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16831241 No.16831241 [Reply] [Original]

PLEASE \lit\. Give me that one or handful of books that awoke you from your slumber.

HARDMODE: incels can't answer

>> No.16831256

please define "slumber"

>> No.16831268

The Holy Bible, Authorized (King James) Version

>> No.16831271

if you haven't experienced it, I can't explain it to you

>> No.16831273
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>> No.16831280

Mein Kampf

>> No.16831281
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If you give it a shot it'll be exactly what you needed, I promise on my honour as a boy scout
>pic related

>> No.16831284

Fantomas-anon, do you have a shelf full of Fantomas?

>> No.16831288

well now I'm interested

>> No.16831302

"The Doctrine of Awakening" - Julius Evola. Alternatively, "Introduction to Magic" by the same author. That should do it, if what you mean by 'slumber' is what I think you mean.

>> No.16831327

hmmm read the synopsis. I'm guessing a kind of mix of occult chaos magic and pseudoscience? Am I right?

>> No.16831343
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I'm still collecting what little is available in paper format to poor suckers shopping online, which is 9 books from original run and 5 from continuation. I've seen people have all 32 novels from the original run, but I'm afraid most of my collection will forever remain just as pdfs. Life is cruel.

>> No.16831345

ahhhh it's the lsd ram dass friend from the 60s

>> No.16831358

come in vacation in France, lot of used book stores, I'm sure you will find them relatively cheaply

>> No.16831360

I wouldn't call it occult or chaos magic but pseudo-science is probably a fair assessment. What it is is that it's a polemic on how the past and future of existence runs via a script which is encoded into all of life.

>> No.16831371

And more to the point. OP, you're never going to wake up if you discard esoteric works, no matter who wrote them

>> No.16831390
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I quit porn and never looked back
this is the first step of waking up from the "slumber"

>> No.16831397

true, my problem is that I have looked into a decent amount of esoteric texts but I find that they are always seem to be watered down rebranded information often hidden deep inside a labyrinth of smoke and mirrors.

>> No.16831405

so it preaches Indeterminism correct?

>> No.16831424

Use primary sources. I can and will greatly recommend the hermetic texts to anyone wanting to get serious about that stuff.

The problem with a lot of esoteric texts is that often it takes a side and pushes an agenda, rather than only telling you how life is. But the good thing is you can reject their agenda and still recognize whatever is or isn't valuable in them. Another problem, specifically with modern esoterica, is that it's often written in a tone that seems designed to just flex on you, as if the purpose was to get you to buy more books and not actually contemplate what is written.

Get into meditation anon, it's the best tool you can acquire for any of this.

>> No.16831434

If you are looking into esoteric shit, keep in mind that reading and the collection of information won't do much on their own. Without ascesis or some other form of spiritual advancement, you're not going to benefit from any amount of reading. The challenge is in finding the correct instructions and information necessary to progress on your own without getting pulled into the "dark chaos magician" retard funnel.

>> No.16831458

No not really. It preaches the idea of a kind of intelligent design (to use the christian term). He draws comparisons between different symbolic systems and their progression, and the evolutionary course of life. Specifically he focuses on the major arcana tarot, but his syncretism is far reaching

>> No.16831464

Sartre's Nausea

>> No.16831468

Been to south of France many years ago, always wanted to see more of it and on less hectic schedule, alas I'm a loser with no friends to hold my hand while traveling abroad. Corona's messing with that now anyway.

>> No.16831478

The Magic Mountain
The Brothers Karamazov
The Woman in the Dunes
Roadside Picnic

>> No.16831491

Traveling alone is very much worth it! I'm sad that my dear Fantomas-anon don't have a lot of friends, you can count me as one :)

>> No.16831887

nice ones

>> No.16832238

For me it wasn't a single book but rather a view of the world that kept evolving as I learnt more about it.
Science and religions were my two main topics of study. These were the topics that I was drawn to the most. Life itself was my teacher.
I wouldn't exactly call my journey an awakening from sumber but rather a gradual descent into it. What once used to excite me now only leaves me with a sense of dread and a feeling of impending doom. I am petrified by the knowledge that life is meaningless and death is always one step behind me.

>> No.16832255

I know it's a boomer answer, but Letters from a Stoic. I had read Aristotle and Plato prior, but my love for philosophy as well as a sudden bout of self-reflection and personality shift was really spurred by that book.

>> No.16832991

It was Hume that awoke me from my dogma- sorry got myself confused with Kant again, happens all the time. In all seriousness: Moby Dick.

>> No.16833114

Critique of Pure Reason
The Old Testament

>> No.16833173

The Outsider by Colin Wilson

>> No.16833235
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Ouspensky's In Search of the Miraculous. The numerology/astrology chapters make my eyes glaze over but the other chapters about self remembering etc. spoke to me

>> No.16833249


>> No.16833576

zarathustra, fire in the belly, BAP book, sun and steel

>> No.16834127

Chaos - James Gleich
Paradise Lost - Milton

>> No.16834402
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Who authorized it? God?

>> No.16834412

Just read Camus or hard critical philosophy, can't go wrong with Adorno or Deleuze.

>> No.16834583

Don quixote

>> No.16834720

Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morals. I saw the world and myself in a whole new light

>> No.16835120

Camu? Gay