My point is crime can be lowered and I can't refer to race to lower it.
None of the crap you wrote after reads as anything but diatribe. Saying "running genes" are found higher in a certain group of people isn't to say it's racially-inclusive. I can, if I'd like, raise kids and cull them based on their running ability. They can be of any race and this can happen. I'm looking for a trait which can only be found in one race that, if found in another race, would make them racially-alienated from their own race. I have not found that yet and have just been shown traits which exist in all races at various degrees. Hell, I've found none over 20% from what's been listed.

>> No.16877041

Gr8 b8 m8 I rate it 8/8

>> No.16877048
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I didn't ask your gender or what you politically identify as, I called you a libtard instead of just using the the terms beta-male or weakling.
wow, a redditor typed a couple playground insults on 4chan
I am literally shaking and crying rn
>I hate this place
but you're clearly on it and using it just like the rest of it, retard
So I am a fat retard who pepper sprays people since I happen to have an opinion? Don't most people get pepper sprayed by antifa members and not rightish-wing fat retards?
Again, this is no different from the retards on /pol who think they're real live nazis and look like this.

>> No.16877052

Seriously go take your meds

>> No.16877056

You misspelled pagan/atheist, and I think we do have the same hatred for white trash (even though I also hate niggers since they are trashier and fatter on average than white trash).

>> No.16877064

>So I am a fat retard
>rightish-wing fat retard
>I am

>> No.16877065
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can you be any more of a stereotypical uneducated Amerimutt retard?

>> No.16877070

>be me
>be npc
>the npc thought process is natural, that's why I require medication and soi to maintain my current political beliefs
>shill for others to cut off their penises and take the same medications as me

>> No.16877073

>closely related migration patterns were
As opposed to euros who were and hop and skip from Africa cf LatAms? American Society of Hematology btw

None of those suggest a racially-inclusive disease and I think that there have been no racial vaccines is probably because there can't be (probably because there are no racial diseases). I've explained multiple times what racially-inclusive means. It means there is a race which has a disease that is impossible for another race to get. You have not shown that. Surely population groups are different. Along "racial" parameters, not so much.

>> No.16877075

go take your meds

>> No.16877083

Whoah buddy quit destroying racism. These guys entire identity is built around it

>> No.16877086
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>lol, you're fat/mutt/retarded
Wow, I am so emotionally effected by something a faceless line of text thinks about me. That will totally effect my life in a tangible way.
Stop restricting yourself with stigmas surrounding things like disliking black people or eating beef/eggs.
Also this board is 18+

>> No.16877096

I love beef eggs and black people. Though tis the season for venison. Checkmate libtard

>> No.16877101

Thank God. I hate nazis and I hate woke whores who treat me like shit because their race narrative. If I get any pleasure it's at least in getting rid of racializing sex of which I don't benefit from because I don't fit into any racial narrative.

>> No.16877106
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I just know you're a sad bastard in real life lol. Definitely mentally ill, probably make no more than 40-50k a year (barely enough to sustain your fatass), most certainly single, absolutely do not have kids, probably ugly and repulsive to the point where you've given up on dating and likely have to pay whores for sex. You're just a joke and part of the reason why whites are going to be a minority in America by 2100.

>> No.16877108

>Africa cf LatAms?
Yes, the Northern African/Middle-Eastern/Eastern Proto-Indo-Europeans had fairly closely related migration patterns. Maybe I was wrong about SCD though
>None of those suggest a racially-inclusive disease
Why do you insist on "disease"? Like I said, diseases are rarely species specific. I've already given you examples of race-specific phenotypic DNA affecting the rate at which people become affected by certain ailments/diseases. That proves exactly the same point as what you're trying to argue against regardless, it's just easier for you to stick to the idea of a race-specific disease than accepting this.
>I've explained multiple times what racially-inclusive means.
Yes, and I've explained multiple times why you're wrong.
>You have not shown that.
I've shown something that represents the same exact idea you're trying to argue; that there are genetic differences in races which affect biological traits.

>> No.16877112

Me either. I'm 95% German but it literally doesnt matter haha.

>> No.16877119

>I don't fit into any racial narrative.
Are you mixed-raced?

>> No.16877120

Buddy you've lost. Give it up. Black people are just people. Go meet some you filthy degenerate.

>> No.16877129

Thanks for the white flag. I've met a lot of black people, I grew up around them. They are subhumans, and I'm inclined to believe that you're the one who's never interacted with them.
Here was your original statement which I responded to:
>Even still, I'd be interested in knowing ONE single biological trait that is racially-inherent.
You changed this to "racially-inherent disease" because you realized you were wrong.

>> No.16877136 [DELETED] 

It's not so much that some people identify as something other than a faggot (like you). It's that they've learned the whole idea of identity politics is stupid, and that being called a slur like "straight white male" or "nigger" has no real bearing. That's why we say a lot of things that you consider racist, it's because we stop paying attention to buzzwords and "touchy subjects" on a literally anonymous internet board (for the most part). Some of us even discuss our viewpoints in person.
this cope only works on people who are 16 and below, who are more gullible and susceptible to gaslighting
If you also work out, I won't even look down on you irl. And I don't actually hate black people, I have two black friends at work and we talk about ideological stuff... But I don't want to sound like "that guy" who claims to love everyone for virtue signaling.
Self-proclaimed "nazis" are cringe, yes. Especially since actuall nazis didn't even call themselves "nazis".
I'm a happy 17yo INTP who lives in his granny's dirt floor basement.
I'm literally 6'2" and weigh 180 lbs, go the the gym, and feel pretty good all things considered. Idk if I'm hot or not (Polish-Welsh), but I try to stay away from sex & drugs.
>mentally ill
While I'm not sick in the head, I will agree that I am borderline autistic sometimes.

>> No.16877137

Literally Latin.
Most diseases are species-specific. It's why we can't eat human brains but can eat other animals' brains. I do accept differences between populations if I haven't made myself clear. I don't think a racial classification is indicative of the differences in the best way possible. If anything whatever informs the differences would be informed by something which founds it and so on. With this we can have an actual method for developing anything. I gave an example in running but it applies towards anything (say "iq"). That's not an unorthodox position in any field btw.
I haven't seen one difference which can be attributed to race. Let's say we cull every member who has a negative trait which keeps the gdp average below an agreed amount. In that you would have not annihilated even one "race".

>> No.16877143

That's not me. Im but an outside observer. I grew up in the deep south where its about 60/40 white black. Guess what. We all got along, played sports together, drank together. Hell one of my best friends is black and we go hunting and dishing year round. If anyones subhuman its you fuckin creeps and you're bullshit science that doesnt hold to scrutiny

>> No.16877144

Get over it, Biden lost.

gtfo back to pol you khv incel libshit

>> No.16877149
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>black people are just people
But different races literally have different obesity ratios/crime ratios/cultures. Don't force yourself to make any black friends, or mexican friends or whatever. Don't beat yourself up for hanging out with mostly people of the same race, just enjoy your life and stop caring what people think.

>> No.16877150

go take your meds you underage chud

>> No.16877156
File: 280 KB, 1046x758, Will you shut up, man?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debunked actually Biden won

>> No.16877169

Idgaf what you say, I'm just here for my own entertainment. Straight white male is a slur? Holy fragile ego bud. Nigger isn't some kind of amazing statement lmfao its a shitty word that certain people really hate, it doesnt make you cool edgy or even contrarian considering how many people tjink exactly like you. Oh you're 17. Listen kid. Pol shit is a psyop and well over half of their redpills are straight up lies. You wanna be happy, research them yourself and gtfo that shithole.

>> No.16877172
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I'm half Basque and half German or Swedish that moved to Germany and became German a couple centuries ago. I'm about as euro as it gets. If I was mixed-raced I'd get art hoe sex from bitches who are mad about their bf. I'm autistic, even worse.

If your claim of race doesn't meet the extreme aspect of racial-separation on a biological level in diseases then I don't get the whole point of racial conversations. Either way my real point about issues with race was covered in that first paragraph you quoted. I got in a debate about someone who blamed Obama for wars. I asked him if Obama was the main problem how does Obama himself stop wars? By not being Obama? I think it doesn't offer any solutions to put it at race fundamentally and that it has no relevance in anything is just derivative.

Oh my nazi past helps me here and I've been waiting to drop this on someone for awhile.

>> No.16877175

I've never gave a fuck what people say. There are many more distinctive differences than race that play into what you're referring to. If race plays a role its scientifically a fairly minor one. I judge people individually because idgaf about societies broad arbitrary judgements. I fear no man anon. I've lived a life that wouldn't allow fear.

>> No.16877180

>promotes not hating people just cause they're different
>proceeds to express his hatred of a group of people because they're different
The person you are claiming to hate likely doesn't even exist, unless you are talking about a specific person in your life who has actual negative personality traits other than being politically incorrect (which is the reason why OP thinks his friend is mentally ill).

>> No.16877201 [SPOILER] 
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>Look though, objective truth is impossible to obtain I agree.
*blocks your path*

>> No.16877209

Listen your argumdnts are cute vut they lack substance ya know, they just don't sizzle. I said you creeps were subhuman because you levied that insult towards black people, of which I happen to care for quite a deal. They were borm black. You chose to bd the subhuman dogmatic ideological fuck that fell for the disunity psyop known as "the red pill". Instead of refining your thought and understanding yourself you sit around and absorb media that conforms to your internal bias. "It feels right so it must be right." Brainlet shit. Read the greeks. Then the enlightenments scholars and by then you should be able to order your thoughts better and learn to accept that "the other" which is what you actually fear and despise is not specific to one race. Oh no my friend, the otherness within black people exists within every stranger, including yourself. Until then you aren't complete. The problem lies in that you have to make these discoverys yourself. I'm not gonna brainwash you. I don't want to control you or redpill you pr win you over to my side. I want YOU to realoze you've been mislead and to know that there's a path to a mkre complete and honorable personhood.

>> No.16877211

I'm not taking your psychotropics
I'm actually 19 and I don't even use alternative media platforms like /pol anymore. "Straight white male" has been used as a slur on camera, it's clearly not okay to be white in America. Most of the redpills are true, just like completely useless in real life past a certain point.
The word "nazi" is a psyop so that people only know about the anti-National Socialist propaganda, and never research National Socialism. I would be interested if you can find the original translation, and if Goebbels really did title his book after a failed anti-National Socialist slur.

>> No.16877212
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>I haven't seen one difference which can be attributed to race.
I gave you at least two examples here >>16876936
and as I stated who an anon I thought was you here >>16877129 you changed your stance from "racially inherent biological trait" to "racially inherent disease" to get around these.
>I don't think a racial classification is indicative of the differences in the best way possible.
I don't believe you've given a "better" classification.
>If anything whatever informs the differences would be informed by something which founds it and so on. With this we can have an actual method for developing anything.
Not sure what you're getting at here.
>I grew up in the deep south where its about 60/40 white black. Guess what. We all got along, played sports together, drank together.
I grew up in the north where it's even more black, and we didn't get along. We stuck to our own groups for the most part with some intermingling. The blacks grew up to be felons and such for the most part. I had multiple black friends, and they either grew up to hate whites or grew up to sell drugs. Even so, both of these are anecdotal and not tangential to the conversation. I've given you proof of racially-inherent DNA affecting biological traits like Alzheimer's and heart attacks. I've also shown you that there are "racially-inherent" differences between races through the difficulties with regards to bone marrow transplants. I don't know how you continue to take this stance that all differences between races aren't inherent to the race.
>If anyones subhuman its you fuckin creeps and you're bullshit science that doesnt hold to scrutiny
It holds scrutiny to those that don't completely memory hole it.
>I'm half Basque
So middle Eastern?
>If your claim of race doesn't meet the extreme aspect of racial-separation on a biological level in diseases then I don't get the whole point of racial conversations.
See pic related. Also note the impossibilities of bone marrow transplates between races, and the massive differences in successful birthrates between mixed race couples and homogenous couples, indicative of radically different DNA. We can apply Haldane's rule, in which the heterogametic sex are much more rare than females in the offsping of black-white mixed couples.
>I think it doesn't offer any solutions to put it at race fundamentally and that it has no relevance in anything is just derivative.
Except, it does. If we ignore the genetics themselves (which I believe is one of the worse arguments against multi-culturalism), you still have in-group bias which is impossible to get rid of, in-group attraction, the correlation of similarity and happiness in relationships, the fact that 3rd cousin marriages are the most fertile and successful (suggesting the benefits of mating within one's ethnic/racial group), and more.

>> No.16877218

Some people believe that nurture is everything, and other people believe nature is everything. Both of them are right, but it's what you said that's closer to the truth. It's moreso a mixture of genetics and self-image, other than one or the other. (please just look up a wikipedia article on self-image, I promise my post will make sense)

>> No.16877228

Liberal meme-tier shitposting, typos and weirdness. Not sure if I'm going to get many nuggets of wisdom by reading All That Shit by You

>> No.16877240

or you could have just posted a meme of a black person doing stupid shit, though I admire the effort

>> No.16877246

>Most of the redpills are true
>it's clearly not okay to be white in America
Again false.

These are the ideological underpinnings that IF you reflected on and researched, you could overcome them. Or do you WANT to feel this way? It is after all a choice. Stumble about the darkness or attempt to treat your ideals like fruits and remove the ones that are rotten, the ones you can't actually prove or support with(real)evidence. Its a choice anon. Always has been. There is a better truth out there. A more fundamental and all encompassing one.

>> No.16877255
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here you go

>> No.16877256

You can screech all you want but the fact is those of West African descent, especially Jamaicans, are genetically advantaged to be better at sprinting than other populations. I advise you read the research on this topic before you knee-jerk deny it.
>I can, if I'd like, raise kids and cull them based on their running ability. They can be of any race and this can happen.
Right, that would be eugenics and the whole point of eugenics is to artificially encourage evolution towards desired traits. The thing about evolution is this process already happens naturally among populations in disparate environments, when one population lives in Norway for thousands of years while another lives in the Congo natural selection will inevitably lead them to have some biological divergence. How is that supposed to be an argument against a given population evolving to have a given gene?
One thing I've noticed about HBD-denialists, despite the absolute crown-jewel in their argument being linguistic deconstruction of "race" as a category, cling to it aggressively when arguing on HBD and insist the conversation must orbit around these categories, because it's the only thing they have to attack.

>> No.16877266

>I've given you proof of racially-inherent DNA
Wrong person. Again. Look race plays a role in biology. I'm not that anon. Humans arent simply a culmination of physical features. We have minds and consciousness. We all have the same capacity for kindness. I haven't memory holed shit. I've studied more than one side and picked the one with the most evidence lmfao.

>> No.16877270
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You admitted scd wasn't racial. A better classification system I'm working on as a side project in philosophical historicisms.
>Basque is me
I'm kinda tired desu and the conversation has gone dull. I'll only address the egregious claim of bone marrow transplants implying race and I won't reply. http://content.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1993074,00.html
I'm sure you have good arguments and I'd be interested in hearing them when your narrative has developed more into causative fields. In that, have a good day anon.

>> No.16877297

Are you both functionally retarded, or am I missing something here? I'm pretty sure I responded to each of your posts separately and under different replies, so I'm not sure.
>We all have the same capacity for kindness.
Doesn't matter.
>I've studied more than one side and picked the one with the most evidence lmfao.
So have I, and your side is wrong. Good argument, goodnight.
>You admitted scd wasn't racial. A better classification system I'm working on as a side project in philosophical historicisms.
Holy fuck, I know - I also gave, like I said in my response to that other anon, two different examples of genetic factors inherent to a certain racial group which affect biological traits.

>> No.16877313

ah, it was me missing something.
I thought you were literally saying "Basque is me?", not saying "Basque is middle eastern?", which would have implied you thought I was responding to the wrong person.
Basque isn't necessarily Middle Eastern, but your ancestors got raped for hundreds and hundreds of years straight by Middle Easterners about a little over a thousand years ago. You're not "about as euro as it gets"

>> No.16877319

Navarre was never conquered by Muslims. If anyone in Iberia is a fullblooded native it's the Basques.

>> No.16877336

Is this cope? Bloodlines mean nothing you insufferable pest. You want to be somebody go do it. Your skin is just a rainfly over a bag of components that's largely the same as everyone elses. You didnt "study both sides" or you wouldnt be here pontificating about whose ancestors got raped.

>> No.16877341

>Your skin is just a rainfly over a bag of components that's largely the same as everyone elses
And you're 98% the same as a banana too.

>> No.16877363

Im 100% aryan Apple you bigot.