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16866801 No.16866801[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>During a tense town hall, staff cried and expressed dismay with the publishing giant's decision to publish 'Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life.'
Is Penguin about to be cancelled?

>> No.16866806

When will humanity wake up to its collective senses and once again ban women from participation in society?

>> No.16866823

Hopefully soon

>> No.16866830

I don't agree with or like Peterson but crying is a bit much.

>> No.16866837
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Too late. Only collapse can restore order.>>16866806

>> No.16866845

It's so fucking blackpilling to see people lose their shit over JBP like he's some far right reactionary. The overton window has shifted so far to the left that a man telling you to clean your room is a fascist, dear god.

>> No.16866852

look at this virgin incel chud.

>> No.16866879

Wtf is a chud? I keep seeing this term everywhere and I have no idea what it means

>> No.16866883

It's a slur for rightoids used by Leftists.

>> No.16866901
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>look at this virgin incel chud.

>> No.16866902

But where does it come from? "Nigger" and the like mean something, this just seems like they picked letters out of a hat.
If I call some a "khuj" enough does it become an epic new may may?

>> No.16866907

the trick is to get rid of simps first

>> No.16866916

This is not where you post Dilbert strips

>> No.16866920

It comes from a movie I believe, titled CHUD.

>> No.16866925

>>16866879 NPC's to dumb and lazy to know where chud comes from. It's an eighties movie: C.H.U.D. I think it was, cannibalistic underground humanoid dwellers. The Left can't meme.

>> No.16866927

desu it seems to generate a reaction from people, it's not bad

>> No.16866937

It really doesn't. Its like calling whites, crackers. Indifference.

>> No.16866943

Why does CHUD Wojack look Asian? You lefties are the worst racists.

>> No.16866951

Women and fags were a mistake.

>> No.16866955

Some shitty horror movie from the 80's about underground monsters. Basically just calling you a loser. (I guess to many leftoids are actual losers so they literally cant use the word loser and have to literally obfuscate)

>> No.16866957

>Chud is an East Slavic word for medieval Finnic peoples
>In Russian folk legends, the Chuds were described as exalted and beautiful. One characteristic of the Chuds was ‘white eyed’, which means lightly colored eyes.

>> No.16866961

They all look Asian

>> No.16866972

Leftists live in basements and eat children. Righties have jobs and families. Projection 100

>> No.16866979

All the Wojacks? All variants? Butters, please.

>> No.16866984

They’re Polish

>> No.16866993

He’s not a fascist, just a petty grifter. Why would I take clean my room advice from a drug addict prescription popping mid level marketer?

>> No.16867003

Og looks like a Japanese guy.
Isn’t chud based on the incel murderers? They don’t really look all that Asian, just blocky. Artist is probably a Minecraft player

>> No.16867025

I always thought it was mocking chad, like a chad dud equals chud

>> No.16867033

no that's too smart for NPC's. Well done, though.

>> No.16867050
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>> No.16867055

Actually ppl don't take issue with him for his conservativism but because the leftist had a meltdown when he refused to call she a transgirl. If they wouldn't had that autistic tantrum Peterson wouldn't had become popular in the first place.

>> No.16867065
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>> No.16867079
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I wish I’d get no more blowjacks.

>> No.16867083


>Another employee said “people were crying in the meeting about how Jordan Peterson has affected their lives.” They said one co-worker discussed how Peterson had radicalized their father and another talked about how publishing the book will negatively affect their non-binary friend.
What a time to be alive.

>> No.16867099

where does all the hate for him come from? I know he said he didn't want legislation to force people to use trans people's preferred pronouns, but where does the white supremacy association come from? Is there other stuff I don't know about?

>> No.16867117

He’s a Ben Shapiro tier pseud that used his 15 minutes of fame to grift on incels

>> No.16867118

How will these people react to the fickle mainstream dropping this freakshow charade, when the pendulum swings back in the other direction and the average normie is a chauvinist spouting wisdom about how being normal is a virtue and faggots are weird?

I guess some part of me wants the schadenfreude of millions of twitter roasties losing their minds when their temporary alliance with middle american "public opinion" ends. But they are retards, so I suppose it's more likely they will just change their own views in a week too.

>> No.16867123

he's just all-around stupid

>> No.16867135

Google did not help. I don't know the blowjacks meme.

>> No.16867155

Why do you think the pendulum will swing back?

>> No.16867158
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>> No.16867168

because now they'll be "in charge" for a few years
and none of their social issues will improve even if they pass orwellian bullshit

they're just gonna get louder and more annoying

>> No.16867172

Me too. You think the Left is all mirrors and fartgas? They voted for pedojoe FFS. Sanity has no place here.

>> No.16867173

It already has. Dems are fully back in the centrist everyone work together delusion and right kids are abandoning the maga sinking ship back to neoconville

>> No.16867194

I really hope the pendulum will swing back but it seems that even if it does, it will be a quick blip on the radar. Why? The younger generation has completely grown up swimming in this propaganda. They get it in school from their teacher, in their TV shows, on all their social media platforms. The people behind all of this know that they won't be able to win over the average middle aged person in flyover country, but they go straight for the kids because they realize they can easily shape young people's psyche's and just wait a little while til they're the ones running things.

>> No.16867203

I haven’t read him so I don’t have an opinion on him myself but I’ve heard a lot of negative things about him on various social media. Anyway I’ll give my theory.

First you have to realize that most memes about famous people, especially these weirdly strong opinions that people on the internet have about famous people, start on twitter. On twitter, if you are in the right networks, you can pretty much meme anything into existence.

I’m pretty sure the idea about him being an idiot, racist, sexist, etc started on twitter because the trans pronouns thing and it got memed by various leftist twitter networks of people.

So most of the opinions you see here about Jordan Peterson are people repeating ideas that originated in twitter, spread on twitter, and filtered through various social media. Basically people repeating shit they hear on the internet.

>> No.16867215

>“The company since June has been doing all these anti-racist and allyship things and them publishing Peterson’s book completely goes against this. It just makes all of their previous efforts seem completely performative,” the employee added.
Are they finally becoming aware that companies only signal "wokeness" because it makes them money, not because they believe any of it?

>> No.16867224

Trump is the president solely due to memes and your worried about a smear campaign on some nobody like Peterson. When in fact the YouTube algorithm favors faggots like him with me good they bad ooga booga takes his kind shits out constantly

>> No.16867227

Peterson became a countercultural flashpoint for many people who thought the speech and thought policing shit going on in coastal elite, college educated, and media circles was annoying, but who never had a solid opportunity to express it.

This focusing of resistance from the "right" (normal people) caused a massive backlash from the hyperconfident progressive "left" that thinks it's the final and ultimate moral authority, at the end of human history, and interprets any challenge to itself as a total war on its morality.

In short, ordinary people found that the Peterson affair epitomized the concerns they already held, in a way that allowed them to finally express those concerns. Progressive people found it exciting to have an "enemy" to ritually debase and destroy while shrieking like chimps. Fair-weather normie allies of the progressive worldview, whose center of gravity is nominally progressive, found it (as usual) a fun opportunity to be angry about something, another excuse for a Two Minutes Hate with an easily understandable pinata to smash, a scapegoat.

The real hardcore progressives are simply insane, hollow inside, insane, having spent decades training themselves to hate the family, to hate men, to hate themselves and everything natural, normal, "old fashioned." They feel nothing but pain and want to inflict their pain on others. So they always enjoy sadistically attacking Peterson types. The opportunistic normie hatred for Peterson, the casual opportunity to ritually humiliate and attack a pariah with no risk to oneself, was enhanced by the flashes of real viciousness from trannies and deranged barren women on social media, and vice versa. The normies like to see the trannies and mentally ill cat ladies do the really vicious things they are afraid to do, the things their normie self-awareness and fear of punishment holds even them back from. It's like a horde of tribals assembled for a massacre, but too cowardly to attack the enemy just yet, instead waiting for the frenzied energy to build up, waiting for particularly crazy people in the horde to get restless and "do something" that will activate the crowd and start the massacre.

Strangest of all in this unholy coalition are the leftists, who are served up "Peterson is an apologist for capitalism and bourgeois ideology... this is all understandable via Marxist critique, which tells us how men like Peterson are generated by the bourgeois worldview as a natural function...." on a platter, and don't question the fact that this aligns them with the opportunistic bourgeois progressives and histrionic zealots just mentioned. The marxist critique of Peterson is technically valid but "right for the wrong reasons," and the bourgeois puritan soul inside of the vast majority of self-described leftists, the side that is also spoiling for "something to happen," is enticed away from critical thought and into joining the frenzy too. It's simply too fun to attack a surrounded pariah.

>> No.16867234

It's an 80s B movie.

>> No.16867257

This is what I’m talking about: easily manipulated incels that get their world views from South Park that think they’ve unplugged from the matrix. You fall for simple platitudes and tribalism, give in to consumerism and need a scapegoat like trannies for your ills. Dunning Kruger effect on full display

>> No.16867284
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Try posting a smug anime girl faggot

>> No.16867317


This board is 18+, I assume nobody here actually watches South Park. Please lurk more or keep your actually autistic misperceptions of social norms to yourself

>> No.16867353

Because nothing really penetrates the masses. Look at the sheer insanity of the current cultural climate. You really think average people "decided," as in intellectually and rationally considered and then committed to, the idea of trannies? As if it's now integrated into their consciousness?

The whole tranny phenomenon, which is representative of the whole "weird for the sake of weird" hippie bohemian phenomenon, is one big self-imposed shit test by the collective unconscious of bored and angry peasants. They sublimate their anger and confusion about their shit lives into the public religion-entertainment complex. They are not moral enough to be truly religious and not immoral enough to be truly licentious, so they need a religion-entertainment complex. Currently that complex is weird for the sake of weird progressivism.

What caused and temporarily sustains trannyism is not an intellectual or even moral or emotional commitment to some abstract principle. The mass never operates on abstract principles, it operates on gimmicks, "catchy" cultural turns of phrase that briefly channel its raw instincts into a stable complex. The current catchy gimmick of the masses, their pious entertainment, is "weird is good, everyone be weird, if I see anything weird I will defend it, why do normoids hate what is weird? weird is freedom? freedom is good? I'm good if I promote freedom, freedom is weird, weird is freedom, if I see anything weird I will be the smart popular person if I defend it against anything normal, I love gays, I love lesbians, polyamory must be good because it's not normal," and so on.

The masses are entranced by this idea but they aren't convinced of it. They can't be convinced of anything. Once this complex fails to entertain, once it fails to provide them safe avenues to praise and acclamation by the rest of the mob, it will collapse instantly. Then a new complex will channel the instincts of the masses in a new way. They will revert to another form of tribalistic moral-religious-entertainment, and one of the oldest and most time-tested peasant religions in the book is the mass murder of freaks and weirdos. The state will not resist this but recognize where the winds are blowing and align itself with it.

That's why this cultural moment is so crazy. It's built upon a very temporary set of conditions and on the assumption that it will never be overturned. You can already see the sea change taking place if you now where to look. Nobody likes trannies, even trannies don't like trannies. TERFs didn't get weaker but stronger, TERFs weren't a declining rearguard action but another focusing point where women who already latently hated trannies could learn to express and channel their hatred of trannies, to channel their instincts. If you want to see what's coming, imagine TERFs, not their ideas but their instinctive anger and disgust, becoming the default view with the full support of the state and mainstream opinion.

>> No.16867381

He called MGTOW weasels for not marrying women. So he burnt both ends of the bridge.

>> No.16867435

Catchall term for all of them
Because they all blow chunks

>> No.16867445

What does the B stand for?

>> No.16867446

Are TERFs actually stronger?

>> No.16867497


What causes somebody to be a mass man? Inadequate intelligence? Poor moral character? Literally what is it. How can it be that a minority of people are noble and self directed, while the majority are not? How does that work?

>> No.16867501

>junkie tells you to clean your room

>> No.16867641
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>> No.16867644

mate we are literally entering the era where saying you support equality is taboo because equality is not good enough and wanting only equality is ignorant and evil

even if, culturally speaking, we turn away from this path by some miracle, the damage will already be done and society will be irreversibly degrated

>> No.16867700

Butterfly oh the butterfly
You,the person with Rosey cheeks
I eat firefly
You my hero
Butterfly,my bruv Butterfly
Notice me senpai

>> No.16867755

> they think equality is ignorant and evil

No we don't, your definition of equality is flawed. It's like we've been living on a slanted floor. Setting it level will make you feel like it's off balance.

> inb4 setting it to slant the other direction would also make you feel off balance and would only lead to an exchange of toxic power for different toxic power

Well maybe don't worry bout that sweaty cis scum?

>> No.16867789

“He is an icon of hate speech and transphobia and the fact that he’s an icon of white supremacy, regardless of the content of his book, I’m not proud to work for a company that publishes him,” a junior employee who is a member of the LGBTQ community and who attended the town hall told VICE World News.

>> No.16868016

why are leftoids like this? the cunts at sirius had the same reaction to rogan. in any other period, these two would be considered left of center. peak clown world.

>> No.16868039

Is a mockery of the term Chad. Poltards larp as based Chad but all they do js becoming a poor caricature of that a chud.

>> No.16868093

I remember studying witch trials as a moral exercise in school. Seems like lefties skipped that class. if GLBTQ + felt demonizsd, why are they being even more intolerant in turn? This won't end well.