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16866709 No.16866709 [Reply] [Original]

>post yfw Two Minutes Hate

>> No.16866833
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>> No.16866850

Trump presidency for msm.

>> No.16866871
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>> No.16866892
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>> No.16867459
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A surprisingly good film adaptation. I love John Hurt. It's scary that 1984 is slowly becoming a reality.

>> No.16868017

rrr so mad right now

>> No.16868023


>> No.16868051

becuz goldstein is lying about big brother :(((((

>> No.16868347
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>It's scary that 1984 is slowly becoming a reality.

>> No.16868483

There are so many things. Too many to name in this post alone. But notably the increasing technological capabilities of governments in regards to data collection have effectively assured that privacy is not really possible anymore. For example google the Lawful Access to Encrypted Data Act or go look at all the NSA/CIA leaks from Edward Snoweden/Wikileaks. Being a civilian doesn't matter, you have no privacy. The US government operates drones domestically that are outfitted with Gorgon Stare. Facial recognition tech too. China has a social credit system that is Orwells worst nightmare essentially.

Disinformation is often pushed. Objective falsehoods have become fact. One relevant example for instance is the overwhelming amount of false narratives being pushed surrounding the covid 19 pandemic (masks don't work, the virus is just a tiny cold, the virus has a zoonotic origin, despite there being no concrete evidence to make such an assertion). It is largely believed to be the work of foreign governments (troll farms and bots) looking to destabilize Western society (via harming the health of its people) but the unfortunate reality is that such notions are amplified by selfish politicians and billionaires such as Elon Musk who prioritize the economy over health. Because they don't care. It's not going to be their hearts that sustain permanent damage, it's not going to be their kids who get their lungs fucked so hard they can't run a kilometer in gym class. It's going to be the poor, the middle class, the people who are forced to go to work or lose the roof they have over their head. This year should serve as an example of what a war of information is. And I fear it will get far worse in the new year.

>> No.16868521

There first half of your post was coherent, the second half was nonsensical naïve garbage, you were so close to making a connection between the covid lockdowns and the government's justifications for all the measures you described in the first paragraph. Oh well, our frameworks are completely different.

>> No.16868534

You're exactly the type of fucking idiot I'm talking about.

>> No.16868579

People who politicize public health are mentally ill, hyperindividualistic retards. For some reason it doesn’t occur to these low iq idiots that the government can consolidate their power and that the virus is harmful. For some reason it’s all a fake virus psyop to take away our guns and freedom of speech! The thing is I actually want the government to take control. I would renounce my rights in a heartbeat if I knew an authoritarian regime that could rise up and correct the balance. Just kill or imprison all the low IQ selfish scum. Take their guns. Take their kids away. Watch them scream and cry. Let it be a lesson for them.

>> No.16868584

You're exactly the type of fucking idiot that guy's talking about.

>> No.16868600

Friendly reminder Lagos has a population of 9 million, a pop density of over 6k per square km, and only 220 covid deaths.

>> No.16868605

You're both statist normie retards. This isn't even about politics, it's about the inability of the normal to make obvious connections between the virus and state power over individuals. You're literal proles who will do whatever do government desires even if it's incorrect because the only god you have is the state.

>> No.16868612

found the redditor

>> No.16868618
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Has to be b8

>> No.16868654

Friendly reminder that just because you survive doesn’t mean you don’t suffer health consequences. I’m a young guy, no underlying conditions and fairly fit. I caught covid back in April and my lungs still don’t feel the same. My endurance is lower and I still have a cough. So fuck you you god damn faggot. People like you deserve to be killed for being incapable of reading the research being done on the topic and instead listening to your biased political bullshit. I live in Florida and everyone here is fucking retarded and fat. If I didn’t have more pressing business I’d take full advantage of my right to bear arms and cull people like you for fun.

>> No.16868665

If I have to be a statist to watch the government agents drag you from your home, kicking and screaming, tears rolling down your face, in order to force a vaccine into your arm it’s fucking worth it. My seething hatred for people like you has made me actively want an authoritarian government that will forcefully vaccinate you. And I voted for Ron Paul twice. So eat shit and die motherfucker.

>> No.16868671

>I don’t like your opinion
>Therefore reddit
Kill yourself

>> No.16868687

>If I didn’t have more pressing business I’d take full advantage of my right to bear arms and cull people like you for fun.
It don't work like that, nogunz.

>> No.16868694

Have an independent mind.
Seek psychiatric help.

>> No.16868701

I have a 12 gauge Remington. I truly wish I could watch people like you suffer. Still can’t wait for Biden to take away the guns though. Get ready for the Biden & Harris death squads tranny.

>> No.16868706
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Have an independent mind? An independent mind? Hahaha. I bet you really thought that was clever you fucking idiot. I hope you get the virus. I hope your loved ones get it. I hope they suffer and die.

>> No.16868725
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>> No.16868736

Spoken like true useful idiots

>> No.16868755
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Obey your superiors :^)

>> No.16868794

Ah yes we can tell what the lasting effects are in 10 years
Give me that time machine bro

>I'm sick wah that's my authority in the argument
This is highly unlikely statistically so I'll just ignore it.

>> No.16868809

BTW they only have 20k cases in Lagos
So that's 0.2% of the population, with a population density of SIX THOUSAND PEOPLE PER SQUARE KILOMETRE, living on top of each other's piss shit and garbage. 0.2%. 22,000 out of 9,000,000+
And only 220 deaths lol.

your feelings can't beat the facts

>> No.16870298
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>> No.16870310

I just want to fuck Julia's hairy vagina

>> No.16870322
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>> No.16870392

This one is perfect

>> No.16870426

Your mental illness is showing, seek help

>> No.16870518


>> No.16870674

>Gorgon Stare
at least they give those things cool names

>> No.16870700
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>> No.16870889

>Mostly whites

>> No.16871057

Shut it downsky!

>> No.16871074
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>> No.16871137

>selfish politicians and billionaires such as Elon Musk who prioritize the economy over health
You'll change your tune when you see the damage these absurd restrictions have caused.

>> No.16872105

everyone in this thread is a retard except for me

>> No.16872137

Low deaths does not mean there are not side effects/ permanent damage. I love how first it was Sweden that is so brave and smart for not shutting down, and now that Sweden has admitted they fucked up it’s Laos. You mentally ill freaks will get the rope one day.
No I don’t think I will. I genuinely wish death upon you.

>> No.16872297

We can't see into the future. Muh lasting effects is bullshit.
Facts are facts.

>> No.16872303

BTW Lagos did "shut down" but the city is so crammed it is quite literally impossible to social distance.

>> No.16872439
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BTW, Lagos is some literal-WHO? country that nobody's ever heard of. It's highly dubious they are testing and reporting cases correctly. Pulling statistics out of your ass does not mean they're credible. SAD! Many such cases!

>> No.16872446


>> No.16872462

The “absurd damage” (i assume you’re talking about 1 in 4 local businesses shutting their doors) only benefits people like Bezos and the Waldens. They get giant gibs while also making the most money they’ve made in years because their local competitors can’t compete anymore

>> No.16872750

Lagos isn't a country it's a city
typical American

>> No.16872781

It's amazing how hambeasts and feminists in general became such a prolific archetype in peoples minds.

>> No.16872785
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>> No.16872793

Why /o/? But lmao.

>> No.16872817

But pltr stock is going up, so we can disregard all of that.

>> No.16872838
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I . . . I didn't know how to make the crossed forearm sign they do with my keyboard

>> No.16872858
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>> No.16872862

You are why red flag laws exist.

>> No.16872888

>such a slave to the media narrative he is willing to kill those the media has made him see as enemies
you are a legitimate NPC. remove yourself from this site. you don't belong here.

>> No.16872910

Yeah that's what he's saying, I'm not sure why you felt the need to elaborate. The restrictions only serve to benefit the wealthy but they're done in the name of health

>> No.16873060

Nobody ever mentions newspeak. Just look at all the acronyms like LGBTQ or BIPOC that are getting more and more popular, all the coded flexible euphemisms like plus-sized. There's a constant degradation of meaning in people's minds that is happening through an incessant war on vocabulary. And while it's true that right now many new terms are being introduced rather than removed (newspeak aims to reduce language so that thought cannot be expressed) you can see that once all the new words are set up there will be no way to express meaning. You won't be able to say "fat" you will only be able to prepend something to -sized. So what used to be called hambeasts are now double-plus-sized.
There's also how a lot of information in modern discussion, which is based on giving a "source", is being retroactively edited and updated, and this is all thanks to how information exists in a nested state. Modify one source, discredit one thing or one person, change one fact, and you've changed the whole story. Wikipedia is a culprit of this because it simply dismisses sources that are no longer in line with the narrative yet claims to be free for the public.
There are so many little contradictions in language or weird overlaps that make no sense. Look at "science" as perceived by modern people, a quasi-religious authority when science is supposed to be the opposite of blind faith. There's the assault on family in exchange for loyalty to the state, generational gaps have now become chasms. Every generation hates the one right next to it. Look at how every person who criticized the system is immediately mocked as some sort of loser. The only thing that is different from 1984 makes it even more scary: there will be no totalitarian government repressing anybody, this is all self-enforced by the people themselves. This is exactly what people want and soon enough the system will be self-sustaining with no iron-fisted intervention from anywhere. Mockery and dismissal is how people are killed today.

>> No.16873265
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>Lagos is some literal-WHO? country
American education