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File: 96 KB, 1200x1200, ted_kaczynski_harvard_g-594372140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16830444 No.16830444 [Reply] [Original]

since covid i've been spending many hours each day around a river and a beautiful forest around my granny's house and i'm getting more and more radicalized by how at peace i felt around nature. Ted Kaczynski was right all along

>> No.16830449

>at peace

>> No.16830450

Almost every day I think about Ted in his cell.

>> No.16830456

Now try actually living there

>> No.16830458

Yes, radical meaning root, being Radical is simply Being. The system's récupération of the term is disgusting. Don't let anyone fool you, proponents of the system are the neurotic ones, they have gone completely insane. The food you eat is poisonous, the air you breathe is disgusting, your children will be forced to sit for 8 hours a day being endoctrinated. There is no point in arguing. I am not here to intellectualize our demise.

There will be no compromise, no concession.

>> No.16830469

so fuck off to the woods then, LARPer
you won't because it's hard work, much harder than fitting in with society, which is also too hard for you

>> No.16830474

I agree with your point, but please stop typing like a fucking idiot. You're embarrassing the board.

Everything in moderation. Be thankful you can delight in nature and also have material comforts to keep you cozy. I'm happy for your newfound spirituality.

>> No.16830485

>you're embarrassing the board
oversocialized faggot

>> No.16830504
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>evolve surrounded by nature for millennia
>destroy nature so shlomo can make more profit
>conservatives defend it to own the libs
the whole thing is a circus
it should be possible to have the benefits of industrialization without creating a dystopia

>> No.16830512
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>defending someone unironically using the words "récupération" and "intellectualize our demise" because you're scared of cohesion and coherence

Pic related.

>> No.16830550

>it should be possible to have the benefits of industrialization without creating a dystopia
Wrong. The world we're living in right now is an attempt at reaping the benefits of industrialization without creating a dystopia. Society is not a conscious effort to make your life miserable, it's the opposite.

Récupération is a much more comprehensive term. I am not going to cite "The System's Neatest Trick" anytime I want to talk about récupération.

>> No.16830800
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>getting radicalized by surrogate activities

>> No.16832125

I fully agree with his views on centralized technology, but he didn't consider one thing. You can't make the whole world go anti tech, without exceptions. And even if, other nations would just re-develop and eventually conquer yours, and you won't be able to prevent it or defend yourself with your slings and clubs.
That and I want dentists ffs.

>> No.16832135

Have you read Tech. Slavery?

>> No.16832200

I live in a literal ghetto and the nearest wilderness is miles away. Bro you have no idea how lucky you are.

>> No.16832219

>if you aren't the perfect platonic example of your ideals you're not allowed to hold them
People like you shouldn't be allowed to be alive, let alone to express your """opinions""" and """beliefs""" on a public forum.

>> No.16832235

He's advocating for a pre-industrial society, he's not a primivist. He does consider the possibility that a dictatorship will take over and make things even worse in paragraph 196 or 197 of the manifesto, and he says it's still worth trying to change things, because the difference between a dictatorship and a democracy under industrial society is little compared to a pre-industrial society vs. industrial society. Consider that this is due to his considerations that eventually there will be no dictatorship, human beings will just be modified to serve the system. He also says that dictatorships are more unstable and prone to rebellions, and mentions Cuba. But things have changed a lot since 1995. Surveillance states are already close to 1984 levels of bulletproof.

>> No.16832243

>That and I want dentists ffs.
no need for dentists when you have perfect hunter gatherer teeth uncorrupted by delicious sugary food.

>> No.16832247

>but he didn't consider one thing. You can't make the whole world go anti tech, without exceptions.
He talks about this and acknowledges it will be a tough step, but does say that we should actually support globalization and interconnectivity so that economies are mutually dependent. Once we knock out one(say, the USA) then the rest will crumble. Already this would happen as we're a large food exporter for example.
>And even if, other nations would just re-develop
Wouldn't be possible if the whole industrial system fell for a number of reasons,
1. Coal, steel and other resource used in the first industrial revolution have been depleted.
2. Oil too
3. Many manuals, textbooks, etc. on industrial technique will be destroyed during any revolution
I'm sure you could think of others too.
>and eventually conquer yours, and you won't be able to prevent it or defend yourself with your slings and clubs.
We would have far better weapons than this. He didn't advocate returning to caves or anything, just pre-industrial society.

>> No.16832279

One really awful thing about modern technology is that it's absolutely out of the control of people. You cannot build a modern computer yourself. Even if you found the chips and has the knowledge, it would be impossible to solder the stuff together without the use of specialized machines.
I have no idea if very basic computing would be possible on a local level. Would it be possible to build an Amiga-tier computer yourself? I think this is one of the main catalysts of why technology has spiraled out of control.

>> No.16832288

Does Ted ever address the possibility of a global nuclear war destroying technology and reverting us to a pre-civilization state? That's by far the most likely way we'll disassemble tech but I want to know if he thinks this is worth the suffering.

>> No.16832302

>Does Ted ever address the possibility of a global nuclear war destroying technology and reverting us to a pre-civilization state?
No because he is smart enough to know that will never happen. We're beyond the phase where an all-out war will happen. Modern war is guerrilla and terrorism on a smaller scale, and economics on a state-to-state scale.

>> No.16832307

same, I live in a huge capital city.

>> No.16832311

>Would it be possible to build an Amiga-tier computer yourself?
Doubt it. I'm no tech expert though. I think some way worse computing would arise from scrapped parts/reverse engineering, but nothing remotely close to the modern computer.

>> No.16832316

Nothing contradicting there, what point were you attempting to make?

>> No.16832320

I don't want to fully rule out the possibility, but it's true if it was likely soon it would have happened 50-60 years. We have the technology to make it happen but it's hard to think of a scenario that could push past the tipping point, even in a hell scenario related to tension points getting exploited. It seems still no one wants it to happen, a nuclear war would just be too devastating for the ruling classes, no one wants to lose their power via MAD.

>> No.16832343 [DELETED] 

Thomas De Quincey, in the 18th century, said that "A quarter of human misery is toothache", and they sure didn't have and other fructose heavy foods.
>perfect hunter gatherer teeth
I don't have them. My children won't either.

>> No.16832346

I think about it too. I wish he could be free but I can't get past the killings

>> No.16832352

Illegal and nowhere in the lower 48 you can get away with it

Canada or Alaska (also illegal there) but yes can disappear

>> No.16832356

Thomas De Quincey, in the 18th century, said that "A quarter of human misery is toothache", and they sure didn't have sodas and other fructose heavy foods.
>perfect hunter gatherer teeth
I don't have them. My children won't either.

>> No.16832401

I saw a documentary about the teeth of hunter gatherer tribes in asia and the teeth of isolated european villagers and they have amazing teeth and jaws, they mostly eat meat, fish and dairy products and they drink milk. maybe if we raised our grand children in a pre industrial way and only fed them pre industrial food their teeth can develop strong and perfect.

>> No.16832407

meant for >>16832356

>> No.16832426

I can easily get past killing NPCs, you included.

>> No.16832438

technophile status? BOMBED

>> No.16832454

Find your local power grid and destroy it

>> No.16832503

>I think some way worse computing would arise
Honestly, what's the most basic computing that humanity would NEED?
Let's try to think, what is it that a computer does that is completely indispensable and where is the line where a person cannot do it? Telegraphs? How much technology would be give up to have a pre-industrial society and how much of that tech do we strictly need? Probably the only relevant thing that Ted didn't consider is the shock of going from the current situation to a society, as >>16832125 said, without dentists. I'm sure I would go completely insane if I didn't have a dentist. People in the past were equipped to deal with it. This is the biggest obstacle IMO.

>> No.16832573

>radical meaning root
The meaning of language is its use, not its ethymology. You cannot base a philosophical argument on an ethymology

>> No.16832591

technophile fingers? GONE

>> No.16833271

>i just want to bitch and whine on the internet and pretend i'm an outdoorsmen/eco-terrorist

>> No.16833298

oh nothing, O' So Peaceful Terrorist

>> No.16833301

>Bro you have no idea how lucky you are.

>> No.16833306

lol what's illegal about it?

>> No.16833315
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>I can easily get past killing NPCs, you included.

>> No.16833359

If you're this soulless and heartless it's you that's the NPC but I assume you're a teenager whose empathy hasn't fully kicked in yet. Either that or just broken by being at the bottom of whatever society you live in and coping about it.

>> No.16833366

>peaceful ethnic cleansing

>> No.16833371
File: 56 KB, 640x480, 1601771249233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16834641

technophile ass? SMOKED

>> No.16834714

your virtue signaling wont do you any good here friend

without ted's kill count you would have never even gotten the chance to read his works.

>> No.16834749
File: 119 KB, 533x722, tkfst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.16834771


Imagine looking like this and being 300 iq and still having trouble with women

>> No.16834791

He was a coomer and had AGP until he cured himself of it with hatred for the medical industry.

Basically no one taught him how to talk to women so he developed isolated and weird.

>> No.16834811


Do women even care about looks and status? Seems like they go for either sociopath Chads or gullible bugmen and if you don't belong to one of those groups you're sexually alien

>> No.16834830

I never had either and I've been pretty good with women. I was a virgin until my mid 20s when I realized you just have to talk shit to them and put them down and be sexually forward and that works great. Especially with smarter ones. It can't be fake though. Like that "game" shit. Women sense when betas are doing a strategy. Channel that rage into verbal aggression.

>> No.16834840

That doesn't change what that anon brings up about another nation simply invading and taking over. Then what? You're back to square one.

>> No.16835024

technological empire? DECIMATED

>> No.16835051 [DELETED] 

Albino niggers remind me hairless chimps. There's just something so wrong about their appearance.

>> No.16835058

>>16830512 #
Albino niggers remind me of hairless chimps. There's just something so wrong about their appearance.

>> No.16835069

Serious question:
Are these "people" if they can so be called, completely lost? Is there no hope for redemption?
>inb4 christcuck
A strong, cold realist conservative who still has hope for the good in humanity

>> No.16835083
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>> No.16835091

Based trips. Ted was right.

>> No.16835093

Shitposting on this board is a surrogate activity

>> No.16835130

Radical =\= terrorist

The kind of people who would chain themselves to a tree or starve themselves over a belief could be considered radicals, the word itself does not necessarily imply violence

But I don’t fault either of you for not understanding me since op is referencing ted

>> No.16835142

As far as that goes I think people who believe in no borders are radicals

>> No.16835159

Borders drawn on a map may be a new thing for humanity, cartography is not that old in the scheme of things but territory is archaic concept, pre historic(pre written language), people who don’t believe in it are radical

>> No.16835970

fuck off cunt. a man who wants to spend his time with nature doesnt mean that he is incompatible or lazy . man is a part of nature and people who fear or disgust nature are fat concrete lover basedboy loving to destroy their own body with shitty food, polluted air, porn to keep up with "society". I want to literally rape your cocksucker mother because she raised you like that.

>> No.16835992

conservativism is sheeplike which is passive weakness. giving a fuck about society is childlike nonsense and mental castration. no one gives a fuck. you live by your own rules and if society doesnt like it then society can get bent

>> No.16836020
File: 50 KB, 680x680, 1605738010323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok faggo now go back inside your NEET-pod. you spend approximately three fourths of your day inside, then go outside and are legitimately BAFFLED at the sight of a fucking tree. maybe if you tried going outside a little more you wouldn't be jerking off to the ideology of a literal schizo who lived in a shed and tried to bomb people because they were söibois or something idfk

>> No.16836099

you're such a big boy.

>> No.16836129

Ted was a very troubled man. I feel bad for his misfortune but moreso the victims of his crimes. I wish Ted had had a better upbringing and hadn't encountered that CIA program. I'm not using those facts to argue against his beliefs, simply feeling sad about how his life turned out and the negative impact his crimes had on others'.