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File: 74 KB, 850x400, quote-there-is-in-the-world-only-the-choice-between-loneliness-and-vulgarity-all-young-people-arthur-schopenhauer-138-61-79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16839757 No.16839757 [Reply] [Original]

Was he a chad or an incel?

>> No.16839768

Most famous incel who ever lied. Maladjustment and mental illness is the source of all nihilistic philosophy.

>> No.16839769

that quote is straight incel

>> No.16839771

While young, he was banging broads across Europe. Naturally, when he became old and lost his looks, he became an incel.

>> No.16839805

Yeah, didn't he bang his maid, get her pregnant, and then leave her? I don't think he was unsuccessful in getting laid, he was unsuccessful in maintaining a relationship.

>> No.16839807

fuck off NPC

>> No.16839814

Incels are intellectual Chads, most intelligent people I've met either in real life or online were invariably incels

>> No.16839857

Seething incel

>> No.16839859

Philosophy is a cope for old men who are bitter that young people are enjoying their lives.

>> No.16839875

He published his magnus opus when he was 30. He was able to do both. Cope.

>> No.16839889

30 is old.

>> No.16839890

NPC cope

>> No.16839899

enjoying life is a hylic cope

>> No.16839907

He was an elitist and a prick, but a great thinker nonetheless and one that will make you think.

>> No.16839922

Yeah, contemplating your existence and the laws that govern it, the society and the environment we live in and the very knowledge we take for granted itself is only for bitter sods, eh? Fuck off, it's clear you DON'T, in fact , read.

>> No.16839927

Nigerian Frog Farm Forum BTFO

>> No.16839937
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>> No.16839944

>t. wine aunt

>> No.16839950

I've read 35 books this year, loser. When I mean philosophy, I mean the "wah wah life is so horrible" pessimists like Schopenhauer. They say life is shit because THEIR lives as old grumpy men are shit. Pure projection on their part.

>> No.16839957

t. self pitying soiboy

>> No.16839964

Yeah, contemplating your existence and the laws that govern it, the society and the environment we live in and the very knowledge we take for granted itself is only for bitter sods, eh? Fuck off, it's clear you DON'T, in fact , read.

>> No.16840039

He was a gangster, just like King Von who recently passed away, RIP to both.

>> No.16840090
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>> No.16840106

Wtf spoilers picky bloinders meme man an heroes?

>> No.16840112

The virgin incel vs the chad vocel

>> No.16840116

He was rich. All those Chad things plebs want, he always had. Schopenhauer regarded himself as someone enlarging Kant. Imagine correcting Kant in your twenties with no internet. He famously quipped that only children haven't read Kant. Do you understand Kant? Because I only grasp some of 4FPSR. He enjoyed dates at the opera late into life. If you can't Wikipedia. . . .

>> No.16840125

I've reached essentially the same philosophy as schopenhauer independently, interesting.

>> No.16840134

Because you're a sad incel, dummy dummy, nothing new

>> No.16840135

>He enjoyed dates at the opera
I hate how Opera became a simp territory after we lost Bel Canto and they allowed women to sing with men

>> No.16840147

He was an Incel and he represents everything bad about Western Civilization. His philosophy is either just crankery, or it is the cheap theft of eastern ideas. His major accomplishment is his concept of life-denying escapism, because he was such a fucking loser. The sole reason he is famous is because his mommy was a fashionable writer. Now imagine he hates women, despite owing everything in life to a woman. Sad!

>> No.16840153


>> No.16840154

This, so much this!

>> No.16840160

If you are going to try to refute him, don't do it in middle school tier prose.

>> No.16840166

>hehe if you're not an incel you should belong to reddit
>yeah that will show him
Cope harder

>> No.16840173

Hey retard, its called knowing your audience

>> No.16840226

we don't have sex here, it's a nigerian moth breeding forum you faggot

>> No.16840322

Why do so many people today think in labels and dichotomies?

>> No.16840332

Easy (You)s

>> No.16840364


>> No.16840408

You're not wrong.

>> No.16841997
File: 32 KB, 680x472, 1494972670212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16842153

>Imagine correcting Kant in your twenties with no internet.
Not that impressive, considering Spinoza corrected Kant before the books of the latter were written.

>> No.16842182

Because it's easier to use a label that people understand the meaning of than full explanations. I will, however, agree that the false dichotomies are stupid. Labels, however, are useful structures of language.

>> No.16842620

Being an elitist is a good thing

>> No.16842638

Neither, because those are caricatures which are inapplicable to real human beings like Schopenhauer.