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/lit/ - Literature

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16830497 No.16830497 [Reply] [Original]

>traditional publishing doesn't even market your book
then what's the point?

>> No.16830511

you can pay for marketing from your own pocket

>> No.16830537

Unless you want to stomach all the soulless bullshit you have to go through to market your book then don't bother. I can go through the hardships but I'll never stoop that low.

>> No.16830542

>marketing is souless
go luck reaching anything in life, retard.

you need to learn to sell yourself.

>> No.16830553

>you need to learn to sell yourself.
I want to sell what I make, not myself
I'd rather keep my dignity and integrity than "reach things in life"
fuck off

>> No.16830559

publishers get famous people and publications to give your book fake reviews, and then they give you fake awards. That's how they market your book.

>The Slippery Cunt by Anon
>Hugo Award 2020 Nominee
>"The rivetingest book of 2020" --Stephen Colbert

>> No.16830560

what do you think marketing for a book is?
have fun working at McDonalds or a factory the rest of your life

>> No.16830566

marketing is explaining to your fanbase why they should buy your book.


>> No.16830568

There is no point, anon. Traditional publishing wants you to be on social media or writing a blog or doing youtube videos or something. You may as well just self-publish because at least you will get to mostly control your self-promotion and ensure it aligns with your values. In fact, doing any of those things will strengthen your hand if you ever do negotiate a traditional publishing deal because you will be able to point to your twitter followers or whatever as part of your audience.

>Unless you want to stomach all the soulless bullshit you have to go through to market your book then don't bother. I can go through the hardships but I'll never stoop that low.
Not gonna make it. Authors need to find a way to promote themselves, even if that is to write so prolifically, or write something so good or cult that word-of-mouth does it for you. But you are not that good, so you should either accept that you need to engage in some part of the business side of being an author, or give up ever being a professional author. There are lots of people in the world more talented than you are, who are working harder than you are, and who are also willing to "stoop that low".

>> No.16830585

Anon you think Hugo awards are fake?

>> No.16830665

he's probably a butthurt /pol/luter angry about that sjw puppy gamergate clone from a few years ago, but yeah, hugo awards are inherently trash because science fiction is largely devoid of any literary merit

>> No.16830680

>Not gonna make it.
You're either a McD worker yourself or you're publishing shitty YA
>There are lots of people in the world more talented than you are, who are working harder than you are, and who are also willing to "stoop that low".
The only thing that matters is the third in the list.

>> No.16830684

Speaking of literary merit, that’s not an argument against his claims

>> No.16830688

Nope. STEM Major/English Major chad. Earn 6 figures and write in my spare time.

>> No.16830692

What’s with the mcdonalds obsession in this thread? I work an industrial processing line for a rail road company and likely make more than you and I don’t look down my nose at people who work low end jobs, someone’s gotta do it

Enjoy staying poor

>> No.16830705

>someone’s gotta do it
yea that's what we're saying
that someone is kids who think they're above marketing themselves

>> No.16830706
File: 16 KB, 300x389, PKD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's reward-me industry bullshit. PKD wrote books better than High Castle, it was just his turn to get credit. It's like, five years out of phase-and needs to stop.

>> No.16830726

>and likely make more than you
and how much do you earn by writing?

>> No.16830794


Traditionally the publisher is the marketing. People buy books from same publisher because the publishing company's editor chooses good books.

That is not the case anymore outside of university presses.

As for >>16830537 I would agree, but I would not phrase it as "stoop so low."

If you like to blog, like social media, like talking about your book, like to talk to your audience, like doing interviews, then do those things. If you don't, don't. The level of involvement is up to you.

>> No.16831147

>because science fiction is largely devoid of any literary merit

Read more books faggot

>> No.16832017

More than you

>> No.16832026

The market that purchases books based on publisher is small, a minority even

The Pareto distribution (idk if I spelled that right) is what rules sales more than anything

>> No.16832038

At the moment, legitimacy. Getting published by an "official" publishing house carries some cachet. Self-publishing is the opposite and is seen as an option of last resort for people who can't right. We ought to work to change this state of affairs, however. Traditional publishing is run by dumb people with narrow pecuniary interests and a benighted leftist agenda.

>> No.16832042

>can't right
write lol.
The irony. A common enough mistake.