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File: 16 KB, 724x543, latina-latino-latinx-4028-483f5e01c6c2c77984f7aeb38fe937ed@1x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16845495 No.16845495[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do anglos really think when you say "latino" you are only referring to hispanic men? Do they have any idea how gendered languages work?

>> No.16845508

to be honest... the same crap is going on spanish speaking countries. I'm argentinian BTW... the globohomo knows no limits

>> No.16845511

Les latines.

>> No.16845512

Imagine a student saying this nonsense to you in class so you stop lecturing, tell the little shit to come up here and then you take your Katana out and behead him in front of everyone. You can't engage people like this. Only behead them.

>> No.16845517
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>> No.16845548

>I'm argentinian BTW
to be fair, your feminists are pretty radical compared to other latam countries. the only ones that seem to come any close are chileans and, to a lesser extent, mexicans and costa ricans.

>> No.16845579

clearly you yourself have no idea how languages work if you're trying to impose your own meaning on a word or trying to return it to a past one

>> No.16845593 [DELETED] 
File: 2.33 MB, 1000x1618, RE LATAM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16845596

Dude, they're retarded.
En serio?
Latino is how you refer to all people from / living in Latin America (Everything south of and including Mexico)
La Gente Latino is how you would say it, formally, in spanish. Latinx is a mutilated non-word it's the same as saying something stupid in English like Oceancito when you mean the hot tub. Like that's not how the language works.

>> No.16845639

there is no 'how you should say it' applicable here hahaha that's exactly how language works, i hope you realize

>> No.16845656
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Based nothing personnel professor.

>> No.16845699

les pibis

>> No.16845718

based & bannon pilled.

>> No.16845750

Thank god I do t go to school

>> No.16845759

You're not cut out for it.

>> No.16845763


same in brazil
we will not let the faggots subvert our language

>> No.16845780 [DELETED] 


>> No.16845858
File: 62 KB, 570x537, 1600611307920.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>language isn't real so I'm going to communicate in grunts from now on
Let us know how that works out Hanon

>> No.16845880

Latinoamérica = Iberoamérica + Francoamérica (Québec, Guyane, Haïti, Antilles).

>> No.16845906

nooo hahaha that is STILL not how language works but it's good you mentioned this so I can tell you that this grunt example is THE SAMW THING as your latinx thing!! It's absolutely the same kind of thinking!!

>> No.16846136

La gente latina you massive retard.

>> No.16846207
File: 105 KB, 618x311, CE2B8401-0DEA-4985-83E9-62B26099DE50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we can change language

>> No.16846263

I wonder how different Argentina would have fared if they had adopted german as their official and national language at some point.

>> No.16846285
File: 130 KB, 742x716, 1602789504426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that french made up term.
A la mierda con ese término frenchute.

>> No.16846331

that would be pretty based. Doesn't their military follow prussian traditions?

>> No.16846342

Bungo dungo blungo big stungo ango frungo mango good bongo

>> No.16846365

>clearly you yourself have no idea how languages work

Ironic. Latino is used as both gender-neutral and gender-specific.

>> No.16846366

followed, yes.
nowadays it only follows the Italian traditions.

>> No.16846869

lol why do so many people get triggered over this? Yeah it's stupid, but who cares.
I've seen volumes of retards seething about this. Why?

>> No.16846902

Because it's a white liberal woman thing and is very offensive to anyone who actually speaks Spanish as a language. Imagine if some French person who doesn't speak English started trying to tell an American how to speak English.

>> No.16846912

but you are acting out of your aversion to change!! lmao!!

>> No.16846925

>Because it's a white liberal woman thing
nice ad hominid anon, but you should really be attacking the argument
>is very offensive to anyone who actually speaks Spanish as a language
1) I've seen native Spanish speakers advocate for LatinX, so there goes your "only white women"/"no native speaker" bit
2) no shit it offends people, that's what I'm asking. Why does this trigger you?
>Imagine if some French person who doesn't speak English started trying to tell an American how to speak English.
A comical misrepresentation of the argument.

>> No.16846947

"gendered languages" are offensive, limiting and oppressive. you need to be more welcoming and open and speak a non-gendered language like English at all times.

>> No.16846956


>> No.16847445
File: 94 KB, 1000x1000, 1596255352428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do anglos
The obsession really never ceases for you ESLs, does it? I got a question: Can ESLs go one day without using the word "anglo" or complaining about English?

>> No.16847471


>> No.16847481

What's your issue with that word? Even the English use it.

>> No.16847484

realy don't understand why they didn't go with Latine. it even sounds like a real word. latinx is nonsense to speak aloud

>> No.16847499

Spanish doesn't work like that. You can't just change one plural and leave the rest untouched.

>> No.16847555

im just saying if you're going to invent a word at least have it be a fake word that feels real . latinx is two x's away from an xbox live gamertag

>> No.16847569

>liberal faggots
>lets respect and go back to our indigenous roots and embrace their beautiful culture, the western ideals have destroyed a once beautiful people
>also liberal faggots
>lets change our ancient language to fit modern western ideals

>> No.16847623


>> No.16847630
File: 852 KB, 1016x1003, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16847639 [DELETED] 

Just call them all spics and be done with it.

>> No.16847701

actually, I take back actor/actress, titles don't count.
Otherwise you could have tons like landlady, mistress, etc

but blond/blonde is for sure one of the few gendered words in English, strictly referring to men and women of fair hair.

>> No.16847709

>wow these two groups of people I disagree with aren't logically consistent! surely that means that everyone I disagree with is illogical, and not that I am grouping everyone I don't like under one label

>> No.16847732

This but unironically. Every disagreement I have ever had with anyone about anything has been due to them having some false manufactured ideal implanted in their head that doesn't even match up with any of their other false manufactured ideals.