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16863298 No.16863298 [Reply] [Original]

>I am planning to rope myself in a couple of months unless things improve substantially
Any books that refute this?

>> No.16863308

No. Same here. Godspeed.

>> No.16863315

go in sri lanka or thailand and become a buddhist monk for free

>> No.16863321

The Importance of Living by Lin Yutang

>> No.16863332

Depression is a hormonal dysfunction. Plenty of books -- Tropic of cancer, speak memory, Nine stories, exercices of style, ISOLT, Moby Dick -- have given me an increased lust for life, but I do not think reading them will bring you much relief.

>> No.16863341

I'm not looking for relief, I'm looking for an excuse. Those sound like good suggestions though
Same here

>> No.16863362

Okay, wish you the best anon xxx

>> No.16863386

my diary desu

>> No.16863387

improving, getting good is never the point. learn to like, this. its a lot easier than you think. theres lots of things to like once you let go of the notion that this is wrong and something else is right. you dont have to be happy. you have to be okay with whatever you are.

>> No.16863422

whenever I see posts like these, I wonder about the anon with the brain tumor that said he was going to take his favorite book into the woods and kill himself.

Did he do it? Was the forest beautiful where we went? I think about him.

>> No.16863440

Can you find the archive? I don't know what to look for. I want to read it.

>> No.16863444

Book of the dead niggers.

>> No.16863461

Don't listen to this faggot, depression is a perfectly adapted reaction to a garbage situation. Read some Nietzsche and stop being a pussy

>> No.16863470
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Every time I see posts like this I wish I could just appear next to the suffering anon and with a snap of my fingers grant him whatever he wishes.
What is it you want? 6'3 height? A girlfriend? 200k salary job? Religious awakening?

>> No.16863615

It was years ago anon. Before I took a twoish year break from 4chan at the very least. I remember he said he was going to use a picture of his son as a bookmark. The OP image was a scenic picture of a lake and mountain.

>> No.16863657
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I've given myself until 30 to make at least marginal improvements to my life. If life still sucks at that age then I'll be joining you. I'm only a few years off. Cheers anon. Enjoy oblivion.

>> No.16863661

get well soon anon.

>> No.16863675

Full name?

>> No.16863681

Join a tribe and go baboon hunting. Nothing feels like being the hero for a large tribe when you bring home a dead ape and you get to eat the dick first.

>> No.16863682

I'll have God-realization, thanks.

>> No.16863688

The only logical argument I have for you is this. You are only losing out on experiences where some are happy and some are sad. If you are going to kill yourself why not go into life and do what you want. Risk doesn't matter because you have nothing to lose. Reclaim your life.

>> No.16863689

In search of lost time

>> No.16863695

Just do it now, nothing will change with that attitude, pussy.

>> No.16863704

I did that too.

Currently 33. Same age Jesus had when he died. Still haven't accomplished anything, but came back to school and I'm getting my engineering degree next year. I was the odd boomer in my class, but surprisingly I wasn't the only one. I made new friends, had sex. Almost had a gf but blew it. I hope things will get better from now on.

>> No.16863708

just read about outcome dependence and get sober, unironically a lot of the redpill mgtow shit is what will get you out of a deep hole, not some old classic like everyone expects, maybe walt whitman once your recovery starts

>> No.16863737

camoo ofc

the one philosophical question is suicide, remember?

>> No.16863757
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>just read about outcome dependence and get sober, unironically a lot of the redpill mgtow shit is what will get you out of a deep hole, not some old classic like everyone expects, maybe walt whitman once your recovery starts

>> No.16863772

you dont get pussy do you anon

>> No.16863776

Don’t do it boys, i hope things get better for you all. I’d consider getting serious help.

>> No.16863785

Buy chainlink

>> No.16863791
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>you dont get pussy do you anon

>> No.16863808
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I wish I had the courage to off myself.
Maybe one day the fact that I don't even have it in me to do the one thing that ends it all will be so ironic I will be forced to actually do it.

>> No.16863822
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>I wish I had the courage to off myself.
>Maybe one day the fact that I don't even have it in me to do the one thing that ends it all will be so ironic I will be forced to actually do it.

>> No.16863823

Go back

>> No.16863846
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>Go back

>> No.16863851

I had the same plan, but I lucked out and found a decent woman somehow and now I've got responsibilities and shit so I can't check out early, plus I'm actually enjoying myself somewhat. I'm not gonna tell you to not neck yourself, since we're all here forever anyways, but if you wanna stick around for this run then maybe find ways to tie yourself down.

>> No.16863860
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>I had the same plan, but I lucked out and found a decent woman somehow and now I've got responsibilities and shit so I can't check out early, plus I'm actually enjoying myself somewhat. I'm not gonna tell you to not neck yourself, since we're all here forever anyways, but if you wanna stick around for this run then maybe find ways to tie yourself down.

>> No.16863872

Goes for you >>16863808
also. Hope you get better, anon.

>> No.16863878

When I was 20 I sometimes thought about an hero but when I became older that desire completely went away. Not that much changed in my life, I have a bit more money but that's it. There are also negative things like hair loss, I think many people just become more chill when they are older, just hormones or brain chemistry or something.

>> No.16863881
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>Goes for you >>16863808 #
also. Hope you get better, anon.

>> No.16863888
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>When I was 20 I sometimes thought about an hero but when I became older that desire completely went away. Not that much changed in my life, I have a bit more money but that's it. There are also negative things like hair loss, I think many people just become more chill when they are older, just hormones or brain chemistry or something.

>> No.16863911
File: 32 KB, 300x525, RWS_Tarot_05_Hierophant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you made it and found a reason to stick around. I'm trying to start a career of some sort and maybe start dating again. I'd like to stick around but right now things are grim. I have a few years left before my deadline and a lot can change in that time. If not then eh I had a decent run. Fucked a few women, read some nice books, traveled a bit. Without something powerfully meaningful, like a family or something I'm passionate about, I can't bring myself to endure the constant misery. Hopefully things will work out.

>> No.16863914

You dont think that the most common age for an exustential crisis is early 20s? Thats also the age when men are most radical and violent. There is a good chance you will feel better when you are older, so dont kill yourself yet.

>> No.16863919

I can't even rant anymore, this site is just children

>> No.16863922

the Bible. start with John. The Lord died for you and your life is precious. dont throw it away your worth more than u think

>> No.16863930
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>I can't even rant anymore, this site is just children

>> No.16863933
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grow the fuck up and read a river runs through it or some classy adventure novels like lost horizon or capstick's safari books, a little literature escapism is good to rekindle an excitement in life
t. hearty adventure novel enthusiast

>> No.16863955

Suicide: The Forever Decision is a pretty funny joke book about suicide. Worth reading before you kill yourself.

>> No.16863981

Instead of suicide try living life. There is no risk if you are prepared to die. Go out there and make something of yourself. Be your own boss. Do something that puts you back on control.

>> No.16864022

If you die, you can't read anymore

>> No.16864041

I believe that the primary cause of my lack of drive to live life and to accomplish things is that I cannot trust anything.
No philosophy, religion, pretentious atheist poetry, lying to myself that I can create the meaning of my life etc.
Existence is a joke.

>> No.16864046
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>Any books that refute this?
No book has that kind of power.
>Instead of suicide try living life
Sounds like a meme but try this. Try getting rid of most of your material possessions. Try being a drinking, whoring degenerate in South East Asia or somewhere similar. Don't do things for people if you hate them. Make decisions without thinking about the consequences. Go sicko mode for a few months. Many people would turn away from the plank if only they lived without worries because they didn't worry about living. It's amazing what kind of transcendental truths you can discover on a shaded beach in Thailand with a belly full of rum and a kino book in hand. If that kind of living really doesn't help then you could consider roping.

>> No.16864083

Nah cheer up lad

>> No.16864086

>Try being a drinking, whoring degenerate in South East Asia
I actually tried this but I can't get hard for prostitutes. It was pretty sad at the time, I would never feel any higher purpose and I could not even enjoy the degenerate pleasures of the flesh, kek.

>> No.16864109
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>could not even enjoy the degenerate pleasures of the flesh
What about food? If you're really on the brink of suicide then fuck it dood put on 40 pounds.

>> No.16864117

The Bible.

>> No.16864160

>What about food?
Yes that's not bad. Generally I think going to Thailand for a few months is a good idea, people make life too hard for themselves when there are many cheats for the average westerner.
Thailand is also pretty good when it comes to tax, especially if you own crypto as some of this site certainly do.
I still envy the fat boomers who can have sex every night though.

>> No.16864163

Whatever you end up doing I respect your decision of dealing with the miserable condition of existence.

>> No.16864242
File: 41 KB, 450x600, 1-bedroom-apartment-for-rent-in-surasak-chonburi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thailand is extremely cheap, so if you've got some savings it would actually be possible to live there for several months of years without working. If you wanted to stay forever you could work online. You'd only REALLY need to make a few hundred dollars, maybe 1k per month to support yourself without skimping on anything. You could even drink and whore frequently on that kind of budget. I understand why some people (those who are completely fucked with illness, disability, inability to GTFO, etc) opt for the rope but if you're a healthy-ish young-ish man with even a small amount of money then you've got to do something drastic like this before you actually kys. I'm not one of those fags who thinks it's "selfish" to rope but it is pretty stupid to do so without even trying to make a few life-affirming changes. I still have some hope left but if that withers away you can bet your ass I'll be doing something like this.
>pic rel is USD$264/month with all utilities and shit included. A few minute walk to the beach.

>> No.16864274

Honestly it doesn't get better. I was just waiting until after my mum died to rope. She died this year so soon. Just waiting for my nan to go as she needs looking after as she is old and lost her daughter and husband the past few years. I can't do that to her. But when she goes I have no family left other than siblings who have their own lives so it's the rope for me.

>> No.16864289

Why did your mother die so young anon?
Rest in peace anon's mother

>> No.16864310
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Why are you killing yourself? Have you considered trying something like >>16864242 before you do? Why is everyfren on /lit/ moments from killing themselves...

>> No.16864425
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Brehs imagine living there with a qt Thai gf and reading all day because you only work ten hours every week doing meme online work.

>> No.16864426
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She was born with problems with her heart. She essentially died of heart failure/other organs failing.

Whats the point? I have done some traveling. I have no interest in living in Thailand (or somewhere like that) because it's cheap. Whores/booze aren't fulfilling, i already tried that shit. I actually know a couple of guys who went the thai route as an escape and everything i hear from them just sounds depressing as shit.

I can understand his sentiment and i certainly don't have any health problems or anything and even a bit of money (not really a lot but some saved to do shit like he said) but really why? My life isn't actually that bad i guess, but it's not good either. I just don't see the point.

>> No.16864440

The reality is you get used by the thai for your money/status. If you can deal with that it's not so bad i guess.

>> No.16864456

>My life isn't actually that bad i guess
Man don't kill yourself just because you're kind of bored...

>> No.16864481

>The reality is you get used
Eh I'd rather be "used" and be able to live a cozy life and fuck cute Thai women all the time than be used by a boss who doesn't care about me at a soulless job that I hate and come home to a woman who had long-ago stopped loving me and came to see me as a source of money and social stability. We're all getting used in some way or another.

>> No.16864513

>And when they are told, “Believe as others believe,” they reply, “Will we believe as the fools believe?” Indeed, it is they who are fools, but they do not know.

>> No.16864515

Suicide is not a smart act.
The problem is 'you' only experience everything that precedes death and you don't experience anything after death.
Therefore there is no release or ending of anything - because there isn't a you to experience that end.

All you feel is all the agony, doubt, hesitancy, utter revulsion that precedes the act; and then the sharp pain/shock of it. you don't get any of the fruits of it. no relief. no ending. you are entirely encapsulated in your experience and know/feel nothing beyond it - and with suicide you're ensuring your encapsulation will just be suffering and pain.

>> No.16864525

When I thought I had no other options left I went to Europe with the last of my money to try to either die or become a dragon. The results hurt a lot but didn't kill me, and now I have a job and a place to live.

I recommend setting yourself an impossible suicidal goal and trying to reach it rather than directly killing yourself.

>> No.16864541

>become a dragon

>> No.16864556

If you die you won't be able to read anymore books. You won't be able to enjoy anything. Go see a shrink and talk about it things will get better. I was close to offing myself after college due to having my chosen career be exposed as having no future and fearing there would be nothing but failure in my future. I stuck it out and now I'm in grad school and will probably be a cop in a year or so. I'm not gonna lie and say that things are sure to be better in the future but they could be. There are many things you likely haven't done or seen yet that you still can. Live on for now and know that there is always another option. (cop thing is a good choice right now if you need a job since all those people quit)

>> No.16864559

It's not really just boredom. There is just nothing to look forward to. I tried for a decade to change my life and absolutely nothing changed other than being fitter. If i couldn't even get any fulfillment/enjoyment out of life when i was young, how am i meant to now with responsibilities and a life that essentially amounts to work - sleep - repeat. Boredom is a valid reason to die anyway. I don't mean in the sense that i would expect my life to be 24/7 stimulation and fulfillment, boredom at times is to be expected, even most of the time but if your entire life is just boredom, then really, what is the point?

>> No.16864564

Well I mean, nothing was possible for me so I might as well settle on trying for the coolest impossibility.

>> No.16864573

>talk to a shrink and become a cop

>> No.16864581

Alchemist, easy chick lit that gives you me a "boost"

>> No.16864582

Unironically try Nietzsche's Thus Spake Zarathustra. IMO you don't necessarily even have to read further than the part I, because it's so powerful, but that's just my opinion. At that time I pushed myself to peak performance in thinking and physical fitness partly because I was trying to become an overman. It might be the case that you are unable to exert enough willpower (be it intellectual or physical) if you've been turned hollow, in which case no book will do you good. Want my advice? Try LSD and make it your priority to destroy all and any psychic structures you currently think are holding you back. Want someone else's advice? Go see a therapist.

>> No.16864585

>if your entire life is just boredom, then really, what is the point?
Have you tried doing the off-frid wilderness living thing? IDK if you need a loisense for that kind of thing in Bongland but maybe that's a place to start? What about a pet? What about getting like 3 dogs kek? Do you even enjoy reading anymore or no?

>> No.16864614
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I just want to go back to Viridian Forest. It is a point in the game where you start to realise that there is this whole world out there beyond Pallet Town. It's quite scary when you first enter, because there is no option but to walk through grassy areas where there will be hostile Pokemon. I remember playing this game and thinking that the in-game world was limitless like the real world. I genuinely spent more time than was necessary after completing the game just cycling around looking for a secret passageway to the wider world, but of course looking back it was a waste of time. There were only a limited number of towns to visit, a limited number of battles to fight, a limited number of Pokemon to see.

>> No.16864615

>Try LSD
This might be a viable strategy too. Maybe mushrooms too. It's a gay reddit meme but I've heard loads of anecdotes about people having life-changing experiences after taking a huge does of psychedelics. Never done it myself but.

>> No.16864621
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>but of course looking back it was a waste of time. There were only a limited number of towns to visit, a limited number of battles to fight, a limited number of Pokemon to see

>> No.16864645

The Myth of Sisyphus - Albert Camus

>> No.16864671
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I feel the same OP except my depression is linked to a phobia that's slowly killing me. I KNOW I have a great life. There's nothing I want more than to enjoy a meal, watch the sunset, live a quiet mediocre life enjoying the little things. But the anxiety and panic related to the phobia is crippling. I've lost ~40lbs on the last year. Scared of Hell and couldn't put my family through suicide but I've found myself secretly hoping I'd just pass in my sleep.

>> No.16864674


Go for a run.

>> No.16864680


Everything gets better when you turn 30. Make it 35.

>> No.16864684

This is the worst cope ever.
t. suicidal runner

>> No.16864693



>> No.16864695


The boy needs endorphins. He's overthinking shit already, books won't get him out of it.

>> No.16864703

>At that time
at the time of reading it several years ago*

>having life-changing experiences after taking a huge does of psychedelics
It certainly can be, if you have the right kind of attitude towards it. It doesn't even have to be a high dose to see some life-altering efffects (but it kinda depends on your body size). It is also advisable that you have someone you trust there with you to look after you, because there's a chance that you're going to have a bad trip and those can make you want to kys very easily.

>> No.16864710

Well I doesn't work with me, but it doesn't cost anything to try

>> No.16864712

>>16864703 meant for >>16864615

>> No.16864728

What phobia?

>> No.16864752
File: 40 KB, 657x525, 1605865290046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, listen to me!
You need to read the Bhagavad Gita, now. This is not a meme, nor a low-effort response. Nor am I just shilling a book that I like.
The Bhagavad Gita can genuinely change your life. It can change your entire outlook. You have a fantastic opportunity in this life, you were born in a situation where you can access the Bhagavad Gita (you can even find it on libgen if you like) -- don't let this life pass by without taking that opportunity!
I wish you good luck, OP. May blessings come to you.

>> No.16864762

Emetophobia, fear of throwing up. Haven't in 8 years now. So scared of it I feel like I can't live in a world where catching a stomach bug is a possibility. I eat far less, don't eat anything after 7pm so my stomach is empty in the night. I had it bad as a teen and it resurfaced earlier this year.

Some days I get a rush of courage and think, why not just drink a glass of water, run to the toilet and stick your fingers down your throat. Get it done and you'll see its not so bad. It's ruining your life, it's ruining your life... When I feel like I would rather die than throw up, surely that's illogical.... Anyway, working on it.