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/lit/ - Literature

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1683458 No.1683458 [Reply] [Original]

>implying literature contributes to the advancement of humanity

>> No.1683467
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>implying we want humanity to advance

>> No.1683477

How many people can your cool space ship kill OP?

>> No.1683480

>implying freud wasn't heavily influenced by faust

>> No.1683491

it's a TV satellite moron. Advancement = more channels and higher bandwidth. Right OP?

>> No.1683505
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>> No.1683524

>implying humanity can 'advance' outside of biological evolution

"herpderp look at me with my engineering degree and the bridge i built, now i can go places in my pretty car gosh our race is so advanced lol"...

...is what I would reply with if I wasn't 100% certain this is a troll

captcha: splatity hyman

>> No.1683529

>contributing to the advancement of humanity
He made psychology research popular, but pretty much all of ideas were proved wrong as a result.

>> No.1683547

>implying I care about the advancement of humanity

>> No.1683550

I hate when people say that Freud's ideas were wrong--most people have no idea what Freud thought--the problem is that his ideas became popularized to the extent that people started to think that incestuous desires were the oedipus complex and that bitches and whores just have boner envy--the truth is that Freud was invaluable to the development of Structuralism, and besides this he wrote many fantastic works on sociology and literary criticism--now does this mean he contributed to the "advancement of humanity"? I can't say..but I will say that he may have had a hand in liberalizing views on sex, which to me is progress--other people might not feel the same but I do..and when Freud and Marx get together to bring about Surrealism:
>pants get tight

>> No.1683561
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Agree with him or not, Freud revolutionised psychiatry, psychoanalytics and neurology forever..

Percy Blythe Shelley wrote an excellent essay discussing the importance of poetry and literature for the progression of civilisation:

>> No.1683570

>Freud and structuralism

Do you mean psychoanalysis? That features a lot in poststructuralism.

>> No.1683576
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no he meant postmodern-psychoanalysis structurism you retard.

>> No.1683580

freud was a mentally ill jevw, he didn't do a goddamn thing.

That he is looked at as someone who "revolutionized" anything, is a great example of the power of je,ws in academia. It's not surprise that je,ws push other je,w stuff.

>> No.1683588

Well, I just think the way in which he "ordered" the psyche, and the power he attributed to symbols of fantasies in his dream interpretations was very influential for the structuralists who came later..and post-structuralism would of course involve many elements from structuralism..it may be a bit of a stretch on my part, but i'm pretty sure i read this argument somewhere and i'm kind of failing at restating it here.

>> No.1683592
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>> No.1683626

Do you realize how many scientists, philosophers, chemists, biologist, writers, etc. were wrong about THEIR theories, ideas & observations? Why single out Freud?

It was BECAUSE Freud dared to ask questions that we now have the answers to. We can better explain human behavior and our perception of the world because of Freud and the psychologists, both Freudians & Anti-Freudians, who dared to prove him right or wrong.

I mean, imagine having [insert last name here]ians & Anti-[insert last name here] who agree and/or disagree with your ideas. How in the fuck can you say he has not contributed to the advancement of humanity?

>> No.1683627
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> implying humanity is advancing in the right direction.

>> No.1683635

>Implying there even is a direction we should be heading

>> No.1683641
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>staggering rise in mental disorders in the modern era
>yfw that equals 'advanced'

>> No.1683644

>Take a sample of 5 crazies and infer theories from their ramblings
>Generalise these to humanity in it's entirity
>Generalise these to history in it's entirity

>> No.1683650
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>> No.1683658

only post i agree with in this thread

>> No.1683673
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>> No.1683684

You people really don't understand how the world works, huh?

>> No.1683689


Please enlighten us with your objective truths.

>> No.1683691

satellites are for losers orbiting is lame

>> No.1683695

I dunno OP, there have been some pretty influential books out there.

>> No.1683702

Such as...?

[Besides/Don't include The Bible.]

>> No.1683704

Je,ws run media and english departments, je,ws make sure other je,ws have a predominant role...


Je,ws have always pushed cultural demolition and nonsense garbage just like freud. Je,ws have no morals, no honor, and no dignity.

>> No.1683712

>no morals, no honor, and no dignity
>no honor
>no honer
>no boner

>> No.1683719
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>> No.1683726
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>implying taking pics of Jupiter helps me out at all

>> No.1683736

>Implying Literature isn't part of what keeps us human

>> No.1683744

Say this out loud in real life to someone

No really

>> No.1684922

Bumping this goddamned thread.

It has potential.

>> No.1684938


>implying humanity advances

>> No.1684941

literature contributes as much to the advancement of humanity as a mirror contributes to being beautiful.

>> No.1684951

most important point >>1684938

also: >>1684941

>implying all literature is realism

>> No.1684959

We still need something to appreciate once we've advanced OP.

Without art, without some beauty in our life, we'd have no reason to advance, likewise without any science and mathematics, without advancing, we wouldn't create more and more amazing pieces of art.

>> No.1684961

no...not really at all, but we can talk about that if you want...'cause I sometimes wonder what the definition of "real" is.

>> No.1684963

A novel like 1984 has had a huge impact on humanity

>> No.1684967

Did that come from the top of your head? Not bad. Not bad at all.

>> No.1684969

>implying science nurtures the soul

>> No.1684972

The current way that science (and, therefore, technology) is applied not only does not advance society but furthermore promotes, in fact, a regression of man.

PROTIP: If you want to try to criticize literature in this fashion I recommend that you do so from the perspective of Marx.

I would provide you to a link of his essay on literature but I do not feel like doing so at this moment.

>> No.1684975

literature is basically culture

if you think the culture of a society doesn't contribute to HOW it advances, and consequently the advancement of humanity as a whole, you're fucking retarded

>> No.1684984


oh, so you're a faggot without friends and consequently no social perspective, then?

noted, chap.

>> No.1684993

yup thanks! good weather this morning, I guess.

>> No.1684998

argumentum ad populum

lrn2logic, /sci/fag troll

>> No.1685015

>implying souls exist

>> No.1685022

>Say this out loud in real life to someone
>argumentum ad populum

He wasn't arguing anything, he was simply highlighting the possibility that you would get the shit kicked out of you in real life for saying that