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/lit/ - Literature

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16850551 No.16850551 [Reply] [Original]

Books for escaping nihilism and pessimism?

I'm so close to ending it, /lit/

>> No.16850560

you have to have FAITH

>> No.16850562

Faith in what?

>> No.16850563
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My diary desu
If you only knew how good things can be...

>> No.16850570

Convince me

>> No.16850571

Dein GOTT! (Get clearpilled before though: Ecclesiastes supplemented with love.)

>> No.16850576
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>> No.16850582
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>Kore Wa Zombie Desu ka
>Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo Dorei Majutsu
2D girls will never leave you
Might wanna try out VNs too

>> No.16850613

2D girls leave you the monent you stop lying to yourself

>> No.16850635

Schelling's Ages of the World

>> No.16850639

You just have to truly accept them. Then they become real.

>> No.16850649
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>The world promises fulfillment somewhere in time, and there is a continuous striving toward that fulfillment in time. Many times people feel, "Yes, now I have arrived," and then they realize that, no, they haven't arrived, and then the striving continues. It is expressed beautifully in A Course in Miracles, where it says that the dictum of the ego is "Seek but do not find." People look to the future for salvation, but the future never arrives. So ultimately, suffering arises through not finding.
>And that is the beginning of an awakening-when the realization dawns that "Perhaps this is not the way. Perhaps I will never get to where I am striving to reach; perhaps it's not in the future at all." After having been lost in the world, suddenly, through the pressure of suffering, the realization comes that the answers may not be found out there in worldly attainment and in the future. That's an important point for many people to reach. That sense of deep crisis -- when the world as they have known it, and the sense of self that they have known that is identified with the world, become meaningless.
>To be lost in the conditioned seems to be necessary for humans. It seems to be part of their path to be lost in the world, to be lost in the mind, which is the conditioned consciousness. Then, due to the suffering that arises out of being lost, one finds the unconditioned as oneself. And that is why we need the world to transcend the world. So I'm infinitely grateful for having been lost. The purpose of the world is for you to be lost in it, ultimately. The purpose of the world is for you to suffer, to create the suffering that seems to be what is needed for the awakening to happen. And then once the awakening happens, with it comes the realization that suffering is unnecessary now. You have reached the end of suffering because you have transcended the world. It is the place that is free of suffering.

>> No.16850663

grug agree with pigman worldsalad
grug very smart

>> No.16850684
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don't make nihilism and pessimism the scapegoat for your mental health. Plenty of people are better off for it. Pessimism pursues truth. Is the the truth killing you or the lieing betrayal of those who taught you everything would be okay?

>> No.16850746
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Nietzsche - The Gay Science.

For real.

>> No.16850982

escape nihilists and pessimists around you.

>> No.16850998

Any light buddhist related reading that give some meditation clues, just to start with, because it will help emptying your mind of the dark thoughts that parasite it.
After that I don't know... I might feel excited after reading a book, but never hot and fuzzy. Lit rarely is about feeling good.

>> No.16851167

Hedonism, lots of sex
I'm having sex everyday anon and I feel so alive

>> No.16851235

ultramind solution

>> No.16851238

viktor frankl - man and the search of meaning

>> No.16851248

>The Self Awakened: Pragmatism Unbound
>The Religion Of The Future
>The Singular Universe And The Reality Of Time
All by Roberto Unger (last one co-authored with physicist Lee Smolin)


>> No.16851249

Nihilism is a lie.
The trouble people have is that anything can matter. Everything in life can matter, but there’s nothing in death.
Why rush off to meet this inevitable fate? It seems ridiculous, but so many people get their heads/bodies messed up that that’s what they do. Very sad, very pointless thing to do.
Turn your life around, anon


>> No.16851262

I enjoy how you didn't address Pessimism, because you know Pessimism is true.
Take the Rudapill and read Abolishing Freedom, if the worst has always already happened, we are finally fully emancipated

>> No.16851268

Goofy post, anon.

>> No.16851294

The Gay Science - Nietzsche
Futurability - Franco "Bifo" Berardi
Something something Guattari

>> No.16851330

The Bible

>> No.16851364

this is the only answer.
anyone who denies isn't having sex so they resort to books not to experience

>> No.16851426

That's just another addiction. No different than heroin, masturbation, or whatever else.

>> No.16851500

I think generally people rush to death once they realize that everything in between will be either suffering or pleasure, the suffering will at many points be immense, and since all the pleasure will be lost in death anyway, why go through the pain too?

>> No.16851502
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Go outside into nature. Run, lift weights, and eat powerful foods that will reinvigorate you like liver, starches, and fresh veggies.

Your nihilism is a sickness of the mind and body. I don't have the key for your own version of nihilism but a healthy body and exposure to the natural world will cure 90 percent of what ails you.

>> No.16851546

This is the lie of your perceptions. All the pains are easy to take and will be lost in time and death and all the pleasures can be as intense, lucid and robust as you allow them to be.
Ataraxia is no joke

>> No.16851574

Existential Groundlessness, Belittlement, Mortality, and Insatiability are completely inescapable, my friend

>> No.16851603

What seems to be the problem?
I think I’ve already addressed mortality and existentialism. Epicureanism, being like western Buddhism, shows how to deal with insatiably, but what do you mean “belittlement”?

>> No.16851668

Read the first few chapters of Unger's Religion Of The Future, it's on libgen, then come back (I can't post that much, trying to account for 3000 character limits &c).
Buddhism and Stoicism (and Epicureanism) fail to deal with these four issues.
Perennialism in general is absolutely fucked in this regard

>> No.16851692

So I gotta read a three thousand work tract to understand how my world isn’t actually sufficiently beautiful and worth preserving in order to understand why you’re messed up?
Get to the root of any of it and let me know what’s othering you. Go on. Floor me. Make me want to off myself.
I say you can’t do it because you have it all wrong

>> No.16851724

1. I didn't say I was depressed or didn't want to live
2. Unger is a Radical Pragmatist. Fuller possession of life right now stuff.
3. Abolishing Freedom by Ruda is about Comic Fatalism, which is not a life-denying concept.
4. 3000 characters, not words. The few chapters at the start of one(1) book, Religion Of The Future, is not a major commitment. It's not even more than forty minutes of reading tops, if you're slow.
5. If I did want you to get into the blackpill I'd say to read Eugene Thacker. I'm not.

I'm just on a tangent that is only related to your points specifically, not as much OP.
I'm not even arguing with you so much as conversing.

>> No.16851746

>I was depressed or didn't want to live
Oh okay
> Pragmatist. Fuller possession of life right now stuff.
Hmmm. I just don’t see how any of those concepts you threw up there counter anything I was saying.
> not even arguing with you
Okay, sorry. You know how it is around here.

>> No.16851763

Just be still. Just tell your mind to shhhhhh.

>> No.16852048

- Stop drinking
- Stop using drugs
- Stop watching porn
- Get a strict and healthy diet
- Get a strict sleeping schedule where you make 8 hours a night
- Go to the gym and workout

Come back in a month and tell me how you feel
Good luck

>> No.16852075


>> No.16852085

develop a crush on a barista

>> No.16852090

Pretty based actually
Teeters on the philosophy/self-help threshold but thats not necessarily a bad thing
Philosophy is sort of like self help for those with stringent intellectual consciences and scrupulous critical minds

>> No.16852093
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Fire, walk with me.

>> No.16852098

Also this but moreso love/companionship with the opposite sex.
Youre searching for something that isnt where youre looking for it

>> No.16852111

Solitude as well, and get away from phones, computers, advertisements, retards revving their car/motorcycle engines, talking about dumb shit outside your window, things that are square and rectangular and electric, people. Disconnect completely if you can, try to go somewhere where you cant even hear another person.
For a while, and discover how much solitude you need, more or less, but you definitely need some.

>> No.16852117

kind of a trite point, but if you're still following the news and reacting to headlines designed to cause reactions, then cut that out too.

>> No.16852151

Try the Bhagavad Gita

>> No.16852486

>Tfw you already do all of this

>> No.16852627

unironically just get a personality. no intellectual constructing and deconstructing, dead ends and simmering emotional turmoil will get you anywhere just stop being a dour prick in character and even with those looming (though they don't have to) you'll be fine.

>> No.16852940

I did all that and I want to die even harder
at the end of the day, all I can think of is I'll live the rest of my life being a wagie and I would rather die

>> No.16852948

spooked post

>> No.16852962

There has to be a distinction made between those philosophies and your feelings worthlessness, depression, hopelessness etc.

>> No.16852974

I'm this anon >>16852486. I'm quite accomplished in the ordinary sense. All I've found is that immersing oneself into aesthetic and intellectual experiences are the most redemptive and satisfying endeavours. A nice Mahler symphony, an occasional to revisit to my dearest philosophers, thinkers and writers or even writing down my own thoughts or playing music. Engaging in some creative or intellectual activity is what reminds that everything else is, for me, a means to that end. Schopenhauer was entirely correct in his view of aesthetics. And no, satiating your >tfwnogf-sized hole will not save you as other anons have said in other threads.

>> No.16853013

Just kill yourself.

>> No.16853098

Nihilism by Fr Seraphim Rose. Also the bible.

>> No.16853101


My honest advice is you just kind of do it.
Basically you just start ignoring all the bad stuff, only focus on yourself, stop being a citizen of the world, stop thinking about things outside of you, always think to yourself "I have my own problems to deal with I can't fix everyone's problems when I'm struggling just to get by with my own let someone else worry about it" maybe not always but always circle back to this sentiment, abandon hope and despair embrace survival.
It will no doubt sound ignoble to a person deeply integrated into human civilization but some people, perhaps most, aren't fit to bear such burdens deep down they truly are ignoble and it takes this kind of experience you are having to realize it.
Maybe you will feel shame at realizing this but if that's what it takes for you then so be it ultimately it's your choice.
In fact I can give you a perfect example of what I mean right now by saying that I have no reason to care about your life and whether you live or die. I may very well be better off if you die and I'm sure I'll never even know. If I think about it too much maybe I'll feel bad for a little bit, maybe I'll even gain some significant insights, maybe I'll grow as a person or maybe not, but in the end I know I'll move on.

>> No.16853167

Here come the vultures, always eager to prey on the weak

>> No.16853188

Taoteching and meditation helped me a lot. Give them a try

>> No.16853202

yeah we should just let people neck themselves.

>> No.16853209

Kierkegaard, brother. The Sickness unto Death. Faith is the necessary and final step.

>> No.16853249
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in love anon

>> No.16853364
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We still have to fight the good fight

>> No.16853630

books wont change you
you pick and read your book based on how you feel
take action without thinking which you know or speculate will result in greater positive results like gradification, going sporting, setting tiny babygoals
Eventually your emotional subconscious will shift into relatively positive orientated thinking
and then you can pick books which support and stimulates these thinking habits

>> No.16853633


>> No.16853653


>> No.16854068
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Yes. Go and be embarassed, frustrated and rejected.
There's no way it could drive you even closer to ending it.

>> No.16854094

Therapy. Go get some, little one. You're doing this to yourself and you clearly won't figure it out on the fucking internet.

>> No.16854120

I don't think it can be done, once you've truly gone down this hole there is really no way out.

At this point I need god himself, if he or it exists as an all intelligent being, to tell me what the fuck I should do because I don't trust "brainwashed" normie advice, I say brainwashed because they don't understand the absolute web of fiction they're embedded in, they never did any work to untangle it, they don't realize it even exists, and so all their advice is useless

>> No.16854149

Bury your very soul in anime
Create a new world in your mind
Abandon reality.

>> No.16854209

I've pretty much already done that, escapism is all I live for now. I wish I had enough money to just buy a cabin somewhere so I can escape into fiction, and just doing household chores like chopping firewood, until death.

>> No.16854227



>> No.16854262

>Turn your life around, anon
how, exactly?

>> No.16854322
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Despair is a sin against the virtue of hope.
Read the Catholic Catechism.

>> No.16854333

Saint Augustines Confessions
Cant recommend it enoug

>> No.16854822

Based Corto Maltes poster

>> No.16856328

With all due respect, I think saying this to a despaired person might be harmful

>> No.16856361


>> No.16857297

Eckhart Tolle - Power of Now
Alan Watts (any)
Tao Te Ching
Marcus Aurelius - Meditations
Epictetus - Discourses

>> No.16857370

I think its worth considering that the alternatives are probably even worse. Like if existence actually had a purpose, and if there really was some form of eternal life. In any case it seems to me that the people who worry about this stuff are people who have a lot of time to sit by themselves and think. It probably wouldn't hurt to busy yourself. I still mostly hate living but I got over the absolute worst (so far) with these ideas.

>> No.16857466
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In yourself.

>> No.16857543
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>> No.16857639

Faith in Christ

>> No.16857649

I provided a video link

>> No.16857654

The Zhuan Falun

>> No.16857781

anons kill themselves all the time, you just never know. I personally knew one who offed himself, lurked /mu/

>> No.16857801

The only thing more pathetic than being butters is impersonating butters. Kill yourself, whoever you are.

>> No.16857811

Philosophical Pessimism can actually make you enjoy life more. Think of the whole 'a small lit candle in a dark room can burn like a star,' concept. Cioran and big Scho where Pessimists but it has been told that they were cheeful, jovial people who still enjoyed life in spite of suffering. A reason why I believe art is so important is because it shapes harships and tragedy into something beautifull. Nihilism can be helpful as well in the sense that you shouldn't let societal norms dictate what you should do with your life at that you should take the small control you have of it while you can. (Not touching the morality aspects of it because that's a disscusion for a whole other time lol) But in the end both are equally arbitary. To answer your question, I think the best way to escape both is to simply live. Stop focusing on methaphysical concepts and questions about the bigger picture. Live in the present and strive to enjoy it as much as you can. Sorry if I sound patronizing, man. The truth is, I don't know what you are going trough and I don't know what could help YOU personally. There's a different answer for everyone, a different key for each sets of chain. For me it was to let go of that kind of philo since it just bummed me out and to live and cherish every good and endure the bad since none lasted forever or persisted at the same intensity. But maybe you already tried that and it failed. I would tell you the best way to find your love for life would be to simply live it, but maybe you already tried it. In the end we can't help, we can just give you our perspective. I might just be anothert deluded idiot, but I sincerely wish you luck and I do hope you can find peace with yourself. Take care and sorry for the barely coherent and grammaticaly correct post.

>> No.16857860
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>> No.16858329

this pepe shit is super gay

>> No.16858351


just listen to this every morning. good luck op.

>> No.16858382

This guy gets it
Read Thacker and realize that there's nothing left to fuck up (everything is always already the worst it can be) so you're finally truly free

>> No.16858397

>people who worry about this stuff are people who have a lot of time to sit by themselves and think
Just stop thinking OP

>> No.16858637

>The Fast and the Ridiculous

>> No.16858660
File: 232 KB, 955x954, also_sprach_zarathustra_by_mitchellnolte-d6peu3i (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or Thus Spoke Zarathustra. That one did it for me. Gay science was just a bit more of an in depth version of Zarathustra but Thus Spoke Zarathustra is written in a sort of poetic style that adds to the beauty of the overall message.

I actually owe a lot to this board because I found Zarathustra from an Anon who recommended it in a thread about enlightenment. He simply said "Its about a man who climbs a mountain and gains enlightenment" I read the first page of it and it sold me right away. Couldn't look at life the same way again after that book. He called me on so much of my bullshit but also helped me see things from a better perspective.

>> No.16858669
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Listening to that Epicurus video is a crash course I like to send people. How does one turn their life around? I don’t know the particulars of all your lives of course, so I have in recent days dropped this same general advice.
You must start with yourself. When I was a kid I didn’t want to love myself. I felt I would turn out vain and I hated those kinds of people. Like that Holden line about phonies. It’s stupid and childish and I needed guidance.
Start with caring for yourself. Eat right, sleep right and get fit. Dream of your future, cultivate friends, as many as you can. Grow your confidence. It’s never too late, you’re never too ugly or whatever. (Though stop being a creep)

>> No.16858692
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Depends on who you are and what your possibilities are. Everybody is different and is in different situations. Your suicide-tier wallowing existence might be pretty gomfy to someone else. What's on your mind, OP?

>> No.16858782

>Start with caring for yourself. Eat right, sleep right and get fit. Dream of your future, cultivate friends, as many as you can. Grow your confidence. It’s never too late, you’re never too ugly or whatever. (Though stop being a creep)
Self-care is such a cringey twitter woke meme.
It always translates to "do whatever you want at the expense of others"

>> No.16858791

>do whatever you want at the expense of others
How did you make the leap from "take care of yourself"?

>> No.16858797

>do whatever you want at the expense of others
She literally did say to cultivate friends

>> No.16858801

I have a lot of woke friends, it really translates to that.
It's not just my circle either, you can even see it in idealized representations like the character Taylor Mason in Billions (Showtime show)

>> No.16858810

It's an easy subversion:
>take care of myself
>take care of number one

>> No.16858843
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How do I overcome despair? I'm so close to just losing it. Every day it seems like the world becomes filthier, people become more morally loose, my efforts go to waste, and temptation gains another foothold over me. I know I can't give in, but it's so tempting to just lie down and surrender.

>> No.16858854

Like I said. It’s a childish thought you inflate it with.
Take care of your health doesn’t mean disregard others and their health. There’s a thread up right now with some guy asking how to shut off his emotions. The worst thing you can do. Exactly what billionaires have to do in order to step on so many.
I’m asking you to start with Epicurus, not Greed is good capitalists

>> No.16858863

Epicurus argues fixation on sensual pleasure isn't good either, dumb bitch. You constantly go around talking about how being a promiscuous whore is good, but Epicurus would take issue with you too. Why don't you actually read what you recommend, dumb poser bitch?

>> No.16858878

By the way, did you take the forty minutes to read any of the Unger stuff I mentioned?
Oh, right, fuck no.
Only what you ask is reasonable, everyone else is unreasonable.

>> No.16858885

YES, totally surrender.
Surrendering frees you to act, with nothing to lose

>> No.16858896

I agree that one cannot cut off the emotions, because they'll just be pretending.
Which makes that aggression or sadness come out in unconscious behavior.
Deny anger only to find yourself confused with a bloody knife in your trembling hand, as Carroll once said.
One must confront emotion and integrate it and process it.

>> No.16858906

I refuse

>> No.16858907

"Epicurus directed that this state of tranquillity could be obtained through knowledge of the workings of the world and the limiting of desires. Thus, pleasure was to be obtained by knowledge, friendship and living a virtuous and temperate life. He lauded the enjoyment of "simple pleasures", by which he meant abstaining from bodily desires, such as sex and appetites, verging on Asceticism. He counseled that "a cheerful poverty is an honorable state"."

Actually read something for your goddamn life. This site is okay for brain-damaged buffoons like you who want to learn the basics:

You can't be a promiscuous whore and Epicurean.

>> No.16858924
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>> No.16858959

Where do I say anything about sensual pleasure?
You are so dumb 0/10

> Religion Of The Future
You didn’t pique my interest enough. I don’t see what is to be refuted and you couldn’t explain it.
I guess I could get to it sometime... “perennialism”

>you can’t you can’t you can’t!!!
So much of his work is lost, but it seems obvious he’s fine with people having sex and starting families, he *obviously* doesn’t advocate running after this pleasure morning noon and night. Set your limits, measure where pain and dissatisfaction may lie
Actually think something in your “goddamn life”

>> No.16858993

>You didn’t pique my interest enough
Everything exists to entertain special precious you, doesn't it?

>> No.16859007

Who matters most to you, anon?
Start with yourself

>> No.16859024
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I have been thinking about this more and more recently and I feel like if something doesn't change I will end up checking out pretty soon. I'm not very good at expressing myself so please don't ridicule me, I would really appreciate some help.
I believe that the reason that anyone does anything in the overwhelming majority of cases can be reduced to hedonism. Be it driving to McDonalds to get a burger which satiates your hunger or finding a loving wife, building a family and raising children to become better than you were in order to satisfy more complex desires and become more wholeheartedly fulfilled, but in the end that all it is - doing things to satisfy yourself. I even try to imagine extremes but I think even holy people are only giving money to beggars or abstaining from sin on the promise that they will be fulfilled in the afterlife or, shorter term, gain satisfaction from feeling like a good and devout follower of whatever religion. All of it, hedonism.
This pleasure never lasts and once this fleeting pleasure is gone, we return to a state of pain and suffering. A minuscule splinter in the sole of your foot is enough to make you forget the good health of your entire body to focus on the pain of your foot. Even when there are no apparent maladies in your life and things seem good, we become bored with it, jaded. The pleasure of a creature eating it's prey is dwarfed by the pain of the creature being devoured. This may be a midwit thing to say but I believe this can be seen in cases like that of Jeff Bezos. Think of all the suffering he causes from the poor wages and horrible working conditions, third world sweatshops... It would be tiresome to explain all the crimes billionaires commit to get where they are but my point is the likes of Jeff, Bill and the others most likely don't have spotless hands and that's not even taking into account how their actions effect the planet. And for what? Even in the absolute best case scenario, sure they have good, comfortable lives but is it really worth all the suffering caused in it's wake? There's countless stories of depressed millionaires. It just doesn't seem worth it to me.

You know how smokers say they feel relaxed after a cigarette but in actuality it's their addiction to nicotine which makes them feel anxious in the first place which the cigarette remedies? Not many people would say it's a good idea to take up smoking to have those moments of relief after a cig only to be anxious all the other moments. Why would I put myself through a lifetime of suffering, chasing (a rather less straighforward) fulfillment rather than to have not lived at all. The problem is you want to be fulfilled, killing yourself is solving the problem at its root.

>> No.16859033

I enjoy that you turned me calling Epicureanism incomplete into "refutation".
Not everything is combat, you stupid bitch, not everything is a closed set of mutually exclusive systems.
Unger calls this False Necessity, and it's the focus of his political trilogy.
(Religion Of The Future is the second book in his other trilogy, a Philosophical Trilogy).

The Virtue Of Selfishness. How Ayn Rand, and how woke.
You can't even stop being a piece of shit woketard to prove me wrong about calling your kind self-absorbed.

>> No.16859050

> Description:
>How can we live in such a way that we die only once? How can we organize a society that gives us a better chance to be fully alive? How can we reinvent religion so that it liberates us instead of consoling us?
I don’t think we should.
But conversely, this is in my story I’m working on.
Sorry for doubting you anon. It looks to be worth a look, so I thank you

>> No.16859055

get money, do drugs, fuck sluts.

>> No.16859075

Max Stirner is more fun to start with. I’m not telling people to be self absorbed. I’m identifying their malady as self loss. You can’t schlep around as a human ghost and expect any kind of happiness much less a girl in your life.

>> No.16859121

Tolstoy's confession

>> No.16859135
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>>16850551 (OP)
Here ya go son. I agree with the anon who said "The trouble people have is that anything can matter." I have the same problem and thus this chart can't help me out. I'm too lazy to off myself. I just read books and whine. Try being an improver too, the meme helps out for a while.

>> No.16859269

I don't know about anyone else but I feel that having a love (as gay it sounds) for your father is a good for a person especially out of nihilism

>> No.16859275

That's not how men work.
What's the point of "improving yourself" for your "own" sake when that's the thing you care the least for?

>> No.16859352

This may shock your degenerate sensibilities, but I, and a great many others, center their family as most important.
There's this alien concept, called dignity, you should REALLY look into it.

>> No.16859360

Killing yourself causes a whole bunch of bonus suffering tho. It may be better never to have been born, but you already are born (addicted to the cigarette), so you might as well live (smoke the cigarette).

>> No.16859368

>Not everything is combat, you stupid bitch

>> No.16859391

Embrace what you are feeling, don’t fight it. Surrender, stop fighting

>> No.16859401

Don’t claim this as a universal for males.
Males do however have a ridiculous tendency to believe in nihilism like this. Brain rot, anon.

Starting with yourself isn’t about negating others at all. Stop thinking in such rash black and white terms. That’s another degenerate fallacy you buy into. This isn’t a children’s story, this is real life. A happy healthy person in touch with his feelings will want to look out for his immediate family and friends and the world in general.
Note those who can only care for animals, or commit suicide after their mother dies, or cares for nothing at all. They’re broken inside and hate themselves.

>> No.16859442

This is humorously enough a metaphor used in the first chapter of Zizek's newest book Hegel In A Wired Brain.

I want to go back to your claim that religion shouldn't be reinvented, along with your regular anti-religious sentiments: the Psychology you base your life upon is a religion. The wokeness is a religious cult, and it's no surprise that the other end of extremism is the same way, the Trump cult.

>This isn’t a children’s story, this is real life.
And then you go on to say some seriously Pollyanna shit. You're the sun in your own solar system, and you treat others accordingly, and it shows.
Who defines this health of yours? How can you possibly say that a person that kills themselves after their mother dies is broken? Or any other suicide? How ABSOLUTELY arrogant.

>> No.16859514

>the Psychology you base your life upon is a religion.
Oh whatever. When people says religion, they aren’t referring to ones perspectives and dreams. These are free flowing and not sacred. But if any ol’ thought tunnels is what you’re on about, yes, the future faith described in this book of your sounds Nietzschean on the surface. I’m interested

> You're the sun in your own solar system
We all are to ourselves.
The suicides are broken and pitiable. They have no self worth, live in shadows, hardly know life at all. Is it arrogance to shed tears for them and wish there weren’t any such examples of them made?

>> No.16859530

I find his writing boring

>> No.16859576

>live in shadows, hardly know life at all
Someone should tell Robin Williams' family that he didn't live his life to the fullest

>> No.16859584

>They have no self worth, live in shadows, hardly know life at all.
Anthony Bourdain?
I mean come on, you dumb asshole

>> No.16859612

While yes, I agree that it is a rather selfish endeavour, I can't help but think it's better than the alternative of living a lifetime's worth of suffering. It will only get worse, more people will come to know me and stand to suffer from my passing, which, and I apologize for stating the obvious, is inevitable and will always cause suffering to some degree at some point. Is it not better to get it over and done with now, what should've been done long ago? To quit smoking and live an anxiety-free, liberated life. No longer a slave to the cigarette?

>> No.16859622

Learn magic - Damien Echols' "High Magick", or do the exercises in Israel Regardie's "One Year Manual". Or both.Take heart, anon.

>> No.16859634
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>Damien Echols' "High Magick",

Oh god lmao

>> No.16859653


Didn't read the thread but Camus' Myth of Sisyphus helped me to realize I didn't want to die.

>> No.16859711

>Because this thread is about Robin Williams

Was that even suicide?

>> No.16859769
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Faith of the heart

>> No.16859774


>> No.16859786


>> No.16859801


>> No.16859804


>> No.16859812


>> No.16859816


>> No.16859822

I will see my dream come alive at last
I will touch the sky
And they're not gonna hold me down no more
No they're not gonna change my mind

>> No.16859836

>ive got faith

>> No.16859861

What, I should have recommended Chumbley?

>> No.16859866
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>> No.16859928

Keep yer shirt on, Malcolm

>> No.16860077

>Because this thread is about Robin Williams
Not an argument.

>> No.16860110

>thread is emo sadbois that want life easy arguing with femcel about society not carrying them like kings

umm suicidal retards how about you GTFO /lit/?

>> No.16860387


>> No.16860409

> Nihilism is a lie.
No? No it isn't?
There is only change and death, that is the absolute true of this universe nothing matters especially not animal life.

>> No.16860435

depends how you define what mattering is, it seems like to you something can only matter if it has literally infinite consequence, but really anything and everything can matter to you, and nothing, not your death or even the end of space and time and the universe, can take a way the moments you have to live

>> No.16861202

hold thigh in some metaphisic, cuz reality is absurdity and to live as a sentient being is to suffer

>> No.16862245

That always was my problem with nihilism. If something is meaningless then does that mean something meaningful exists? Maybe life is meaningful because of its uncertainty and many possibilities. Just because a sentence ends with a period doesn’t mean its meaningless. Well, most of the time, aside from my ramble.

>> No.16862246
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>> No.16862267
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>> No.16862806

Tulpa. Make a Tulpa and you will experience redemption.

>> No.16862817

idk sounds kinda gay

>> No.16862873
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Art. Evoke emotions anon. Enjoy the ride.

>> No.16863087

Tell me about the Tulpas....

>> No.16864128

I too would like to know about the tulpas you speak of...

>> No.16864608

You should get help, anons.

>> No.16864633


Exercise is more important. Get an audiobook of any of these suggested and go for a short run every other day for two weeks. You'll feel better and be on the way to being sexy for when coronavirus ends.

>> No.16864750

read Eyeless in Gaza by Huxley. It'll help you say fuck it and keep jackin' it, ya know?

>> No.16864768

it's an imaginary friend anon, it's literally adults talking to imaginary friends.

>> No.16864920

Oh like jesus?

>> No.16864929

You either have a futile faith in the goodness of insatiable men or the ability of others to combat them.

>> No.16864955

You are right.

>> No.16865038


>> No.16865163

Beginning Of Infinity, David Deutsch
pdf and audiobook available online

Reverend Insanity
can be found on novelfull
this webnovel changed me

>> No.16866153

Option 3


>> No.16866453

>Just because a sentence ends with a period doesn’t mean its meaningless.
but would it be meaningless (fruitless) if right when you finished reading it, it would disappear instantly? Also you'd forget about ever having read it. Also you're fatally shot in the head shortly after.

>> No.16866800
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>> No.16867697

Sickness unto death and Fear and Trembling

>> No.16867724
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>It always translates to "do whatever you want at the expense of others"
sounds based to me

>> No.16867803

>There is only change and death
Okay... life exists and empathy is exhibited in the animal kingdom as at the very least an evolutionary trait if you don't believe in God.

The real problem is not that no life matters but that all complex life matters. We are holistically connected to thousands if not millions of living beings. The mere existence of life is a statistical anomaly that is unfathomable and every life that is brought into this world is entirely improbable to have been brought into existence. The phenomena of life only finds meaning in it's connections to other forms of life. A single ant can't accomplish much without another ant but an ant hill can accomplish a lot. An ant will defend other ants that are in danger with no immediate benefits to itself.

>to live as a sentient being is to suffer
According to you. Not everyone has this experience.

>> No.16867841
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It's not a statistical anomaly, it's been shown (by MIT Physicist PicRel) to be a statistical certainty

>> No.16867898

The rebel by Camus that or the fall

>> No.16867934

Didn’t you already make this thread today? If you’re just gonna keep posting this shit then just fucking do it pussy

>> No.16868102
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You should've already read this by now. Rebuke dosto all you want but he shows perfectly how stupid nietzschian bs is and what derascination can do to a person. This is different from pessimism, but pessimism is still a symptom of those same problems, which this covers pretty well.
>inb4 no sonya gf
there's love with God too anons, that's the whole point

>> No.16868275

Faith in the Lord. The Greek word for faith is pistis, meaning trust as well as faith. PLACE YOUR TRUST IN GOD.

>> No.16868406

Nah suicide is based. I wish I had the balls to kill myself

>> No.16868528

Hmmm yummy wordsalad, it even has cherry tomatoes

>> No.16868545

You should listen to Russell Brand talk about his sex addiction and how it ultimately leads to nothing

>> No.16868553


>> No.16868572

sounds like something a virgin would say

>> No.16869020

Nietzsche, you fake-depressive fuck

>> No.16869924

seen you post this book multiple times and have tried to find it online with no luck. is it worth buying and do you have an extract you can share?

>> No.16870570

Quite literally the bible

>> No.16872049
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I found it very useful. The Strength of Powys' approach is that he does not ask the nihilist to believe (that would be a non-starter). Instead he asks 'What now?' He doesn't seek to resurrect the gods but to enliven our minds and to remember what really is good. In this way we walk backwards into those Vital old virtues. Life, Energy, Freedom, Strength.

>> No.16872060
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>> No.16872078
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It may be listed under 'Glory of Life.'

>> No.16872090


In the fight. "The Battle Between Good & Evil" has been raging since even before our universe was conceived... It is your responsibility to continue that fight, on behalf of all that is good and righteous.

LotR is a children's overview of this struggle, and fun to read. I would give it a try.

>> No.16872746

I think that Nietzsche was right when he reasoned that the tragedy was the highest form of art.

I'm listening this song. It's a song about death. Undoubtedly the greatest tragedy of all. The beauty of this sadness stirs my emotions like nothing else is capable of.

To all the earthly remains

No burdens
No further debts to be paid

Can rest his weary bones
The weight of the world
All falls away
In time

To all the plans that we made

No contracts
I’m free to do as I may

No hunger
No sleep except to dream
Mild and warm
Safe from all harm

Good riddance
To all the thieves
To all the fools that stifled me
They’ve come and gone
And passed me by
Good riddance
To all

To all the earthly remains

No burdens
No further debts to be paid

Can rest his weary bones
The weight of the world
All falls away
In time