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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.84 MB, 5160x2576, 1605480304889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16831063 No.16831063 [Reply] [Original]

Thread #3 (last one died overnight, I guess non burgers don't like American Literature)
Previous Thread: >>16792963
Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rbY7SQNd1-T15L89XyOVk0Ekm6gQz_rI4UFCPyVO-Jo/edit?usp=sharing
Text from Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/2701/2701-h/2701-h.htm#link2HCH0032
Email: mobydickbylit@pm.me
Potential Cover Art:

Pick a chapter and start writing footnotes, it takes far less time than you've spent browsing the board before reading this.

Instructions on the first page of the doc
Have a little known fact about Moby-Dick? Know of an underrated insight into the many themes of the book? Want to prove to /lit/ once and for all that you aren't a pseud?
I'm happy with the pace we've been going at. Right now we have about 50 endnotes and footnoted chapters. There is a lot of overlap with the footnotes, but not every chapter with a footnote has an endnote and not every chapter with an endnote has footnotes. We've recently recruited an anon who works at the Nantucket Historical Society so get hyped for all of the really cool shit we'll be able to add to our book.

Cover design submissions are still being accepted and the three above are not finalized, so if you have any input let's hear it

>> No.16831122

anyone listen to the Stewart Mills rendition of Moby Dick on Librivox? I think it’s absolutely fantastic, he has a great cadence and it really seems to meld well with the writing style. really caught my attention. https://librivox.org/moby-dick-by-herman-melville/

>> No.16831156

I'd vote for the first cover, but even more batshit. Maybe put them all in different orientations: right, left, upside down. I'm generally considered not to have any sense of visual aesthetics by my friends mind you, but it might be an advantage in this case.

>> No.16831159
File: 116 KB, 640x480, A1103303-72C4-4E09-BE8B-729C654909F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone listen to the Stewart Mills rendition of Moby Dick on Librivox? I think it’s absolutely fantastic, he has a great cadence and it really seems to meld well with the writing style. really caught my attention. https://librivox.org/moby-dick-by-herman-melville/

>> No.16831160
File: 71 KB, 600x359, md-c56-beale-boats-attacking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that last cover is the best looking but that artwork is only slightly connection to the book. furthermore, its connection is that melville says its not a good depiction of a whale. maybe something from this could be used.

>> No.16831163

oops, sorry for the doublepost

>> No.16831173

we are purposefully using art that Melville didn't like. The painting is cool, do you have any graphic design is my passion skills to make a cover mockup?

>> No.16831195

is that in the public domain?

>> No.16831196


>> No.16831208

whoops, accidental caps

>> No.16831249

im sure it is, its as old as the book

>> No.16831252

This book is filtering me. I find I don't want to read it for long periods but I'll come back to it occasionally. I've learned a ton of new vocab form reading it

>> No.16831276

have you tried the audiobook? its perfect for a lazywalk.

>> No.16831648

Yeah I agree. I dont know who that man is supposed to be but Ahab wishes he could be him

>> No.16831982

We need someone to annotate every mention of Queequeg with 'NIGGER'

>> No.16832070

Do it then

>> No.16832094

surely it wouldn't be too hard to automate this, right?

>> No.16832096

I'm shitposting here give me a break

>> No.16832116

queequeg isn't even black, pip and dagoo are

>> No.16832120

yeah call dagoo the nigger, plus he gets butthurt when people are racist to him

>> No.16832133

I got hype and thought this was us reading the book and i could do some acting.

>> No.16832162

It's Perseus fighting the Kraken. Pretty sad you didn't recognize it.

>> No.16832186

that'd be fun. we should so that sometime

>> No.16832206

which public domain classic has the most speaking characters so we could get roles for as many anons as possible? demons?

>> No.16832228
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>> No.16832237

Tolstoy if you want to shoot big. Maybe we could read Finnegan's Wake and every anon can make his page sound as ridiculous and schizo as he wants, /lit/'s wake

>> No.16832257

I know, but still

Now that I think of it, some anon here once dreamt of a novel where 22% of all words contains 'nigger', so I was wondering... is it time, lads?

>> No.16832291

yeah tolstoy is a good answer. would we do auditions or first come first served?

>> No.16832322

garbage recordings
get audible

>> No.16832335

fuck off bezos, you have enough money

>> No.16832355

I have made a mockup of a cover but I'm shy about it because it looks too modern compared to the old-fashioned things that are posted here and it's way too downbeat and serious. Should I post it?

>> No.16832371

I want to see it.

>> No.16832382

whats the worst that can happen anon? a Uzbeki wolf grooming forum will mock you?

>> No.16832414
File: 217 KB, 704x1000, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16832565

i love it. perfect with how much melville hypes up the final encounter with the whale. was ahab ever described as wearing that conical hat though?

>> No.16832567

I like it. I'm not 100% on the Oriental hat that Ahab(?) is wearing, but it's a sold cover.

>> No.16832594

this is really good anon

>> No.16832600

I see what you mean now. It's too good for this project. Not a hint of ridicule in it.

>> No.16832634

>was ahab ever described as wearing that conical hat though?
It's supposed to be a tricorn, entirely for silhouette reasons, and I was sloppy with the shape since it's just a 20 minute sketch
I can fix the hat if anyone wants to do the lettering over it, I'm terrible at typesetting

>> No.16832669

this really nails the sci fi feel of moby dick. its fucking sick gj anon

>> No.16832736
File: 217 KB, 704x1000, moby dick cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe just hair?
I thought the sci-fi vibe would be off-putting haha

>> No.16832776

maybe its just me because ive been reading nothing but sci fi for a few years, but going out in a weird ship/ weird job/ weird people it could easily be a sci fi book if you just change some words to starships/space/alien crew etc.

>> No.16832789

I love it. If it's possible and not too much of a hassle, would you be able to show how Ahab's harpoon had 12 barbs?

>> No.16832800

it had 12 barbs? wtf

>> No.16832887

Yeah, had it specifically forged by the ship's blacksmith. The chapter where it's forged, The Forge, is one of my favorites in the whole book. Here's the endnote that I wrote for the chapter.

>After Perth informs Ahab that he has the ability to smooth almost all seams, Ahab implores him to fix the injuries inflicted by Moby Dick. He believes that this is his final opportunity to be healed of the wounds ,both physical and psychological, that were given to him by the Whale. If Perth cannot heal him now, then Ahab will have to accept the damage that has been done, how he has been tied to Moby Dick and will be forever condemned to hunting the Whale in a search for his soul, consumed by the nothingness that is Moby Dick. When Perth cannot smooth his brow, Ahab resigns himself to his fate.

>When Ahab has Perth make 12 rods for his harpoon, they are symbolic of the 12 apostles, acting as an unholy perversion of God’s tools on earth.

>When Ahab has his harpooners baptize the harpoon with their blood, it symbolizes a blasphemous distortion of God’s process, turning the harpoon into a demonic tool meant to kill Moby Dick, who now acts as a stand-in for unknowable, all-powerful God. This is further reinforced by Ahab’s exclamation in Latin, “I baptize you not in the name of the father, but in the name of the devil,”

>The mention of the structure of the harpoon is an ironic call to Vergil’s Aeneid, in which every action is attributed to the will of the Fates. However, as Ahab was the one who created the current symbol of the Fates, he is above their will, emphasizing that everything that happens to Ahab is not the will of Fate, but rather a consequence of his own actions.

>The chapter ends with Pip’s laughter echoing throughout the ship, enforcing an idea of the madness that has engulfed Ahab.

>> No.16832894


sounds like a supreme faggot

>> No.16832914
File: 219 KB, 704x1000, harpoon_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't take any work, but I can't imagine making it not so noisy and overall worse looking. Detail is the bane of silhouettes. Is there any reference for this type of harpoon? I just winged everything so far.

>> No.16832940

i don't know what the rods are exactly but they're different from the barbs. ahab has perth make the rods from the nails of horse shoes but and then make the barbs out of his own razor
>But now for the barbs; thou must make them thyself, man. Here are my razors—the best of steel; here, and make the barbs sharp as the needle-sleet of the Icy Sea.

>> No.16833065

It's fine without the hat, a bird stole it before the final showdown (though i'm guessing you weren't trying to depict any specific scene but rather what's going on in Ahab's mind). as for the barbs we only know that there's more than one as far as i can tell.

>> No.16833162

i like this one the best, it has a japanese/ NGE feel to it.

the harpoon looks cool but i think it takes away focus from the giant eye

>> No.16833218

>the harpoon looks cool but i think it takes away focus from the giant eye
I prefer to go with meaning over design so I prefer the last one, but it's an unpopular opinion. >>16832736 is the same but with a simple harpoon.

>> No.16833358

fuck u
who cares if the greeks called it cetus

>> No.16833362

>it has a japanese/ NGE feel to it.
I have to give credit to the music for the vibes, I was listening to this
I think it fits

>> No.16833464

I think regardless of which image we choose for the cover, the others should be featured somewhere. Shows the group effort involved with different art styles. I think someone said to put them at the beginning of the book monty python style?

>> No.16833742

He was jokingly suggesting it saying it would be a bad idea lol. There's only going to be one cover

>> No.16833783

if it's a bad idea it fits

>> No.16834311

for me, its the centre pages

>> No.16834319

Reposting itt after last thread died
Does anyone know what happened to the nano-/lit/ project, the 10 part one with each part focusing on different fairy tale themes?

>> No.16834373

maybe just two or three would be best.

>> No.16834396

There was only one guy running that project, and I think he just lost interest. I think his goal was to make a bunch of image collages rather than publish a book, and you can find the ones he finished in the archive.

>> No.16834397
File: 72 KB, 540x541, 2f216d3fde1b8531d7f665bf3b0ee325[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see the first cover in the OP with a popart warhol style
pretty much replace marylin monroe with white whale

>> No.16834507

Footnoted ch. 49 which I dibbed on. Also suggested the endnote right after the chapter in the doc (sorry about that).

>> No.16834918

That's cool I'll organize it thanks bro

>> No.16835209

chapter 69 anon you're writing an endnote too right?

>> No.16835224

cetus and kraken whe two entirely different things

>> No.16835379

pretty nice, maybe give the tricorn a little more depth. though, tricorns were quite out of fashion in this period of the 1800’s. idt even quakers would have worn them.

>> No.16835785
File: 1.20 MB, 1600x2560, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an attempt at a crazier version of my first design, with an updated subtitle based on people's ideas from last thread.

>> No.16835990


>> No.16836009

fittingly so

>> No.16836350

op, you've been putting all the annotation in yourself, right? which did you find most informative and which the most funny?

>> No.16836612

for the footnotes I just have to accept so I don't always read everything but I read all the endnotes before putting them in. 50 is funny, 99 is poignant, and 60 and 110 have a nice rivalry going on

>> No.16836625

so is my penis and my cock, doesnt mean gurls dont mess the two to them up.

>> No.16836632

pretty sure the cocked has was long out of style by the time of m. Dick

>> No.16836841

Not sure about this one, it's too in-your-face. I don't think it should look ridiculous from the outset, only on the second, careful look. There need to be some plausible deniability that this cover contains something ridiculous, you need to leave the viewer wondering whether this shit is for real. This is too obvious.

One the other hand, something in this direction is the way to go. A collage-style over-the-top art emphasizes the crazy collaborative nature of this project.

>> No.16836952

Thanks for the anons that wrote today, keep those submissions coming

>> No.16837281

I would be 100% down to do some dramatized readings of a book

>> No.16837315

I've still got my old essay from when I do coursework comparing scientific knowledge as defiance against God in Moby Dick and Frankenstein when I was in sixth form, anyone mind if I add some of my (adjusted) notes to relevent paragraphs and chapters?

>> No.16837344

There is possibly too much black in the shading, unless you can replace the black with another colour
I do like that you might be able to score some rainbow lgbt points, and the coloured underbellies

yes, and?

>> No.16837363

sounds good

>> No.16838205

>score some rainbow lgbt points

>> No.16838684

Lots of free chapters left, we've almost written 50 chapters

>> No.16838893

Why do women hurt your rooster?

>> No.16839350

>Chapter 115: The Pequod Meets the Bachelor
Need an anon to write the plot to an episode of the bachelor using this chapter as an inspiration

>> No.16840018

Reading Moby Dick was a humbling, deep and profound experience and safe to say it's one of the greatest novels ever, but you don't need me to state the obvious.

>> No.16840835

bump or non burgers will get it again

>> No.16841377

I'd vote for the middle cover, or something like it. I know it's not final, and the previous cover by the same anon (?) I liked too. There the title was at the bottom in on a very bright blue strip, which reminded me of one of those wrappers (bandeau) they put on French books. While the present cover has that Gallimard framed style. I think something bold and minimal like that would work very well; in general, at the end of the day, it's good to impress, and it's better than something more garish (someone else described the first as something one would find among "'bookish'" collectors of mugs and matching booksets, or something to that effect). It doesn't need to be over the top: that smug, retarded whale's face staring is really funny and great enough. Indeed if the whole body would wrap around would be cool. (The subtitle/description of the edition is of course still to be settled; and the title needs its hyphen [Moby-Dick]; and one would need to see if a sharper resolution of that image is at all possible to be obtained.) I do quite like the right cover too (the outline of the text part separating the image could be improved upon, e.g. some of the hatching that cuts off before it), with the exception of the 'annotated'; I get the joke/meme it's going for, but it's just ugly.

>> No.16841427

I'd love to shitpost too, but I'm an ESL :(
I guess I will write my own jokes in spanish in a separate document just to kill time until this project is finished

>> No.16841615

Agree, bumping here

Nice dubs

>> No.16841907

Theres a chapter in it where our retard narrator gets shitfaced with Spaniards. Make your spanish jokes there

>> No.16842058



>> No.16842387

sweet bro I enjoyed your endnotes

>> No.16842756
File: 59 KB, 1024x752, 71C5C168-5D4F-406C-8FD8-1D7FB5381F75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can a absolute zoom such as myself enjoy moby dick? I remember reading while back but ended up dropping it because I got bored. Should I pick it up again?

>> No.16843287

My first read was a slog until I got around 200 pages in, then I finished the rest of the book in like 4 days. The beginning is really good in hindsight too

>> No.16843552

I’m 20 and I read it earlier this year. Assuming you’re not a tard it will blow your mind

>> No.16844158

I just finished reading I don't think I've ever felt this way. I literally don't know how to where to what to do now. I can't even process it, I just feel filled with true sensation.
This is the best book I'll ever read.

>> No.16844226

couldn't agree more

>> No.16844628

Goodnight bump

>> No.16845338
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Late night man giving this thread some life till morning

>> No.16845447

They’re not done yet? I assume you mean footnotes. Also, my endnotes might be pretty long, what’s the standard length? Should I do endnotes for multiple chapters?

>> No.16845863
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>even /co/ managed to immortalize their autism in printed form
Is there a chance, bros?

>> No.16846287

I'd like to participate, is there any chapter left or can I just choose whichever I want?

>> No.16847073


>> No.16847104
File: 24 KB, 600x450, Ambulocetus_new_NT_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the table of contents in the google doc. Any chapters highlighted in yellow have been claimed, any in green are already finished. Claimed chapters should have a date next to them, if a week passes without a submission being received from the claimant they lose their dibs and the chapter becomes free game.
There are still 93 chapters left to go, and the qualifications for what counts as a legitimate endnote are so loose that you can write just about whatever you want. Just claim a chapter by saying so in the thread or by highlighting it yellow in the table of contents.

>> No.16847157

2,3 pages is the soft max, yes to all your other questions

>> No.16848000

we have many cases of printed autism from /lit/

>> No.16848201
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>> No.16848411

i claim chapter 30 The Pipe

>> No.16848469

I might write a really serious academic essay style introduction / preface to the commentary, but I would have to come at the end of the term. How long do we think this project will keep going for?

>> No.16848547

You have a while this project has been going on for 2 weeks now and we have quite a ways to go

>> No.16849464

I think this would be better as a postscript or afterword if it's going to be about the commentary since all of the endnotes will be after the text

>> No.16849688
File: 3.10 MB, 478x200, 200 (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ctrl f
>0 Results
Daily reminder: A whale is not a fish.

>> No.16849696

This would be great. We need some more serious academic stuff for the project to really get off the ground

>> No.16849724

t. never been in a whaleboat

>> No.16849725

A whale is most certainly a fish

>> No.16849751
File: 454 KB, 1080x1920, EnDXyM-WEAAgpzc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I download all of the /lit/ books?

>> No.16849950

Link to coronameron is on one of the goodreads reviews, for the older ones idk check libgen

>> No.16850121


>> No.16850181

This is by far the best one and deserves to be the final cover. It makes the most sense, and I guarantee people will still buy it

>> No.16850187

>It makes the most sense

>> No.16850233

reminiscent of the quality of something like Wordsworth, especially given the that its a reprinting of a classic, the cover makes sense both thematically as well as within the culturally context of book commerce.

To the first point, the nature of this project is fractured and parodic by nature, and this is reflected in the repetition of the whale motif. The whale, a cmomical and smug redering already, is never altered in these repetitions (besides some color bleed that indicates the haphazard and lackadaisical character of much of the writing), but the alternating colored backgrounds are obnoxious. The cover and the content of the book are structured identically.

>> No.16850260

would you not rather have an aesthetically pleasing cover that lures normies into the shitposts?

>> No.16850272

I think that cover would still do that

>> No.16850479

Claiming chapter 56

>> No.16850666
File: 115 KB, 112x112, HYPE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon!

>> No.16851697


>> No.16851716
File: 206 KB, 475x475, 1584987880214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is a whale

>> No.16852058


>> No.16852180

Never read the book, I know more than most about cognitive science, philosophy of mind and consciousness. Can I be useful for something?

>> No.16852182

Is it just me or was that book caked to the brim with homosexual references?

>> No.16852195

What I mean is: is there some self-contained fragment where Melville goes on a tangent right into my ballpark and none of you claimed it yet?

>> No.16852205

List them in endnotes and I'll respond with a gay anon afterword on how your reading says more about you than it does about the book.

>> No.16852349

Well, it is about sailors, after all...

>> No.16852572

Which one is it?

>> No.16853379


>> No.16853645

There's got to be one but I don't know of a chapter from the front of my mouth

>> No.16853778

>from the front of my mouth
you mean off the top of your head? what's your native language?

>> No.16854000

English, I started saying from the front of my mouth recently I can't remember where I heard it but I like the way it feels and it relates nicely to on the tip of my tongue

>> No.16854055

I'm unironically illiterate

>> No.16854950

Just you

>> No.16854952

bump, maybe burgers will know where to look

>> No.16855085

You could try chapter 98, where Melville alludes to metempsychosis/reincarnation while writing about cleaning up the ship after the crew is finished with a whale.

>> No.16855443

Thats just you being a homo and seeing faggotry in everything

>> No.16855484

I feel like this is too excited for Moby Dick. Moby Dick is a slow, deep book that slaps you in the face with its depth and poignancy, not with its in your face nature and garishness. The Middle cover in the OP is the best in my opinion.

>> No.16855495

Why is there so much bullshit about cutting up the whale meat?

>> No.16855858


>> No.16855868

chapter 11 was peak faggotry

>> No.16857108


>> No.16858008

Can we keep pepe somewhere on the cover?

>> No.16858157

no, copyright.

>> No.16858290


>> No.16859227


>> No.16859524

Goodnight bump

>> No.16860399

So the endgame is publishing the book on amazon?

>> No.16861044

Lulu, more like.

>> No.16861352
File: 748 KB, 500x658, unsolicited-moby-dick-pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16861414

Amazon or Lulu, depending on which platform will allow us to sell it for the cheapest price among a couple other factors. Hardcover and cloth bound are potential options but will increase the price, we can have that as an option if there is interest

>> No.16861426

You're selling it? Where does the money earned on my dozens of hours of shitposting go?

>> No.16861518

It's going to be essentially sold at cost I have no interest in profiting from this. I'm also considering using any profits to buy copies to sell to bookstores to buy more copies to sell to more bookstores

>> No.16861543

>I'm also considering using any profits to buy copies to sell to bookstores to buy more copies to sell to more bookstores

>> No.16861784


>> No.16861787

A hardcover 800 pages long shitpost is something I would gladly pay for

>> No.16861854

Good to know. We can't get exact quotes until the book is finished but that's something I'll keep in mind

>> No.16862083

maybe, but I think its apropriate for the likes of ISHMEAL as a narrator.

>> No.16862172

Asking again, thanks to >>16855085, but I tend to scoff at soul themed deliberations.

>> No.16862232

Are you going to include all the other cover submissions or just one one that is chosen?

>> No.16862258

The minimum price for that would be about $55 on lulu

>> No.16862279

ouch, any chance for a shitposting contributor discount?

>> No.16862288

Andy Warhol meets Melville meets a bunch of Internet spergs

>> No.16862294

My uni gives me points towards scholarships for various activities. I wonder if I can pass this as "contributing to a monography".

>> No.16862706

Is the cock necessary?

>> No.16862776

absolutely, how could one conceive otherwise?

>> No.16862777

yes, are you a fag or something? scared of a little cock?

>> No.16862904


>> No.16862980

Still tbd
No it will be around $35-$40 from Lulu, still really expensive though. Paperback is probably going to be around $20 hopefully less

>> No.16863090

Hey guys, is your vocabulary really that strong that you can just read this book without stopping every 3 minutes?

My vocab sucks

>> No.16863734

just try your hardest little guy

>> No.16863781

This is an honestly hilarious idea, but I do not know if a work as grand as Moby Dick is a good choice for this. Something shorter might work better.

>> No.16864409
File: 137 KB, 750x1334, 9y1f8m2tjex01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too late we've dug our grave.
Hop in

>> No.16865263


Put "Over One Million Copies Sold" on the cover.

>> No.16865582

>I tend to scoff at soul themed deliberations
That kind of thing is as close to modern cognitive science as Melville ever gets. If you don't believe in an immortal soul there's not much about Moby-Dick you can analyze.

>> No.16865880


>> No.16865891

whoever that 23 year old faggot is who's tricking himself into liking this book while working at a factory, im doing the same thing right now. one summer i worked at a moving company that would have fit even better.
i dont care how silly or gay it is, im really enjoying feeling connected to the book especially with peak season where i work, and 7-day weeks, larping as a sailor is seriously making it bearable.

>> No.16866175

deviantart tier kitsch

>> No.16866236

Just in case... I'd prefer if >>16832914 and variants were left out if it's getting published. I wasn't really making a submission because I knew it wouldn t fit.

>> No.16866292

Got it

>> No.16866373

Maestro-shitposting is forbidden in /lit/ my friend.

>> No.16867485

Incredibly based

>> No.16867601

well ishmael was larping as an intellectual

>> No.16868340

No, Melville was larping as Ishmael, just like this friend stuck at work

>> No.16869659

is there anywhere i can download the norton critical edition for free

>> No.16869715


>> No.16869858

that's me and to clarify I was tricking myself into wanting to be a hard working sailor. I'm not forcing myself to like the book but i am forcing myself to really pay attention to this historically respected book.
>7-day weeks
damn what do you do?

>> No.16869864

uh huh

>> No.16870682

Check the sticky and look there

>> No.16870843

why are you asking about an antivirus program on a literary forum

>> No.16871571


>> No.16871928

Use the time off for thanksgiving to get your submissions in, we are going to try and wrap next week

>> No.16872164
File: 173 KB, 708x510, Whale (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16872172

I got off work early for a change, I’m here to read what est neets complain about

>> No.16872548

What's going to happen to the chapters that don't have endnotes?

>> No.16873720


>> No.16874087

sloppy shitposts

>> No.16874091

that's my goal

>> No.16874241

Nothing. Not every chapter will have an endnote

>> No.16874351

well i don't like this idea at all. Let's wait it out

>> No.16874468

Every chapter can't have an endnote the book would be 1200 pages long. Every chapter will have footnotes though

>> No.16875054


Dude, this is so good. I'm always shocked when there are legitimately talented people on this site.

>> No.16875667

Submit some endnotes so we dont have to wait as long

>> No.16876906

What's with the rush?

>> No.16878173


>> No.16878863

Don't really want this project to drag on forever, we have to be finished at some point

>> No.16880073


>> No.16880448
File: 1.01 MB, 758x1024, image_2020-11-26_193002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made a quick cover by stealing some shit off google images. size is optimised for kindle paperwhite.

>> No.16880524


>> No.16880555
File: 273 KB, 758x1024, image_2020-11-26_194115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16880565
File: 544 KB, 758x1024, image_2020-11-26_194144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16880581

checked, like this one

>> No.16880810

finished 84 but the endnote formatting is probably fucked lol

>> No.16880829


we've gotta have all of the cover art in the book

>> No.16880952

the footnotes aren't hyperlinked? that kinda sucks. will this easily convert to epub or azw3 from google docs?

it would have been nice to add all of the annotations and stuff to the edition of moby dick that has the rockwell kent illustrations.

>> No.16881458


Also, you just go to the doc and start commenting? Or there's more to it?

>> No.16881511

You can add footnotes directly to the document, but if you want to add an endnote claim a chapter in the table of contents and email it in.

>> No.16881536

Nah I just want to shitpost, footnotes will do

>> No.16882676

Okay, so the main character is called “Ishmael” and he is the sole survivor of a *Maelstrom*. That is my insight.

>> No.16882740

I also read this book while working at a steel factory. Albeit as a clerk... Sons And Lovers was more relatable in that regard. But work is work, and Moby Dick or any other good literature should give you a frame for ennobling the mundaneness of life.

>> No.16883363

i've added a number of annotations relating to trousers.

>> No.16883494

why is moby dick so gay bros? every time i read this all he is doing is eating clams and sleeping with queefqueef.

>> No.16883620

We aren't going to convert straight from google docs lol, once all the annotations have been added the editors will put it all together offline and publish a physical copy as well as release a pdf. We could do an epub as well
What does this mean?

>> No.16883636

That’s just rap music

>> No.16883666

you should definitely do an epub and put it on libgen and zlibrary.

>> No.16883729

this is probably true. ideally you would have a novel that is 100 pages or less and then 300 pages of shitposting in interlinked footnotes. the tone and seriousness of moby dick is perfect though.

maybe when this is finished we can just do a short story and expand it to a grand saga.

>> No.16883836

from reburn, an earlier work of melvilles:
>But you must not think from this, that persons called boys aboard merchant-ships are all youngsters, though to be sure, I myself was called a boy, and a boy I was. No. In merchant-ships, a boy means a green-hand, a landsman on his first voyage. And never mind if he is old enough to be a grandfather, he is still called a boy; and boys' work is put upon him
do you think this is the reason pip is called a boy? i wanted to put a footnote in there about that but i wasn't sure, it could also be because he's black.

>> No.16883950

interesting note on this: pip isn't his real name. that's a nickname, because he's black, like the pip of an apple.

>> No.16883979

thats be a good footnote too. where did you learn that?

>> No.16883995

my friend's dad grew up with the author. they used to pick strawberries together when they were kids.

>> No.16884311

Is your friend 130 years old?

>> No.16885689

>my friend's dad grew up with the author. they used to pick strawberries together when they were kids.
what else do you know?

>> No.16886728

how did you know???

>> No.16887084

That's a really interesting concept. Write and endnote about it!

>> No.16887086

how long will this project take? it seems to me like you will need to keep posting this thread for many weeks, maybe months or more. will you be doing that?

>> No.16887312

Dont want it to take too long but yes this is already the third thread and we've been going for 3 weeks so far