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16846604 No.16846604 [Reply] [Original]

I open this book, and a primal, metaphysical fury slaps my face from the first paragraph.

My pupils dilate, and a fire starts growing inside my brain, and then my whole body. It is a fire that does not come from this world, but from above -or beyond- it.

I close the book and I am a different person. That fire never leaves. I have been reborn. I have been successfully redpilled, and I will never be able to go back.

>> No.16846642

cliffs on the book?

>> No.16846702

>I did not read on from the first paragraph

>> No.16846734

>I open this book, and a primal, estrogen fury slaps my face from the first paragraph.
>My artificial pussy dilates, and a delusion starts growing inside my brain, and then my whole body. It is a delusion that does not come from this world, but from above -or beyond- it.
>I close the book and I am a different person. That delusion never leaves. I have been reborn. I have been successfully trannypilled, and I will never be able to go back.

>> No.16846748

t. accfag

>> No.16846749
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The book, BTW.

>> No.16846814

You talk as if the femboy trannies aren't the first ones who are crazy for Evola and LARP as ancient greeks to return to tradition

>> No.16846823

Most of them accfags, transhumanists, post-marxists, egoist anarchists etc (if not just neolibs) with a small number of those types you mentioned

>> No.16846833

i dont have to read it to know its retarded, and that op is a smoothbrain
the pagans you idolize were the same morons that destroyed rome, the greatest pagan empire to exist

>> No.16846838

>You talk as if the femboy trannies aren't the first ones who are crazy for Evola and LARP as ancient greeks to return to tradition
they are not
they stay away from anything good and based, theyre usually ancoms or communists

>> No.16846874

oh you didn't know? The primary audience of Evola now is mexicans, faggots, and trannies. Ever heard of kaliacc?

>> No.16846996

Too bad the thread got hijacked by angry trannies, it's a good book. Much more rousing than Evola's later works.

>> No.16847062

I tried reading Ride the Tiger and i am ashamed to admit i was filtered. Am i too much of a brainlet or should i read something else first?

>> No.16847071

>paganism destroyed Rome
lmao. Look at this seething troon.

>> No.16847081

Read Orientations. Then Revolt Against The Modern World. Then Ride The Tiger.

>> No.16847387

Can somebody make a ‘what I expected vs what I got’ for Marx’s capital, where it’s >>16846734 this shit in the first box and the second box is just paragraphs upon paragraphs talking about yards of linen and tons of iron, charts showing annual coal production in England, and a diagram showing the valorization of money capital, endless discussion of ‘corn laws’ etc

>> No.16847452

>I close the book and I am a different person
Did you only read the first paragraph?

>> No.16847493

Read Eros by Evola, that'll show you that he's a pseud

>> No.16847788

I finish the book*

>> No.16847808

That book was a blemish on his other impeccable oeuvre. But cut the guy some slack, he never had sex so he was out of his depth.

>> No.16847825

*otherwise impeccable

>> No.16847826

What's your issue with Eros?
Also he didn't just have sex, he had magical sex.

>> No.16847839
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Evola fucked this.

>> No.16848727

>be Rome
>build empire covering Europe, North Africa, near East
>pagan for nearly a thousand glorious years
>decide to become christcucks one day
>empire disintegrates within a century

>> No.16850454

top lad

>> No.16850470

Why don’t you do it

>> No.16850817


>> No.16850985

What is an accfag?

>> No.16851006

Fuck off accfag

>> No.16851623

lol snowniggers from the north helped tho

>> No.16852687


>> No.16852702

person whom likes Evola, Spengler, Nick Land and Moldbug

>> No.16852716

So acc=accelerationism?

Why are Evola and Spengler included, then?

>> No.16852815

they have been coopted by accfags

>> No.16852822
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>> No.16852825

why are amerishits so obsessed with muh USS liberty?
the kikes apologized and paid millions of $ in reparations

>> No.16853404

That's a Satanfag, dude.

>> No.16853503

The 'snowniggers' that sacked Rome were Arian Christians you historically illiterate fuckwit

>> No.16853547

It's irrelevant, they don't actually care. They're desperately trying to cling to a worldview that rejects biological egalitarianism. This requires putting themselves down. Their ancestors were SNOWNIGGERS and Odin DRANK CUM because a Jewish psychologist said so, hah hah, without the Jews giving their ancestors civilization and culture they'd be nothing. It's an attempt at countering the whole
>if Christianity is why Europe is great, why were Pagan Greece and Rome so great, but Ethiopia has been Christian longer than Europe and was always shit?

>> No.16853578

The guy who makes all the nick land threads who's been here for years, he calls him 'Nicky', he's accfag. He sometimes pretends he's not one person but he's been caught out before.

>> No.16853697

>rome becomes christian
>actually makes numerous developments that weren't prevalent in the thousands of years beforehand
Funny how that works!
Shut up you repressed homosexual.

>> No.16853731

>actually makes numerous developments that weren't prevalent in the thousands of years beforehand
Name one (1)
A complete degeneration of Pagan high art, the destruction of Pagan philosophical academies, mass deurbanization and decentralization, and losing to Muslims on the western, southern, and eastern flanks of Europe aren't 'developments' to be proud of.

>> No.16854088

This is the literary equivalent of two chimps throwing their excrement at each other.

Go and watch Kenneth Clarke's civilisation if you want some real commentary on the topic

>> No.16854415

Pagan rome was by definition anti-intellectual. No theology, no metaphysics, mathematics were shunned. They were barbarians, end of story.

>> No.16854423


>> No.16854435
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>mass deurbanization
>DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big urbs, it's so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i'm in one of my favourite DRAMAS. you should totally come on down to my insula, it's got EXPOSED "MARBLE" walls and everything, we can crack open a nice oleō or three and get crazy watching some games in the Circus! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the Forum- listen here, right, it's a PUBLIC SQUARE where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go TALK. BUT!!!! it's also an ARENA like when we were kids, so we can watch awesome GLADIATOR FIGHTS, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which margarita and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we're both getting snipped tomorrow at the valetudinarium, that way we can save denarii to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i'm fuckin JACKED man, i'm gonna SLAM this wine and pop open another one!!!

>> No.16854542

This is a level of Christcuckoldry that should not be possible
I lol'd but tedfaggotry is cringe, slave moralism applied to technology and civilization

>> No.16854559

>This is a level of Christcuckoldry that should not be possible
Not an argument, unless you're trying to deny the value of such things in the first place? Well let's face it, Pagan Rome "philosophy" is dogshit so anything is a huge upgrade.

>> No.16854582

>slave moralism
Nietzsche was a physically weak coping retard and so are you.

>> No.16854645
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How you can scorn the modern world and idolize the pax romana at the same time is truly incredible.

>> No.16854650


Enough said. Go back to /pol/ retard

>> No.16854674

You're the one who believes that you're hardwired to be gay, bro.

>> No.16854767

'Christian' philosophy just shameless absorbed Pagan philosophy then built upon it with 1500 years of Jew-tier legalistic bugmannery. You're trying to argue that the Empire that had a formalized priesthood and philosophical academies (which the Catholic church pretends it isn't a bastardized version of) along with an innate ethno-centric spirituality and is famous for it's still standing works of engineering had no metaphysics or mathematics. That's too retarded to encapsulate in one 4channel post so I instead suggest that you suck stat a shotgun.
Your religion got irrefutably BTFO'd by a couple of aphorisms. Why do christcucks get so feather-rustled over a handful of people looking to their racial religion when your religion itself is imploding and has both surrendered to, and internalized, Modernity on every level.
Modernity and Antiquity are so radically different that Modernity is essentially and inversion of it in every way. What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.16854813

>'Christian' philosophy just shameless absorbed Pagan philosophy then built upon it with 1500 years of Jew-tier legalistic bugmannery.
I'm not really sure what your point is. Yes I acknowledge Christianity does have a foundation in paganism. So what? It is a concrete actualization of various philosophical and metaphysical concepts, a perfectly logical evolution to Neoplatonism.
>You're trying to argue that the Empire that had a formalized priesthood and philosophical academies (which the Catholic church pretends it isn't a bastardized version of) along with an innate ethno-centric spirituality and is famous for it's still standing works of engineering had no metaphysics or mathematics.
Give me a break kid, their engineering was based on rule of thumb, not actual logical analysis and mathematical abstractions. Their utilization of mathematics was purely utilitarian and extremely simplistic.

>> No.16854891
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>Modernity and Antiquity are so radically different that Modernity is essentially and inversion of it in every way. What the fuck are you talking about?
Impressive you know how to use proper nouns. Look man the pax was everything stormfags claim to hate, the empire was a globalized market around the Mediterranean, where foreign slave labor had economically neutered the plebs, the elites chased after every flavor of sexual and sensual debauchery, people found themselves in a vacuum of nihilism and suicide was in vogue especially among the rich, Rome itself and most major cities were the cosmopolitan melting pots you so despise. Basically all the social sickness you see in the West today was prototyped 2000 years ago.

I dont even get why WNs idolize Rome when it was as far from a white ethno state as you can get. Most of it's people werent white, and nordics/germanics were seen as backwards barbarian invaders. If you actually look at who counts as 'white' and look where Europe ends on a map, you'll find that both stop exactly where Christendom stopped.

Now post a picture of Augustus with blonde hair and blue eyes and tell me I'm wrong.

>> No.16855344

Who is that? How do you know?

>> No.16855373

He already had a O9A tat when he was wearing a dress. Those people are degenerate schizos. Pretty funny though.

>> No.16855388

>They're desperately trying to cling to a worldview that rejects biological egalitarianism. This requires putting themselves down. Their ancestors were SNOWNIGGERS
I can't speak for everyone but I recognize that northern Europeans probably did not develop very high IQs until the middle ages. Even during antiquity though, the harsh winters selected for greater intelligence than many other habitats did, just as they did for East Asians.

>Their ancestors were SNOWNIGGERS and Odin DRANK CUM because a Jewish psychologist said so
What are you talking about?

>> No.16855490

>Books literally only incels own

>> No.16855676

>Their ancestors were SNOWNIGGERS
Premedieval germans really did nothing of note, unless you buy into a bunch of gay nazi hyperborea shit.

>> No.16856082

Ok Marxist.

>> No.16856105


>> No.16856138

Pagans btfo

>> No.16856242

This was not only his worst book the apparently the one he regretted the most.

>> No.16856262

No. It’s kind of hard if you’re not used to that sort of writing. He makes so many references to things you wouldn’t understand unless you read a lot of his stuff and his inspirations’ stuff, which is unfortunate because I’ve read quite a lot of Evola even the more obscure stuff and I think he’s absurdly misunderstood. OP pic related is case in point.

>> No.16856682

Dilate, tranny.

>> No.16856689

>what is Google reverse image search
It's Maria de Naglowska.

>> No.16856935

Why? And source pls fren

>> No.16856976

He regretted it because of the backlash, it got him into some serious trouble with the pope. He didn't regret the content, just the delivery.

>> No.16857021

The only significant biological event that occurred involving Germanics doesn't even only involve Germanics, and it's the Swedes and Finns developing sky-high rates of boringness and pseudo-autism to counter schizophrenia. The Germanics of today are genetically the same as they were almost two thousand years ago. Germanics being barbarians is a result of the complete collapse of Germanic society due to the constant migrations (we can blame the Romans for knocking over any stability the Germanics had but frankly it's mostly just the migrations). This was something that occurred over like a 200 year period.

>What are you talking about?
Exactly what I said. This is a line that's really common with Christfags on here who want to square the circle of biological inegalitarianism with following a religion that says that all men are equal. Instead of rejecting the universal equality of man, they just say that they were shit before Christianity came along, which naturally involves putting down their own ancestors (and the bizarre implication that if they stopped going to church, that they'd turn into a flaming homosexual).

Who gives a shit? You don't need a long list of achievements to not hate your own ancestors.

>> No.16857542
