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16840753 No.16840753 [Reply] [Original]

your take on self-help books like pic related?

>> No.16840772

>ayo bruh why ya’ll punk ass whiteys be raycis doe I’s finna servin da country n shieet

>> No.16840777 [DELETED] 

American culture is centered around niggers. They have holidays for niggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free niggers. They listen to nigger music. They elect a nigger as their president. They dress and act like niggers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from niggers. They post sassy gifs about niggers. They watch sportsball in worship of niggers. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of niggers playing sports. They use nigger slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of protestantism. They're thinking of the nigger. Their cities are completely overrun with niggers. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with niggers and their global police force of soldiers filled with niggers. Their men sit around watching nigger ball while their women sit around watching nigger talk shows. They worship niggers like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and the late Mike Tyson while attacking the whites who actually built their country before niggers took over. Their movies are filled with niggers and their music charts are topped by niggers. They send niggers to the Olympics and celebrate when the niggers win because those niggers are true red blooded american niggers. They watch nigger porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about nigger penises instead. They will tell you how much they hate niggers and how the mutt's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love niggers but the evidence speaks for itself in that America has always been and will be a nation of nigger loving niggers

>> No.16840786

If any of them offered a novel idea there wouldn't be 800 new ones published every month. The best ones provide a clear outline and some scaffolding around what everyone should already know are "keys to success", I. E. Confidence, self-motivation, goal focused decision making, building a network, persistence, and the worst ones are scams.

Just buy one of the decent ones that have been out ages if you need those hard examples and mental scaffolds, like How To Win Friends..., or instead of spending your time on the book, focus on making short and long term goals then start taking steps to achieve them.

>> No.16841086 [DELETED] 

This pasta is so blackpilling (no pun). I can’t even read after the sports ball worship part, too home hitting

>> No.16841156

All been said before, and better, by more wise and influential men.

>> No.16841241

this one is completely different in that the author actually achieved greatness. that's unusual with self-help books.

>> No.16841253

running marathons and light masochism isnt greatness

>> No.16841257

Self help books are gay but my brother, who's at least mentally and physically extremely well put together, said that book reinvigorated his gym motivation.

>> No.16841320

you mean becoming some captain odering soldiers to die for jews
thats truley a greateness, for american

>> No.16841345

Says the fat fuck

>> No.16841922

he overcame crippling poverty, illiteracy, an incredibly abusive childhood, actual racism, and physical defects to join one of the most selective, elite military units in the world. his story is proof that any retard can 'make it' through sheer imposition of one's will. there's something pure about that. not sure why you dullards are so cynical, he's proof even cretins like you can make it.

>> No.16841939

his face creeps me out

>> No.16842208

yawn at all that american "hardship" - even then he had it better than like half the planet, and then he becomes a navy seal. okay, so he basically trained really hard. like i said its just light masochism, he likes plunging into ice baths and running longer than its healthy. i really dont give a shit about his self-abuse. if he wanted to be an elite athlete, he'd be running the 400m in under 46 seconds instead of competing in unhealthy meme races with zero competition besides a couple other attention seeking retards. this isnt even going into the fact that hes made no intellectual accomplishments; even in the realm of physical strength and endurance, he doesnt do anything impressive besides act dangerously and harm himself.

>> No.16842233

The concept of self-help is fine. The actual genre is a rip off of much older advice repackaged for a modern audience by someone who's not nearly at good at writing, and not nearly as wise.

>> No.16842328

"Self-help" books are not liked for the content, but for the illusion of improvement through reflectiveness bred by a species of cowardice.

>> No.16842335


>> No.16842370

This book is great, but more as a look inside the head of a crazy person than anything. It's a fun read unlike most self-help stuff.

>> No.16842403


what does he say

>> No.16842435

It's mostly an autobiography where he talks about all the crazy stuff he did in order to become a SEAL and run super marathons. After his first ultramarathon, he want into kidney failure and pissed blood. So like I said, it's just entertaining because the guy is nuts.

In terms of advice, what stuck with me most is to 'do at least one thing that you really don't want to do every single day'. Whether that thing is going for a run or cleaning your room, you have to do it.

>> No.16842466

>yawn at all that american "hardship" - even then he had it better than like half the planet
not everyone can be a third world faggot like you.

>> No.16842479

>In terms of advice, what stuck with me most is to 'do at least one thing that you really don't want to do every single day'. Whether that thing is going for a run or cleaning your room, you have to do it.
How about "getting out of bed".
I do it every day.

>> No.16842497

Essential for cultivating slave psychology.

>> No.16842515

>this isnt even going into the fact that hes made no intellectual accomplishments; even in the realm of physical strength and endurance, he doesnt do anything impressive besides act dangerously and harm himself.

Why the fuck does he need intellectual accomplishments? It's the mindset he's trying to convey you pedantic faglord. He even says you can apply this to anything, and to not be him and just run races. He set the world record for pull ups, which is a monumental feat of endurance. If you don't think that's impressive, you're a dumb faggot, and there's no point in trying to reason with you.

>> No.16842550

>world record for pull ups
holy shit the point is why the fuck would you ever care and read a book by the guy. normally if youre going to read an autobiography there should be something enticing about its subject, but i could you retards might be really keen on setting autistic niche records so youll find the lifepath of the world record pull ups guy very compelling

>> No.16842838


>> No.16842871

They are okay i have read 4 they all have their own unique piece of info that is great but much of the info are things like common sense.

Never split the difference - chris voss

thats my favorite

>> No.16842950

I don't like the "self-help" genre. Something about it feels ignoble. People find use in them, so I'm happy with them, but I don't personally read them. A lot of other people seem to feel like this which is why there are a lot of self-help books which brand themselves as something else.

>> No.16842955

I think less of you if you read them

>> No.16843107

What kind of greatness? Like what has this guy actually accomplished that’s so worthwhile?

>> No.16843146
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>actual racism

lmao goggins bitched and moaned about his ex-wife's father because "he was racist and said i would mistreat and abandon her"

surprise surprise, goggins turned out to be an abusive psycho, and once she had the baby, goggins ran off

>> No.16843168

all he did was lose about one hundred pounds and (re)join the military, that's basically the extent of his amazing, inspirational self-help masterpiece that gets paraded around by redditors looking for a new black idol to worship now

>> No.16843221

He already said its about his mindset retard nigga

>> No.16843672

it’s all nietzsche’s fault

>> No.16845430

>crippling poverty
been there done that
Never had it but I'm still a retard
>incredibly abusive childhood

>> No.16845475

And his weight loss wasn't even inspirational. The way he goes on about it he obviously has good genetics and was just overweight from eating way too much. Most people his weight can't just start jogging and working out for hours every day.

>> No.16845484

Literally all this proves is that the mechanism of American society is working as intended, and that the military is not nearly as selective as most think (it isn't).
Which are probably both points the author would disagree with in a stunning display of his own lacking introspection.

>> No.16845509

It's essentially Nietzsche put into practice.

>> No.16845556

I love it how nobodies with 0 worth to them call Goggins some sort of phony, and as if all he did was lose weight, jogged a bit and joined the military. Are you for real, did you see his list of accomplishments and just what a spectacular military career he had? And I suppose ultramarathons are a joke, so haha, fuck this stupid nigger dying for le Jews, am I rite? The amount of envy and contempt you have for him is telling, but, OP, if you want to know if his books actually has some merit to it and something to say to you or other people that are interested in grabbing it, it's essentially a very detailed account of his life and his Nietzschean philosophy. He never mentions him, but it's very clear if you can read between the lines, and also, Goggins' whole point of doing this is to free his fellow man from the chains he puts himself into and to realize that we as humans have untapped potential and can soar for the skies, but often don't because we aren't aware of this fact and we don't know how to unlock that potential and put it to use. You don't have to be like Goggins and it's something he wouldn't want you to do, either, because he said that each of us has to find his own way of doing this, just like Nietzsche said in Zarathustra to disagree with him, to question his teachings and to argue with him.

If you think that's something you'd want to read and would want use in, then go for it. If not, then still read it for being an incredible life story as this anon laid out in this post >>16841922

>> No.16846118

None of Goggins' "accomplishments" have appreciably impacted the world, and they all boil down to a fetishistic self-destructive exercise machine. Nobody is claiming to be "better" than him, but these kinds of men stopped impacting the world when the Warrior class was separated from the Political class in ancient history.
Militants are a commodity and the physical shape Goggins is in is broadly replicatable with modern anatomical and exercise science. What is there to be enraptured by? You're certainly not going to follow in his path.

>> No.16846611

>I love it how nobodies with 0 worth to them call Goggins some sort of phony, and as if all he did was lose weight, jogged a bit and joined the military.

a bunch of jealous, petty, small minded nothings ITT. the thing about goggins is that people are either inspired by his single minded focus and grit or have to exude cunt snark like the fatbodies in this thread, and play down his achievements just so they aren't reminded of their own inadequacies and failure to actualize their full potential.

>yawn at all that american "hardship" - even then he had it better than like half the planet

look at this retard over here. by this logic, no one's suffering outside of third world impoverished shitholes is legitimate. i suppose any figure you draw inspiration from has to be a dirt eating street shitter from Lesotho. where are you from anyway? you sound like a typical balkanoid subhuman.

>The way he goes on about it he obviously has good genetics

another subhuman. the fucker did everything with a hole in his heart and had sickle cell trait. mighty good genetics.

>None of Goggins' "accomplishments" have appreciably impacted the world

pray tell, what constitutes 'appreciable impact'? since when did you become the arbiter of what constitutes appreciable impact? post your body and what you've done in your life faggot.

>> No.16846645

This guy watches a lot of BBC cuck porn, I bet

>> No.16846667

Bro, people in the Balkans don't generally think they're super poor, what i've mostly encountered is people who are saying "eh, everywhere's about the same when you count in costs of living"

>> No.16846669

>post your body and what you've done in your life faggot.
What? Are you illiterate? My own body doesn't impact the world at large and neither does Goggins'. Erasing Goggins from history would see nothing change. Unironically if I were the most putrid disabled piece of human filth imaginable it would only prove my point.

>> No.16846927

I have never read self-help books but watched many videos, read many advice and listened to a lot of people's opinions about the subject. I have found out that the best self-help is alone time in nature.

I know a lot of people seethe at this fact like some in this thread, but the quest to seek wisdom of self-help gurus is really a quest to combat daddy issues and absence of heroes in one's world view. It's all just cope, go to a psychologist to fulfill this specific narrative, listen to some random faggot tell you what your narrative must become, but you can't run away from the fact that you will be miserable if you don't accept your own existing narrative i.e. fate.

>> No.16847249

>have appreciably impacted the world
How many people told him that he changed their lives for the better and that he had a profound impact on them? We change the world through small ripples that turn into galloping waves and that's his aim. But keep nagging at him because he has figured life out and is doing things his way, at his tempo and at his speed. Keep crying about how he is too indulgent and promotes a masochistic way of life that fetishizes pain, even though that's a clear sign you a) don't understand what he's about and b) are taking petty jabs at someone much greater than yourself.

It's more that people just need to realize talking to yourself honestly and being honest with yourself in general is FUCKING IMPORTANT, despite how difficult and unpleasant it may be, and that there are no shortcuts to the grind.

>> No.16848804

?Are you for real, did you see his list of accomplishments and just what a spectacular military career he had?

I actually like Goggins, but he had a less than stellar military career. Barely even a :"good" one. He made it to the SEAL Teams, but was disliked by the other SEALs, had a reputation for placing his brutal endurance workouts over being an effective soldier, and has been accused of dodging combat deployments out of cowardice.

>> No.16849026
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If you want to literally waste time and fuck up your health, then go ahead and listen to David Goggins. It's your life.

If you want actionable stuff backed by science that doesn't involve you sacrificing a bunch of stuff for the sake of productivity and shit, then read

>A Liberated Mind by Steven C. Hayes.

It's a great read on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), but it's a book anyone can use, not just people who want therapy. Think of it as like a roadmap of sorts to live your life to head closer to your values. Lots of actionable steps and proven to work very well through literally hundreds of studies. The advice in this book is GOLD compared to whatever Goggins sells.

>> No.16849869

>serving the jew is a high accomplishment
See where your premise falls apart?

>> No.16849879

He has feminine eyes. It stirs things within me.

>> No.16850126

and we salute you for it

>> No.16850339

Didn't he just do a lot of pull ups?

>> No.16851001

>less than stellar military
holy shit

>> No.16851055

mutt's law

>> No.16851062

Not every key is for your lock. I think all people should seek but I've never read a self help books and felt revelations in the same way as reading other materials.

>> No.16851215

They're coffee-table books, nothing more.

>> No.16852358

>and then he becomes a navy seal. okay, so he basically trained really hard
look you're probably fat, but people can die from navy seal training. It's not just "training really hard"

>> No.16852414

And yet he cheated on his wife. Why are men so fragile?

>> No.16852427

People die in Army BCT all the time. Its not fucking hard. People can die from rolling off the bed in their sleep and hitting their head. That's not a good metric of difficulty.
I knew a guy that went through pre-BUDS and only got chaptered out due to an undetected medical problem. He had a strong chance of making BUDS and going to a SEAL team. He was fit, but he wasn't insanely jacked or anything. Most of what they did was cardio.
Goggins is a cardio beast that definitely destroyed his body long-term. That happens to everyone who does strenuous cardio. I don't even think Jocko Willink recommends Cardio and he'd slap Goggins silly.

>> No.16852431

Self absorbed trash. You would benefit much better from philosophy and nutrition books

>> No.16852432

>We change the world through small ripples that turn into galloping waves and that's his aim.
That's a cute truism but I don't see any evidence of his impact on the world. The people that idolize him would just attach themselves to some other self-help motivateur.
>But keep nagging at him because he has figured life out and is doing things his way, at his tempo and at his speed.
I don't have any complaints about Goggins doing whatever, so I don't understand what your point here is.

>> No.16852943

You respond to me >>16846927 after you write like one of the seethers I mentioned in the reply. Dumb nigger, Goggins is the cope provider for the NPC cattle like yourself, don't question or change the status quo in a way that threatens those with power, just fight towards "conquering your own mind" while you get overrun by mentally fucked niggercattle like Goggins. I'm not surprised retards like yourself look up to another retard who considers conquering his own mind as a grand achievement, especially when he never conquered shit and all his running is just his cope for running away from his traumas. All of his followers and worshippers are nothing but 5 year old boys who look at an adult lifting weights and being fascinated by the power. Bunch of fucking manchildren, fuck you. Imagine having Goggins as one of your gods and heroes, you fucking lowest forms of filth.

>> No.16852955

>Worked out until the point of near-death no less than 5 times.
>This means I'm strong, and not clearly self-hating.
Goggins is a meme.

>> No.16853034

>dude with horrible upbringing develops masochistic tendencies and joins... the navy seals
yass!!! everyone can be a millionaire

>> No.16853264

he holds the world record for pullups. can you even do 1 you whiny bitch faggot?

>> No.16853279

Why should anybody care

>> No.16853307

when you're at the top, everybody's got something to say.

The level of cope in this thread is enough to prove that point. Fat slobs who's only achievement is sitting in a comfy room and reading a lot of books so they can appear smarter than other people on the internet.

Regardless of whether Goggins' achievements are based in self-hatred, he still achieved superhuman feats, and that is admirable. What does it take for you narcissists to accept that someone has done something great with their lives?

>> No.16853369

This is the only good take in this thread

>> No.16853506

Agree. It's almost too on the nose when people ITT criticise a man known for his extreme mental toughness and then throw a tantrum when someone even remotely challenges them.

I think self-help books are ok but you could probably just pick the top few all-time bestsellers and build a good life off them. They can become a crutch

>> No.16853555

>everyone can be the member of the world's most elite military unit, you just have to work hard

>> No.16853567

>haters finna hate
Shut up nigger

>> No.16853710

Why are you masturbating to Goggins' achievements? Your attempts at aligning yourself with him is just a shallow an effort to claim some kind of ownership or solidarity with what he's done.
If you were actually undergoing a similarly rigorous exercise or self-improvement routine you'd be well aware that what Goggins did is more medically dangerous and ultimately discouraging of physical and mental independence than it is helpful.

>> No.16854025

you should care because you started shitting on him and now you're abandoning your argument. you are a weak coward bitch faggot get the fuck out of /lit/ you weak minded imbecile you will never make it

>> No.16854045

>What does it take for you narcissists to accept that someone has done something great with their lives?
that is 4chan. people come here to argue. every board is the same. negative contrarian fucks. i just come here still to skim book titles.

>> No.16854053

holy shit... let me right this down.... being a Navy Seal is dangerous... okay go on this is gold

>> No.16854183
File: 56 KB, 500x500, elitepepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

between the ages of 19-22 I was an improver, all I wanted to do was to live #bestlife and all that jazz. Intellectually it got me nowhere, socially it made a psycho (thanks to 48 laws of power n sheet). Sure, I went from pseudo-virgin to banging a new girl every week, sure I was a big-shot on campus (despite being a nobody in high school), sure I was always making friends and influencing people, but deep down all I wanted to do was kill myself. During that time I did not read a single book of fiction, philosophy, or poetry because I did not see the point. Now, I regret that life, despite being a "Chad", I wish I spent more time in the library, reading the greats. I wish I spent more time focusing on my creative endeavors instead of trying to "mog" people.

I read a shit ton of self-help books during that time. Most of thee self-help are a remix of "Think and Grow Rich". When they say something good, it's obvious, and even then they manage it to drag it on for 200 pages or more. Take for example "Atomic Habits", I could sum the book in 2 pages of bullet points, and if you followed them, you would end up in the same place as if you've read the whole thing. There are youtube channels that do summaries of such books, so I guess there's no harm in checking them out. Better than wasting precious hours on common sense advice that these authors sell for 10 bucks.

People who spend their lives reading only self-help books are some of the most toxic out there. People who read good books and actually ponder upon them will end up in the same position as if they've read self-help books.

>> No.16854357

I struggle with David Goggins, I can't decide if duct taping your torn and beaten up feet to continue running, and then almost dying as a result is based or just plain stupid.

>> No.16854857

My uncle is super into self help books and stuff, but he is also super successful. Was a bank ceo of the national back for the county, chairman of several companies on board of directors for many more. Eventually went into life coaching after retiring and still kinda does that, but he's like 87 now.
I don't really know what he still gets out of the constant Brendan Buchard and Tony Robbins at this age though. I mean whenever I watch the videos with him, its all new to me, but he must have heard all this stuff a thousand times over by now.
I guess there's really always something new to learn though.

>> No.16854875


>> No.16855012


I don't seek out self help books, or have read more than 2 or 3 total, but I enjoyed it. It was nice to see him fail at things but refuse to back down. It makes no difference that the starting point is low or high, but that he, for the most part, eventually got to or very close to his maximum. He embraced the struggle and that's really refreshing in this modern world where everyone hates struggle.

I personally hate ultra marathoners, so it was nice to see someone other than weirdo faggots win them.

It wasn't a self help book, it was just a "testimony" or whatever to say "hey, here's what I did, and what I learned along the way".

You can hate on him if you want, but he doesn't give a shit. If you do, it's because he is renting space in your head.

>> No.16855609

most people who are into him are direly obsessed with self-help content, i feel it's like a drug to most people who consume it because it can make you feel like some kind of god while you don't actually practically go anywhere or tangibly improve your life

i respect goggins and willink and people like that but most of the time people don't benefit from it because they are in need of it instead of just motivating themselves or doing what they know they need to do to improve

>> No.16855773 [DELETED] 

goggins taping his his shins up to keep going is so fucking /lit/. if you don't see this keep looking anon. it might not have been the hardest thing you could do, but it was the hardest thing goggins did.

>> No.16855803

goggins taping his his shins up to keep going is so fucking /lit/. if you don't see this keep looking anon. it might not have been the hardest thing you could do, but it was the hardest thing goggins could do.

>> No.16856298

The only self-help book you need is Tao Te Ching

>> No.16856784

This isn't the constantly name-changing deniable black ops CIA outfit tho, it's the Premium Jarhead squad.

>> No.16856870

yeah and i don't give a fuck about non-anal masochistic stunts
this guy can destroy his shoulders, kidneys, knees, he'll never be a productive member of society

>> No.16856892
File: 19 KB, 500x374, 1605670192091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmaoooooo so you give a fuck about anal masochistic stunts? Ahh fuck. I needed a kek.

>> No.16857776

Anything that might help a person be better is a good thing as long as it's voluntary.
Self help books appear cringe but that's only if you don't need them.

>> No.16857823

>I joined the army to blow up impoverished goat herders in some third world shithole! I'm better than you!

>> No.16858121
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That's what a solid 3/4 of America thinks, yes.

>> No.16858227
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>the Warrior class was separated from the Political class in ancient history

Plato was right, separating our thinkers and warriors was a mistake

>> No.16858234

Goggins' stoic monk mindset hit me just right. I left the book with a new bit of perspective, which I think is all someone can hope for from this genre.

I didn't quite join the SEALs, but did leave a cushy engineering job for a Math PhD since; I think there's at least a small bit of Goggins to blame.

>> No.16858245

Nuggets of gold advice in a pile of blather.

>> No.16858266
File: 43 KB, 316x500, 512PtxvCWsL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this book was pretty good

>> No.16859474

How to be miserable helped me a lot
CGP grey has a video on it

>> No.16859670

i would read the book because he has thus far lived a very interesting life, and there's inspiration to be taken from the things hes done, and if you can't appreciate his feats because they arent intellectual you are a morbidly obese, jam-packed, lubed up faggot

>> No.16859679

Your uncle probably wasn't even self made at all and was fed the silver spoon

>> No.16860524

You're a retard if you think BUD/S "isn't hard." Why do you think so many people quit? It's not as easy as train cardio and be conditioned. You really are some kind of fatty. >>>/fit/

>> No.16860667

I haven't read that book.

I have read a few others though.
>How to Win Friends an Influence People
Everyone says it is basic stuff but it was good for an autist like me. I'm very self aware but not so aware of the people with which I communicate. Meaning I wasn't doing a good job of learning from experience. And also meaning that I can learn to implement these tips quickly.
>Neurolinguistic Programming by Neil Shah
This is a good follow up to HTWFAIP. It has a few chapters dedicated to communication and it was good for me because it takes a self-aware, mindful approach to interpreting other people's communication. Though that's not the majority of the book, it's mostly about altering your mindset to be more effective at achieving your goals.