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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.69 MB, 1500x2000, 1605828440120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16826143 No.16826143 [Reply] [Original]

Post and r8

This is my temporary shelving solution. Stack at the bottom are my current reads.

>> No.16826170

In terms of the actual books it looks pretty standard. The shelves are functional. The table looks nice.

>> No.16826173

Is that Buddha in his own words book good? I flipped through it at the bookstore and it seemed to be more of the author's commentary than the buddhas own words.

>> No.16826207

Only just got my copy, haven't read it yet but I've heard good things.

>> No.16826507
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>> No.16826532

This image is made a lot funnier by the hockey stick. Can't imagine any of the hockey players I've known consooming all the Barnes & Noble collectible editions.

>> No.16826536

What is that penguin next to Joyce on the top of the shelf?

>> No.16826542

Some of the books I like. Some I do not like. This is your own bookshelf, not mine.

>> No.16826546


Your shelves all look pretty expensive.

>> No.16826561

War and Peace The Original Version... what does that mean? Is it in Russian?

I bet you haven't read one of them, consoomer.

>> No.16826571
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These two shelves are connected to my desk. The top shelf is mostly for references (hence why a lot of them are anthologies) and introductory essays and the bottom shelf is what I am currently reading/want to read.

>> No.16826583

Infinite Jest looks so out of place amongst that poetry collection.

>> No.16826587

You're an art student, aren't you?

>> No.16826606

It is! I don't read a ton of fiction, my area of focus is poetry. And I must confess that I haven't finished the big IJ. I thumb through it every now and then, reading twenty to thirty pages here and there. I keep a journal so I don't forget what I've read. I love Wallace's short story collection "Oblivion" and his essay collection "A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again."
English lit grad student doing a half thesis and half manuscript.

>> No.16826608

Noticed he placed it on top of the poetry collection with the Harold Bloom commentary. What exactly is he trying to signify?

>> No.16826610

My eyes...
Why are these special edition bindings so cringe to me?

>> No.16826632
File: 2.79 MB, 2268x4032, 8566E76F-C0BF-4CE0-9BED-C60F68F80550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a new bookshelf.

>> No.16826638

You need new books, /pol/fag.

>> No.16826644

im sick of rummaging through card board boxes. anyone use stacked milk crates for book selves?
how do those work?

>> No.16826668

You just stack them on their side and place the books in them as if they were shelves.

>> No.16826669
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>two copies of Diary of a Wimpy Kid

>> No.16826675

Looks like old chocolate wrappers

>> No.16826702

I don’t like buying new books, used books are much cheaper.

>> No.16826727

You need a new camera

>> No.16826745
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>> No.16826753

Some of that is pretty based and some is pretty cringe. Also anyone claiming he's /pol/ is delusional.
>Wages of Destruction
>Rise and Fall of 3rd Reich
>Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler

>> No.16826768

You writing on AS Byatt?

>> No.16826785
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This is my primary bookshelf. I have another one that has more fiction and the books I don't access as much. Let me know if y'all want to see that one too.

>> No.16826792

I don't know know why the image is flipped?

>> No.16826799

What's the Latin textbook you found most useful?

>> No.16826817

Not yet! When I finish my Masters I hope to write my PhD thesis on Swift and Byatt. Both are probably my favourite post-1950's fiction writers (alongside DeLillo, Roth, and Kerouac). Currently I am writing my half thesis on mythopoeias and Ted Hughes' "Crow". The other half, my manuscript, is a collection of poems.

>> No.16826823

by now this is a bit, right?

>> No.16826839

Cool. Are you American? Also what's a manuscript in this context?

>> No.16826852
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What do your parents think of your book hobby, anons?

>> No.16826856

No! I am actually Canadian. The manuscript is my creative work. This Masters program (and actually quite a few Canadian universities are starting to implement this) is kind of this hybrid MA in English Literature and MFA in Creative Writing, hence why I am only writing 50-75 pages of a thesis on Ted Hughes' "Crow" and the other 50-75 pages is my poetry collection.

>> No.16826860

Is this the IQ/Civic Nationalism starter pack?

>> No.16826873

Honestly, I learned most of my Latin through studying outside of class for JCL competitions (which consisted of taking old grammar and reading comprehension test from previous competitions and working with an older student or a teacher to see what I did wrong and learn from it) and bought these textbooks for easy reading to practice comprehension. If I had to recommend a book though, it would definitely be the Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata series, which I used in my fourth year of studying to improve my reading speed and transition from translating into English to understanding the Latin itself. It's a graduated reader that teaches the Latin through Latin itself. If you speak English, you'll understand the first chapter. By the end of the first book, you'll be reading selected poems written by actual Romans and the second book gives a history of Rome up to Augustus through selected Roman texts. It was a pleasure to read. Wheelock is good for it's in depth explanations of the grammar, but it lacks enough reading and practice to be effective on its own. The Ecce Romani series is a middle of the road between the two. My high school used Cambridge, and like Ecce Romani, it seems pretty middle of the road, though my Latin teach sometimes complained about the order that the Cambridge textbooks introduced grammar. All this in mind, I still recommend the Lingua Latin series. It also has additional books that go along with the main two if you're willing to spend more money, but they aren't required at all.

>> No.16826877

very generic taste. it looks like you only read books meme'd by /lit/ which is the sign of an indisputable pseud. also i hate seeing books angled like that. it seems disrespectful to the books to just shove them in at odd angles.

autistic classicist. i'm sure you're intelligent, but this is a rather dull selection, and seems to be mostly pulled from university bookshop curb sales.

>> No.16826890

Also, Allen and Greenough is a reference grammar book, not a textbook, but it is invaluable to have if you want in depth explanation of the grammar, though you'll need a good intuition on what facts to focus on when reading it (which you will gain as you study Latin).

>> No.16826894
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>English lit grad student
>I hope to write my PhD thesis on

>> No.16826895

That's actually pretty cool. I'd do that if I could. That's pretty hefty for an MA though. Is it a two year thing?

>> No.16826898
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My mother thinks I spend too much time and money on an asocial hobby. My father could not care less, he's dead.

>> No.16826907

I don't have a desire to own every single classics book. I have a subsription to the online loeb and there is always http://thelatinlibrary.com/.. I only really buy Latin books for when I want to study a particular section in depth. I do want to add more mediaeval texts though which has been a bit of a struggle to find quality texts of.

>> No.16826913

Cringe pseud

>> No.16826931

They are objectively cringe, they look like cheap children's toys.

>> No.16826960

Yeah, I am a Masters student right now. PhD is not in my future for quite some time.
Yep, two years. First year is a bunch of intense literary theory and workshop classes, and second year is thesis/editing and more workshops.

>> No.16826974

I'm glad I'm skipping theory for the most part.

>> No.16826996

> university bookshop curb sales.
I will admit, the physics books absolutely are though.

>> No.16827030

so you went through your whole bachelors and still haven't realised how pointless and shit it all is
you have to be some 110 IQ shitlib or a woman there is no way

>> No.16827041

i see 5 good books, maybe 6
>no philosophy
we're not all gonna make it bros :(
>I need a new bookshelf.
and new books. I see one good one (Hegel)
Read il principe and bin the rest
12+ good books

>> No.16827062

Not only do I enjoy studying it, but I make a decent amount of money as a TA right now, so it is not pointless.
Yeah, I don't really enjoy reading philosophy. Besides some literary theory, I'll leave philosophy to you guys.

>> No.16827088

The angled books are temporary. Usually I would never. I made sure they aren't being damaged how they are sitting.

I should also note please ignore Atlas Shrugged, I got it for free from the Objectivist Society for a meme.

>> No.16827106

it is always pointless
university is just like masturbation
it is masturbation
except retards and women are proud of it
"look at my certificate to show what a good masturbator and follower of low IQ church dogma i am!"
for me it is a mark of shame and I even did a """"useful"""" degree
how you are not having an existential crisis once per hour is a medical miracle

>> No.16827108

I too, shop at costco.

>> No.16827139

Kek. Cool story, bro.

>> No.16827157


>> No.16827403

It's a good intro. You can skip the first 50 pages or so, which is just the author. Before each sutta, he gives some context etc, and he has shortened the most repetitious parts of the suttas themselves (thank God).

>> No.16827452

Dangerously based

>> No.16827876
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>> No.16828024

Stop posting here, and immediately put a bullet in your pate.

>> No.16828101

I figured I contributed enough that it would be worth picking up a copy for posterity.
And if I ever finally quit the internet, it will be a decent example of what it was if I ever feel the need to return or remember what it was like.

>> No.16828239

>he has shortened the most repetitious parts of the suttas themselves (thank God).
Non-repetition is the bane of scriptures.
-DHAMMAPADA, verse 241

>> No.16829928

Fuck these threads.
Fuck your shelfs.

>> No.16829973

I have the same atlas shrugged and I have to say I will never buy penguin classics again. The quality of the book is absolutely terrible: some pages are too skewed and after reading it once it looks like the worst book in my shelf. Disgusting.

>> No.16830229

>I figured I contributed enough
See the part about putting a bullet in your brain

>> No.16830271

Do not have fun. Do not engage with others. Everything is serious. Do not be creative. Do not shitpost. 4chan is a serious place for serious things and you have to be serious.

>> No.16830483

>buying thick paperbacks and expecting them to last more than one read

>> No.16830652
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>> No.16830865
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This is everything I've read since I started taking reading more seriously in June, go easy on me :3

>> No.16831366

>for me it is a mark of shame and I even did a """"useful"""" degree
yes because you did terribly.

>> No.16831669

favourite hughes collection?

>> No.16831686

It's the best comprehensive introduction to Buddhism imo

>> No.16832060

If you like Dostoevsky you should try Albert Camus or Nietzsche's fictions. If you like Irvine Welsh you might like Bret Easton Allen. If you like Orwell you may like Vonnegut. If you like Moby-Dick you should try the King James Bible.

>> No.16832368

I've read american psycho on audiobook. Dostoevsky was fine but not really my thing I guess, I want to read more classics for now. along with some French novels as I'm trying to learn it

>> No.16832810

why is that shirer book so popular.

>> No.16832882
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>Bret Easton Allen
Dumbass, It's Bret Easton Ellis
>I've read american psycho on audiobook
You read nothing, bitch

>> No.16832920

Crow, easily, but Hawk in the Rain Birthday Letters, Wodwo, and Cave Birds are all definitely worth checking out.

>> No.16834214
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>Stan Rogers
>Culture of Critique
>Blacklisted by History
>Stackpole Military History

Highly Based and Highly redpilled

>> No.16834286
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cringe alert

>Highly Based and Highly redpilled
more like higly cringe and higly cringepilled

>> No.16834301

dilate, rabbi

>> No.16834325
File: 35 KB, 500x500, Olaf_like_warm_hugs!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, homie you should dilate

>> No.16834348

honestly build a shelf yourself its not that hard

>> No.16834351

I have the same literary theory anthology! Your Riverside Shakespeare is beautiful

>> No.16834386

My parents and I share the hobby and often talk about what we are reading with each other. We all add to a big collection.

>> No.16834550

Once again amazingly based shelf anon

>> No.16834560
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if olaf gets a warm hug he will melt he is made of snow

>> No.16834593

Based David McCullough vs. Cringe Ron Chernow. Chernow's Hamilton biography literally reads like a schoolgirl writing in her diary about her new crush.

>> No.16834622
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Thanks. Here's another one.

>> No.16834631

I wish I had enough time to dedicate to all of this.

>> No.16834639



>> No.16834649

Hello, my friend.

>> No.16834654

Dude, I have a few other literary theory books, and this one I would consider to be the best. And thanks! I also have an Oxford Shakespeare, which I like and is pretty decent, but I love Riverside's too much haha!

>> No.16834655
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>> No.16834662
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>> No.16834667

this happens whenever you submit an image from mobile

>> No.16834672

No poetry?

>> No.16834710

What is that Ulysses

>> No.16834730

what edition of BM is that?

>> No.16834767

Not OP. It's the third edition of ALMA Classics publication. The annotations are done by Sam Slote, Marc A Mamigonian, and John Turner. Has a good introductory essay, annotations are nice, but the text is pretty tiny and the book's spine is stiff. It's not a terrible edition, and the new annotations/essay is good enough for purchase, but it's not my first pick. If you find it on sale, I'd recommend getting it.

>> No.16834825

Any Latin texts you are studying at the moment? I've been getting into Cicero's Speeches. I'm finding them harder than the dialogues but that's mostly because of the legalistic vocabulary that I haven't had the same exposure to.

>> No.16834869

Is it worth it studying latin late in life? I don't have much time for it now, and probably still won't have for at least another 5 years, seeing I already have a full shelf and a career to worry about, but getting into latin is one of those dilettante things I'd like to try at some point. I shouldn't find it as hard as many anons since I speak a latin language natively.

It does seem quite the investment for something I'll probably never use, though, so I'd approach it as more of a deep entertainment of sorts than serious studying. I know there are many books in Latin I could read, but time is limited and I already have plenty to keep me occupied for the next few years, professional books included.

>> No.16834988

I'm a NEET and I study it to keep my brain from turning into sludge, personally. It's a great feeling to read the classical writers in the original languages, and it keeps your reasoning faculties sharp too. I'd recommend it if you have the time. I should probably study something more practical but Latin after a certain point is so much fun to study and build on.

>> No.16835028
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Finally got a proper bookcase. r8 my tastes

Funnily enough I'm fairly sure the same as >>16834214. Do the shelves end up sagging bad anon?

>> No.16835037

i love viking portable libraries. In general, I skim through and only read parts I like. These books were made for me

>> No.16835056

>tfw shitposts online with random anon and writes Das Rite, Das Kapital
>some one buys it and places on his bookshelf next to the greatest works of western literature

>> No.16835131

Well, I'm not a NEET, far from it, so it certainly wouldn't be as simple. I've wanted to try this out for a while now, but the only ones I see actually going through with it are neets and those within the humanities, who'll find at least some sort of professional utility in it. And those who learned it growing up, of course.

>> No.16835140

How can you stand looking at those disgusting, normie tier colourful covers? I'd be gentle if I said it looked like a bunch of tea boxes.

>> No.16835147

Pretty much sums it up. I got it secondhand for cheap so it was worth the purchase.

>> No.16835154

That's the joke

>> No.16835214

Is Why Nations Fail any good? I'm seeing mixed response on here. Weird thing is, some days everyone says it's good and other days everyone says it's bad.--How does that even happen?

>> No.16835294
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I've spend irresponsible amounts of money on books

>> No.16835311

To be fair they are fairy tale books. Looking like to boxes makes sense for them. Lol But really I'm just a sucker for Folio Society. Books used to be so rare the they were elaborately decorated to show what treasure was hiding inside and I feel like in the era of mass market paperbacks that's been left behind.

I wish I could let you know. I just picked it up last week. I was going to get to it as soon as I'm done the Five Families. But I hear it's fantastic.

>> No.16835357

I get having a couple books with a more ornate look, but when it's a bunch of them all at once like that it looks very exaggerated.

>> No.16835374

I get that. The really loud spines are a set in the series which is why there is so many of them. I'll be honest I mostly got them to read to my kid.

>> No.16835457

>not even a real caplock

>> No.16835543

>ayn rand
Didn't even bother to check the rest.

>> No.16835595

I like the copy of New England Folklore dude, nice.

>> No.16835931

This is worth a grand total of $22. And we can't see a single title.

>> No.16835941

>Is it worth it studying latin late in life?
>It does seem quite the investment for something I'll probably never use, though, so I'd approach it as more of a deep entertainment of sorts than serious studying.
You get out what you put in.
If you are looking for entertainment I would go with French or German.

>> No.16836038
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>> No.16836046
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>> No.16836053
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>> No.16836069

This stack is the winner. Check out Evola if you're into morality.

>> No.16836180
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Here's mine with my bunny chilling out. I haven't read many of these yet, I recently gave away most of the books I'd read apart from the really special ones

>> No.16836846

2010 hardcover repress by modern library. I removed the sleeve because I think it's ugly

>> No.16836850

Book is a much better experience on audiobook imo. Comfy af to have on in the background while you're doing work, the audible narraiton is great also. If I'd have to read every costume, brand location on a physical book I think I'd just end up skimming over all that stuff.

>> No.16836984

Lemme see more bun

>> No.16837030
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r8, h8, etc.

>> No.16837112

looks fairly standard to me, spice it up friend

>> No.16837116

>komi can't communicate

>> No.16837135


>> No.16837172

>No u.
How will the 'rightoids' ever recover.

>> No.16837205

They both have way more books than me.

>> No.16837434
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latin/greek + physics + math/statistics = absolutely based shelf of the modern renaissance man

>> No.16837696

ugly, but based

>> No.16837722

how is that foucault so small? is it an abridged version? good bookshelves otherwise

>> No.16838402 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16838434

Stopped reading What if? after 50 or so pages, it's one of the few books I rated 1 start on goodreads. It wasn't interesting or funny to me, the answer to every question basically boiled down to:
>what if x?
- if x, then ... y. But, if aside from x also z would happen and q would be the case and r would occur, then completely irrelevant answer w would be the case

What an annoying read that was, his own additions to questions weren't in any way though provoking, insightful or entertaining, they were just his own autistic nerd brain having a spasm - that in itself isn't really an issue if it happens once, but it happens in every. single. fucking. answer.

>> No.16838593

They both like it. Even if they are not well educated they are smart people, they think that books are never a waste of money. Also they always ask me suggestion about what to read, and my dad started getting interested in philosophy in his 60s.

>> No.16838612

sounds like coping to me. Hope your life get better champ.

>> No.16838689

Pepper and salt.

>> No.16838786

There's actually a good book on the history of salt
Salt by Mark Kurlansky
Highly recommend!

as for pepper... meh

>> No.16839485

Calm down, this is a white board.

>> No.16839555

They won't

>> No.16839983

History of Sexuality is three volumes, that's one of them

>> No.16840007

They don't give a shit. I published my first collection of short stories and when I told them, they just kinda shrugged and said 'cool.' They didn't even want to read any of them.

>> No.16840094

lots of interesting books, pretty good overall. too much murakami imo but not bad.

>> No.16840103

solid stack and shelf, i fuck with you

>> No.16840122

based and redpilled, i assume you lift and perform cardiovascular exercise to keep your mind in tip top shape as well anon?

>> No.16840138


>> No.16840157

omg a cute bunny

>> No.16840159

>hockey stick
>the expensive and aesthetically pleasing edition of many classics and popular contemporary literature
im thinking based and upper middle class whitepilled, love what you're doing anon

>> No.16840186
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ive read at least 75% of my shelf, what about you anon? excluding the reference books of course.

>> No.16840315

So are you studying to be a self-taught pharmacist, MBA, lawyer, investor, etc.? What's your deal, renaissance man?

>> No.16840516

can you get a closer photo please? I want to see all of these books

>> No.16840813

>Michael King Penguin History of New Zealand
Try A History of New Zealand by Keith Sinclair

>> No.16840834

just different tangents i've gone off on before mostly lol. i was big into drugs for a while in my younger years and had aspirations to be a pharmacist. then i got to college and wanted more money than pharmacy so i went accounting, then realized too many numbers make me sick so i decided tax attorney would be a good middleground. which is the path im currently on, finishing my bachelors while working as an electrician. if law school doesn't work out i'll just continue with electric and start my own business.

>> No.16841007


>> No.16841093

I was all set to correct you when I reread your post. I thought you wrote “could care less”, a most irritating Americanism, which is now, no doubt, so ingrained in my psyche that it pollutes my senses.

>> No.16841112

Is there even text inside? They look like props. A similar quality to imitation fruit. Sorry for my harsh words, this anonymity provokes a certain degree of inhumanity.

>> No.16841145

Piles of degenerate commie trash

>> No.16841154
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>> No.16841168

Adam Smith

>> No.16841234
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>> No.16841614
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>unironically owning physical books
I got all I need in this little folder

>> No.16841782
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My mom likes depending on me to know shit about science/philosophy/nutrition etc, she thinks it's cool and still has the mindset of "if it's for education, spend as much as you need to". My dad is dead but he always thought it was great, he could barely read though he never needed to. I've definitely read more books this year than everyone in his entire lineage from the present day going back 300 years to England combined. He was from a pretty isolated original settlement in the Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia so they mainly read the Bible
>over 50 books on Jews
>$1000+ pictured
Really nigga? Still based though I wish I knew you so I could borrow some. How long you been collecting?
Please face your bookshelf good god

pic unrelated

>> No.16841880
File: 1.31 MB, 1155x2500, DD1B0BD2-C36F-4F9D-977B-F78DC876B721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate me boys

>> No.16841974

Based and sailing-pilled

>> No.16842093


>> No.16842135

I don't like culturalizing animals the way you just did. Also, I don't like using animals as political symbols.

>> No.16842148

It’s not on the shelf but my fav would be yonder on the train by lance Phillips

>> No.16842172
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>> No.16842180

I didn't want to create a new thread for this, but can anyone reccomend me some non-meme tier books on supply and demand?

>> No.16842211

nobody is impressed by a poorfag thief. you will never be a woman

>> No.16842219

It's about the aesthetic, man.

>> No.16842228


>> No.16842395

Too bad, what are you going to do about it?

>> No.16842437


>> No.16842572

cry, piss and shid

>> No.16842578

Fantasize about torturing you.

>> No.16842666

>I've spend irresponsible amount of money on that tv
Also, is that a cross on the wall?

>> No.16842832
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you guys need to step it up a bit really.

pardon the woeful lack of organisation and shitty kids books i've accumulated and kept over the years (this is my childhood bedroom as I've come home for my masters.) hell might be nice to pass them on to my kids one day

most of the books I've read in the last 4 years have been from university libraries too lads I tend not to have the disposable income for books these days.

>> No.16842901
File: 2.71 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a few of the compartments are double stacked I've run out of space with all the massive christmas books from childhood taking up fat amounts of space

>> No.16842973

This image makes my head roll off my shoulders.

>> No.16842981
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not sure if I could care less if you shouldn't stack books lmao these weren't written by 14th century monks by hand

>> No.16843014
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lads read books that are relevant not gay meme shit

>> No.16843028
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Don't really own too many books desu, mostly just textbooks I stole from the junk shelf during finals.

>> No.16843050
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i don't even study a literary degree i have better taste than u and i'm doing an msc filled with chinese autists.

>> No.16843072

friendly reminder that it's ok to read translations you incels

>> No.16843081
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i particularly recommend these

>> No.16843236
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this is you lol

>> No.16843675

Well, the book has a lot of political underpinnings, so people who agree with them will be predisposed in favor of the book. I thought the authors had some major flaws in their evidence and argumentation. I'm at MIT and haven't had the opportunity to talk to Daron (he's pretty inaccessible), but one of his colleagues acknowledged the flaws that I found and told me that Daron's papers are much more developed than the book. I've yet to read his papers.

>> No.16843718

All that Murakami/10. Do yourself a favor and get some better Soseki than I am a cat.
Also keep your brushes in a shoe box or inside a drawer so they're not covered in dust.

>> No.16843791

I wasn't speaking metaphorically. I was speaking literally because I had to reorient my head in a way that hurt my neck. I have kyphosis.

>> No.16843815

As a person who buys those editions regularly yes there is text inside and yes they look like props. The only reason I'll get them is due to the pricing, for hardcover books I'll usually find them to be cheaper than alternatives, and sense I don't care how my shelf looks it doesn't matter too much to me.

>> No.16844092

I'm digging the bottom shelf with Harvard Classics

>> No.16844410

Lol 90% of your shelves are meme books. Relax MSC it's kind of embarrassing that you act like this.

>> No.16844537

cute cats

>> No.16845240
File: 1.15 MB, 4608x1495, P_20201122_183424_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice Tolkiens.

>> No.16845445

Based erudite.

>> No.16845446

I've actually read most of the Soseki works that have been translated to English and Spanish; I Am A Cat has simply been the only one I've managed to get my hands on, sadly. My intent is to collect most of Murakami, Soseki and Tanizaki's translated oeuvre once I build a new bookshelf.

>> No.16845810

Any woman would let you impregnate her at the sight of those folio fairy tale books.


>> No.16845995

Dangerously based

>> No.16846081

Mmm the smelle

>> No.16846120

I don't really get BO so it just smells like musty books a little. not really noticeable.

>> No.16846356
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probably not even gonna get a reply cause im more of a /sci/guy, but here goes nothing

>> No.16846367

oh and also i cant remember for the life of me who i lent my copy of east of eden to. that was one of my favorite books on y shelf

>> No.16846746

: )

>> No.16847235

this guy fucks

>> No.16847271

not since the uk govt made all single people incels but hoping to change that soon.

>> No.16847438

havent we all anon.

>> No.16847903

we dont actualy read the books on our shelves you silly newfag, they are to impress others only.

>> No.16847918

i like math and literature too, anon i love u

>> No.16848637
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Don't have that much philosophy I just realised. And that's half an adderall pill on top of the green measure theory book. Also, have some based transcendentalist writings in the mail

>> No.16848655

kill yourself

>> No.16848813

Sorry, what does face mean in this context

>> No.16849017

Holy buttplug

>> No.16849313

which measure theory text is that?

>> No.16849402

based but they don't look very well read.

>> No.16849627

Cohn's Measure theory. Not a good book to first learn it from, but served primarily as a good intro to grad style math.

>> No.16849803
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>> No.16849822

I got it as a gift many years ago when it came out. Not usually the sort of book I would enjoy but I did overall like it. It's a bit reddit but not that bad.

>> No.16850143

Is The Isles any good?

>> No.16850368

Did you like The Secret History? I read it, and I think I'm gonna read The Goldfinch soon

>> No.16850373

Where can you buy a physical of Siege?

>> No.16850573

It's a grocery store term it means to pull all the objects on a shelf to the front so they appear uniform and full

>> No.16850602
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>> No.16850725

How readable is the Bataille? I've been considering pulling the trigger on Story of the Eye but I don't really know what I'm in for other than perversion of the highest order.

>> No.16850761

How is that edition of The Corrections that thick?

>> No.16850783

Nice collection OP

>> No.16850956

Are E. Jones books worth getting? Particularly Libido Dominandi. I feel like I'd agree with the premise but I've heard it's poorly argued.

>> No.16851181
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admittedly, I've only read like 15% of these.

>> No.16851208

The light looks nice but it really doesn't help the readability of your spines

>> No.16851242

> Ph.D. math candidate at a low tier state school core

you're tactless but very smart and definitely of small stature.

>> No.16851267

I own the Sherlock Holmes one, 4 years on still can't decide whether I love it or hate it. Book itself is really well put together & was cheaper than any other options I had for having physical copies of all Sherlock novels. When I bought it the bookstore woman asked if it was a gift.
Thanks for reading my blog post.

>> No.16851290

>imagine not completing higher education so you can put it in your twitter bio and "Ph.D." in your display name

>> No.16851303

If you’re gonna fill a bookshelf with shit you’ll never read at least fill it with high brow pseud shit and fulfill the aesthetic

>> No.16851352

No. Even though I might never read them, at least I find them interesting

>> No.16851420

Any undergrad-level intro to microeconomics textbook

>> No.16851439

Story of the Eye is p comfy, especially with his post-script. Bite the bullet, it's only like 80 pages.

>> No.16851460

Are you doing a business degree? I see pop-econ and intro math/stats

>> No.16851488

No, it's "look at my certificate to show how employable I am" shit on university education all you want, but you have to acknowledge how instrumental a degree is in getting a good job

>> No.16851588

I'm currently reading the Aeneid cover to cover because I never actually have done it before. I've read parts, even entire books of it before, and read it fully in English, but never entirely in Latin, so that's what I'm doing now. The book I'm looking at reading next is Dante's De Monarchia, but I want to have a physical version with a commentary, so I am currently searching for a good edition.
Are you using a commentary or just reading the straight text? I usually opt for a commentary when getting into a new type of writing.

It depends on what you value more. If you prefer to accrue economic gain from learning, then no, Latin probably isn't for you, though you could start tutoring as a side gig if you had the time/will/patience to do so, which varies widely in terms of money to be made based on where you live. That being said, as I wrote in a comment above, I still recommend getting Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata: Familia Romana. Reading it isn't a great time commitment either. Try it out. Even just casually using it will give you a great start in learning Latin, and probably at a quicker pace than more traditional textbooks.

That's something I've always strove for, but I'm entirely lacking in the arts. I can sketch ok but I have never drawn or painted. I also don't know anything about music, which is something I want to get into now. I'm between the violin and the piano. I'm also looking for good books on music theory because I want to be able to appreciate classical music more, since, although I enjoy it, I feel like I'm missing something having never at minimum played an instrument.

Speaking with no knowledge of your current situation, perhaps you can? You might have to focus on one subject at a time at first, but if you constantly try to synergize the things your studying with the things you already know, should manage to learn a lot. This is how Renaissance men learned so much. Although many were artists, they become extremely good at geometry at well, which helped their art, allowing them to add perspective. It's all about try to use your knowledge to build more knowledge. I, for example, mastered Latin before I really started learning math. This was important because after I started diving into math, I read some of the papers of Euler, Newton, Leibniz, and especially Gauss's Disquitiones Arithmeticae, in Latin, from which not only did I learn more math, but I also learned how to write math in Latin, so I eventually switched to writing my math notes in Latin, so my study of math was reinforcing my study of Latin.

Lol are you calling my autistic and short? I'm actually an undergraduate planning on going to law school, as evident by the LSAT Trainer and pretests on the bottom shelf.

>> No.16852007

what book is left of dune? Pretty good collection.

Fave Byatt book? I want to read Matisse Stories...

Good start, you seem to have a healthy read/own ratio.

>> No.16852263

It's the first 3 Narnia books in one volume

>> No.16852354

The fonts fucking huge.

>> No.16852748

Those shelves will give way in a not-so-distant future

>> No.16852878

Imagine owning paperbacks lol

>> No.16852887

I wish there was a company that would just rebind any book you send them into collectors editions.

>> No.16852889

what happened bro

>> No.16852892

Fuck of with your narcissistic s(h)elf threads, you're not reading, you're just curating your identity as a reader, you don't search for knowledge but for prestige.

>> No.16852939
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>> No.16853047

Diary of a wimpy kid

Way to come out to your parents that your a huge faggot anon

>> No.16853051

nah economics

>> No.16853055

Loves maths, not a single book about Pythagoruns or Euclids entire series in original Greek.
Please give up your math card.

>> No.16853954

Hey fren, there’s a copy of De Monarchia with Latin and English side by side for 15 dollars on Amazon

>> No.16853971

you're not above that anon, everyone fake an identity everyone want good points for what they do everyone need love

>> No.16854043

wow, you sure showed him, you colossal dipshit.

>> No.16854484
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>> No.16854523
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>> No.16854531
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>> No.16854546
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>> No.16854554
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>> No.16854566
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>> No.16854577
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>> No.16854589
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>> No.16854596
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>> No.16855168

t. cant tell the difference between donut and coffee mug

>> No.16855205

Čudan miks interesa. Nema puno exyu tipova ovdje, ovo je prilično dobro.

>> No.16855498

^ovo sto je on rekao

>> No.16855694

Wow, this thread is still up.

There are worse vices.

I actually got it pretty cheap. I reason that watching good films and television is conducive to good storytelling (that's what I tell myself, at least).

Okay anon, bear with me...

>> No.16855733
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>> No.16855748
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>> No.16855759
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Not all of the titles will be visible even in these closeups due to camera quality but you should get a better look by zooming

>> No.16855791

Not the anon who asked but I love your shelf and your sorting by alphabetization

>> No.16855834

Thanks anon. 1 and 2 are fiction, moving into poetry on the second and third shelves of 2, and philosophy/theology/misc in 3.

>> No.16855845
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>> No.16855946

based and comfypilled

>> No.16855997

Thanks anon, takbir!

>> No.16856037

How is kitchen confidential? My buddy told me I would love it despite never having watched bourdain or cared about food. But seeing it amongst all that literature intrigues me

>> No.16856094

my dad thinks its dead weight that'll suffocate me one day.

Slowly I realize he was right.

>> No.16856140

It's okay, I haven't finished it yet since I had to drop it for uni reading and never got back to it. I like Anthony Bourdain though, and it's a pretty interesting depiction of a fringe we don't really think about. From what I've read so far kitchens really are filled with oddballs, rejects and exiles with really interesting things to say.

>> No.16856399

They think it’s better than the drugs but I start to wonder

>> No.16856516

what's that Jünger collection?
bless you!

>> No.16856549

Just some of his work in German, filtered me hard though. Have no problems with Arabic, but German was proving harder than I expected.

>> No.16856559

Auswahl aus dem Werk on Amazon

>> No.16856868

Ah alright, my German is decent but probably not good enough to read Jünger in the original. Also in what world is German harder than Arabic?

>> No.16857035

I’m sure it’s probably not if you aren’t a brainlet. I was raised with Arabic and English but no real exposure to other languages outside of that.

>> No.16857168

>A language I wasn't raised with is harder than one I was raised with
Well that was a surprising turn of events.

>> No.16857278

>references Infinite Jest

>> No.16857657

lmao literally all oxford, penguin, vintage or maybe one or two picador.

>> No.16857688

What's wrong with that? I like Oxfords.

>> No.16857701

nothing really... me too

just a bit dull

>> No.16857751

>>Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
This sounds interesting. How's it?

>> No.16857822 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16857845
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>> No.16857956

I love you guys

>> No.16858162

Love you too

>> No.16858833
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based and mom-pilled

>> No.16858837

based wtf

>> No.16858851

Yeah buddy I'm sure making $35k/yr after 12 years of schooling is totally great.

>> No.16860246
File: 2.44 MB, 4032x2464, E73ED5FF-BB6C-4564-91C2-A92612564F1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

18 Year old high school drop out who really only got that interested in ideas and reading towards the end of last year. Yeah, it’s all pretty basic entry level stuff, but i’d love some recommendations from you guys
The first book I ever brought in the stack was 12 rules for life when I was 16

>> No.16860257
File: 2.57 MB, 3024x3024, 808D9F77-6833-4AD7-8929-32651D4AEF02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture of the small stack of books that are stored vertically in the middle

>> No.16860337

Jünger uses a very particular style, his choice of vocabulary is rather distinct and unusual. I think it'd be very hard to read Jünger as a non-native. Still, congrats on the attempt, stick to it, bro.

>> No.16860839


>> No.16860893

Good taste

>> No.16861360

Mind posting some? I'm interested

>> No.16862192

Mother likes it, dad doesnt

>> No.16862592

If you are just starting out and you are into philosophy I'd suggest Meditations, The Prince, and 48 Laws of Power. It will likely give you a leg up while finding your path.

>> No.16862703
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>> No.16862819
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This is OK, but 2 things.

1 -- get a job or relevant training immediately. You are a burden on your family, how dare you have the gall to have leisure time.

2 -- Move past the Greeks. Seems like you need discipline so check out the Stoics.

>> No.16862941

That's a more interesting collection than I expected from the thumbnail, nice.

>> No.16863131

wow you found the worst editions possible, this looks like a childrens room

>> No.16863330

t. Rousseau

>> No.16863348

your stack hasn't changed in the last 3 months pick up the fucking pace

>> No.16863370


>> No.16863419

absolute based

>> No.16863424

What do you mean?

>> No.16863577
File: 2.75 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_20201124_141029220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised you could read any of the titles desu. Fixed.

>> No.16863670
