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16826411 No.16826411 [Reply] [Original]

"Shouldn't have left it up to the Sandershits" Edition

Previous Thread: >>16812655

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>Latest Sanderson (Rhythm of War):

>> No.16826433

What are some of the most soulful fantasy books in the genre?

>> No.16826453

Tranny Trannyson

>> No.16826490

I just read 15 threads to catch up. Fuck!

To the people that actually read the new Sanderson.

How much more annoying is Shallan?
Does Kaladin get to fuck human sized syl?
Does Dalinar fuck his brother's wife?
Did lyft grow yet?
Does dalinar get his memories back?
Do we finally meet the thing that takes memories?
Did they finish forming the power rangers round table yet?
Does Jaznah get dicked?(damn she needs a good dicking).
Did Sanderson get forced into soapboxing more pandering shit by his publisher?

>> No.16826520

Who's the Catholic version on Brandon Sanderson?

>> No.16826541

>How much more annoying is Shallan?
I found her somewhat less obnoxious than average because existential crises tend to make for little overt humor.
>Does Kaladin get to fuck human sized syl?
Nah dog.
>Does Dalinar fuck his brother's wife?
All day erry day.
>Did lyft grow yet?
Yeah, puberty is fucking her up.
>Does dalinar get his memories back?
Yes, but that was book 3.
>Do we finally meet the thing that takes memories?
That's a very open ended question.
>Did they finish forming the power rangers round table yet?
Almost, it's just that 2 of the orders are more and less secretly working for Odium.
>Does Jaznah get dicked?(damn she needs a good dicking).
It's implied she gives it up to Wit, but doesn't really enjoy sex.
>Did Sanderson get forced into soapboxing more pandering shit by his publisher?
Another of those open ended questions I can't adequately answer.

>> No.16826552


>> No.16826624

>doesn't really enjoy sex.
Did Sanderson get more daring to actually SPEAK about sex, and not hand holding blushing shit?

>> No.16826631

Branerson doesn't hate Mormanism, though

>> No.16826636

does kaladin go super saiyan 4 and does he do something super heroic while doing it? answer me faggots or I'll unleash 300 chapters of shallan on you.

>> No.16826670

It's still the same "glossing over the good bits" bald implication it always is, but that honestly doesn't bother me. I don't want to read a Mormon sex scene.

He absolutely does and barely saves his father with his powers basically useless as they're both plummeting from the top of Urithiru. But then he gets his powerarmor which is actually probably the most anime thing so far. I'm not mad at all, it was cool.

>> No.16826673

>Does Kaladin get to fuck human sized syl?
It's pretty much confirmed that it's possible to make spren fully manifest in the physical world.

>> No.16826681
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Could there even be one? Catholics don't excel at cheery pablum the way Mormons do.

>> No.16826697

Are there any science fiction novels that go really hard in the incest? Like fucking your cousin in the cargo bay of a space ship going interstellar?

>> No.16826752

>I don't want to read a Mormon sex scene.
all this talk of Mormon sex make me miss big love.

>> No.16826993

Yes, of course. Several much more than that. Some even have selfcest.

>> No.16827016
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Too Like the Lightning - Ada Palmer, Terra Ignota #1 (2016)

Whether you'd enjoy this may depend on how you feel about the following:
French Enlightenment philosophy and other historical callbacks suffused throughout the entire novel.
Lots and lots of discussion, which is mostly religious or philosophical, though there's also considerable political intrigue.
A first person narrator who withholds important information.
Somewhat of a puzzle novel where it expects you to mostly figure out what's going on and why the various events matter, on your own.
That the narrator is in dialogue with you, the reader. You tell the narrator what you thought about what you just read then the narrator responds and vice versa.
That this is only a half a book. Rather than being a cliffhanger I'd describe it as a cliff with a sign that reads "Path Ends 100 Feet" and then you have to cross a toll bridge to get to the other side.
The elimination and/or censorship of: geographical nations, religion, family, and gender.

This was a book that I already had doubts about whether I'd enjoy it before I had began reading it. It's one of several books that I've considered reading to see how I'd feel about it, so I read more for the experience than for anything else. I was well over halfway through the book before I began to think maybe this was ok, but still doubting it worthwhileness. The last 20% or so was enjoyable, but in no compensates for everything that preceded it. Having read this doesn't dissuade me at all from reading to see how I'd feel about it.

After I finished reading the novel I provided my overall thoughts to the group that I had been discussing this with. This is an excerpt from that.
I don't particularly want to read the next novel, but I also don't feel like I have much choice in the matter, and even more strangely I don't care that I feel this way.
Hurry, please don't send help, I'm enjoying this mind virus quite terribly well.
With a judicious amount of editing, plot restructuring, more action, and a different style of characterization, I probably could have rated this 5 stars.
As it is though, I rate this barbed arrow with a puzzle attached to disengage the barbs a 3. It's a 2 and 4 star book combined.
Seems I can't help but to believe the second book will correct what I believe to be its shortcomings and I'll enjoy it. What a pleasant delusion. I await either outcome. Sometimes I'm too eager to disappoint myself, so this shouldn't be taken as an endorsement.
But, most of all, I really do feel that is only the halfway point of a single book and I can't help but finish it. I know many severely begrudge any book that doesn't resolve its current plot lines by the end of each book, but I don't recall ever having felt that way.
Do I regret reading it? No, not at all. It went better than expected overall. It's something I wanted to read to see how I felt about it.

Rating: 3/5

>> No.16827054

>woman author

>> No.16827105

A solid heuristic, but there are good ones.

>> No.16827136


The first novel sucks tbqh.
Ada only hits the gas ~1/3rd of the way into the 2nd novel and from there it's pretty good.

>> No.16827200
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Here's your Winds of Winter, bro.

>> No.16827203

i kek'd

>> No.16827267

black sun rising shits deep down your throat

>> No.16827375

The first chapter or so has a guy who has PTSD because he was tied down while bandits made away with his wife with implied rape.
A side character is a prostitute.
By Sanderson standards, this is lewd as shit.

>> No.16827387

Been reading some Watts - what the fuck is wrong with him? Vampires?

>> No.16827402

I'm glad that Corona deprived that fat fucking degenerate from orbiting his beloved (((cons))) and further showcased that despite all the free time in quarantine, fat fuck simply won't write.

>> No.16827406

Blehhh! I'm an autistic OCD predator subspecies that can hibernate! Blehhhhh!

>> No.16827415


tldr he mindbroke himself writing Starfish and had to step away to popculture tropes.

>> No.16827420

He got bullied by a customs agent and now he vents his anger and depression in his literature.

>> No.16827435

Starfish had some horrible character progression / dialogue writing, I find Rifters much better. Still, vampires.

>> No.16827442

Kek, I threw that shit away when I was a teenager
Women can't write male characters to save their lives

>> No.16827466
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>download Songs of a Dead Dreamer & Grimscribe collection
>read the first four stories (which are in the SoaDD section)
>don't care for them at all so stop reading the book
>later find out that a story called The Last Feast of Harlequin (in the Grimscribe section) is apparently the best Lovecraft homage ever
>decide to read it
>it's kino
Only disappointing thing is I thought it was going to be more about clowns. Still good though.

>> No.16827469


I don't know, man. It's clearly like Helter Skelter sociopath serial killer """"vampires""" and not Twilight or even Bram Stoker. I think he uses the word vampire purely for the retard-onboarding sales value. He is certainly cynical enough for that.

>> No.16827479

Must be a runny steaming turd because that book was terrible.

>> No.16827653

Late Heinlein is all in for the wincest

>> No.16827677
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I was looking up if there were male sff writers using female pen names and come across some stuff. It wasn't what I was looking for, but it was still interesting.
I came across this article:

and here's series of images about 2020 books, though only from TOR.
Summary, male percents:
Fantasy: 38%
SF: 69%
YA: 12%

Summary of attached Goodreads image, from 2014:
This is for books published in 2014, not any other year.
Women read 2x as many.
Men wrote 2x as many with 500+ pages.
80% of female author's audience is female.
50% of male author's audience is female.
Both men and women rated female writers higher overall.
90% of the books read by women were by women.
90% of the books read by men were by men.

In the last 6 years, that trend has probably shifted much to women in everything and could well be accelerating.
The 90/90 is a bit dubious, probably rounded to be the same.

>> No.16827913
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Opinion, the best Stormlight Archives cover was the first cover art by Michael Whelan. Every other one is okay to mediocre.

>> No.16827951

>How much more annoying is Shallan?
Less of her this book, so she ends up being less annoying unless you count the usual overwritten split personality mental illness.
>Does Kaladin get to fuck human sized Syl?
No, much to the chagrin of everyone. This may happen at some point due to the popularity.
>Does Dalinar fuck his brother's wife?
Actually she is his wife now as of Oathbringer and as I understand it, yes. Probably lays pipe to make an oil company jealous.
>Did Lyft grow yet?
She is starting to change and grow due to Cultivation's influence
>Does Dalinar get his memories back?
Yes, this happened in Oathbringer
>Do we finally meet the thing that takes memories?
Yes, this also happened in Oathbringer
>Did they finish forming the power rangers round table yet?
No, because the Dustbringers and the SkyBreakers are on Odiums side. The Skybreakers are open about it, with the Dustbringers yet to declare openly they are working with the enemy and that they just like breaking shit.
>Does Jaznah get dicked?(damn she needs a good dicking).
It is hinted that she may have gotten dicked by Wit (Hoid)

>Did Sanderson get forced into soapboxing more pandering shit by his publisher?
"Another one of those open ended questions I can't adequately answer."

Don't let this guy lie to you on this, Sanderson 100% whips out the pandering.
Female empowerment, racial equality, societal change, gender equity, and mental health awareness are all elements in this book and some are not so subtly bashed right over your head multiple times.

>> No.16828027

>Sanderson 100% whips out the pandering
I'm not saying it isn't a feature, I just question whether it's "forced" or not.

>> No.16828168

It's great but 4 books in the series is so, so far away from the initial comfyness of the shattered plains.

>> No.16828179
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Have anyone here read this?
Is it good fantasy?

>> No.16828299

I'm trying to read King of Elflands Daughter but it just feels totally hollow and meandery. I'm 100 pages in so don't bother telling me it gets better.

>> No.16828301

I am about to finish the Frank Herbert Dune books. Are the progeny's and otherwise worth a read?

>> No.16828318

Did Wit have a gf before Jasnah or was he a 7000+ year old virgin?

>> No.16828319


>> No.16828472
File: 339 KB, 1280x800, large_landscape-adf78f01548fbd62196d9aecc4103c7f2a0acec6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the father of Science Fiction

What the hell is Hugo Gernsback wearing?

>> No.16828613

Where is the e william brown hater? Didn't see him for a while.

>> No.16828765

Yeah and then they die, sound easier to go to Shadesmar and fuck Syl there.

>> No.16828939

I like that it looks exactly like my prison-I mean home state.
Must be another Mormon dogwhistle.

>> No.16828978
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QUICK, give me something trashy to read that isn't Sanderson, a LitRPG or Chinkshit.

>> No.16828985

Viriconium by M. John Harrison
Lyonesse by Jack Vance
The Broken Sword by Poul Anderson
The Zothique stories by Clark Ashton Smith

>> No.16828997

I said trashy you faGOT
I've never read Zothique but it doesn't appear to be on kindle so I can't get it (I'm not in the US, takes about 3 weeks for physical books I order to arrive).

>> No.16829005

What other trash is there, unless you want pulp from the early-mid 1900s.

>> No.16829011

The GOR series by John Norman

>> No.16829027


>> No.16829035

There's literally mountains of trash on kindle unlimited, it just takes hours to searching through it to find the entertaining trash which is what I'm asking for.

>> No.16829041

The Grey Bastards. It's so trashy the author cusses in the acknowledgements section.

>> No.16829050

Already read it. I prefer the other series by the same author, with the priest and all that.

>> No.16829054

>eddings and his wife were literal "child in cage in basement" child abusers
What the actual fuck?

>> No.16829076

Sorry then, I never developed a taste for trash.

>> No.16829084

It happens. People are just a random assortment of behaviors.

>> No.16829088

Alice Sheldon, better known as James Tiptree Jr did a murder-suicide of her husband.

>> No.16829119

>childless feminist kills herself
What else is new

>> No.16829126

Seems like it was a pact they made after the writing was on the wall regarding their health.

>> No.16829232

any Moorcock series
any Glenn Cook series

>> No.16829342

What's with chinkshit's autistic obsession with cultivating and reaching the apex?

>> No.16829441

It's literally the entire defining feature of chinkshit for a thousand years, starting with the original Journey to the West.
On a more cynical note, it's an intentionally spread concept used as propaganda by the Chinese government, both to enforce the idea that wealth buys power (all those spirit medicines etc) and that if you want to rebel against the system you should sit on a rock doing nothing for a long period of time and it will magically make you stronger (it doesn't).

>> No.16829466

Shallan has officially dropped LOWER on the waifu pole than a mute zombie made of plants

Maya a CUTE

>> No.16829497

Is there a Wheel Of Time reader here who has followed the whole thing from the start, i.e., has waited for a decade of two for more books to come out?
I'm wondering how many people stuck with the series from beginning to end without forgetting about it, growing out of it, tastes changing, etc.

>> No.16829514 [DELETED] 


>> No.16829523

yeah thats the best one, the massive storm and armored figure are really good. the problem with rythm of war's cover is the awkward posing of shallan and adolin. the guy REALLY doesnt know how to draw figures. zoom in on them and youll see what i mean.

>> No.16829576
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why is he doing this

>> No.16829610

BrandoSando is as subtle as a truck. It's forced.

>> No.16829622

What software is that? The search on Calibre's ebook reader is terrible.

>> No.16829625

moon reader+

>> No.16829657

>phone posting
You had my hopes up for a minute, anon.

Does anyone know of a nice ereading software that could be easily integrated with Calibre?

>> No.16829676

>it doesn't
You've tried it?

>> No.16829938
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>Revelation Space > Chasm City > Redemption Arc
Sensing a worrying trend here fellow revtards... does it continue on like this?

>> No.16829940
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The Expanse is actually awful

>> No.16829977

the first season of the tv show was ok
dropped the second, can't imagine ever reading that

>> No.16830029

The Barrow

>> No.16830052

Yes the last book (Absolution Gap) has a two word title.

>> No.16830309

That covering him is shit, isn't it? The woman in the middle is a tranny, isn't she(he)?

>> No.16830655
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For anyone who's read this, does it work as a standalone book or is it merely the first part of a trilogy and doesn't tell a complete story by itself?

>> No.16830661

>500 pages
>6 chapters

Why would he do this?
I fucking hate leaving in the middle of a chapter.

>> No.16830677

no law or order, have fun getting owned and robbed by stronger people if you aren't strong yourself

>> No.16830682

autism boy needs all his books to be American with giant letters and wide borders, each chapter 2 pages long - Sad!
if you jump over your shadow and start to just read a couple pages whenevery ou have time you will get so much more reading done

>> No.16830864

>The Black Company
>Wheel of Time
>Prince of Nothing

What series should I start next?
Willing to take alternative recommendation.

>> No.16830871

I meant in terms of quality!!!

>> No.16830876

Wheel of time.

>> No.16831026

anomander rake is a mary sue, discuss

prince of nothing is the best fantasy ive ever read

>> No.16831049

siclhas ruin was a jobber

>> No.16831057

For me it was the other way, RS << Redemption Ark < Absolution Gap (didn't read Chasm City). I'm honestly baffled how you could like RS and its boring politics over RA and the inhibitors.

>> No.16831158

I usually read real books so the politics was far more interesting to me than the epic flying terminators

>> No.16831183

I've downloaded a 'complete ebook' version that has all 15 books together.

This is probably a stupid question, and I feel like I already know the answer, but;
Should I skip 'New Spring' until after 'Crossroads of Twilight', or should I read it first as it takes place first?

>> No.16831186

Skip it, massive spoilers. If anything, you'd want to read it last.

>> No.16831203

>Should I skip 'New Spring' until after 'Crossroads of Twilight', or should I read it first as it takes place first?
Don't be a fucking idiot, when has reading a series in chronological order EVER been a good idea?

>> No.16831216

Lonesome Dove.
First 2 books are complete trash if you read 'Lonesome Dove' first.
But if you read them in chrono order, the entire series is incredible.

>> No.16831223

Never heard of it and I don't believe you

>> No.16831236
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>tfw /tv/ has better taste in sandworm literature than /sffg/
>never heard of Lonesome Dove
watching the miniseries was literally a rite of passage in my hometown

>> No.16831244

How have you never heard of one of the greatest western novels ever written?
You should give it a go. It's super comfy.

>> No.16831267

I have always hated Dune since I was tricked into reading it

How can it be the greatest Western if it's "complete trash" when read in publication order?
I'm interested in how that works though, what made you feel that way about the series?

>> No.16831286

Maybe stick with the prequel books then instead of the SPACE OPERA arc. the inhibitors in AG are prominent in the first half, until they finally leave the juggler world. the 2nd half is the religion planet.

>> No.16831335

>Maybe stick with the prequel books then
I might
Thank you for telling me, I'll probably check that one out since I'm deep in, and while I liked the first book best this one really isn't bad or anything. Still neat stuff going on
Chasm City was good imo, I was wary because I thought it would be a lot of "look at my Blade Runner planet!" which is the feeling I got from parts of RS set there, but it didn't turn out that way
It's a sort of mystery thriller almost, where you figure stuff out a little bit before the author tells you so you get to feel clever.

>> No.16831353

>How can it be the greatest Western if it's "complete trash" when read in publication order?

Lonesome Dove was a standalone book for a while, and was one of the greatest books I have ever read. It is a masterpiece.
McMurtry then decided to write a sequel to it 8 years later (mainly because the TV Miniseries made so much money for him), which was good, but not as good. And serves more as an epilogue than a sequel.
He then wrote 2 prequels, which again, were good but came nowhere near the masterpiece of 'Lonesome Dove'.

If you read them in publication order, you will experience a 10 > 7 > 6 > 7, but if you read them in chronological order, you don't know what you are missing with 'Lonesome Dove' so the two prequels are comfortable reads that lead up to the events of 'Lonesome Dove' and come together much better.

I don't know, I'm probably just doing mental gymnastics to justify it, but It's honestly a more enjoyable series when read in chrono order, rather than chasing the coattails of a masterpiece.

>> No.16831372

That does make some sense
Almost sounds like one should just read Lonesome Dove and not bother with the rest though, until you run out of good Westerns and need more at least

>> No.16831378

>reading any amount of shit novels to get to the good stuff
this is why I can't into book series

>> No.16831430

Lonesome dove is legitimate shit
>Oh my bastard son
>Oh my two dead wives and unrequited love and my unrequited love of a prostitute
>Oh my prostitute
>Oh my prostitute
>Oh my 300 pages getting started

>> No.16831448

I will definitely go back and read Chasm City one day, and maybe reread the entire series. Glad I could help!

>> No.16831460

Why are prequels always so shit?
Is it because I already know that none of the characters or events matter to the actual story?

>> No.16831545

This is cope. You can't even know if he'll like the main book but you're telling him to start with the lesser novels.

Because a prequel is just a sequel set in reverse order and it's still just a watered down version of the good ideas of the main work.

>> No.16831643
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Why is the vampire thing in Blindopraxia so off-putting for that many people?

>> No.16831666

>anomander rake is a mary sue, discuss
>siclhas ruin was a jobber
Rake and whatever that rape ogre was named were the player characters and DMPC in the authors D&D game.

>> No.16831697

>anomander rake is a mary sue, discuss
Isn't he like hundreds of thousands of years old? Kind of makes sense at that point.
Erikson made him more fallible in Kharkanas as well so he wasn't always a mary sue. He spends half the series meandering about and doing fuckall because mommy issues.
Silchas is the chad brother anyway.

Seconding Bakker

>> No.16831737
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With a name like this in a book, you think it would be about being a school shooter and taking people with you before you an hero.

>> No.16831750

wtf I love cyberpunk now guys

>> No.16831756

All I remember of him past the first book was him letting himself get killed so Erikson could have his self insert be fucking Jesus too.

>> No.16831760

is Logan's Run cyberpunk or just dystopian?

>> No.16831782

He just wanted to go home and be with his adopted mom.

>> No.16831831

I hate cyberpunk

>> No.16831901

Dunno man, do you also like to read fantasy novels and have a race of cyborgs show up with lasers?

>> No.16831909

Don't worry, it will be gone as soon as that Polish game flops hard and kills the studio.

>> No.16831912

That sounds pretty badass.
Please recommend a series.

>> No.16831923

The Futurological Congress

>> No.16831947

I actually like this. The short chapter trend is a regrettable consequence of the tv-showization of litterature, which is all the more apparent in genre fiction.

>> No.16831951

Like the tv show, tried to read the books but the writing was just too bland. I can't fathom how it ever garnered such acclaim and success.

>> No.16831955

>tv-showization of litterature
literally nothing wrong with this

>> No.16831970

Read up to a little more than the half when I was a teenager. When around 25, after a long streak of reading more classical lit, I felt like going back to fantasy for some lighter material and re-read the wheel of time, and finished it. It was a fun ride, but after a few volumes I started to skip entire passages, sometimes entires pages of these dull descriptions that plague the series.

>> No.16831980

Some elements are worth taking for sure, I just don't like this one.

>> No.16831998

>short chapters in literature has something to do with TV
Stop talking out of your ass or read more. Also keep in mind a bunch of 19th century literature was first printed in daily installments.

>> No.16832018

I'm aware of that. The feuilleton littéraire is a dead trend, though, and the fast paced, cliffhanger based kind of fantasy that is shitted every year by the thousands is definitely to be correlated with how tv show have evolved. Something that constantly keeps you on the edge of your seat and can be devoured like fast food.

>> No.16832031

>and the fast paced, cliffhanger based kind of fantasy that is shitted every year by the thousands is definitely to be correlated with how tv show have evolved. Something that constantly keeps you on the edge of your seat and can be devoured like fast food.
this is true but that's not what we were originally talking about i.e. serialization

>> No.16832048

Fair enough. I just like my books with some fat here and there, some culture immersion and meaningful although plot-distant wandering, some time lost with attention to shiny details, and I feel that is somewhat forgotten in the model we mentionned.

>> No.16832054

Anyone here read anything from Royal Road?

>> No.16832231

A middle (long or short) chapter couldn't end in a cliffhanger if it gets resolved in the following chapter. It's more of a pseudo cliffhanger. War & Peace has chapters that are 3 or 4 pages in length. When Vronski or the young dude charge, their chapters end sort of abruptly (pseudo cliffhanger) and you learn what happened somewhat later. Might be inaccurate with W&P but surely a lot of other books work this way.
Chapters act as scene breaks. They are supposed to be sort of self contained units, part of a larger whole, and this is true for any sort of chapter length. See Moby Dick, where full chapters are self contained disgressions hardly related to the action at hand.
If a book has any of this, in either specific chapters or interwoven into any other part has nothing to do with chapter length.
There is something bad about books ending with books ending in cliffhangers but I fail to see what this has to do with a shorter chapter length. And, in the case of Hyperion, the first book might as well call Chapter 2, Part 2. This editing choice (one story per chapter/part) serves the overall narrative structure.

What I mean to say is you could have short chapters with all those things you want or longer chapters without any of that. They are not mutually exclusive. And since short chapters ending in a pseudo cliffhanger were always a thing, the modern technique has to do with the same things from the past: creating those self contained units and pacing. Imagine if Moby Dick had a 20 page long disgression on the flight routes of sea birds in the same chapter the crew is chasing some whale...

>> No.16832246

You do realize that they're called vampires colloquially in Blindsight, right? The book even goes in-depth with an explanation of how they're just a predatory/parasitic subspecies of hominid that went extinct and was later resurrected by scientists. It's not a literal fantasy vampire, you fucknard.

>> No.16832470

Never go full chink, chinky.

>> No.16832476

I would fucking love that.

>> No.16832608

So... Long Sun?

>> No.16832614

Thanks for giving me hope anon.

>> No.16832645

>author thinks the ground gets colder the deeper you dig

>> No.16832655

Post your cultivation progress
And plenty of cultivation stories involve the protag working every day as cultivating

>> No.16832658

Well duh, you're getting closer to outer space.

>> No.16832662

There was a retard who thought you could set off a nuke by setting it on fire with kindling. Now, you tell me who you're talking about and I'll tell you too.

>> No.16832667

See >>16832608

>> No.16832672

his world is built different

>> No.16832673

It does though.
There is a point where it will start getting warmer, but as you start digging down, you go from warm to freezing, to magma hot.

>> No.16832681

Which is what you do when you have no kids or grand kids

>> No.16832708

You don't get to the cold parts with a shovel, dude.

>> No.16832711

Not with that attitude.

>> No.16832814

brando sanderman

>> No.16832842

Sandero Branson

>> No.16832865

how does Book of the New Sun compare to The (Wizard) Knight?
I really REALLY love the pacing of the latter but I'm also aware Wolfe wrote it much later in his lifetime than BotNS

>> No.16832869

Let me guess. Mark Lawrence?

>> No.16832893

Ding ding ding

BotNS is much more evocative, W/K is Arthurian legend through the eyes of a child

>> No.16832901

Wizard Knight moves a lot faster than New Sun, and one of the most bothersome issues most people find in New Sun is pacing. Not that it's bad, chapter to chapter. It's still basically a first person account like Abel writing to his brother and taking as much time as the narrator sees fit (New Sun has more disgressions and reminiscences), but when you most expect some climax, off goes the slingshot and you don't know what happened. It's quite rocky this way, mostly around the end of his books. Think of Abel's departing to that castle or court or whatever and reappearing as a fully grown man some time later, even though it happens off-page.
Both are still adventure stories, but Wizard/Knight is more action and adventure oriented.

>> No.16832927

Even though that part was retarded as fuck, my weirdest/funnier memory of that shitty book were the bomb and the mutants. I couldn't help but picturing the ones that follow the MC as shitty side characters from TMNT or 80s X-men, striking dumb poses and being dressed up in ridiculous shit. I think it was the description of their colours. I remember them in fluorescent yellows and ugly pinks and radioactive oranges for some reason amongst all that drab and gray medieval shit.

>> No.16833012

Jej, didn't he name them something biblical too? Because of course in this postapocalyptic miserable muddy world people somehow remember minor Old Testament characters.

>> No.16833033

i've googled "winds of winter" approximately once a month for the past 5 years. i do this knowing that each time will bring more disappointment than the last. my disappointment is stacked like bricks and one day before the book is finished it will topple over and crush me into the dirt. finish the book you fat toad. I need to know what happens to young Aegon

>> No.16833046

A friendly reminder that of the trilogy that is ASOIAF Martin has only finished the first book.

>> No.16833055

>it's a Jorg fights off a necromancer with a bow and arrow episode
>it's a Jerg convinces an AI to sudoku episode
>it's a Jens outedges an edgy Jewish wizard episode
>it's a Jarl somehow knows what a nuke is episode
>it's a Jean the Teen Twink bullies men twice his age and thrice his size episode
>it's a Juanito kills one of his own men like a Saturday morning cartoon villain episode
>it's a Jovanovici narrates Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian for 10 chapters and then just stops episode

>> No.16833079

idgaf, just give me winds of winter and i'll be fine

>> No.16833223

The end won't be different from the show's end, so it'll be shit.

>> No.16833244

>Bran is confirmed as endgame God-king
>Dany confirmed for destroying King's Landing
>thinking Aegon will get anything but BTFO by Dany and is ultimately irrelevant

>> No.16833280

>Prologue comes before the maps

Do I read it?

>> No.16833410
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>book has maps

>> No.16833518

>a book not about cartography has maps

>> No.16833627

>I've downloaded a 'complete ebook' version that has all 15 books together.
RIP. New Spring actively undermines the 'main' story by introducing plethora of plotholes on top of being a shite book. Read it never if you can.

>> No.16833720

Tolkien, if by Catholic version you mean the older, far better, more coherent, and more respected.

>> No.16833741

Is the next Gentleman Bastard book ever coming?

>> No.16833743


>> No.16833758

I'll vote for Black Company.

>> No.16833800

>author is a cartographer and draws his own maps

>> No.16833816
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Yes? Sci-fant is fucking tight.

>> No.16833890

>short chapters only started because of tv
dude pulp fiction was doing this long before tv was a thing

>> No.16833944

Rayse is a little bitch.

>> No.16834115

I like Ati better as a character, but I think Odium being the universe's deep abiding hatred for everything is a better cosmic-level Big Bad than Ruin as entropy.

>> No.16834136

Other than that extra "t"

>> No.16834246

the second book is much better paced, i enjoyed it a lot

>> No.16834297
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not to get into sanderson's rapidly crashing disaster (stormlight archives)

I would like to venture out and suggest where it all started to go sideways ->

Book 2, Shallan's multiple personalities:
I know people think Shallan became a better character in book 2 (for the most part), and while her "parts" were generally more interesting then book 1, as a character she took a massive turn for the worse. I actually liked the character as presented in book 1. I think BS felt the need to spice her up and wratchet up Shallan's misery/trauma to 11 in book 2, and if you reread book one, you'll notice it doesn't seem planned. YES it's obvious in book 1 she was "sheltered" to the extreme. She always was largely neglected. It also was obvious her brothers took the brunt of the abuse around the house. So all of these things were consistent. WHAT WASN'T consistent was her "trauma". None of the trauma exposed in book2 was even hinted at. NOR was her multiple personality disorder. This is obviously an unplanned add on to "complicate" her character, turning her into a somewhat broken flower. And really, a MUCH MUCH worse character. Furthermore, her "interest" in her husband is so embarrassingly shallow, it makes me wonder if BS has ever successfully written a romanance (think back the best romance he wrote in his novels weren't even his novels. nothing in his original stuff. he rode the coatales of the relationships RJ already created in WoT)

Furthermore I still can't figure out what Adolan even likes in her. His character as presented in the first book wouldn't have given her the time of day. He's a good enough guy, and i don't dislike the character, but these are thousands of pages wasted on a relationship i simply have stopped reading out of protest when i see them in the same room.

Combined with the twist of turning the Parshendi into the voidbringers at the end of book 1 and the doom of the series was set in stone.

>> No.16834340

Actually I didn't mind the personality thing so much in book 4 and some of it was actually endearing. Radiant is literally Saber.
>Parshendi into the voidbringers at the end of book 1

>> No.16834355
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>Willing to take alternative recommendation.
the new son adventure book by happy walrus man gene "once you pop, you can't stop" wolfe

>> No.16834417

Bronderson Sandsanian

>> No.16834448
File: 39 KB, 480x480, 1484205471362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't say the twist was "true" I said the whole plot point where it was "supposed" was horrible and just foreshadowing the bigger problem in the series.

Which is BS doesn't have an interesting plot to carry the story. He has an interesting WORLD. Unfortunately the plot is razor thin and mostly focused around numerous flashbacks to fill out story that should be at best character background, not relevant plot.

that he felt the need to "fake out" the voidbringers at the end of book 1 just highlights the major problem with the series. I mean think about it, what happened in book 1? What actually happened?

a king dies in the prologue, MC1 is enslaved, and works on a bridge crew while battling crippling depression, MC2 is engaged in some flirting, studying and an embarrassingly stupid plot to steal a caster. We get some chess peices moving around, some action scenes with an assassin. some action scenes with the MC1 getting shot at and beaten. A cute honorsprin (the highlight of the book), and eventually the MC suicidally deciding to save the one lighteyes who might actually be honorable, despite turning down a shardsword earlier because he hated lighteyes SO MUCH he didn't want to be one and this was before they betrayed him over and over again and enslave him. And we're supposed to believe he'd save this one lighteyes, on a whim rather then escape?

The whole end of that book was so off kelter I can't describe it in words. But book 2 and 3 and sadly 4 just show bigger and bigger flaws all stemming from book 1's foundation. the world simply isn't interesting enough to carry the weak plot further. I've never seen an author write thousands of pages without a clear overarching goal or plot for any of the protagonists as if this wasn't a problem.

The closest thing we got to an overarching plot/goal in book 1 was Dalinar's arc and that was just terrible to read.

>> No.16834480

Okay, and yes Syl is best girl.

>> No.16834578

Bros, i read new Sanderbook and its SHEEET

I mean, actually shit, even by reddit standarts. Like 6/10 at best.

Its amazing how Sanderson spent so much trying to worldbuild without actually making the world feel more vibrant and immersive. RoW added almost nothing of value to it.

Character arcs are basically thin slice of butter thrown around the bigass sandwich of papers.

Kaladin basically switched into hard emo mode from all previous books, and then got over it after dream talking to Wit and own brother. Given that we all expected his 4th oath to be get over people dying, this scene landed so cold fish, i cringed alot.

Shallan was promised to be intriguing in Part 1, but turned out to be really trivial. He DARK DARK DARK secret thats even more DARK than killing her parents was... her killing her spren when she was a kid. Literally who fucking cares?

Adolin basically hug no jutsued Maya to her accepting him as her friend. Nothing was earned, her just was protective and thats it.

Dalinar and Jasnah did nothing.

Supervillain Mrs. Parsh Mendelle turned out to be a good girl, helping heroes left and right. Wtf?

Also forth book in a row there is no sense of dread in the end. Stakes are fucking low.

Biggest insult to me was the fact that:

>Part 1 of RoW, that was posted as a free preview, ACTUALLY TURNED OUT TO BE THE BEST PART of the book.
>Yes, THIS WAS BASICALLY WELL WRITTEN AD for the otherwise mediocre book.

Given Sanderson love to turn the art into math and structural sheets, i wouldnt be surprised if its actually was the plan to make Part 1 extremely good so most people would buy the book, and then didnt even try to make Parts 2-5 good enough to paid off.

Ultimately it seems like Book 5 will be even shittier.

>> No.16834602

First 3 Black Company books are fucking sublime

>> No.16834623

>is a better cosmic-level Big Bad
But Odium was never the cosmic Big Bad, he even alludes to it before dying, all of his planning is for another battle that the other shitheads are willfully ignoring.
I'm pretty sure it'll turn out that Adonalsium dying weakened the fabric of the Cosmere and that the final boss is some ''outer'' god, probably Trell or some shit

>> No.16834643

Imagine reading those tomes that Sanderson writes and not enjoying them. Good God.

>> No.16834671


no. the next step is to pick up the board game.

>> No.16834673

>Radiant is literally Saber.
Kaladin is Cu, literally can't catch a break
Dalinar is Heracles, killing muh family but honoraburu man
Jasnah is Kojiro, singularly autistic
Szeth is Hassan, actually decent as his job for a second before getting smashed
Navani is Medea, husband treated her like shit before dying like a punk
Venli is Medusa, bullied by her sibling but it's mostly in her head
Wit is Gil, exceedingly prepared for everything and still gets his shit slapped like a fucking idiot because he can't take things seriously

>> No.16834695

okay, I'm not realizing that its really just "book 2" of OG Dune that's a fucking slog, all the sandshit
I still think that mommy Jessica is more interesting than Paul though

>> No.16834701


>> No.16834755


But consider as of RoW
From imprisonment, schemes and successfully leads our heroes by the nose to accomplish his release.
Rules his minions with an iron fist.

Meanwhile Lameium:
Gets thwarted at every turn.
Can't control the fused.
Gets killed off by a decrepit, senile old man.

>> No.16834763

That is one of the worst Asukas I've ever seen.

>> No.16834766

>if you reread book one, you'll notice it doesn't seem planned.
Yes. The chronic mental illness of someone whose entire character is "repressing trauma to an unhealthy degree" wasn't telegraphed at all before her character arc necessitated she stop living in denial. What a revelation.
>why does anyone like anybody when all people are shit
Sign me up for your book series, sounds like a real ride.
>turning the parshendi to voidbringers at the end of book one
So did you just read the wiki of the first 2 books or are you one of those people who "reads" just and only audiobooks?

>> No.16834775

What a terrible criticism.

>> No.16834780

I used to be like you but stopped 3 years back. The realization that I was so heavily invested in something that even it's creator stopped giving a fuck about made it seem so stupid to continue to care about it.

>> No.16834790

I like where your head's at cosmere friend.

>> No.16834804
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Im pretty sure Sanderson concept of Radiants was heavily influenced by Diablo fucking 3.

Just watch Impreius vs Tyrael and Impreius vs Diablo cinematic. You cant make this shit up.
BS even described the fight between Kaladin and Lezien in RoW in a similar way - Lezian teleported around with the ribbon of light, reforming into the shape, just like Imperius. Also some heavy fused being described as red carapaced demons with horns, basically Diablo.

Also im pretty sure Parshendi shit was inspired by some Warcraft races and... Chronicles of Riddick, with the concepts of afterdeath and visual nods (Lezien using the same shit as Lord Marshall)

>> No.16834952

Feedon sneederson

>> No.16835103
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Need a good name for a Paladin order

Hit me with some ideas, /sffg/

>> No.16835247

6/10 is better than average.

>> No.16835270


6/10 for SA book is a shit rating

>> No.16835315
File: 37 KB, 600x392, 1605697930906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is your sanderson bro

>> No.16835370

The first time I played the board game the two players who'd never read the book recreated the end of the book perfectly. It was bizarre.

>> No.16835487

>he posted the space-Mexican chapter again

>> No.16835501 [DELETED] 

FUCK OFF dude, that game is about to REVIVE cyberpunk completely, plus it will probably be the best game of this decade. THEY ARE GOING TO RESCUE CYBERPUNK

>> No.16835552 [DELETED] 

The game comes at a tail end of a fading neon trend and is the only thing keeping it alive at this point. It has been withdrawn several times already and relies on celeb appearances of such luminaries as Keanu Reeves and CohhCarnage.

>> No.16835558

Any good new fantasy authors show up in the past few years?

>> No.16835567

You expect your bleeding edge sf to not have genetic engineering in it? The aesthetic is just Watts having fun.

>> No.16835600

Since we're in this thread -- you ever heard of the great Terry Pratchett and his end?

>> No.16835602

But they're also implied (or I think even stated in Blindsight) to be origin of the vampire myth, as crosses fuck them up due to their perception of right angles, their OCD traits relating to that thing about vampires and counting seeds, them hibernating like they sleep in coffins, and I think being nocturnal. They're pretty silly.

>> No.16835605

Notes on the writing of horror is the best story in there, if you missed it

>> No.16835620 [DELETED] 

It is a game that is totally focused on story and dialogue. If I remember correctly there will be 4 different stories there or more and all very cyberpunk. Keanu is just a center of attention, somehow they have to keep the attention of new people.

>> No.16835679

Nothing is original. Thought, especially human, cannot work that way in our deterministic universe.
You wanna know why it turned out so underwhelming at the end? Those parts, chapters 105-110 are apparently a sequence he came up with when starting out writing. That is, when he was a shit writer. I'm guessing none of his editorial team had the balls to tell him to rewrite his darling plot.

Kaladin's arc suffers in particular from this. On the one hand you have him developing in a very interesting direction, and on the other...
Two characters fighting in an arena while a bunch of people watch and chant and blah blah blah? I wrote shit like that when I was 10, and it was bad then, and it's still fucking bad now.

>> No.16835689

>Why is the vampire thing in Blindopraxia so off-putting for that many people?
I don’t know man. The autism vampires were the best part of that entire shitty novel

>> No.16835729

I read wizard after botns and it just pissed me off. The writing is a lot more childish, which is obviously done intentionally seeing as the MC is an actual child, but after seeing the prose he’s capable of in his other books it’s painful to drudge through

>> No.16835738

People with dementia aren’t even alive

>> No.16835766
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>tfw your favorite series will never get turned into a porn game

>> No.16835775

If they were supposed to be hyper materialistic autists then why did they die when they saw Christ
Doesn’t make any sense

>> No.16835807

>sincerely expecting SA to be a 10/10

>> No.16835821

>But Odium was never the cosmic Big Bad, he even alludes to it before dying, all of his planning is for another battle that the other shitheads are willfully ignoring.
I think that battle was referring to him conquering other Shardworlds instead of killing the Shards there and moving on.

>> No.16835824

>Mormon sex scene
"The hole in the sheet was especially inviting that night and my magic underwear was becoming increasingly uncomfortable as a result."

>> No.16835841

>cute weeb girl i work with has been telling me to read her favorite light novel because she swears i'll like it
>decide to finally give it a look
>it's over 30 volumes long

>> No.16835847

Tell her you don’t read weeb mangas

>> No.16835856

What is it? Light novels are generally pretty short, like 60-100 pages.

>> No.16835857

Imagine being too much of a brainlet to follow a Sanderson book and then complaining about it.

>> No.16835876
File: 166 KB, 884x263, rokujouma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's seen me buy manga from our work, so that won't work.

Pic related.

>> No.16835877

>corona house

>> No.16835897

Holy FUCK I have bounced off Malazan for the second time. A quarter of the way through the first book, and the story doesn't seem that interesting, and neither is the world.
Does it get better later on? Or is it just not my kind of series if I don't like it from the start?

>> No.16835902

I honestly liked the first book more than the rest. I didn't like the series all that much.

>> No.16835919

Does that make Andolin shirou? He’s also obsessed with swords.

>> No.16836027

They really aren't short like that. You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.16836032

ah. listen, i'm not a hater of BS, I liked his ending of WoT, but I'm not blind to his shortcomings. The world is amazing, however the plot is very weak, and it's being carried by the "mystery" of things the characters already know for the most part, but the audience doesn't. This should be beneath him, this is fanfic tier writing, how to pad a bad plot by adding artificial mystery.

Worse he's underwhelmed us at every single reveal, it's like showing the rubber shark in the first five minutes of jaws. it would have sapped all the tension out of that movie. well his plot points are all underwhelming like this for the most part.

Shallan killed her parents? oh yeah, well next book we find an even DARKER more TERRIF... wait she killed a shern? that's it? fuck this shit. I'm done with her multiple personality bullshit. when she was one person in book 1 she was just fine.

And yes, I KNOW I'm treading on one of the sacred cows of this silly series fandom, I know everyone loves Shallan for some unknown fucking reason. She's really fucking terrible as a character, all the character building she's gotten has made her worse then when she was introduced to us. She was rather endearing in those first few chapters in book 1, heck she was rather sympathetic throughout book 1. then BS had to blow her character up to make her... i know know why he'd do that. She's worse for it, that much is for sure.

In a way I'm glad her character is stuck in that terribly dull and vapid relationship with Adolin, it means i can mostly skim her chapters, made reading book 4 much quicker that way. I'd hate for her to be stuck with a character I care about (like Kaladin) then i'd be forced to read her bullshit. Still I hope Syl kills her and rids the series of her. So many moderately interesting side characters (like wit) and all that wasted space on the mess her character became post book 1

>> No.16836073
File: 22 KB, 292x430, 9780613322737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be top skilled gaming NEET of your entire species
>become God

>> No.16836084

That book should have been much longer.

>> No.16836113

As a kid I always thought that the game he was playing was sick as hell and I wanted to play it myself.
Then Spore came out and it was a disappointment.

>> No.16836143

Spore certainly could have been sick as hell in a juster world than this one

>> No.16836163

>weeb girl reading harem books
Bruh...that’s a man

>> No.16836175

>I KNOW I'm treading on one of the sacred cows of this silly series fandom, I know everyone loves Shallan for some unknown fucking reason.

the female fans on the 17th shard forums love her. I've been calling for her head to be separated from her body since book 2.

on related supject, how do oyu feel about rysn? she reminds me of book 1 shallan.

>> No.16836182

>tfw haven't kept up with 17th shard since oathbringer
meh they only encouraged eating his asshole anyway

>> No.16836200

>Beloved character
Maybe somewhere else but not on /lit/, so I don't see why you bring it up here. Though the thing about killing her spren, I think it's worse than killing her parents, because at least her mother was trying to kill her and I think her dad was trying to kill her brother ? So there's an element of self-defense. Her spren was pretty much harmless to her.

Definitely an underwhelming plotline, but at least characters were aknowledging that LARPing as other personalities wasn't a healthy coping mechanism.

>> No.16836239


>> No.16836286 [DELETED] 

FUCK off dude the design is great

>> No.16836382 [DELETED] 

>fangirling over a a game she's never played

>> No.16836417 [DELETED] 

no, now seriously, there are dozens of videos showing the content of the game
just for that, to know how the game will be before playing it
see how many views those videos always have
people are interested in this cyberpunk

>> No.16836440

>prince of nothing is the best fantasy ive ever read

Well the bright side is that you have a lot left to read

>> No.16836443

Once you get into a machine translation story you really have no issue understanding it
Unless people here care about “prose” more than enjoying a good plot?

>> No.16836457

I like Shallan more than Kaladin at this point.
The plot and characters can still be salvaged, but if he fucks up with the next book I think it's wiki summaries for me until he does something interesting.

>> No.16836475

This past week I started falling asleep to the jurassic park audiobook on youtube. The sequel is read by an amateur and I cant stand it. I can't find a good torrent anywhere if y'all have any alternative is appreciate it

>> No.16836572

I liked Kaladin this book, sure he was pretty depressed, but he had reason to be, and most of the time he really tried to get better instead of ignoring his problems like Shallan. Plus about a quarter of the way through the book Odium personally starts fucking with his dream so it takes its toll.

>> No.16836605

a lot of time they mix up characters or mistranslate stuff though

>> No.16836665
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>> No.16836681

I couldn't get into it either. Something about the writing felt completely amateurish to me. Can't really pinpoint what.

>> No.16836723

>machine translation
Fight enemy for great glory of true village. Villain has many maximum power. Undefeated snow tiger stance cower fear. Luckily my hidden style eraser aura dispel cowardice. Immediate victory accomplish.

>> No.16836748
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>Unless people here care about “prose” more than enjoying a good plot?

The utter state of enjoying shit has come to the point where the ability to write well is seen as a joke.
Fucking hell. Why even bother attempting to write beyond passive at this point.

>> No.16836907

It's bizarre this hatred some retards have for prose. I don't get it at all.

>> No.16836908

>Im pretty sure Sanderson concept of Radiants was heavily influenced by Diablo fucking 3.
>The Way of Kings Prime - 2002
>The Way of Kings - 2010
>Diablo 3 - 2012

>> No.16836916

It's just a further attempt at "equalizing" talent. Most people can't write good prose so to solution has been to normalize poor writing, which equates to something like the engineering of art. Writing is being distilled in real time down to a series of instructions that can be adhered to, resulting in an aesthetic shifting-away from the abstract towards the concrete. Why? Because it's easier. "Marginalized demographics" writing in their "own voices" are very much in vogue for a reason.

>> No.16836932

I have an hatred for retards who criticize boring prose but are utterly incapable of elaborating what they mean by that.

>> No.16836944

Yea but usually you can understand even when it has 5 different names for the same person, or mixes up yes/no phrases

>> No.16836949

At least Adolin is cool, he carried her hard in this book
Though you just know Odium is going to bitchslap him extra hard because so far he had barely any suffering

>> No.16836980

Wait, so Kelsier is Thaidakar?
The fuck is he up to

>> No.16836996
File: 7 KB, 275x183, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are pretty sick of elaborating and being met with 'No u' or 'You just don't like Brandon' every time you and others bring this up.
There have been multiple times where we have said Brandon is robotic in tone, juvenile in description - especially in character even though it's more obvious with his action, and ultimately lacking in the skill required to write given the medium of a novel. He's better suited for visual outlets given how loose and tell his writing tends to be.

>But all these things about how I see Sanderson books as movies in my mind
Literally any book can do that.
You can read Winnie the Pooh sans images and see a movie.

>inb4 the reply to this is 'that's not a good enough response'
It's a paraphrasing of the thousands of responses before, which were met with "Nah." or "You just don't like him".
Getting to the point where we can recognise whose typing what now.

My own take and sort-of-not-but-kind-of related to the prose; He wears his vidya inspiration a bit too clearly, and his reliance on in-book tutorials on how his magic systems work reads more like a rebbit post or something you'd see on fandom wikis.
He relies heavily on the idea of "awesome" with massive flash and no substance outside of set piece instances where convenience demands there to be something to extend a book by 200 pages for no reason.
With the kickstarter and his youtube channel; It's becoming clear he wants to make videogames and anime. Not write books.
I find him an alright dude though.

>> No.16836997

Probably the complete shattering of every Shard so no god can toy with humans lives again.

>> No.16837003

I don't hate prose at all, I merely have contempt for pseuds who think talking about prose quality is the height of literary criticism when it is more Creative Writing 101 than anything. It's the way prose is brought up here that is grating. Rarely does any actual substantial discussion of prose happen, and when it does, it's basically undergrad writing student tier nitpicking of word choice and the like. If all prose discussion was relegated to people doing close reads of books and discussing interpretations of these close reads I'd have nothing negative to say about it at all, regardless of whether the comments were negative or positive, but that's not what happens here.

Instead, bringing up prose is usually only done as a way to criticize books and their authors. To be clear, I'm not saying criticism is wrong or unwarranted, I'm saying that people who act like prose is the primary reason to hate something are undeniably pretentious. The emphasis put on prose by these people is the issue, it stems from their lack of education, lack of sophistication, and lack of ability to engage with what they read.

>> No.16837005

>where we have said Brandon is robotic in tone, juvenile in description
This means absolutely nothing.

>> No.16837017

Congratulations for proving their point.

>> No.16837023

Good post.

>> No.16837024

Based dumbo

>> No.16837043

>idgi: the post

>> No.16837055

Prosefags brought it upon themselves by being about three loops up their own asshole.

>> No.16837060

This entire post is a pile of begged questions, but the biggest most fundamental question of all is "So what?"
>Brandon is robotic in tone, juvenile in description
So what? You act like this is bad, you used negative adjectives to imply it, but do absolutely nothing to back up this assertion. It's "lacking in skill" according to whom? You? Forgive me if I don't consider you an authority on writing skill since you've done nothing to show it. Show me the lack of skill, even in abstract, you don't have to pull a literal example from his works. Summarize as you're so fond of putting it.

>ultimately lacking in the skill required to write given the medium of a novel
Given that he's a published author and creative writing professor and you're some guy on the internet I'm going to go ahead and say you're wrong about this and veto any response until you can provide me with a reason why you think he's lacking in skill that isn't just your "expert opinion". To be clear, I'll rescind my appeal to Sanderson's authority when you rescind your own dubious, ridiculous appeal to your own presumed authority as arbiter of writing skill apropos of nothing.

> his reliance on in-book tutorials on how his magic systems work
This is the only bit of actual concrete criticism in this entire post. So many words for so little substance, you might have more in common with Sanderson than you suspect. In any event, this has almost nothing to do with prose, confirming my suspicion that you and others like you actually have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.16837061

If you actually had a point you would manage to actually explain it.

>> No.16837070

check if it's on audible and get a free trial

>> No.16837076
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>simping this hard for someone that couldn't care less.
I'm sure he'll notice you some day anon.

>> No.16837081

Also, like I'd fucking dox myself.

>> No.16837086

B-but his prose is robotic, don't you see?

>> No.16837126

Spore was sick as hell

>> No.16837140

So you decide what your tastes are by what posts annoy you more on a Jordanian Camel Watering Forum?

>> No.16837145

You don't?

>> No.16837147

I was hoping no one does and we're just here to mock shit-taste retards

>> No.16837164

Brandao Sanderiño

>> No.16837272

How many impressionable youths has Brandon converted to Mormonism?

>> No.16837277

Snow Crash or Cryptonomicon

>> No.16837283

Dystopia, minimal punk and no cyber

>> No.16837303

the first book is usually considered the worst, you should get into it a little bit after they reach darujiistna but you need to actively read

>> No.16837307

>proving his point in as many words as possible

>> No.16837312

It's okay anon, sometimes I say 'no u' too.

>> No.16837385
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I don't even have anything against Sanderson.
But, going from how you're all behaving, perhaps it's better suited to have a Sanderson/Cosmere general in /tg/ or something.
It's the same anons arguing the same shit and not listening to each other. It's fine that you're into a fantasy series, but the 'discussion' is absent.

No one cares who started the arguments.
No one cares about your misunderstandings of prose.
No one cares that you like/dislike the fat fuck of an author.

I'd rather answer every small, repetitive question asking "what's similar to x" over this shit.

>> No.16837391

Or maybe just give it a week and enough people will have finished discussing the brand new book the thread can go back to talking about all the other things people like that they also think are shit.

>> No.16837411

Learn to draw (you don't need much skill for porn, coomers eat up almost whatever) and make one yourself.

>> No.16837422

Or you could stop being a smart ass and realise the problem isn't the new book but rather your desire for aimless argument.
We see the same chain of comments every fucking thread, happening well before whatever the new book is called came out.
It's always "Sanderson is x.", "No he isn't.", "Here's why.", "No, that's not true." and other similar patterns, hundreds of times over.

>> No.16837442


i meant visual shit
first actual radiant powers started to get descriptions in WoR which came out after D3

>> No.16837463

>he said, insisting on having the last word in a pointless argument
We're not so different you and I.

>> No.16837513

Not him, but I can absolutely believe that theory.

>> No.16837532
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>Start reading 'The Eye of the World'

So I am a couple chapters deep, and so far we are apparently setting up Bilbo's Birthday Party.
I know Tolkien touches a lot of other fantasy, but this is literally the same start to Fellowship.

>> No.16837540

I mean the first book opens with Szeth using most of the "main" powers of the cast

>> No.16837552

Eye of the World is the only book in recent memory where I got angry at it for being boring.
I like slow burns, but EotW felt like needless padding for the most part.

>> No.16837555

But the first book has Szeth with his video game tutorial, dead Shards everywhere, living Shards in Dalinar's vision, and Kaladin exploding with light at the end.

>> No.16837575

Nu-huh, doesn't count

>> No.16837611

Because it is. Jordon spoke on the topic once actually. He said he wanted to take the same beginning as Lord of the Rings, then see what would happen if the plot went in a totally different direction. Eye of the World is very much Fellowship, but the series as a whole diverges more and more heavily from the LotR formula as it goes on.

>> No.16837617

>but the series as a whole diverges more and more heavily from the LotR formula as it goes on

Is this a good or bad thing?

>> No.16837621

Depends on your taste. By the end of the series you've got Grape Shot and Steam Engines. I enjoyed it.

>> No.16837782
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>finally started Dawnshart last night
>preparing for the hibernation and marathoning of Rhythm if I'm ever gonna get it done
Since I've read that the magitech is ramped up, I'm fully expecting every other chapter of Rhythm to now be
Idk I like magitech when I understand it.

>> No.16837832

>Does Kaladin get to fuck human sized syl?
>Syl landed beside him fully sized, in a Bridge Four uniform. He could faintly feel her when she rested her head on his shoulder.

lewd af

>> No.16837834

>I like magitech when I understand it
My favorite part of cosmere stuff is how absurdly hard Sanderson tries to fit his magic god powers into the framework of modern physics. RoW is that shit in spades and I love it.

>> No.16837842

He's definitely aiming to have his technology match his magicks... eventually.

>> No.16837889

>Reading fantasy
>come across an unknown word
>google search for pronunciation
>"Here is all the spoilers for the book you are currently reading"


>> No.16837892

Adolin fucked up by settling for a human when he has a perfectly fine spren waifu.

>> No.16837911

>perfectly fine

>> No.16838020

From I'm got it's more so that he is the spren, and it's Maya that needs to "swear the oaths" in the magical power relationship.

>> No.16838245

>I have always hated Dune

>> No.16838258

>as soon as that Polish game flops hard
you are more delusional the trannies, faggot.

>> No.16838287

you'd be surprised how many weeb girls like haremshit. every girl i've known who is really into anime loved it.

>> No.16838301
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Not them, most people I've heard talking about it expect it to be a first person slightly more futuristic Watch Dogs.
It's not going to kill the studio, but a lot of people aren't going to like it.

Recommend looking at the glossary if at all possible first.
If there is none, googling the series/book name and the wiki associated with the word in mind works for me (most times).

Animorphs is actually tight though.

>> No.16838305

>>Viriconium by M. John Harrison

>> No.16838322

Animorphs is darker than a lot of shit that gets posted.

>> No.16838338

it does not matter what they are expecting, what matters is that they by the game, which they will. Even if 50% of the playerbase hates the game, 25% won't admit it.

>> No.16838375

So this Sanderson guy writes asexual prose?

>> No.16838400

Light grasper
Light gripper
Light cradler

>> No.16838424

Eye of the World peaks at like chapter 12-ish where Moiraine gives a pretty rad speech, afterwards it's a mediocre journey

>> No.16838481

>Spren can now be killed
This is going to suck, isn't it

>> No.16838529

Isn't that thing braindead?
It's like fucking a comatose girl. preddy hawt

>> No.16838541

What you mean by "now"? It always has been.
Remember that armor are the corpses of spren.

>> No.16838545

More sane than Shallan at least.

>> No.16838547

Those still aren't dead, and can very much be revived if Adolin is an indicator
Phendorana is straight up gone forever, not even a body remains to be resurrected

>> No.16838581
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>> No.16838616
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Why do all his characters talk like high school teen movie actors?

>> No.16838623

It takes care and devotion.
Adolin was having sex with his sword (can't remember what he has) since he got it. Years of talking to and cuddling it during the day, and cumming on it at night. Of course the weapon will absorb all his mana and gain sentience.

Don't you know your cum sock can create life?

>> No.16838636

>Shallan, I just want to tell you, you're a crazy bitch, I'm divorcing you for my sword
>Yes she is mentally stunted and made of plants, this is still an improvement for me
>Please do not start locking away my memories as a separate part of your personality, this makes me uncomfortable.

>> No.16838663

When is Sanderson going to kill shallan? Jesus fuck I hate that bitch.

>> No.16838678

Probably never, her shit isn't done even after this book with the whole ''I feel better but there's still things I can't remember'' bullshit

>> No.16838720

Because that particular character is essentially a teen romance-book nerd. Your sample size is a bit small there.

>> No.16838729

Ishar doesn't give a shit. Next he'll pull the Stormfather in the physical realm and ain't no one that can stop him.

>> No.16838792

>Knights Radiant Ideals
>-Lord revelations from Cradle

>> No.16838897

You mean they are the same?
*clicks* always has been

>> No.16838929

The mormon cannot anything other than his own faith?

Colour me shocked.

>> No.16838984

What the fuck, this is horrible. And why does the font change?

>> No.16839022

>tfw only 9 more days till I can say "fuck e william brown" again

>> No.16839093

To indicate she's reading a separate book in-universe. She's reading a soap opera shitty harlequin romance.
The whole point of the chapter is that it establishes her as a super gruff serious scholar lady that nobody likes and she's so serious and loves doing serious things and she wants to read her book but people keep interrupting her and she gets upset because she's so serious, then she sits down and reads her book and whaaaaaat? It's a romance? That's not what you the reader would expect a serious girl like her to read!
I legitimately don't know if it has a purpose besides that one joke.

>> No.16839110

Is there literally any fantasy with good romantic interactions between characters that doesn't become cringe because the author is a sperg?

>> No.16839143

Because it's from some shitty ebook reader.

>> No.16839159

I got that, it's still poorly written. She does not come off as a character at all, I can see a sperg writing her.

>> No.16839264

>Hurrr yeah based on two paragraphs I can tell you this character does not come off as a character at all
>No I won't elaborate on that at all, good heavens look at how low this thread is a-ahah
Take the dick out of your ass

>> No.16839266

Didn't kaladin do that to one of the non sentient spren in the third book? It just dissolved into smoke after he stabbed it.

>> No.16839282

tuck your safehand to your moobs and lower your gaze to your oily locks

>> No.16839326

Can't remember which one you're referring to, but so far even if you damaged spren they'd eventually restructure in Shadesmar
Now, with Navani discovering anti-light they're straight up perma-destroyed

>> No.16839398
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>> No.16839460

Oh right, that. Probably more connections to the ''Son of Tanavast'' thing

>> No.16839517

Why is "rip" in italics?

>> No.16839649

GOTTEM /b/ro!!!