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16824579 No.16824579 [Reply] [Original]

Makes you think. . . .

>> No.16824589

I dont think i know anyone who's read The Bible from front to back.

>> No.16824615

I know one, but the bible was the illustrated version. Certainly wasn't his first rodeo, either. I read it in willy-nilly chapters.

>> No.16824654
File: 295 KB, 812x748, Jimboonie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More people have read Mao than Marx.

>> No.16824659

based Apostles

>> No.16824679

Surprised there's no Quran?

>> No.16824688
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No Stephen King here. Despite numerous most successful author threads.

>> No.16824696

Most muslims are borderline agnostic.
They just keep the label out of fear of societal rejection.
t. Big dick Christian who has slept with a lot of "Muslim" girls

>> No.16824707

Good. You're not supposed to read the Bible from front to back, retard. It's not a novel.

>> No.16824720

The world is dominated by Maoist Christians. Nothing new.

>> No.16824721

Okay I've just bought the bible. What do i do with it?

>> No.16824725

That I should read the little red book?

>> No.16824730

how should I then?

>> No.16824738

Do you like swashbuckling history, religious essays, or moral tales?

>> No.16824742
File: 480 KB, 753x755, existence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women won't read Gone With the Wind, because its such a big book, but they'll read the entire Twilight Saga.

>> No.16824755

Women love gone with the wind you fucking retard

>> No.16824758

I haven't read the Da Vinci Code.

>> No.16824767

It depends. There are a lot of different ways to read it. The most important thing is that you read every day/

>> No.16824781
File: 601 KB, 464x672, totally fucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad we cleared that up. I know of only one woman who has read it, but I know several who read Twilight. Quality post anon.

>> No.16824785

People who buy the Twilight Saga don't read. They just buy the book as a shelf decoration after they watch the movies.

>> No.16824807

I wonder at what point did Pilgrim's Progress stop being one of the most read books.

>> No.16824815

>People who buy the Twilight Saga don't read.

Nah, those whores read those books for sure.

>> No.16824840

Would've thought the Quran was up there

>> No.16824855

How can you know? They know the plot from the movie adaptation of everything they read and get whatever extra info from Reddit. You would never subject yourself to a full read-through of the schlock they read just to prove that they haven't read it.

>> No.16824894
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At age 70, Dean Koontz has placed himself among the top twenty best-selling authors of all time, with more books in circulation than either Stephen King or James Patterson. Yet you don't see anyone shilling him as the most successful writer. (Maybe those King threads are bait.)

>> No.16824934
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>How can you know?

I guess you were still young when the books were popular so you don't remember? Here's a photo I took in 2011 at my school library.

>> No.16824969

My great grandfather, mom, brother, and both sisters have all done it, I believe.

>> No.16824977

Since this is in the last fifty years, it seems unlikely that Gone with the Wind will ever catch Twilight.

>> No.16825027
File: 155 KB, 1024x768, it never ends cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think and Grow Rich = ideas have value. Use an idea to get rich and have an enriched mindset. Now quit buying it. The title is the thing.

>> No.16825085
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Strange that the Alchemist doesn't make most people's TOP Ten Fantasy Lists, but neither does Potter.

>> No.16825091

the numbers are meaningless
harry potter is a series, not a book
the lord of the rings series has at least been published in a single edition, but it is much more likely that they are read separately

>> No.16825122
File: 27 KB, 324x500, assgoblins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see any of those things they make you read in high school: Lord of the Flies, Heart of Darkness, To Kill a Mockingbird. . . .

>> No.16825197
File: 16 KB, 266x200, Pessimismisoptimism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note how they are all fiction
>T. Read Non-fiction Posters

>> No.16825285

Why do people like the Da Vinci Code?

>> No.16825286

mass literacy was a mistake

>> No.16825299

Bought is not equal to read.

>> No.16825349

open it up to roughly the middle, lay your cock across it, then slam the book shut real hard

>> No.16825375

>new moon is worn
>other two only have shelf wear
it takes a bunch of retarded teenagers handling the book a bunch to create that wear
they don't read it

>> No.16825417
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True, but most copies have legs. They are circulated through several readers, by loan or second-hand sales. Consider that Gideon prints its own bibles, so it wouldn't even be part of this statistic.

>> No.16825444

It was one of the earliest books in a sense.

No wonder its so often read, its like an early meme that people keep reposting.

>> No.16825771
File: 332 KB, 712x528, Tronco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gone with the Wind is public domain in Australia. No one should be buying it. Gutenberg.pdf

>> No.16825820


>> No.16825839

Probably because a vast portion of the Muslim world is illiterate.
I am not trying to be funny or insulting, I am being serious.

>> No.16825887

This image causes me inconceivable pain

>> No.16825901

Can Muslims not fucking read?

>> No.16825939
File: 137 KB, 1200x1200, bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read through the Bible in its entirety six times and probably about 7 or 8 more reading individual books. Regardless of one's opinion on its status as the word of God, it is undoubtedly the greatest work produced by man. Nothing else comes close to expressing the highs and lows of human nature. Everything is there- every emotion, every impulse, every sin, every virtue. Its poetry is more beautiful than anything else, its tragedies more heartbreaking, its joys more ecstatic. The Biblical world is our world writ large. It is so far superior to everything else that there is unironically no need to read anything else.

>> No.16825965

If you were a book I wouldn’t read you

>> No.16825989
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It's pretty bad.

>> No.16826015
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>> No.16826016

Hmm, the top 10 books are all fiction. Surprised the Quran and other religious texts aren't on there. Are these by sales? The most widely read books aren't sold, they're distributed.

>> No.16826019

>being angry about God’s word being read the most
cry more fag

>> No.16826031

Why is it the actual top 10 books for faggots?

>> No.16826038

Gee it's almost like the most populous nation in the world is under some sort of a cultural regime or something

>> No.16826049

Millions of copies sold in the last fifty years. Printed but not sold = not counted. This infographic is at least two years old, but I'm guessing this hasn't changed much.

>> No.16826063

Think & Grow Rich isn't fiction.

>> No.16826451

Sorry, but yes it is

>> No.16826751

I have because I was sick of recusing myself from Biblical conversations because of ignorance. But I very unpleasantly learned that most people who talk about it haven't read it or know nothing about the actual history of the Levant. And don't get me started on Protestants that look at you like you're speaking a different language if you so much as mention Esdras.

>> No.16827231

How many of these won the Booker Prize?

>> No.16827358

>If a book is sold then it must have been read in its entirety

According to this, if I print and distribute 1 gorillion copies of my meditations (for free) then my book automatically becomes the most read. I'm surprised and relieved to know I haven't read any of these. I will get around to the Bible one day.

>> No.16827392

How do you get them to sleep with you? I know for a fact they are not the same as western women (by acts) because of their constant mentoring and shame culture.

>> No.16827510

>know nothing about the actual history of the Levant.
Good. It was an irrelevant shithole in ancient times, and it still is an irrelevant shithole in modern times. If you love the myths of the Levant so much, then fuck off there and die, Spiritual Semite.

>> No.16827529

By all means, post a better infographic. You sound confused, though. For free does not equal sold.

>> No.16827578

Phoenicia was great

>> No.16827601

I dont believe that

>> No.16827611

Thats just from the church money laundering obviously

>> No.16827682
File: 1003 KB, 4500x4334, bloodshot pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16827716

triple the bible numbers
get some poetry in there
get some process philosophy in there
get some existentialism in there (no french people)
slap a little bit of phenomenology in or bergson

bingo. all worlds issues solved

>> No.16828252

What is your favorite book, and what are your favorite chapters/quotes?

My favorites include Genesis, the Gospels, proverbs, and revelations. I don't know if I was paying enough attention when I read but most of the old testament after Exodus (except for the David and Samson parts) was really monotonous to read and I think I missed a lot there.
I particularly liked though:
Luke 14:26
Matthew 20:16
Revelation 14
Proverbs 7

>> No.16828534

>the origin of the y axis is halfway up the chart

fuck you infographic artists

>> No.16828590

Literally just bulk buys to fill ever drawer in every room of every hotel.

>> No.16828604

Yes, all those books are read more then the quran. Sucks being a muslim.

>> No.16828641

It is easier to fuck a muslim girl then a proper White woman as long as their fellow muslims dont find out.

>> No.16828666
File: 976 KB, 1077x779, fexperts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is our beloved GRRM? And where are the Hungerskanks? Fifty Shades of Normie?

>> No.16828701

Yeah, being greedy merchants that sacrifice children is great.

>> No.16828923

This is such bullshit. Maybe "most produced/distributed" but "most read?" I fucking doubt it.

I doubt there are many people who have read it from cover to cover.

>> No.16828935

God won't let me fuck women so why can't I fuck animals?

>> No.16828977

Thats divided among numerous books. No single King book matches those numbers.

It is odd that Christies Ten Little Indians isn't listed, though.

>> No.16829032

If you didn't read it in Hebrew/Aramaic/Koine Greek, then it doesn't count.
If you didn't read the Apocrypha as well, then it doesn't count.
If you didn't personally inspect the surviving Dead Sea scrolls, then it doesn't count.

>> No.16829043

It's the rickroll of books.

>> No.16829049

Think and Grow Rich isn't even good.

>> No.16829091

there's a video on youtube showing the most sold books over time from 1960-2020. it will bring this into perspective and show how hypes happen, most notably, global phenomena will become increasingly common in the 21st century. this top ten will be replaced almost completely by 2050.

>> No.16829777

people don't read the bible, they 'read' the bible.

>> No.16830464

Well how? Just go up to them and start getting acquainted? How do you even drop the ball to them? Or do they show hints?

>> No.16830471

I know. Nothing happens organically anymore.

>> No.16830489
File: 8 KB, 300x168, 1588357617690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think and grow rich among the most read
>no one who read it grew rich
>nothing but an alchemical moral boost

>> No.16830570

Bible wasn't meant to be read by just anyone until Luther came along. It's not comparable to Quoran despite the similar religious status.

>> No.16830636

You can some up the entirety of think and grow rich with "Try harder".

>> No.16830758

surprised Diary of a Wimpy Kid didn't make the list

>> No.16830776

Same for Nora Roberts

>> No.16830795

>the bible
Absolutely cringe. I fucking hate christoids.

>> No.16830798

Genesis, especially the Abraham narrative, is great- the command to sacrifice Isaac is one of the most terrible moments in world literature. Isaiah is really wonderful, especially the opening chapters and 40-55. I love Philippians 2:4-8. Plenty of psalms are good, but I like 139 most. The Prodigal Son is so moving, I can’t read it without tearing up a little bit.
Learning Koine now and currently simping for a girl who knows Hebrew, so there’s some hope there.

>> No.16831492

If only

>> No.16831538

Love that think and grow rich is on there. Can’t be that effective if everyone reads it and only 1 percent get the green

>> No.16831578
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>> No.16831804

This, if I could only have one book for the rest of my life it'd easily be the Bible in KJV or RSV
I'm not sure if I'm a religious guy or not, but I've loved the book as an agnostic for years now, and have been thinking of visiting some local churches once Covid has mostly gone away to see if I am
Good luck with your jewess bro, hope you can get some khazar milkjugs soon