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/lit/ - Literature

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16826297 No.16826297 [Reply] [Original]

I'm settling in for a nice relaxing read of Nadja by André Breton paired with some Sweet Tea spiked with Maker's Mark. What about you anon? You do relax with cocktail or beer in the evening while you read, don't you?

>> No.16826301

I drink nothing because I'm out of things to drink and out of money to buy them.

>> No.16826308


>> No.16826310

Get that weak ass Reddit tier shit out of here

>> No.16826312

Remember reading that same edition back when I was studying lit in uni. Not a fan of surrealism in lit but this one book has some good moments.
A cold beer after work, or a good coffee at home are my main drinks when reading.

>> No.16826357

>sailboats on a twin-size comforter in your mom’s house

Livin’ the dream, anon.

>> No.16826783

Fag. Those are the best threads.
Since I am going to sleep, I am only having a glass of water, but I often drink coffee before bed. I am also enjoying Euripide's Andromaque. Have a blessed evening op.

>> No.16826795

Cheap red wine and I'm going to finish Borges last two short stories before moving on to his essays. Inbetween I will probably buy cigarettes

>> No.16826822

As the chairman of the International Tea Drinkers Association I declare mixing tea with lemon in any way illegal, continue at your own risk knowing the punishment is forced sissification

>> No.16826863


>> No.16826867


>> No.16826881 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16826893

Broken link dumdum

>> No.16826905
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Sorry I will try again.

>> No.16826927

I don't see a word about mixing lemons and tea in there, only something about your nips; thoroughly disappointed.

>> No.16826946

Drinking water and reading Seneca

>> No.16826947

Cranberry seltzer with a dash of apple cider. Reading Pantagruel Book 3, highly based. The first 16 chapters are cuckold jokes

>> No.16826966

are these male or female nipples? if this is male nipples and you aren’t on HRT you should probably see a doctor instead of posting on an anime forum for autistic people and pedophiles

>> No.16827038
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Drinking coffee. Reading pic.

>> No.16827045

>stupid limey
Sweet Tea without lemon is just sad.

>> No.16827175

Jasper's little Spinoza volume and an iced coffee drink

>> No.16827188

See this is your problem, anything but straight black tea or black tea sweetened with a small bit of honey is bad

>> No.16827318

they aren’t really comparable imo. It’s like arguing over whether lemon seltzer water or sprite is better.

>> No.16827324

>the best threads are posting about alcohol instead of books
i doubt you even read

>> No.16827327

I'm the chairman of the International Tea Drinkers Association not the International Sweet Tea Drinkers Association, my authority falls on both organizations, checkmate sugarfag

>> No.16827328

not really. they're a huge number of tea drinks. look at asia for some nice milk ones.

>> No.16828848
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Some Virgil and green tea tonight

>> No.16828854

No adam's apple, most likely a female

>> No.16829962

Fucking beer and reading Kant.

>> No.16830482

i drink jasmine black tea (available at cheapass price) + tablespoon of sugar + homemade salted lime. Chilled in freezer for about half hour. Also i currently reading natsume soseki kokoro

>> No.16830525

I would rather not drink alcohol while I read, usually it will be Yorkshire's tea or black coffee.

>> No.16830528

why are you having sex with beer?

>> No.16830685

Vodka martini and Don DeLillo's Americana.

>> No.16831097

I went cold turkey on an escalating drinking and smoking habit. Today I'm wrestling a tiger of a temptation. I think I'll lose, buy a bottle of Sapphire Gin, mix it with Schweppes, drink it all tonight and hate myself in the morning.

>> No.16831108

Sipping makers mark on the rocks. This is /lit/ - I don't read.

>> No.16831394

Dude just have one cocktail. How subhuman are you that you can't resist drinking a liter of gin after having one sip?

>> No.16831419

kill yourself, newfag

>> No.16831544

I'm currently undergoing a year of sobriety from all substances, so my drink of choice for reading is water or ginger tea
Used to be that I would drink english breakfast tea for reading in the morning, and have a local trappist beer while reading at night
Hold strong buddy, don't buy it, it sounds like you have a problem and know it. The best way to resist temptation is to cut yourself off from the thing that tempts you, keep that bottle away from your home.

>> No.16831651

Some pálinka as an aperitif before dinner. After that, I'll drink a wheat beer while reading Zorba the Greek.

>> No.16831661

That book is lovely, nice choice senpai.

>> No.16831687

Mimesis - Auerbach

Smoking a bunch of Eileen's Dream cigarillos, drinking iced tea probably.

>> No.16831708

>Mimesis - Auerbach
extremely based

>> No.16832978

Been reading philosophical works on the metaphysics of time all day. I'm going to cool off my brain with a gentle bit of burgundy and Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.16833005
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Pic rel with a glass of red zin after the kids go to bed.

>> No.16833049
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>after the kids go to bed
Why can't I have this :(

>> No.16833075

You absolutely can. You need to build discipline and self-worth. Stop doing the things that are making you the way you are. Make yourself respectable. Make your people proud.

You need to read the Stoics. Aurelius, Seneca, Wes Watson. Discipline is what you need. You need to improve your life by making one small change today. Then tomorrow, you make another small change. Before you know it, YOU have changed.

Check out Jordan Peterson on YT. I was once like you, friend.

>> No.16833092
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Currently drinking some cheap and strong beer while reading this thread

>> No.16833313
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>Jordan Peterson
I'd prefer not to

>> No.16833326

I'm drinking your mom's pussy drippings and reading the bible passage tatooed on the crook of her back.

>> No.16833470

K have fun dying alone, I'll never think about you again and you're too weak to change yourself. You probably wont ever provide this world anything of worth so please delete.

>> No.16833640
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Rituals of Triumph in the Mediterranean World with a cider on my cozy living room chair.

>> No.16834307
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I'm back at it again /lit/! Night two here we come!

>> No.16834317

Going to pop open a nice bottle of pipcoul blanc in 10 minutes. Debating reading some of Emerson's essays or Whitman's poetry.

>> No.16834357

>Sweet tea

This should be a grog. Comfiest beverage on a cold night, and perfect companion to a good book.

>> No.16834414
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rereading for the 2nd time, read American Psycho 4 times and Rules of Attraction 3. based or cringe?
am I a pseud for thinking there’s something to be gained from Ellis’ early stuff? Idk about the newer books

>> No.16834479

It's cringe that you're doing coke. It's based that you're reading Ellis. Although I couldn't make it through Imperial Bedrooms. But I loved the three you mentioned and The Informers.

>> No.16834510

Don't listen to this guy, becoming a Jordan Peterson fanboy sperglord and reading crusty ass old books isn't going to get you laid, let alone a wife. I don't know you so you might have a hard time with it, but in almost all cases grooming yourself well, exercising, and just making a conscious effort to be nice to people will be more than enough for you to find a girl who will want to marry you, as long as you put yourself in situations to meet people (if you can't do it irl just use dating apps)

>> No.16834519

Drinking some porter and reading Magic Mountain. Wish I was drinking Buckfast and reading some Alasdair Gray, but you can't win em all

>> No.16834609

whats the point in doing coke alone lmao, same with mdma

>> No.16835913

Follow-up. I read this and watched the 1967 movie tonight with that nice red zin. I'm going to go through the Camus canon -- The Plague is next. I'm pretty familiar with his philosophical works already.

The Stranger -- fascinating story about a good looking but apathetic man who finds himself in trouble due to circumstantial events.

>> No.16837127

Drinking sweet dollar tea, from macdonalds. I don't read.

>> No.16837663

Just figured out why someone repied to my jokey "who shot him?" post in the Pessoaz thread. It was you and because you watched The Stranger. I don't like discovering this at all.

>> No.16837765


The majority of people who hold this "self improvement, traditional values, respectable, stoic outlook" attitude are literally the ones who don't bring any new value to the world. Imagine being so enslaved to ordinariness.

>> No.16837866
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Red bull and reading pic related

>> No.16838057

Someone post the comic of the girl who takes a picture of the book with the wine to post on social media and then doesn't read the book.

>> No.16839533
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>> No.16839676

Cup of tea, Emily Dickinson, maybe some hash

>> No.16839739

I've spent the day reading La Vita Nouva and some of Rousseau's earlier political works.
This evening, I'm going to a party where I'll be drinking whiskey and coke
Normally, I don't drink (alcohol) when I read

>> No.16839762
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Coffee, taking notes on pic related. On a break right now shitposting with you faggots ;3

>> No.16840149

>going to a party
You mean a COVID-19 super spreader event. Enjoy your longterm side-effects from contracting a mild cold.

>> No.16840192

reddit moment

>> No.16840210

wine and poetry, probably keats again

>> No.16840220

i literally don't have covid in my country nigga

>> No.16840236

There is no such thing as white zinfandel and anyone who tells you otherwise has terrible taste
Next time you deign to speak, do not clarify.

>> No.16841216

have you ever seen a woman

>> No.16841227

Shut the fuck up retard

>> No.16841252

I'm reading Oblomov. I liked the first part but the romance has begun to lose me. It's 5:00pm and I haven't left my room yet. My landlord is doing loud reno in the hallway and I don't want to stay here and listen to it but I don't want to leave my room and have to talk with him. It's weird, I am a grown man but I feel like a child again, hiding away from extended family I don't know well. I have a headache so I am drinking a lot of water.

>> No.16841291

Duvel. Islamic poetry.

>> No.16841297

I'm drinking Glögi and reading "The rules of attraction"

>> No.16841300

you are truly cringe

>> No.16841374
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I can't read drunk. Alcohol dims my imagination. Coffee is good, though. I brew pour over at 170f with vanilla extract, nutmeg and cinnamon.

>> No.16841398

I always do molly alone because I just want to disappear into the music. It's my apotheosis.

Anyway I'm gonna eat something so I don't get drunk too quickly, then I'm gonna fix a screwdriver and read The Reeve's Tale. Yes in the ME, I'm not a pussy.

>> No.16841405
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Reading A Fan's Notes. Haven't had this much pleasure in reading in quite a while.

Drinking Wild Cherry Pepsi Zero Sugar. Aspartame ftw.

>> No.16841483

There's nothing wrong with JP. He's a teacher, not a philosopher. His lecturers are entry-level, yet deep. His target audience is students and laymen.
The people who don't like him are already highly educated, and expecting something new or groundbreaking. Peterson is a great teacher for entry level concepts, and that's all he ever claimed to be.

>> No.16841535 [DELETED] 

I hate how Peterson will makes a shit ton of descriptive claims that point towards a very specific prescriptive claim, but when asked if he supports that prescriptive claim he'll say he never said that. I think he can be really slimy at some points.

>> No.16841539

I'm going to finish Claw of the Conciliator.

>> No.16841540

Does he talk about Joyce?

>> No.16841547

I hate how Peterson will makes a shit ton of descriptive claims that point towards a very specific prescriptive claim, but when asked if he supports that prescriptive claim he'll say he never said that. I think he can be really slimy at some points.

>> No.16841551

You put this really well, thanks.

>> No.16841748

Do you have any examples? I watched 2 or 3 of his lectures on YouTube and thought they were good.

>> No.16841882

The Cathy Newman interview is a pretty decent example of this.

>> No.16841983

>straight black tea
I’m middle eastern. All my tea is either mixed with cardamom or mint.

>> No.16842015

Is Nadja by Breton supposed to be hard to read? I'm getting filtered by the first pages (French is not my mother tongue).

>> No.16842031

You are obviously 14 years old. Of course there's no white zinfandel. There is zinfandel and red zinfandel. I drank the latter. You luddite.

>f you're a smart guy, you'll be able to classify his work and its development in retrospection. It's not that extensive
Care to justify this?

>> No.16842036

I mean to quote this:
>literally the ones who don't bring any new value to the world.

>> No.16842037


I found the writing style pretty easy but he does throw some difficult concepts at you

>> No.16842306

>uhhh the super sweet wine for single moms that a major winery made by mistake is the real one actually
On behalf of all sommeliers, I kindly ask that you kill yourself.

>> No.16843513


>> No.16843529

I don't want to make a new thread so I'd like to ask here. Do any of you have an English version of The Brothers Karamazov you can recommend? I have P&V but I'm seeking the Garnett translation instead now. Hardcover preferred.

As to the topic, I'm rereading Amusing Ourselves To Death.

>> No.16843608
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Tonight it's Old Forester and Lichtenberg.

>> No.16843898

If you enjoy it you should read Joubert's Notebooks

>> No.16843908


>> No.16844009
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Still don't feel like I have the philosophy background to reap the maximum benefit. Anyone have recommendations for supplementary reading, or what specific works to read that are being kind of handwaved in this book?

>> No.16844112

I'm finding myself wishing that these built to something, or were even arranged more thematically. Seems kind of slapdash, but I guess that's to be expected given that they really are just thoughts jotted into notebooks.

I'm going to be going through Pascal's Pensées next, but will consider taking a look at Joubert after that maybe.

>> No.16844249

I'm drinking the exact same Dickel, in Manhattans. You've read Aristotle, I assume? He's calling for an Aristotelian renaissance as a break from the deontological/consequentialist trap. You might read, in addition to Kant and Mill, Hume's ethics (which I think are in his Treatise). You might want to be vaguely familiar with Marxist ethics, though I did well without deep knowledge of it.

>> No.16844302

>I'm drinking the exact same Dickel, in Manhattans.
I've been a heathen and am just mixing it with pineapple seltzer and stevia, but I'm about to switch to Laphroaig/Amaretto Godfathers.

>You've read Aristotle, I assume?
I haven't, actually. I feel like I have a pretty decent grasp on MacIntyre's positive assertions but it seems like he tends to handwave a lot of the counterpoints he brings up and I just have to take his word for it that they don't work. I'll definitely have to read Kant, because I was left feeling like he holds the position that he has dealt Kantian ethics a death blow, but I personally didn't come away feeling as such. It's hard to tell if he's being a little bit pompous or if his arguments are very sound, and I just don't have the background to grasp them entirely.

>> No.16844320
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>> No.16844322

on chinese experimental drugs listening to women's podcasts and hoping it turns me gay

>> No.16844329


He can grow a beard and I can't, so that may be the case, but time will tell. At least if I'm low T I won't have to deal with male pattern baldness.

>> No.16845665

P&V is good. Don't fall for /lit/ memes.

>> No.16846575

Ah, okay. The Nicomachean Ethics are a foundational text in Western philosophy. Kant is brilliant, but his most popular work on ethics (the Groundwork) is far too short for his systematic approach, and leaves one with the impression that Kant is something of a retard. His actual ethics is quite subtle, but I can't remember how charitable MacIntyre is to Kant. You also might want to read St. Aquinas' "Treatise on Law." All these texts — save for Aristotle's Ethics — are incredibly short.
What the fuck man.

>> No.16846651

L's far better than that selection reveals; I too was disappointed with it.

>> No.16846655

Racine's Esther with tea.

>> No.16847540

It would be comical if the future development of this is that women simply developed into men and men became basically just women minus the uterus. The characteristics that the modern world values are generally more in line with women. I can definitely see it in this insectoid society: a slew of small, weak men climbing on top of a large female, competing for a loveless act of reproduction. Then the woman eats the head off a bunch of them and they scatter.

>> No.16847551

men who post their gun for no particular reason are indistinguishable from women posting their shoes

>> No.16847571

women posting their tits you mean

>> No.16848390
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It's a mixture of grapefruit seltzer, Amazon-brand energy drink, and lime juice.

>> No.16848410

Yes, I am retarded and didn't reply correctly.

>> No.16848438

cringe gun man

>> No.16848439

Posting tits is definitely more of a commitment than posting a picture of an item you bought. I was disgusted when I discovered the "EDC" community, it's literally a bunch of men doing exactly what women do with their cosmetics / clothes "haul" except with "manly" products. Absolute and total faggotry.

>> No.16848588


>> No.16848722

My brother has low T and male pattern baldness. They go hand in hand.

>> No.16848745

a bit, mostly proust and woolf as far as the modernists go though

>> No.16848796
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Only the best for the man with high test

>> No.16848867

Reading iliad later, Im in between jobs so money’s tight and cant buy alcohol right now. Ill make some nice black tea while I read

>> No.16850488
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Pic rel with ... a caffeine drink!!! (I'm Mormon but I get down homie)

>> No.16850524

I heard they make his style too plain.

>> No.16850554
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To Conquer Chaos by John Brunner with a mix of plastic cup of mango margarita mix and fruit punch

>> No.16850574

Tonight, it's g&t and Discrete mathematics with applications, a book recommanded to me on this very board.

>> No.16850585
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>> No.16850671

I'm watching football, had too much coffee.

>> No.16850798

Try hemlock

>> No.16850873

Red Label on the rocks with grapefruit club soda. Going to work on editing my current writing project after I post this, then going to read the Sunday paper in the bath then read a book, Evelyn Waugh: A Biography by Selena Hastings, in bed after that.

>> No.16850940
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What' that? Give me a link or something.
It's snowing out so I can't ride so I figure I'll jump into a book.

>> No.16850971
File: 43 KB, 264x388, zen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hemlock is poison, which is what you deserve for worshiping this >>16850585

Judging by your lack of /legdays/ (youth) and motorcycle hobbyism, I highly recommend pic rel. It'll get ya neurons firin'.

>> No.16850997

>What's hemlock?

Start with the Greeks, anon.

>> No.16851123

As Zen anon stated, hemlock is a poison, which—more notably—was a factor in what is arguably the most famous event in the history of philosophy.

This is a great time for you because you are young and there are still a lot of interesting things to be discovered and learned about. Books are a great way to do this.

>> No.16851239
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Alright give me more.
What Greek books. There are a lot of cooking ones.

>> No.16851648

Plato’s Dialogues. The Odyssey and The Iliad by Homer. The History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides. Sophocles’ Theban Plays (The Oedipus Cycle).

Also, you don’t need to pay as much as you’re paying for those books in your photo. Buy from a site dealing in used books like Abebooks and you can get a lot of stuff for around five dollars a book.

>> No.16851764

why do u wear pants inside the house?

>> No.16851776

Based teenage father

>> No.16853192


>> No.16853199

GK Chesterton's Everlasting Man with a glass of Pinot Noir.

>> No.16853462

i like your trousers anon :)

>> No.16853472

Nothing because i‘m dry fasting and the rigveda.

>> No.16854240

I got a bottle of Captain Morgan Black Label rum, and I'm gonna go get some coke in a moment. I'm probably gonna read Siddhartha again.

>> No.16854283

Glögg and Stendhal

>> No.16854637
File: 45 KB, 333x500, 5BF4A5CC-E0C4-412E-961D-13A1D60C9A1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No drinks tonight, as I take a break from Sunday-Wednesday. Other wise my alcoholism spirals into week long binges. I’ll be continuing to read up from eden. Been gathering notes for a paper I have to write.

>> No.16854667

>Get that weak ass Reddit tier shit out of here

Nigga we've been having these threads forever.

>> No.16855347

haha us oldfags amiright?

>> No.16855394
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>haha us oldfags amiright?

Unironically yes. Started coming to 4chan in 2009 and /lit in 2011.

>> No.16855414

I've been here since 2007 you green bitch.

It's like I'm talking with a fucking toddler.

>> No.16855569

Licks my balls greybush

>> No.16856493


>> No.16856503

pg tips, /lit/ and wolf solent

>> No.16856527

I drank bulletproof coffe this morning and read 15 pages of East of Eden, tonight will be tea and hope to read at least 60 pages.

>> No.16856660

You wish, faggot. I'm the man of the house and your mom and girlfriend both know it.

>> No.16856686

I have a disinclination to discuss anything I'm reading until I'm done with it. Is it weird?

>> No.16857791

The Ancient City and protein powder.