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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 136 KB, 1708x428, TerranceTao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16837916 No.16837916[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Smartest man in the universe
>Reads Hitchhikers and watches anime.

Why does intelligence not correlate with high literacy?

>> No.16837922

literally who

>> No.16837938

Mathematic intelligence doesn't automatically correlate to all around genius, they're just really good with numbers and logic. Different skillset than what one needs to read literature.

>> No.16837941
File: 240 KB, 1329x1429, 1592312105804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High intelligence correlates with unabashed enjoyment of what pseud call "guilty pleasures" —yet with an appreciation for aesthetics far beyond what those same pseuds can't comprehend; loving both the small and the great.

>> No.16837945

Fields medalist

>> No.16837946

coping IQlet

>> No.16837949

>High intelligence correlates with unabashed enjoyment of what pseud call "guilty pleasures" —yet with an appreciation for aesthetics far beyond what those same pseuds can't comprehend; loving both the small and the great.

>> No.16837954

>reading books is a skill
redditor pseuds are hilarious

>> No.16837959

Just a guy who won an IMO gold medal at an age where most of his peers were still reading Harry Potter and watching cartoons. nothing impressive, really !

>> No.16837960

>Why does intelligence not correlate with high literacy
Do you know what correlation is?

>> No.16837969

Maths is for morons who want to pretend at being smart. It is functionally useless.

>> No.16837971

Humanity should rewrite the established criteria for intelligence if such a high achieving STEM person somehow likes anime.
They could have a test whose first question is "do you like anime?" and if yes, the test ends and gives you a "retard" mark on the spot.

>> No.16837977

High IQ is more like the amount of potential, roof skill.

Even if he is high IQ he is faulty like any other human to deprivation. If he put in the effort to learn and read, he'd have much higher potential than many /lit/ here but, he chooses to indulge anyway, which is ironic.

>> No.16837979


>> No.16837988

I am not coping. What has Tao actually achieved apart from manipulating some numbers? Anybody could do that. Yawn.

>> No.16837993

why didn't you?

>> No.16838001

Ok if he is so smart, then where is social or systematic effect he had? Much dumber people have affected literature, philosophy, politics, history and even math.

It's like he is playing chess and not doing anything and at least chess is fun to watch.

>> No.16838002

because mental capacity does not equal emotional maturity

>> No.16838009

>eeeeeeeeeeeei! senpai saw my pantsu >////< uwaahh!
truly what a superior mind would enjoy

>> No.16838010

The true intellectual watches harem isekai during his breaks from philosophy.

>> No.16838011


>> No.16838016

>IMO gold medal

>> No.16838017

yes it is.

>> No.16838018

He was having sex.

>> No.16838022


>> No.16838036
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why yes, how did you know?

>> No.16838041

>emotional maturity

>> No.16838047
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Anybody could do that

>> No.16838048

>Ok if he is so smart, then where is social or systematic effect he had?
Where is yours?

>> No.16838049

Did you ever think maybe you're just wrong about what "high IQ" people enjoy? You probably got your view of intelligence from movies or something
>he listens to Beethoven and sits on a leather couch drinking whiskey
>he must be a genius

>> No.16838053

>Why does intelligence not correlate with high literacy?
read Jonathan Haidt, highly intelligent people are autistic systematizers, 99% of the problems we face were created and/or exacerbated by fetishizing technocracy and positivism. the only viable solution is a STEMfag Holocaust

>> No.16838062

anyone can do that

>> No.16838066

>then where is social or systematic effect he had
I guess old Stalin was a genius.

>> No.16838072

I am a street cleaner coomer doomer, I have no potential to give. Why is he so selfish and refuses to improve humanity by watching anti natality japanese cartons?

>> No.16838082

He was given the situations and people around him, but there is more to you not wanting to understand that then the facts on the ground.

>> No.16838084

>Ranma 1/2
Christ that show was garbage.

>> No.16838087

>I guess old Stalin was a genius.
Anybody who reduces human population by the millions is a genius desu

>> No.16838088

>improve humanity
Spook, nobody is obligated to

>anti natality
See above.

>> No.16838096

he unironically was though, the guy read 500 pages daily and had near total recall of what he's read

>> No.16838095

that's not high IQ conclusion pseud

>> No.16838101

the most retarded thread on /lit/ from this year

>> No.16838103

said the subhuman prole

>> No.16838107

truth is truth regardless of the mouth :)

>> No.16838111

>where is social or systematic effect he had?
He's a fucking professor at an University. Assuming he does his job well, he can have quite the positive effect on society.

>> No.16838115

like Jordan Peterson?

>> No.16838118

Does it matter if he's the smartest man when it can't stop him from slaying him with one single strike of my massive fist?

>> No.16838120

You just don't have high enough I.Q to enjoy it bro.

>> No.16838124
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>> No.16838132

Would like to see him end your pathetic life with a firearm, muscleman.

>> No.16838148

His field is STEM. Don't compare him to Kermit the Lobster

>> No.16838167
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>Smartest man in the universe
/lit/ has got some low standards

>> No.16838168

>Why does intelligence not correlate with high literacy?

>> No.16838172
File: 383 KB, 592x552, 1602725501908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine thinking STEM is harder than philosophy

>> No.16838178

This is to all you lonely 'high IQ' copers out there.
I actually got tested as a kid, because in school I excelled at maths to an exceptional degree. The result was an enormously disappointing 125, and the reason was this: I found the test extremely difficult; while at school I was fascinated by arithmetic and had become extremely adept at applying its logic to similar "more difficult" problems, during the IQ-test I was exposed to problems wholly different from the ones I knew and to which I couldn't apply my arithmetical skills. My point is ofcourse this: anyone who takes an online test nowadays is overly acquainted with how they function; they do no test the way they are intended to. I invariably score 130+ (when that's the highest category of the test), or 135-140 (when they're uncapped)

Conclusion: Any one of you "I may be NEET but atleast my IQ is 135-type of people" in reality probably only have a 120-ish IQ. You're more midwitted than you think. I'm sorry anons but blind faith in a number won't get you anywhere anyway. Still love you guys lit

>> No.16838179

philosophy is a quack "science", it's hard in the same sense as being a door to door salesman is hard

>> No.16838184

Based Ted, absolute hero
Reminder he published a mathematics paper that, according to other luminaries, "maybe only a dozen people in the country could appreciate or understand"

>> No.16838195
File: 160 KB, 593x403, 1605818422784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking philosophy is or calls itself a science
Stemfags will never understand

>> No.16838197

Mathematics at a research level require huge amounts of creativity, I agree that it's different than reading a novel because math is an objective game while literature is an art and therefore can't be judged by objective means, but even then the kind of intelligence necessary to appreciate good literature do overlap in some points with the one to be good at math.
Yeah, that's kinda right.

That's partially right, IQ is not really the roof but how fast you can get there, but really anyone that's a little above average can reach there in a longer amount of time.
>If he put in the effort to learn and read, he'd have much higher potential than many /lit/ here
This is where you're wrong because you're comparing mathematical skill to literature, one is essentially a game where you have a clear objective to accomplish while the other is art, it's not because you're good at math that you'd for sure appreciate good literature, but then this begs the question, what is necessary to appreciate good literature? I personally don't think it's so much intelligence but more artistic sensibility and experience, most people here started reading books with YA novels and from there you have two options:
1. You either got tired of the shallowness of those novels and your artistic sensibility led you to higher grounds where you start reading Dostoyevsky, Proust, Musil etc.
2. You were born with no artistic sensibility at all and you'll be stuck at that level of literature forever unable to experience something greater despite all the experience you have.
That's an obvious troll, but I think some people really believe this, which is sad.
Causing a 'social or systematic effect' is not a requirement for high intelligence. I didn't get the rest of your post, sorry.

>> No.16838199

No you're just a midwit coping by imagining that everybody is like you

>> No.16838200

I think, from this post alone, we can safely say that your IQ barely reaches above 80.

>> No.16838201

Fuck is wrong with Hitchhiker's Guide? Do you people hate fun? Anyway: mathematical ability requires a high degree of communicative ability because you have to be able to express your thoughts (which, if you're doing high level mathematics, may be some of the most abstract, incommunicable thoughts going) clearly, concisely and unambiguously. What you are actually complaining about is not 'illiteracy' (imagine thinking somebody with double your IQ is illiterate, fucking coping English majors) it is unfamiliarity with the particular kind of language game which those inclined towards the humanities play around with in order to suggest something about their own intellect. The image you posted may be more than a little abrasive and tryhard-y, this I grant, but if you think it makes the man illiterate you could probably do the human race a massive favour and castrate yourself. You may care to know that Euler could recite the Aeneid perfectly from memory.

>> No.16838222

If you showed me how to do that, I would be able to do that. Recall Socrates and Meno’s slave. On the contrary, one could teach a man all there is to know about music theory, and yet he would never be able to produce a concerto without having been gifted at birth the soul to do so. Maths is a game that can be learnt, and so any perceived excellence in the field is merely a test of one’s ability to obey rules.

>> No.16838225

Insanely based

>> No.16838227

It's not that he's not smart, it's just that STEMfags tend to be poorly educated in anything outside their field of expertise. Even worse for Tao since he skipped high school and went to college right away, his education was literally just math and he probably hasn't had a single class in English or Literature.

>> No.16838235

Tao received the "prodigy education" that many others in history got and the most popular examples of kids which had that sort of education are John Stuart Mill and William James Sidis. The chief method by which these results are got is by setting the child onto a rigorous programme of study and then closely monitoring each step of the way to make sure they're getting everything correctly. Besides, there are bigger fishes in the sea of numbers as well, just look at Milnor, Szemeredi, and Lovasz.

>> No.16838237

Nothing wrong with Hitchhiker's but randomly spewing "42" is Pickle Rick levels of aggravating.

>> No.16838238

Why do you fags cope by calling phil a science?
It isn't and it doesen't try to be one.
based. faggots need to understand this.

>> No.16838241


>> No.16838244

>just really good with numbers and logic
>WHAT'S LIKE 237894714 TIMES 2390740947???

>> No.16838249
File: 56 KB, 582x765, can you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blah blah blah muh music muh concerto muh soul
Fuck off christshit.

>muh renaissance man
Reading pamphlets by Greek homosexuals doesn't make you educated

>> No.16838255
File: 105 KB, 1548x1468, 1603872710717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stemfags can't even cope right

>> No.16838259

Based retard

>> No.16838260

The prompt is already a random Monty Python reference. There's nothing wrong with answering with another random reference, especially considering the entire thing seems to be for Otakon 2001.

>> No.16838263

if it's not science it's worthless
simple as

concession accepted

>> No.16838267

Shut the fuck up you dumb fucking fuck.
This thread made me angry.
Sage for retardation.

>> No.16838269

Science wouldn't exist if not for philosophers

>> No.16838270

Yes, mathematics is a game, but it's probable the most complex and beautiful game ever made, you can't understand this because you've never seen math at a research level, it's not a recipee you must follow, unfortunately I can't explain it to someone detached from the field, but if you think you can solve any problems if you have the right set of tools then that just shows your inexperience and lack of knowledge of what mathematics really is.
Surr, but what were you addressing exactly in my post? I don't see how that refutes anything I said.

>> No.16838272

>merely a test of one’s ability to obey rules
yeah turns out all of math is a complete, consistent, recursively enumerable set of axioms. We just keep the mathematicians around as a front; computers are ontologically prior to humans

>> No.16838275

>There's nothing wrong with answering with another random reference
I thought this guy was good at logic because of his high IQ, why the fuck would he spew a random reference instead of something more coherent like "it's about that of a hovercraft full of eels" or some shit

>> No.16838278

Your picture literally reinforces my point. Even a robot, capable of excelling any human mathematician, recognises that a symphony is a symbol of true and divine achievement.

>> No.16838280

pathetic cope
science killed philosophy

>> No.16838282

You need to be of age to post on 4chan

>> No.16838288

Math is indeed a game that can be learnt, but learning them doesn't mean coming up with them yourself.
A sufficiently intelligent person does not need to read or study anything; he is intelligent enough to figure everything out by himself

>> No.16838289
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>> No.16838292

not really, christshit

>> No.16838300
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>> No.16838302

>High spatial intelligence is the same as high verbal intelligence
STEMfags are just autistic, I bet this guy couldn't write for shit to save his life

>> No.16838307
File: 31 KB, 601x508, 8EC44E57-A5A6-4047-BD77-BD15CE67A2CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not really, christshit

>> No.16838309
File: 120 KB, 680x315, 1595424969022.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if it's not science it's worthless, simple as
>pathetic cope! science killed philosophy

>> No.16838313

I just wanted to get that out there for when someone appeals to Tao's having learnt calculus at the age of 12.

>> No.16838314

>If you showed me how to do that, I would be able to do that. Recall Socrates and Meno’s slave. On the contrary, one could teach a man all there is to know about music theory, and yet he would never be able to produce a concerto without having been gifted at birth the soul to do so. Maths is a game that can be learnt, and so any perceived excellence in the field is merely a test of one’s ability to obey rules.
Man, you're understimating the creativity that goes into this.
You probably could solve the problem of the pic if teached but you could NEVER solve eg: A Poincaré Conjecture.
You could never "open the way" whitout the gift, do you get it?

>> No.16838316

cope harder, christshit

>le onions
your pathetic religion is dead, christshit

>> No.16838318

All the preprints of his papers are on his website. Check them out yourself.

>> No.16838321

yeah don't worry, I'm sure somebody will pay you to bring up Platonic dialouges. Pfftthahahaha
If you think your choices are:
you are beyond fucked
>yaknow, some people are just left brain and some people are right brain :)

>> No.16838325

>You could never "open the way" whitout the gift, do you get it?
that's the point. the other Anon underestimates math as the other fags in this thread underestimate the work that has to be put into philosophy or literature to "open the way"

>> No.16838326
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>if it's not science it's worthless

>> No.16838327

What separates the able mathematician from a poor one?

>> No.16838329

I actually have solved it. Checkmate.

>> No.16838332

Why are you seething so hard against Christianity?

>> No.16838333


>> No.16838334

Like most high performing Asian diaspora in the west, his parents probably forced highbrow culture on him from a young age, causing him to find it repulsive. A guy I studied engineering with had a full classical education and he only cared about gacha games and moe anime as an adult.

>> No.16838341
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>> No.16838342
File: 374 KB, 444x720, 1586635994196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is such an embarrassment, it makes me realize /lit/ is full of trolls and genuine idiots, and I'm not only talking about the stupid posts addressing the OP, but also the posts directly addressing obvious trolls, every single person who posted here falls into one of those categories, this is just a warning for y'all: leave this thread and take a good look at what you're doing, you're not doing something intelligent if you address trolls and you're most definitely posting on the wrong board if you come here for trolling.

>> No.16838349

Give a general idea of intelligent action behind vanity.

>> No.16838350
File: 62 KB, 633x758, 25003BF3-D516-4536-A357-A01F771B71BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooooo how dare you question my degree i didn’t waste all that money on becoming a glorified calculator stooop
Cope harder, mathsfag

>> No.16838353

best thread in /lit/

>> No.16838354

idiotic self contradictory religion for low IQs

>> No.16838360

It's entertaining, I get a good laugh out of responding to trolls and looking at responses like
it's all about the meme takes, all of them

>> No.16838362

The concept of "SCIENCE!" as "everything written by a faggot with a phd is biblical truth" instead of what science actually is, which is a critical method that constantly doubts everything, is one of the most hopelessly depressing things of modern humanity. We were better off with God.

>> No.16838366

better than wasting money on becoming a book reader lol

>> No.16838368

stfu and go back to /sci/

>> No.16838369
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>> No.16838376

You can either be with God or be a christshit, christshit.

>> No.16838377

>I could totally do that if I just felt like it, the things beyond my veil of understanding must all be within the same range of my grasp
hubris :}

>> No.16838378

>wasting money on becoming a book reader
pdf, nigger

>> No.16838382

what the fuck does christshit mean here you stupid meme-spouting faggot? I'm an atheist

>> No.16838384

Unlike you, I don’t need to pay someone to teach me how to read lol

>> No.16838386

Where does it say that he was a christcuck?

>> No.16838394

>Heisenberg was raised and lived as a Lutheran Christian.[7] His autobiography starts with the young Heisenberg in his late teenage years, reading Plato's Timaeus while hiking in the Bavarian Alps. Heisenberg recounted the philosophical conversations with his fellow students and teachers on understanding the atom while receiving his scientific training in Munich, Göttingen and Copenhagen.[8] Heisenberg would later state that “My mind was formed by studying philosophy, Plato and that sort of thing".[9] and that "Modern physics has definitely decided in favor of Plato. In fact the smallest units of matter are not physical objects in the ordinary sense; they are forms, ideas which can be expressed unambiguously only in mathematical language"[10]

>> No.16838396

I see many wagies are enjoying their day off