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16834860 No.16834860 [Reply] [Original]

I like to imagine Schopenhauer in fits of laughter as he wrote each of his essays on women.

>> No.16834875

Where was he wrong? (Aside from pushing a woman down the stairs.)

>> No.16834947

>We must imagine Schopenhauer happy

>> No.16834959

Idc I still like to fuck them and get my dick sucked by them. Just use their holes for pleasure and stop thinking so hard about them.

>> No.16834969

I just saw this image posted on /mu/

>> No.16835013

>(Aside from pushing a woman down the stairs.)
This wasn't even wrong desu. He told her to shut up three times before he did. People have done more for less.

>> No.16835019

Meant for >>16834875

>> No.16835020

Did he really push a woman down the stairs? I thought the worst he did was leave some chick after he knocked her up

>> No.16835042
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Yeah he did. He ended having to pay her some amount per month until she died.

>> No.16835066
File: 847 KB, 1170x1920, 1170px-Hypatia_(Charles_Mitchell).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, women were the fundamental, silent reformers of education, unions, and child labor laws, all things we take for granted in today's world, and all things which require a sense of justice and a working knowledge of society and the politics in current play. So for someone who's primary relationships with women were prostitutes (seriously; he solicited sex most of his life) I'd say his opinions are shallow and ignorant at best and just good ol' 19th century biased sexism at worst.

Pic is of Hypatia, the Hellenistic Neoplatonist philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician. Do you think Schopenhauer would have been part of the Christian mob that stoned her to death with roof tiles?

>> No.16835097

>women were the fundamental, silent reformers of education, unions, and child labor laws, all things we take for granted in today's world, and all things which require a sense of justice and a working knowledge of society and the politics in current play.

>> No.16835129

>be very concerned about human trafficking and what kind of men pay for it
>incel forum which pays for sex will in a couple centuries use your essay as a justification that whoredom ought to be extended to all women as a joyous thing
I think Schopenhauer was probably not as upset as he should have been, but I don't think he was happy.

>> No.16835150

>cunts with petty power are the problem
Knew that thanks.

>> No.16835161

Should have paid someone to make her die faster.

>> No.16835167
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Since when does /lit/ ask for source?

Well, these three books should do you good.

>> No.16835196
File: 157 KB, 680x750, 6a00d83452403c69e201b8d26a31a1970c-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got it! You would stone Hypatia!

>> No.16835205


Name 5 women philosophers of genuine renown

Btw if she looked like that I would definitely rape her

>> No.16835234

what german words did he use here, does anyone know?

>> No.16835250
File: 401 KB, 336x256, 1605765993990.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A People's History of the United States

>> No.16835254

>unironically a peoples history of the united states
>quotes that polemic piece of shit with a holier than thou complex
dropped. not even mysoginist.
and even invokes simplistic narritives like Hypatia.

the Womens movements of the19th century were an interelated gestalt occurance that largely can be traced to earier expanded zeitgeists like libetalism. They were “fundemental” in that they were novel reaplications of such processes that were already firmly established trends and were occasionally actually laudable in their feild instead of just getting modern pitty points. Anyways your whole first point sounds rather facile and meaningless sloganisms.

there were legitimately great women as individuals, like maria Mitchel, but your narrative is somewhat a fabricated one.

>> No.16835256

>Some buttnaked neoplatonist thot
I'd stone that whore good.

>> No.16835797

gib me milkies neoplatonist mommy

>> No.16836383

Cool now show some examples you dumb bitch

>> No.16836387

>arguing and organising for gimmedats for women requires a sense of justice

>> No.16836395

Do none of you love your mother? I agree with Schopenhauer, but he's a philosopher. You're all just edgy faggots in here.

>> No.16836408

ate women, 'cept ma mam, she's the exception

>> No.16836451

This, it's hard to believe anyone with a mother, sister, aunt, woman friend, girlfriend, wife, woman boss, woman co-worker, woman supervisor, woman neighbor, woman student, woman teacher, woman stranger, woman one-night-stand, woman author, woman readers, woman muse, woman sex worker, woman streamers, woman lgbtq+, woman deity/deities, woman guardian, woman thinkers, and woman dogs could possible believe Schopenhauer's shit about women.

>> No.16836456

ahhh okay that explains why all those things are so fucked, thank you

>> No.16836480
File: 74 KB, 502x631, NotCapture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, in our age both woman and men have those characteristics. Some men are like that, and some woman are like that. There is a lot of narcissistic men in academia that behave like that, they need to show how smart they are every fucking colloquium, making the speaker feel uncomfortable, talking shit about things they don't know and haven't studied properly.

>> No.16836499

why the fuck it posted this pictured, I didn't selected anything.

>> No.16836589

you say that like being pushed down the stairs is worse than being impregnated and then the father just leaves you

>> No.16836604

>Do you think Schopenhauer would have been part of the Christian mob that stoned her to death with roof tiles?
Probably not, Schopenhauer was a fedora tipper. Pagans killed Hypatia anyway, not Christians.

>> No.16836694


>> No.16837919

Not before fucking her Jesus Christ I'm not a monster.

>> No.16837951

Its hard for me to imagine him laughing writing it. Take the excerpt in OP's picrel. Its an honest reflection that tries to get at the heart of something. I think such things only have humor or an added layer of attraction to us because we live in a thoroughly degenerated age in which common sense statements are shocking. If you reflect, I think you will find that the humor you derive from it is largely a sort of shock humor born of what you think others would think of it.

>> No.16837972


>> No.16837984

read this paper and tell me if women should have rights

>> No.16838032
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my mom is clearly an exception

>> No.16838058
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>> No.16838100

Your relationship with your mother is unique and not in anyway a paragon of the relationship you will have with the rest of the female population, to think it somehow can be used as a way of understanding or interacting with women in general is folly. The relationship mothers have with their children don't apply to what Shopenhauer is saying here, as all of those skill sets are a means to an end, that end being the offspring. I would never understand people who use the "you have a mom, right?" argument against any critisism of women as if the interaction between a mother and her children is not something wholly distinct.

>> No.16838112

Now that's just not-
How convenient for your thesis

>> No.16838191

Propose an alternative then! Can't spread the good word if you don't share it!

>> No.16838202

You got an alternative for Peoples? Share it!

the Womens movements of the19th century were an interelated gestalt occurance that largely can be traced to earier expanded zeitgeists like libetalism. They were “fundemental” in that they were novel reaplications of such processes that were already firmly established trends and were occasionally actually laudable in their feild instead of just getting modern pitty points.

And what is your source for this nice word salad?

>> No.16838248

Only paraphrasing what I've read. I'd post the paragraphs, but I did not anticipate ever debating this subject when I encountered rating about it a few years ago; it was just part of the history discussed, not the feature point.

>> No.16838708

This whole post made me dizzy. How do you end up on /lit/ with a writing like that?

>> No.16838727

The US has no history. You're basically still a toddler.

>> No.16838750

My mom is a narcissistic cunt. Women are only good when you can pay them.

>> No.16838757
File: 273 KB, 500x496, 1580226406188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol we're so much older than you!
>borders, constitution, and government defined after 1945

>> No.16838767

I'm not involved in this conversation, but because you keep asking about alternatives: literally any primary source, ever. Federalist papers, The Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, speeches by presidents, books by presidents, diaries of Civil War generals, court cases, etc. It shouldn't be that difficult you fucking illiterate retarded nigger.

>> No.16838842

Too many stupid women in our lives granted total authority over families and institutions by a hostile government... this is exactly how we know Schopenhauer is right.

You are an emasculated bugman, a tranny, or a woman. Those are all the options. That's the demographic boundary around this gay NPR opinion.

>> No.16838845

"Verstellung", noun for "sich verstellen".

>> No.16838848

I have a mother, 3 sisters, multiple aunts, nieces, and sister in laws. Everything he says is true.

>> No.16838862

It's bad because the way my mom behaves affirms most of the shit he writes about and I can't unread it.

>> No.16838900
File: 2.97 MB, 306x205, 1584129738272.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woman sex worker, woman streamers, woman lgbtq+, woman deity/deities, woman guardian, woman thinkers, and woman dogs

>> No.16838941

>sex worker
Sex isn't work, you dumb incel.

>> No.16838976

technically it is. Anything you do is work, as it expends energy in moving an object, in this case, your hips.

>> No.16838998


>> No.16839023


>> No.16839027

They hate you because you speak the truth.

>> No.16839032

A peoples history is factual. Thats all I ask for in a historical text. Maybe it is subversive, good literature often is.

>> No.16839047
File: 29 KB, 201x300, voices_2014_9781609805920-201x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go. Every Primary Source cited in A Peoples History. Make up your own mind and then compile them into a better book.

>> No.16839048

no wonder that whore was executed

>> No.16839052



>> No.16839062

You just prove that US citizens have no concept of history. It fits, children have no concept of history neither.

>> No.16839069
File: 662 KB, 1101x1032, Based Pajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16839096

It's the exact opposite. The more women were around you when you grew up the more you'll agree with Schopenhauer. Women do a great job at masking their image in public, but in direct family and private relationships they become manipulative bitches.

>> No.16839099
File: 35 KB, 500x282, bg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>woman boss
>woman co-worker
>woman supervisor

>> No.16839190

Woman is as varied and mystical a classification as human. Any attempt to craft a monolith of shared values will only ever serve to distinguish the outliers and cause the dogmatic to think themselves fools upon meeting an ever greater variety of humanity.