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/lit/ - Literature

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16850352 No.16850352 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys ever dabble in comics/manga?

>> No.16850376

Not anymore, I don't find them fun with the exception of Tintin and Astérix.

>> No.16850413
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I have been known to partake

>> No.16850430
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Conanchads ww@

>> No.16850457
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Not really since newspapers aren't a thing anymore.

>> No.16850474

Yes. Berserk is really good even if it's not "cool" to lokebit anymore lol.

>> No.16850526
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Based Astérix appreciator
It’s how I found out what an orgy was

>> No.16850616 [DELETED] 
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Something something ,lasagna.

>> No.16851551

Berserk was never good.

>> No.16851576

Look a useless opinion

>> No.16851645
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>> No.16851708

Fuck off.

>> No.16851711

Interesting plot,
about the masks,
Given current circumstances,
And the fact that ‘World of Edena’ was republished in the current edition in 2016.

>> No.16852035

Look edgy 14 year olds.
>le dark le rape le plato

>> No.16852046

No. But where would one start with Moebius? I love his art style.

>> No.16852056

Imagine getting filtered by fucking Berserk. The story is about how its BAD to be dark n edgy.

>> No.16852363

Imagine defending a terrible edgy story that only teens think is deep or dark. Berserk is a perfect example of how NOT to do dark fantasy.

>> No.16852368

The Incal

>> No.16852734

My heart smiles every time I find a Moebius screenshot I haven't seen before (it's becoming a very rare occurrence)

Everyone should read The Incal and Edena

>> No.16852750
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From comics I read only Gunnerkrigg Court these days, but I do read a decent amount of manga, although most have lost its appeal with time except certain SoL.

>> No.16852894

Only barker stuff

>> No.16852904

> The story is about how its BAD to be dark n edgy.
Uh, so it was only PRETENDING to be retarded, amirite?

>> No.16853010

Moebius really is a genius when it comes to art. His line work is orgasmic.

>> No.16853045

Kill Six Billion Demons is cool if you like mythology and philosophy. The errata really adds to it.
Plus the art is good.

>> No.16853122

This. And it is never going to be finished. I don't care about rape or gore in a story, just don't replace your plot with those things for shock value

>> No.16853235
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The GOAT. Also Krazy Kat is fucking amazing.

>> No.16853243

Reppace your plot for those things. You people are braindead

>> No.16853258

>Defends trash like Berserk
>Calls other people braindead
Stop projecting

>> No.16853329

SOIL new town and Fourteen are the best of the best of manga

>> No.16853344
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>> No.16854502

Search for English translations of Sergio Toppi.

>> No.16854533


>> No.16854571

No, you're just kind of stupid.
Behelits and the results of using them obviously make the world worse and Griffith is an open-faced hypocrite that drags Guts and Casca down with them. It's the most overt and simple fairytale plot; doing bad things makes good people and the world as a whole worse. It's mind-boggling that you couldn't figure that out considering Berserk is written for 14yos.
Yes, it is extremely over-the-top, but not even as much as a work like Devilman that predates it by decades and is also a childrens' classic.

>> No.16854581

This is nice.

>> No.16854708

He was filtered anon. Don't worry yourself about it

>> No.16854807

Berserk has been moving in an increasingly lighter and more hopeful direction since they (finally) got off the boat.

>> No.16855708

>Likes the story becoming more and more shonen.
Berserk audience people.

>> No.16855770

You retards clearly never picked a book in your life if that's what you think the critique is about. I can very easily hit you with a deep analysis on Goku, but that doesn't mean that he is not a one-dimensional character.

What's funny is that you bring up Devilman which is a shonen manga and a classic only by manga's shitty standards. You know what else is a classic? Naruto. This sort of reading comprehension is a perfect example of Berserk's retarded audience that has been lapping up a very generic work as some top notch fiction. Miura's art was great but unfortunately, it was.

>> No.16855783


To love ru:darkness

That is all there is worth reading

>> No.16856496
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>tfw the greatest manga written is a nearly wordless stream of consciousness odyssey.

>> No.16856556

Watchmen has some issues, but it is pretty much the best the Western world has to offer. I would argue that has as much 'literary' value as something like the Three Musketeers, at least.

>> No.16856658

I think you are greatly underrating Watchmen.

>> No.16856672

wow! this looks cute. what manga is this?

>> No.16856701

There's a lot of garbage, especially because of the whole economic and cultural system that has been weighing down on them.
In the East they do mass-produced garbage (with some exceptions, of course) that manchildren in the West eat up and adore because their art has bigger eyes and a bit more action, going so far as to call them by a different name, instead of simply "comics".
USA was absolutely ruined by capeshit and its retarded audience that persists to this day, and also by the Comics Code. The artistic and cultural development of American comics is painfully stunted, so you end up with the current situation where pretentious edgy garbage is praised and treated as classics of the medium (Sandman, Transmetropolitan, Frank Miller's stuff, a lot of Alan Moore's, though he has some undeniable peaks such as Watchmen).
The healthiest situation is in Europe, with lots of youth-oriented stuff that is intelligent and creatively made (Asterix, Tintin), and a more "high art" tradition that was articulated organically and without significant hurdles.

>> No.16856707

The art in Incal is great but the plot is trash.

>> No.16856716
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>Start with the Greeks
>End with Hunter X Hunter by Yoshihiro Togashi

>> No.16856724

It's the only one I ever really took interest in, and that was long ago as a teenager, but I have a hard-on for end of times dystopian stuff in general. But seriously great coloring. Don't figure I'll find anything that grabs my attention as much. Had a stint with manga as well, Oyasumi Punpun when it was coming out for totally different reasons, and pretty much nothing since. Totally entry level tastes but comics didn't end up being one of the things I got very into

>> No.16856741

Hey, PunPun's one of my favorites as well. I find that manga and Alan Moore's work ever really get /lit/, though I haven't really explored Western comics. I'm not counting newspaper strips due to their formatting, but Calvin and Hobbs and a few others are absolutely /lit/.

>> No.16856743

For me, it's Grant Morrison and Naoki Urasawa

>> No.16856747

I sincerely hate the unconditional worship of the Japanese by the weeaboos. If Berserk had been made by a Westerner, art style and all, they wouldn't have given a fuck. All this manga drivel is famous because of its Japanese pedigree first, and for its own merits (none) second. The same people will look at 90s capeshit which is practically identical to every action manga and go "euughh what's this cringey trash?"
Really shows that marketing is everything.

>> No.16856750

No, because I'm not a pleb.

>> No.16856789

>The healthiest situation is in Europe, with lots of youth-oriented stuff that is intelligent and creatively made (Asterix, Tintin), and a more "high art" tradition that was articulated organically and without significant hurdles.
Nah... Eurocomics are just a bunch of old-standing staples like Asterix or Tintin, whose authors are dead, and a slew of I'm 14 and this is deep pseud narratives about being a gay teenage girl in the Middle East. Everything else is lazy cringe humor and titties to keep the reader awake.
Comics never had any chance. Honestly I think everything visual is automatically doomed to succumb to the plebs.

>> No.16856801
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>I can very easily hit you with a deep analysis on Goku, but that doesn't mean that he is not a one-dimensional character.
Hello moefag.

>> No.16856807

White people comics are cringe and your cringe. Go sell a stock market or whatever it is you people do

>> No.16856811

Not him but are weeaboos even capable of not replying with the dumbest fucking fallacies known to man? You simply cannot form an argument.

>> No.16856821


>> No.16856822

Pratt, Toppi, Moebius?

>> No.16856842
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You have read the most /lit/ comic, right?

>> No.16856846

Filtered pleb tears

>> No.16856858
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>He's THIS assblasted
Holy fucking based. Who knew it was this easy?

>> No.16856874

The art is great, but can you really say this work has any literary value?

>> No.16856887

>Hahahaha he told me I'm retarded! I WIN!

>> No.16856989
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>He can't handle getting BTFO'd by a dragonchad
KEK. I can almost HEAR your high-pitched whining through my screen. How about you take a quick break from the computer, Timmy? You've been on there for long enough.

>> No.16857050
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>> No.16857091

Check out Metabarons

>> No.16857110

"Literary value" means nothing, they're comics, you could similarly act like opera and ballet don't have much literary value, but that's nonsense. The greatness of the music is what elevates the weaker operatic libretti into greatness. If the "literary" element were so ingeniously developed to be as complex and deep the best literary works, it should simply be a drama or a novel, not a multimedia work.
Also, Toppi's best is an adaptation of a literary classic, and Pratt has marvellously poetic and deep tales (especially in Les Celtiques and La maison dorée de Samarkand; his earlier works are finely made genre tales, and still lack the touch of true genius IMO), which is what would probably qualify as "having literary value". But, again, that doesn't mean too much. Moebius' work on Incal is somewhat hampered by the very obvious failures in Jodo's narrative, while his solo short stuff is free from such constraints, its value is great but it is distinctly "comical" and not "literary". (As if "literary value" were a homogenous and clear set of rules suitable for all literature in the first place.)

>> No.16857403

>Frank Miller's stuff
It's really only Sin City onward that's like that. His Daredevil and DKR is merely going on unpretentious genre convention.
>though he has some undeniable peaks such as Watchmen
>Sandman, Transmetropolitan, Frank Miller's stuff, a lot of Alan Moore's, though he has some undeniable peaks such as Watchmen).
Other than Frank Miller, none of that stuff is American. And it doesn't really mesh with your post. All that pretentious edgy shit is Anglo, some of it is continental. And Watchmen is vastly overrated.

I half-agree with you on the state of American comics and western weebs, though. The capeshit monopoly ruined it (but it will be reversed after covid, it seems).
And while there's some good manga, and I enjoy the fluff, it suffers in the writing department. They need to have dedicated writers, which is more common in Europe and America. The difference between western comics and manga is that manga is perpetually meandering. The most common complaint of manga is that it declines in quality and has a poor ending because the author had no plan, it went on too long, or it got canned.
It also has the dumbest fanbase in the west, who intrinsically hate "westshit" and fail to realize how much manga/anime is produced as sleazy fluff intended to be enjoyed by otaku well-aware of their state. It's hilarious how they don't realize how much cheaply-made anime is meant to be enjoyed ironically by otaku.
There's a lot more to French comics then you may realize. The French publish a variety of genres, and creators take it seriously without as much consumerist baggage, as in Marvel/DC.

>> No.16857455

I could wring your neck with one hand.

>> No.16857519
File: 176 KB, 584x919, Y the last man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give Y the last man a try one of the best comic books ever in my opinion

>> No.16857564
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>> No.16857700

This. Was scrolling through the thread, wondering if someone will mention it.

>> No.16857731
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I recommend planetary and anything written by Warren Ellis or Michael Straczinsky, also John Byrne's art

>> No.16857750

Naruto is pretty good

>> No.16857862

I read the Killing Joke and it was pretty good.

>> No.16858098
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I'd ask if there are any literature like The World is Mine but I know no one here has either read TWIM or any literature

>> No.16858568
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For me? It’s LOW

>> No.16858597

From Hell is pretty cool.

>> No.16858650

I was thinking about getting into Krazy Kat, unfortunately the price of these editions is prohibitive.

>> No.16858678

LOW is pretty damn good.

They did 4 books and then took a long as fuck break right as it was about to get good. Book 5 in Feb 2021 finally.

>> No.16858685

What is it?

>> No.16858694


>> No.16858756

>Muh references.

>> No.16858777

with rare exceptions, all anime/mangs is dogshit. the japanese can't write their way out of a fucking madlibs.
all they can do is ape the same shit over and over under the guise of "perfecting a craft".
easily the least creative race on the planet.

as far as comic series and writers go, hellboy, the incal, calvin & hobbes, the blast, and asterios polyp are undisputed greats.
trent is a nice comic about a mountie, and a few of the punisher MAX issues and other specific runs of the punisher are pretty good, but the vast majority of it is retarded.
comics have a pretty low bar because they're so cheap to make, it's hard to find the jems.

>> No.16858803

lit/, the strip!

>> No.16859228

Filtered by what exactly? The shallow themes or the edgy useless story. Yes to both if that's the case. Only mentally challenged people will look there and see anything worth defending.

>> No.16859235

Please never post here again. Unironically watching or enjoying Dragonball z/super past the age of 13 is clinically bad for you. Its even worse than Berserk.

>> No.16859284

I really like Calvin and Hobbes and the original Peanuts comics and the old TV specials (lots of nostalgia in those, even though they were produced decades before I was born).

>> No.16859366

I enjoy comics for what makes them distinct from literature, the art and paneling. In my opinion too many words and the whole "graphic novel" trend is the worst thing to ever happen to comics.

>> No.16859460
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Had anyone here read the works of Tardi? I watched April and the Extraordinary World the other day and really liked the art style, but I'm not sure where to start with him.

>> No.16859467
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>Using "its" instead of "it's"

>> No.16859468

But....you read it right? You got filtered because your pampered ass couldn't relate with Sisyphus. You couldn't find yourself within others slowly forcing the nihilist within to crack a slight smile just before the world rips it away from you again piece by piece. You're a shallow worm who judges art by the opinion of others. Anything you respond to this post with will only be regarded as meaningless, devoid of any interesting qualities, your comment will rest and stare back at you like a portal into the emptiness of your bastard consciousness

>> No.16859483

Homunculus and Ichi The Killer are very good and fucked up stories.
Year One
First Criminal arcs are good pulp stories.
100 bullets
Hitman and Boys by Garth Ennis are kino, Preacher too

>> No.16859501
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I'm back, anon. Have you finished your little temper tantrum?

>> No.16859504

When did berserk do this?

>> No.16859571
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Maiko-san Chi no Makanai-san

It's about two girls from small town in the country coming to Kyoto to train as maiko. One is a prodigy in the business, while the other instead finds her calling in cooking for maiko.

>> No.16859654

here's my list of kino manga:
Lone wolf and cub
Samurai Executioner
REAL (inoue)
Vagabond (inoue)
Fist of The North Star

From Hell

>> No.16859659

I still love Gaiman's Sandman even if it's a meme and the writing is super uneven.

>> No.16859674

i think ennis's greatest wwork is fury : wars gone by.

have you read it ? if so what do you think of it ?

>> No.16859685

I like Tatsuki Fujimoto's style, Fire Punch felt like one of those soviet era art house films, pretentious at times but very straightforward overall.
I have yet to check Chainsaw man.

>> No.16859899
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Ping Pong is great

>> No.16860428

Conan is dogshit

>> No.16861304

Yes, Judge Dredd as he is based

>> No.16861324
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The pulp comics of the 20s 30s and 40s were fairly decent, overtly masculine and not subversive like the stuff produced today. Even post-war they still flew under the radar as the culture of the low proletariat often does.

Pic related

>> No.16861343
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My apologies for the shit crop.

Another example

>> No.16861366

>he thinks he's a literary critic of the genius persuasion
>but also thinks "one-dimensional" is a meaningful criticism, as if the flat-arc character hasn't long been understood
Anon, it may feel really big brain to reflexively criticize anything popular, especially explosively popular works like Berserk or Dragon Ball, but you're going to end up looking like a retard if you refuse to accept and genuinely explore the idea that SOMETHING is making those series so explosively popular.
If you weren't an honest-to-god brainlet you wouldn't have bitten the Devilman bait and you'd know the series is only insanely popular because it got dumbed-down into a children's cartoon that lacks any of the original's essence, and the resulting inverse feedback brought the original works to even greater infamy.

At least attempt a genuine understanding and critique of media before you deride others for discussing it.

>> No.16861759

Sure got me bud. Ohhhh

>> No.16861766

opinion discarded

>> No.16861840
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>> No.16861900

Based Corto Maltés poster

>> No.16862001

Those things got popular because they were made to pander to the lowest common denominators. I can at least give Toriyama credit that neither him nor his fanbase had any delusion about any of that "literary value".
Berserk on the other hand is a congregation of retards who have clung 20 years too long to hot air. The red flags were there from the very start, the moment Miura put a Shonen protag in a dark fantasy setting you know this was going to be nothing burger past some edgy trash moments.
>you refuse to accept and genuinely explore the idea that SOMETHING is making those series so explosively popular
Ah! The brainlet's defense of his trash tier taste. I am sure 'The fault in our stars' have some semblance of literary value in one of its 300 pages but that doesn't pass it as a worthwhile work of art. Also nice projection, you appear to have high opinions of the intelligence of the anime audience. I wonder why? hmmm...
>you wouldn't have bitten the Devilman bait
The other guy is clearly a retard and him believing that won't surprise me. Well it's probably you that's him hence all of this. I don't care if the anime is popular or not, even the manga is expendable trash to me. Go Nagai has all the failings of a too-out-there artist but little in terms of value.
>At least attempt a genuine understanding and critique of media before you deride others for discussing it.
Except there was no critique you retarded mongrel. There is nothing to critique. A hopelessly shit post listing things that are entirely obvious in the manga is not worth the critique. If one critique there was, it was on your entirely idiotic yet hilarious assumption that we somehow missed ((((ze depth))) in the manga while making a basic bitch analysis for a character who's motivations couldn't be made more obvious if Miura tried. The very basic Goku comparison is completely in line with your post. Of course it feels deep and grand to you, you are probably underread as fuck. Now of course you take the high ground because it fits your narrative, like i was reprimanding some deep analysis while making run-of-the-mill critiques. Trash attempt retard. This technique is so tiresome and so overplayed, just go "THERE IS A REASON IT'S POPULAR!!!!" and somehow everything's fine.

You want to listen to a critique on the thing? why don't you post something worthwhile that's more than "ZOMG THAT'S SO DEEP CHARACTERIZATION THAT BASED MIURA SPELLS OUT SO CLEARLY"? So far my ((((critique)))) completely fits the quality of your analysis.

>> No.16863006
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I did. Never US comics - didn't like their superheroes and their style desu, they weren't popular in Europe back then. I read European comics as an a child and as a teenager. Asterix, Tintin and Lucky Luke were comics I enjoyed reading as a child but they bored me as an adult when I tried them last year. Not very clever, not very funny, not very exciting. Rather mediocre. I also read Donald Duck comics, the German/Italian ones which never existed in the states and of course Carl Barks and Don Rosa. While better than the Belgian/French comics above they weren't on par with most books (even YA fantasy novels) I read either. I think The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck by Don Rosa is still great.
They Donald Duck authors were usually very good in integrating their strips in historical stories, teaching about the world and raising questions. I was lucky that I had a father I could ask every evening questions about the stories I had read. It was one of the major origins of my interest in history and geography and some stories had a great detail to what happened back then.
In my case comics were not good for learning my language, in the case of reading, writing and increasing the vocabulary. My grades dropped when I only read comics and they went back once I stopped reading comics and read books again. Not a proper study but a strong correlation in 5-6 years of my life - my parents limited reading comics when my grades fell.
That may have been the cause - I don't know but now the dialogues in my childhood comics seem rather easy and dumb.

>> No.16863025

Yikes sweaty. Kinda racist ngl

>> No.16863044

Unironically SEETHING. Cope and dilate.

>> No.16863049

You might want to leave 4channel.org my retarded friend if you think that's racist. You don't have the stomach for this place.

>> No.16863055

>Waah waah waah!!
Hallo? You a'right buddy. I heard ya' butt blasting.

>> No.16863096

The last part I find interesting, because I think comics are key to forming my interest in reading at all. Archie Comics were my training wheels, so to speak. Taught me to sit in focused silence.

>> No.16863394
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In my case Asterix and Donald Duck comics enforced my interest in reading as well. Also and especially The Hobbit comic by Denzel and Dixon (and Tolkien of course).
I think I started reading proper books when I was eight or nine, maybe ten at most. My parents told me that I should start reading real books so I started with Harry Potter and the Hobbit, in both cases I found the beginning very boring. Now, many years later I realise that I don't know any more how my reading career exactly happened, what a shame.
I didn't have a problem sitting in focused silence, that started for me later with instant access to smartphone and fastfood like audiovisual entertainment, providing constant stimulation.
Either way in my experience people who read or have read books have a greater vocabulary and express themselves differently, usually better in my opinion. Of course there are people I know that express themselves incredibly well and have never read besides a few but these are rare, I know of two. The comics I have read didn't provide that vocabulary and the longer, sometimes complex sentences. The anime subtitles and manga scans I read later online had a greater English (2nd language for me) vocabulary, so I had to look them up all the time. I got the impression that the fan translators used these 'advanced' English words to make it seem like a high brow medium since I rarely heard or read them elsewhere and that the Japanese original used rather normal words.
Either way, it is pretty clear to me that reading books, yes even these awful YA novels, improves all skills related to language, and much much more than comics: speaking, reading, writing, thinking. Being able to formulate complex or abstract things and thoughts precisely, telling stories in a good fashion with a good outline are important skills that will make a difference in real life.
All the people I know who enjoyed reading easily made the step to reading books so I wouldn't condemn comics as poison for a child, like you said they can foster interest in reading. As an adult I think they are rarely good literature and don't get why there are adults that still read or praise them, even if they are 'manchildren'.

>> No.16863603
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>He's so MIND-BROKEN he had to write a desperate wall of text to cope
We're done here, folks. The constant ASS-RAPE at the hands of BASED DRAGONBROS has taken its inevitable toll on anon here. I almost feel bad for him.
The dubs speak the truth. He could never recover from this.

>> No.16863631
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I didn't like manga and anime when I was a child though I admired the cool characters in Yu-Gi-Oh. Never liked Pokemon, Digimon, Sailor Moon, Detective Conan. They felt too alien, agressive, made to be seen as cool, not so harmonious like the European stuff. Difficult to describe. Also I didn't like the violence in anime. However I started watching Naruto when I was 13 and after a few years I wanted to know how it would continue so I started reading manga when when around the time I became 18 I think. I read many and most weren't that good. Children, teenagers and also some adults inflate their ratings, thinking that these are incredible works while most if not all have major flaws. Maybe it's a lack of alternative, better literature.
Japs have a great talent for creating a small story or initial idea but have troubles in finishing a bigger story properly without dropping in quality or going in hiatus. This is mere speculation since I don't know how the manga industry works but it seemed to me that new works get some kind of pilot episode test in a manga magazine and if it clicks they get their own series. I wonder how many manga authors have the outline for the whole story done when they have started drawing/writing. Obviously they either trash it at some point and do something stupid instead or try to create it as they publish chapters and can't solve the corner they have written themselves into.
Contrary to their classical literature getting into manga is pretty for non-Japanese. In the last 7 years I have read Naruto, Bleach, Monster, Blame!, Berserk, Vinland Saga, Vagabond, Into the Abyss, Claymore and a few others. I think the best was Vagabond but it's on hiatus and the author is burned out? It was usually fun but sooner or later they declined and I only bothered finishing them after having invested some time and wanting to know how it ends. The drawings and high ratings of Monster tricked me into reading it, but it went bad pretty quick and has a typical Japanese 5d-chess-knows everything-too-fast-for-you villain that made me fast skip most of it to the ending about halfway. Glad I did so. Blame!, here >>16856496, belongs to the kind of 'nothing happens' story, spending dozens of chapters running in a circle where nothing is resolved or satisfyingly explored. In short I know no Manga that is finished and good. Some might be still worth reading but I'm disenchanted with the medium. In most cases it would have been better to take the manga from their authors away and put fans who read it because of their good beginning in charge of finishing it.
I am still reading Attack on Titan (hasn't disappointed me so far, let's see to the end) and One Punch Man until they are finished, that should be at some point in 2021. Then there's Mieruko-chan (pic related) which is fun but I don't have high hopes for it.

>> No.16863650

you can shove your opinion up your ass

>> No.16863659

I enjoyed reading your post, anon.

>> No.16863765

Aye, there is a lot of quality stuff in it if you know how to filter all the shounen/capeshit stuff they're known. Read Alan Moore's Swamp Thing run, his From Hell and V for Vendetta, Maus, Saga, Gaiman's The Sandman etc., all wonderful comics brimming with exciting ideas and all sorts of interesting and challenging themes and topics that they explore in great depth. Read Vagabond, Blame!, 20th Century Boys, Liar Game, Oyasumi and the like if you need manga recs. They're great works of art that usually gets swept under the rug because /lit/ is insecure.

>> No.16863771

Its not me manchild. I have no axe to grind with "Dragonbros". The guy who would wring your neck never replied.

>> No.16863786

only Sandman and Watchmen, they were fun I guess but I'm not proud of having "graphic novels" on my shelf

>> No.16863805

I never realized how expensive those have gotten. I have like 4 or 5 volumes of the huge paperback volumes that I picked up a couple years ago, glad I grabbed them when I did.

>> No.16863924

>en as cool, not so harmonious like the European stuff. Difficult to describe.
Anime as Hayao Miyazaki described it is about being as maximalist in expressioni as possible.

>> No.16863968
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Terminal Lance's White Donkey is legitimately good.

>> No.16864071
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Lets go

>> No.16864085

why can I immediately say it's French ?

>> No.16864458

>As an adult I think they are rarely good literature and don't get why there are adults that still read or praise them, even if they are 'manchildren'.
I don't really see comics and books as being in competition with one another. They're very different artforms. What they have in common is their interactive nature, but comics have a lot more in common with film than they do with literature in my opinion.

>> No.16864691
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Waga Na wa Nero, a history-inspired manga by Gundam character designer Yoshikazu Yasuhiko, is pretty good
He also did a manga on Jesus which was good as well but the only scans are terrible quality
Berserk was good up until the troll arc/witch introduction
Fire Punch was good
Devilman was good
Dragon Ball was fun and Toriyama's art is great but the plot is nothing special

>> No.16864770
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For western comics, mostly just Calvin & Hobbes
I read Bone 10 years ago and liked it then, don't remember much about it anymore though

>> No.16864785
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>> No.16864812
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Example page of the Jesus manga, the only available scans are these
Left to right instead of the normal (for manga) right to left, and poor quality
Still, Yasuhiko's art shines through even the blurriest of scans, so I enjoyed reading it anyways
Really hope it gets rescanned at some point though

>> No.16864837
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The use of color remains pleasing to the eye in spite of the quality issue

>> No.16864893

I havent, always wanted too

>> No.16864913
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>The first to cast a stone, let the one who is without sin among you be!

>> No.16864963

Try Corto Maltese

>> No.16865013

Yeah the left to right is wack

>> No.16865019
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>tfw pic related made me realize that a sizeable chunk of my shitty personality traits are due to innocuous things which happened to me during childhood that were blown out of the proportion by my retarded underdeveloped brain
It's in abstract kind of feel.

>> No.16865230
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>he's literally me!

>> No.16865289

This shit wrecked me. I was so angry with pun pun. Stupid bird man

>> No.16865302
File: 64 KB, 340x483, Kaiji_official_guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been reading Kaiji. Is FKMT /lit/?

>> No.16865317

>author writes a character you're supposed to relate with, even going as far as not giving him actual physical appearance just so you can easily put yourself in his place
Actual retard.

>> No.16865322

>OMG he's so relatable

>> No.16865333

>he's so relatable
That's the whole point.

>> No.16865341

>It's another glorification of personal suffering due to mental illness episode
Will YA fiction ever get over this?
Read the Book of Job

>> No.16865369

Just because a character is relatable doesn't make it interesting, unique or good. If anything, liking these characters is a sign of intellectual laziness.
Punpun panders hard to the depressed sadboi intellectual crowd while being extremely pretentious and faux-deep.

>> No.16865465

The only time you're "allowed" to like Punpun is in the early chapters due to his childhood innocence. You don't relate to him because he's likeable, that's the literal opposite of what this character is supposed to do.
Punpun is a loser that no one should end up as and story goes to great lengths to show it, so sadboi pseuds indeed are retarded for trying to seek more meaning in this story than there is, but so are you.

>> No.16865565
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Unfortunately the manga/anime industry is inherently anti-art because the creators are incentivised to milk the fuck out of their series untill no one cares about them anymore - even to a more extreme degree than the Hollywood franchises and TV shows. I'm sure you could find a good story in most mangas, the problem is that it's buried under the 95% unnecessary bullshit and it lacks the proper execution because it's created under a lack of time. There are a few good mangas but I generally find bandes dessinees/comics/graphic novels more worthwhile.

>> No.16865588

Go back.

>> No.16865633

It's true, that the deadline driven nature of comics prevents them from entering a higher level of art