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1684340 No.1684340 [Reply] [Original]

So I just ordered a Kindle on impulse, sick of carrying books around.

Good idea/bad idea? Kindle thoughts thread I guess.

>> No.1684349

Just got one myself, I love it. Tough finding Tao Lin on #bookz, though =(

>> No.1684348

My dad has a Kindle and he loves it. I've toyed with it and I think it is an excellent device.

I'm considering getting one myself. They'd be great for when I have to stand up on the train.

>> No.1684354

I've never seen an e-ink display in real life, whats it like?

>> No.1684364

Lifetimes different to say an iPad display. Extremely close to a real book, very little glare, no eyestrain to complain of.

>> No.1684380

It definitely isn't exactly the same as paper. If the angle directly faces a bright light, it can reflect a little. From most angles it looks fine though, especially in sunlight. There is no internal light source, so you need a light when reading in the dark. (Unless you like paying out of your ass and buy the $59 cover with a lamp in it.) The biggest advantage of e-ink is that it has BRILLIANT battery life. I usually take a week or two between charges.

And yes OP, it is a good purchase. I have no regrets.

>> No.1684384

i don't have the money yet but i'm definitely getting one.

>> No.1684483

I don't have kindle, but i do have nook and i love it.. yeah it's worth it if you read a lot.

>> No.1684499

> books are hard to carry
> turning pages is annoying
> im too aspie to leave my house to get books
> im too aspie to use a library because other people's hands have touched a book that im gonna touch with my own hands
> im too cheap to pay for books
> i need to have 9000 books on my person at all times because you never know when you might unexpectedly put down the book youre reading and read 3 pages or something else instead

I give e-readers a year maximum before they die out. No one reads them except for some kids on /lit/, leave 4chan and you'll realize just how obsolete e-readers are/will become.

>> No.1684508

not sure if troll or just stupid

>> No.1684511

not sure if naive or just in denial

>> No.1684512

he's just stupid. leave him to his ignorance

>> No.1684531

I love my kindle and really couldn't do without it. I've been reading some classical chinese texts lately that are very hard to come by on paper, and everyone knows reading off a refreshing computer screen is a horrible experience. Though I gotta say that for texts that are more readily available, nothing beats an old-fashioned paper book.

>> No.1684537

Now for another episode of Good Idea/Bad Idea

Good Idea throwing a penny in to a wishing well

Bad Idea throwing your cousin penny in a wishing well

>> No.1684549

It's great. Depending on how much you paid for your Kindle you only need to pirate 15 books to make a profit.

>> No.1684553

I love my Sony Reader Pocket edition. It's small and portable, but still roughly the size of a paperback, minus thickness. I just hate that it's much easier to find pdfs of books (especially textbooks) and converting them to epub never works out. If the text is pulled from the pdf correctly without missing any words or having symbols or nonsense the book will still have either no formatting or crazy formatting with newlines starting midword for whatever reason, etc. so reading it on the reader would be a real pain

>> No.1684580

I hate how overused PDF is, it's crap for pretty much everything it's used for (things it wasn't designed to do) yet maroons stick with it. Oh well.

>> No.1684581

you're trolling right?

the print industry is finished
newspapers and books are going out

kindle is the ipod of reading

>> No.1684592

>going out

>> No.1684595

>have a reputation for being "that book guy"
>have met some people through discussions about books as they've seen me reading

e-readers are just gay. What's wrong with a normal book? You guys are gonna break your e-readers or some shit and loose your entire collection.

>> No.1684596

Ya, does anyone know where to go for epubs or some other good format that isn't pdf? Txt is alright I guess but meh. What else is good?

>> No.1684599

I have my entire collection on my ebook reader, my mp3 player, my phone, my DS, my flashdrive, my laptop, and my pc. I think I'm safe from losing it unless my house burns downs

>> No.1684603

>converted PDF files to EPUB
Oh lord.

>> No.1684604

enjoying passing on all that knowledge when we have no power, faggot.

fuck ereaders, books for life!

>> No.1684613


yeah because it's not like you have a back up on your computer or something

there's nothing 'wrong' with a normal book
some people just actually care about the text rather that using the book as a fashion statement