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File: 3 KB, 107x160, A0047C57-7EE2-4DDE-89FD-E6A5F1DE64F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16854898 No.16854898[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

But i accidentally closed the tab and can’t find it in my history so could you’ll guide me to the page, if not then could you please make this the new thread because the original thread looked interestinf

>> No.16854907

search in the archives for the key words

>> No.16855032

That was an incredibly shitty documentary btw.
>boohoo I got into porn because I thought it was an easy and fun way to make money, now people ostracize me despite my parents warning me multiple times that this would happen
Absolutely no sympathy for these roasties. You don't live in a 3rd world shithole where you have to prostitute yourself to western degenerates for money, you just didn't want to work as a waitress, whores.

>> No.16855411

>you just didn't want to work as a waitress

I sympathize. Being a server looks like shit.

>> No.16855526

They chose to become pornstars. No one forced them. Since they did it out of their own volition, I'm not going to feel bad if others treat them differently for it, they knew the risks about going in the business and they even show the parents who warned them about it.

>> No.16855539

>I sympathize. Being a server looks like shit.

I worked as a waiter for a hot minute when I was a teenager. It sucked balls.

>> No.16855598

>you can only be a server or a pornstar

>> No.16855619

These days, pretty much, or Amazon warehouse worker

>> No.16855641

My ex gf is a reddit girl now

I came across it when i was looking for something to jerk it to. I was scrolling and boom, there's her spread wide open pussy and face on reddit with 3.2k upvotes

There's a whole discord and subreddit of her simps

Millions of people have seen her pussy

I was the first one lol
Weird feeling

>> No.16855714

Link it.

>> No.16855742

Yeah let me just send you the link so you can tell her i posted this. Not gonna happen bud

>> No.16855744

>I was the first one lol
yeah, sure

>> No.16855762

Well unless her dad or brother got up in them guts first i doubt it could be anyone else

>> No.16855768

Based sower of doubt

>> No.16855772

(possible, she was a cutter and exhibited many signs of childhood abuse)

>> No.16855789

You are Anonymous though. So far as she could know, you might be any single one of her discord simps lying on an anime board.

>> No.16855808

>being this thirsty
She's not even that hot, a 6 at best.

>> No.16855877

>There's a whole discord and subreddit of her simps
>Millions of people have seen her pussy
It's so crushing that yet another naked chick will always achieve this every single time with no effort
it seems like there's an infinite demand for this, it never stops

>> No.16855898

>wanting admiration from coomer reddit losers

>> No.16855918

Being a server is much better than a pornstar. Neck yourself.

>> No.16855953

It was more of a general contemplation on how there is no real correlation between effort and returns when you look at the broad picture. Like this random prostitute (no offense to that anon) moves more value (capital, social) around by lifting her skirt than I ever will in a lifetime of creative work. If you look at it from the point of view of modern society it's pretty depressing.
I was thinking about this in another thread when someone said that bath water thot wasn't as influential as writers, and thinking about it they were wrong, since she's impacting people much more than a DFW, Dante or whoever the fuck.

>> No.16855958

Change "admiration" to "money" and you might begin to understand.

>> No.16855988

But anon, there are more important things in life than money.

>> No.16856006

>there are more important things in life than money.
I agree! I'm ok with starving a bit, but time is a big deal to me.

>> No.16856038

>>boohoo I got into porn because I thought it was an easy and fun way to make money, now people ostracize me despite my parents warning me multiple times that this would happen

Retarded take since porn is glorified to such an extent, and the dark shadow of it obfuscated by the same people who profit off of it. The regret usually comes after discovering the pernicious effects.

>> No.16856181

Female privilege is being able to pay your rent with pictures of your butthole that you posted online.

>> No.16856477

Not him, but you are a colossal faggot for complaining about how hard you life is without your ex and then not having the god damn decency to post tits.

>> No.16856519
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And being a pornstar looks like a fun, "liberated" career?

>> No.16856528

And social media is the number one channel for both human interaction and business mixed together. And on it you see people making masterful art or generally interesting things who are condemned to a state of nonexistence, then some thot posts a selfie with a duckface and gets 30000 likes
how do you cope with this? it's not just "why doesn't the good thing get attention" but this absurd disparity between effort and returns in favor of something that is objectively worse and also already available as millions of almost identical takes? how do you keep your faith in humanity?

>> No.16856532

Women make sense when you realise they all hate themselves.

>> No.16856755

The point is that they were tricked and manipulated. Ofc they were naive in that sense, but that doesn't justify anything. It shouldn't happen in the first place

>> No.16856767

How were they "tricked and manipulated"? They wanted to be whores, found out they bit off more they can chew and then regretted it.

>> No.16856773

>It shouldn't happen in the first place
Why not? Don't give me some dumbass moralizing bullshit, either.

>> No.16856859

>tricked and manipulated into doing porn
>B-but women are strong and independent!
Instead of realizing their mistake; they blame everyone but themselves.
>This is why women are the niggers of gender.

>> No.16857052

and male privilege is not suffering the temptation and regrets of prostitution.

>> No.16857069

But there are male prostitutes, they usually don't enjoy it either.

>> No.16857079

Porn is predatory and not everyone goes in there with a preconceived childhood ambition of getting railed in the ass by a balding fatso.
Some "companies" even go as far as offering modeling contracts and flying over women from other countries or states, and then when they arrive basically telling them "yeah you'll have to do porn btw, if you don't you'll have to pay the expenses yourself including the ticket back home"

>> No.16857109

Who the fuck signs up to do porn under the impression that they won't be getting railed up the ass by a balding fatso?

>> No.16857111

Well I'm sure men can pay rent too with butthole pictures, the market is just smaller.

>> No.16857134

>not everyone goes in there with a preconceived childhood ambition of getting railed in the ass by a balding fatso

>> No.16857143

Some "companies" even go as far as offering modeling contracts and flying over women from other countries or states, and then when they arrive basically telling them "yeah you'll have to do porn btw, if you don't you'll have to pay the expenses yourself including the ticket back home"

>> No.16857163

And? All this is is dumbass moralizing bullshit. Why should I care? Why shouldn't this happen? Why should dumb bitches disadvantaged by their equally dumb parents not get fucked in the ass?

>> No.16857187

It's worse than getting scammed out of 50 bucks which you can regain at some point. Ignorance in this case leads to permanent damage even after repenting.

>> No.16857195

>and male privilege is not suffering the temptation and regrets of prostitution.
Yeah it's also watching your fellow "men" and your children, if any, succumb to the prostitutes and become mindless animals

>the market is just smaller.
it's the butthole that gets larger

>> No.16857201

>Its a privelege to not be able to whore yourself out
Wow you're retarded

>> No.16857225

>Ignorance in this case leads to permanent damage
How so, and again, why should I care?

>even after repenting
Wtf does this christcuckery have to do with anything?

>> No.16857275

>Some companies do borderline illegal shit therefore all pornstars were tricked and manipulated
99% of porn fully advertises itself as being porn.

>> No.16857295

I suspect there's a large overlap between christfags and simps.

>> No.16857335

The only case where I can see that scenario happening is where the girls are invited to be "models" which I guess is porn, and instead they're just put on a sidewalk.

>> No.16857398

Mates I just took a peek at the usual containment board, and there are anons running around telling anons to focus on the Senate runoffs, they're getting back No Trump No Vote with an image of a crossed-out elephant, and I think the future of the United States really depends on the outcome of this dialogue. The Internet is fucking wild.

>> No.16857438

have you checked job listings recently? for proles, there are 3 options:
--restaurant / retail
--sex work
--truck driver

>> No.16857460

The 4th option is NEETdom with a rope on the ready.
I will never work. NEVER!! NEVERRRRRR

>> No.16857463

Based. Republicans deserve all the shit they sowed.

>> No.16857495
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>sex work

>> No.16857513

you make it sounds like porn producers are these nice guys who are scrupulously fair and transparent
it's not the case
there's tons of sexual assault, underpayment, and "free" drugs (to get you hooked so you constantly need to do more scenes)
"modeling" advertisements lie all the time
ron jeremy is a serial rapist btw

>> No.16857517

If you're too stupid to get into a reasonable college you can go into the trades. There's a huge number of highly in demand jobs that don't require a degree and offer advancement. The vast majority of girls who become porn whores were not tricked, they knew exactly what the stigma was surrounding it and they knew exactly what they were signing up for.

>> No.16857541

>get in shady businesses, meet people without scruples
>get into porn, expect people not to treat you like a hole
maybe these people should grow a brain and take the waitress job before thinking of the easy money?

>> No.16857547

Can't you have some empathy? Many of these girls are teenagers with no adults looking out for them. The anger should be directed at the producers.

>> No.16857548

>If you're too stupid to get into a reasonable college
are you implying that a degree gives you a job? lel

>> No.16857565

>Can't you have some empathy? Many of these girls are teenagers with no adults looking out for them.
Why? Male teenagers don't get any empathy.

>> No.16857572

I'm operating under the impression that they're employers in an industry, I'm sure many of them are straight up criminals and likewise I'm sure many are nice people just as is the case for normal movie producers. But I don't believe that the average casting ad for a porno is lying, I would need some evidence for how prevalent exactly those cases are.

Why would a porn company need to hide that they're casting for porn? Really it seems like there's a surplus of women more than ever that think they want to be a pornstar.

>> No.16857574

>implying women want to be plumbers and welders

>> No.16857585

From me they do. Why don't you feel like being empathetic for all teens?

>> No.16857594

Why aren't we angry at evil, manipulative colleges tricking naive /lit/tards fresh from high-school into getting useless degrees? Because they got what they signed up for.

>> No.16857598

there it is. us vs them. tribalism mindset will get you nowhere

>> No.16857606

GirlsDoPorn and that Czech casting couch company were recently busted. Those are both big names and you've probably jerked off to both if you watch straight porn regularly.

>> No.16857613

I'm not doubting it happens, I'm asking if there's any evidence that it's the norm.

>> No.16857623

American college students generally have time to change their major. I hate the way education works here, but a bad degree is not as bad getting facefucked on camera and regretting it.

>> No.16857625

I can't speak for you, but I graduated debt free thanks to scholarships. And my "useless degree" has brought me more genuine satisfaction than any MBA or MD ever could, because I know I'm not cut out to be a banker or a doctor, but rather, a writer, or at the very least, a reader
if you're angry that there's no money in literature, your ambitions are misplaced. no one should create art to pay the bills. the patronage system is mostly dead, and that's all for the better--no need to cater to the vision of the wealthy
the evidence is their existence. what more do you need, do you want brazzers or blacked to get busted as well?

>> No.16857634

Getting a bad degree is thousands of dollars down the hole, getting facefucked on camera and regretting it is just Saturday night for the average 21st century woman.

>> No.16857644

You're delusional so whatever

>> No.16857656
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>t. coomer

>> No.16857663

I repeat
>I'm not doubting it happens, I'm asking if there's any evidence that it's the norm.
If I was to argue that all pornstars have been tricked and manipulated into doing porn that would require some statistical analysis of porn casting. The mere existence of some companies that do it is not evidence for the conclusion anymore so than Tesco's selling horsemeat as beef is evidence that all storebought beef is actually horse.

>> No.16857665

Because these are almost always the same girls talking about how we need to "respect sex work" and whatever else. They're unapologetic about what they've done and completely lack the self-awareness to say "yes I was a dirty disgusting whore and that's why you shouldn't follow in my footsteps".

A degree that isn't a complete meme from a reasonable school will get you at the very least a shitty operations job with a comfortable salary. It won't be fun or interesting but you'll make more than any prole. I have more sympathy for people who get meme degrees than I do for whores because society at least tries to pretend that getting a meme degree is a feasible career path.

Well that's why female proles all become hair stylists and make less money.

>> No.16857676
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>> No.16857677

This is the problem. Women don't want to do real work. They were meant to stay at home and raise the family.

>> No.16857685

Why are you so invested in the idea that sex for money is disgusting? Are you a Mormon? I'm asking sincerely.

>> No.16857690
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I respect that you admit it. First step to becoming free from the coom life.

>> No.16857692

I don't think anyone was arguing that it's the norm. We're saying it's reasonable to believe that the girls who regret it and say they were tricked into it were actually tricked into it.

>> No.16857699

>They're unapologetic about what they've done
This thread is about girls who regret it you retard

>> No.16857703
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Stop trying to make it seem like it's not degenerate work. This is what's wrong with the world these days.

>> No.16857717

I don't think the statistical analysis is as necessary as you claim. Statistics often can be a red herring to distract from a problem. When the Bobst Library at NYU had two suicides from the upper decks in 2003, they didn't sit around debating the efficacy of suicide awareness programs vs the cost of putting up barriers. They built those barriers immediately. Sometimes, a problem needs to be recognized as such and acted on. Otherwise you get things like asbestos lawsuits and black lung disease in a whole generation miners.

>> No.16857730

I asked why you believe X and your response was to restate X. Are you incapable of thought?

>> No.16857734

Prove from first principles that it's wrong.

>> No.16857736

Why do you think female pornstars make so much more than their male costars? Why do you think overwhelmingly porn first-timers never do it again?
Because getting fucked in every hole and bukkaked on camera for the world to see is degrading.

>> No.16857739

Yes you're right we should blame female porn stars for porn. The Jews at the top producing this stuff are the real victims here.

>> No.16857746

>Why do you think female pornstars make so much more than their male costars?
because it's men who are watching and paying, dumbass

>> No.16857749

So what legislation do you think is necessary to address the problem?
Falsely advertising a casting ad for porn as something else is already illegal, as is distributing drugs for free.

>> No.16857759

Right and the male coomsoomer wants to see women be degraded on camera, blame the invisible hand.

>> No.16857765

I'm not religious and never have been. Never even baptized or Christened or whatever, I'm probably less Christian than most pornstars. These are people who have no productive skill, produce nothing of lasting value, and furthermore have forsaken the idea of doing that in favor of what they saw as an easier path. I've outlined any number of different paths they could take that doesn't require huge amounts of money or intelligence. Yet instead they choose to be something that is like an actor but somehow even lowlier and more degraded. At least actors and actresses can be puppets in someone else's art. Pornstars and whores are just greedier coomers. At least the fugly gender studies cunts are trying to learn an academic tradition. Whores deserve no respect and, barring the few examples you can bring up where they are genuinely tricked in a criminal way, are entirely personally responsible for it.

How many of them whine about respecting sex workers?

>> No.16857768

>thinks everyone on an anonymous forum is the same person
Ok coomer

>> No.16857772

Why should I care about some dumb roastie who probably makes more money than I do? Men don't get any sympathy when they make a mistake, why should those whores?

>> No.16857780

not legislation, but more regulation. perhaps a governing body that performs inquiries and random checks with the production set and with the models, similar to the health inspector for restaurants

>> No.16857790

I'm also making the argument that you shouldn't. Being degraded is what they signed up for and they should have thought about what they're actually seeing in porn and how "liberating" it really is before they decided they wanted to be pornstars.

>> No.16857799

>you're a victim because of your own choices
How does this make any sense? How can you be a victim of you're own conscious choices?
>You're a victim because you called that black man a nigger and he beat your ass
>You're a victim because you chose a worthless degree and now you owe 100k
>You're a victim because you robbed a bank and now you're in jail

>> No.16857800

>like an actor but somehow even lowlier and more degraded
there's that word again--a mere assertion, and not a proof

>> No.16857802

>Why should I have emotions?
Idk it's something you should have developed as a child.

>> No.16857806

>not legislation
>but more regulation, perhaps a governing body
That sounds like some very heavy and intrusive legislation to me, bro. Also sounds like it would annihilate the e-thot industry so good idea.

>> No.16857809

You can tell this thread is filled with redditors because of the
>everyone's a victim

>> No.16857812

But I do have emotions. It's called disdain.

>> No.16857819

A mere assertion and not proof of what? You're quoting a single sentence fragment from a paragraph where I explain my reasoning pretty clearly.

>> No.16857824
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>Whaaaa my """job""" is to be sexually desirable and get my womb fucked by sexually desirable men! IT'S SO DIFFICULT!
>Be a waitress? Ew no that sounds hard.
>Go to university? Ew no that sounds hard.
>Be a mom? Ew no I don't want to be locked down. Gotta express myself ;^)))))
>HmmMMmmMpH! People look at me like they've seen my pussy get blown out by a 13' cock or something! What gives?!
>Why don't men want me anymore? Yes my asshole no longer works but diapers exist, INCELS!!!!!!
The amount of sympathy I have for these women is so far below zero. Women will always make the shit they do seem so difficult (being a mom is the hardest job in the world!). They're ALWAYS martyrs. Unless you were literally trafficked out of a warzone I don't want to hear shit from you- take your tits out and do your """job""" or shut the fuck up and start doing something actually useful. My God it's so infuriating.

>> No.16857826

Yeah there's some real fags in here

>> No.16857833

You're a product of you're environment. If you grow up in an environment where people like Kim Kardashian are treated with respect, as somebody to be taken seriously how can we blame women for thinking it's normal, even glamorous to partake in pornography? This is literally the society you live in.

>> No.16857849

You keep asserting that sex for money is degrading. I don't buy it

>> No.16857850


>> No.16857851

Which part of this scene was the most empowering? The part where she throws up in a dogbowl or the part where the cameraman pours it on her head.

>> No.16857866

But in a way it is glamorous. And you even have masses of Redditors defending "sex workers".
Dont tell me that women dont know that some part of the population sees porn as dishonorable. They know what they do and they get many positive things from it, so they should also suffer the negative consequences.

>> No.16857875

I dislike both ideas, but if it was between self-directed work and customer service I would pick the former.

>> No.16857876

waaaah waah

>> No.16857885

Women don't undestand empathy. If you really want women to stop doing porn you should treat the subject like people did a century ago.

>> No.16857902

You don't have to buy my explanation of why but that doesn't make it any less true. That's why pornstars, strippers, and whores are treated universally like garbage, why there's constantly a push by shrill diversity commissars to respect muh precious sex workers (because nobody does). They're the definition of lumpenproles, the detritus in the gutter that chose out of their own volition to be human flesh lights instead of building, producing, creating, learning, teaching, or any other worthy pursuit. They always have been treated as what they are and always will be.

>> No.16857923

>You're a product of you're environment.
I grew up in NJ and I have almost nothing to do with people in NJ or Americans in general, and instead have spent most of my life studying European history and reading European literature. You're a product of both your environment and your genes.

>> No.16857925

It might not be objectively degrading, but you can't prove any value objectively unless you make assumptions like the existence of God.
It is however not respected by a large portion of the public. Even some hardcore liberals that I know always admit that while there is nothing wrong with porn, they would never want their daughters to do it.

>> No.16857935

human trafficking is real. it's easy to exploit a demographic when you have all the power.

>> No.16857939

It's always cucked western women. My mom raised 8 kids and never complained while my dad was at work. Nowadays you have women that act like having one child is the hardest thing in the world and expect the man to still help them 24/7. Even when all they do is sit at home watching Netflix while occasionally giving the baby food. It's pathetic.

>> No.16857945

i don't disagree. but you probably had good people in your life too. people you could look up to and that helped you grow up to be a decent person.

>> No.16857964

Of course the coomers want as much porn as possible because they'll never be satisfied. They're exactly like the beta males who larp as feminists to get pussy

>> No.16857992

You sound just like the faggots on reddit but I do agree to a certain extent. Most people are NPCs who can't think for themselves so they succumb to the mindset of people around them. That's still their own fault for being idiots instead of thinking critically.

>> No.16858001
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Very true. It has NEVER been easier to be a mother. Full stop. As a full-time stay at home mum you have ALMOST nothing to do.
>Don't let the child starve or choke
>Be nice to it if it's sad
>Clean it up a bit
They have the full weight of industrialized society propping them up yet they still act like they have to crawl in and out of Auschwitz on a daily basis. Female hubris knows no bounds. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.16858046


Someone has been listening to Malcolm Gladwell's Revisionist History.

>> No.16858088
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>> No.16858280

In that vein of progress, the opportunity cost of being a mother has never been higher

>> No.16858291

Yea which is why most people pay someone else to raise their children.

>> No.16858427

What's the point of even having kids if you're throwing them into a daycare all day? I remember hearing some theory about why so many people are "adult-child's" because of daycare. Something about having to throw temper tantrums to get attention. Might be total bs but it kind of makes sense looking at most college kids today.

>> No.16858466
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>What's the point of even having kids if you're throwing them into a daycare all day?
I don't fucking know. Our world is turned upside down and I have little interest in engaging with it. Moving to a poor country to where I can live cheaply while I read and drink myself to death. There's no reason to care anymore, I'm just doing what I can to avoid being burned.

>> No.16858535
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The reason it's impossible to make a living off a regular job nowadays is all thanks to the original feminists.
>muh we want work like men
>Okay! Now everything costs double and it's impossible to raise a traditional family!
Now they complain about the same system they created.