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16845866 No.16845866 [Reply] [Original]

How do writers actually write? Is it just sitting staring at the page until something comes?

>> No.16845873

Motherfucker, I already made this thread and there's no replies yet.

>> No.16845882

Planning. Sometimes, whenever you're staring at a blank page, just trial and error

>> No.16845903

I think what really unlocks the process is talking to yourself inside your own head 24/7 like a schizo and trying to tell stories to this person you love and respect. There's a way of letting your ego speak inside of you at the bottom of writing. Whenever I make something creative, I feel like I'm doing it for a really good friend I don't have.
I'm just an amateur but I am sure that someone with more experience can elaborate.

>> No.16845920

Come up with a concept or idea
Write down whatever comes to mind
Put the paper to rest, then read it again a day or so later
Change the parts you didn't like
Repeat the process until you have something presentable

>> No.16845928

I have the schizo 24/7 part down. How do I nail the love yourself part?

>> No.16845949

>How do I nail the love yourself part?
You don't have to. Imagine someone you'd like to talk to instead. It could be a fictional person, it could be Jesus, just imagine you're talking to a high standard of person you would like to talk to.
This is also what makes the difference between art and commercial work. You can write well without the "love and respect" part, just stick to what works and write technically sound things.

>> No.16845975

>Sit down every day, preferably in the morning
>It's probably shit but we'll worry about that later
>Continue this routine until you have a first draft
>Edit, edit, edit

>> No.16845976

>You can write well
I'm a bit tipsy. I meant that you can write, period, without the "love and respect" part, just replace those things with "tell them what they want to hear".
Again someone more experienced and more sober can explain more elegantly

>> No.16845998

You're saying that imagining that you're writing for someone you care about will likely lead to a more "artful" end product? This is interesting. What's your reasoning?

>> No.16846043

>What's your reasoning?
You simply give your best and paradoxically you take more risks if you really respect and love the person you're talking to. If you have no respect and no love, and you fundamentally don't care about these people but only want their money, you will say all sorts of niceties, avoid taking risks, etc. so that the person likes you and you get paid. This is also why a lot of successful entertainers are sociopaths, they reason like sociopaths toward their audience.

>> No.16846060

Would you lie to someone you love to spare them pain or discomfort?

>> No.16846075

>come up with a really good observation, sentence or dialogue
>think of a character who would say that
>put that character into an interesting setting

>> No.16846099

>Would you lie to someone you love to spare them pain or discomfort?
That's not even a question: this kind of lying comes at your own cost. You are still thinking of the someone else's good here. The reasoning you should avoid is "will you lie to someone if not lying meant they wouldn't like you?" I realized this from Tarkovsky or even Tolkien earlier on. If they did not have a deep love and respect for their supposed audience they would have done things in a different way. There's an adage that goes "write for yourself", but what if you hate yourself? I think the adage is wrong, you should do things for someone you love and respect.
I think respect and love are the absolute pillars of art. Art is an act of giving, if you give poison and lies you are a monster.

>> No.16846178

First, you must think. Then you may write.

>> No.16846217

I talk to myself whenever I have the opportunity, ideas arise from that naturally.

>> No.16847327

google it nigga i swear to god can people these days not look up anything for themselves? it's always
>where do i start w/x?
>i want to read a 200 page book but im scared redpill me on x
>if i install linux but i'm a retard what then???
Here: https://lmgtfy.app/?q=how+to+write+

>> No.16847343

"Writing" is generally just the formal act of putting something on paper. Usually the idea is formed long before.

>> No.16849010


>> No.16849048

I think they just sit down and write. Maybe some stand at a desk and do it. But writing definitely occurs when they write. I think they might use pen. Maybe a computer. Maybe a typewriter.

>> No.16849193


>You’re welcome

>> No.16849200


>> No.16850546
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do people outline their stories before sitting down to write, or do they just start writing and let the story develop on its own?