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/lit/ - Literature

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16827317 No.16827317 [Reply] [Original]

My youngest brother is turning 18 in a couple weeks. I'm planning to give him a HDD with some quality media and maybe some physical books.
He suffers from the typical baby sibling syndrome of being super timid and having no independence (turbo-NPC).
What would be some good books to get him started on being a real boy?

I was thinking for the physical books maybe something by Cal Newport, and putting all the classics as ebooks.
What would you give yourself to read back when you were 18?

>> No.16827369 [DELETED] 

I'm assuming you haven't let her read anything or be deflowered until now. Give her Homer and Plato and lock her up nude in a room with those, couple of bag of dog food, and one katana. One month like that. If she comes out alive you have a beautiful specimen to work with. If not she is a waste and good riddance. If she is oversocialized before then it's a lost cause and you might as well cut her out of your life.

>> No.16827379

The Catcher in the Rye
True Grit
A Walk in the Woods
The Grapes of Wrath
The Daily Stoic
The Richest Man in Babylon
The Food Lab

>> No.16827386

Ur a good brother

>> No.16827398

Cal Newport books would be a good idea. He's one of those self-help authors who's actually really helpful.

>> No.16827419
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>What would you give yourself to read back when you were 18?
All that great socialist stuff. Shouldn’t’ve wasted so much time with the spiritual quest and trying to “make it”. I felt like shit and it took me over a decade to relax

>> No.16827439

troll. If this is your serious answer I pity you. 1984 Bleak. Catcher - retarded as fuck. Siddhartha when you could have Steppenwolf? GTFO. Not inspirational

>> No.16827458

let's see your list

>> No.16827480

Keep him innocent and pure with heartfelt chapter books and picture books. "Growing up" is an illusion. He should still be reading Beatrix Potter.
You are a corrupter and devil.

>> No.16827486

Drew Bledsoe? Wasn’t he the fella that quarterbacked for the Patriots?

>> No.16827504

I still sympathize with many of the socialist writers I read when I was younger but all reading them did was make me angry at the injustices of which I had previously been ignorant. The book that helped me relax was Alan Watts' The Wisdom of Insecurity.

>> No.16827508

>Don't educate your brother! Let him stay a manchild forever.
Silence, manchild. He loves his brother and wants the best for him, and the best for him is to be knowledgeable so that he can operate effectively in this world. Go back to jacking off to some obscure Russian philosopher no one gives a fuck about.

>> No.16827527
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You fucks use this word, yet I don't think you understand what it means. 62% of America reads on the level of an 11 year old, so I would suggest something in that range on grounds of probability. If the book doesn't appeal to person who is mentally 11-14 years old, there is an 88% chance of failure.

>> No.16827535
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I try not to even waste my emotional energies on being angry about the ridiculously awful crimes being committed. I just want to help pit a stop to it.
Alan Watts is very cool though. He should like that.

>> No.16827540
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Tell that fucker to read 2k CHAD. Go to the archives, read that shit. That's the path to enlightenment. Any sort of human-style writing just gets you lathered up in the fucking semen of faggots who spent their entire life jacking off to the thought of themselves.

>> No.16827549

Give him something light, somewhat fun, but also thoughtful. I would give him Candide and maybe something like Slaughterhouse Five. Hopefully that’ll make him read more.

>> No.16827550

Only literature of the extremes is valuable to read. If you want your brother to become strong, then it is beneficial to have him read transgressive literature like Maldoror or Bataille. He must be made afraid, terrified, and traumatized, but he must be strong to defend the sanctity and purity of Snorkmaiden.
Only literature of the extremes touches the ineffable. Everything else in-between is nonsense, delusion. This is because dualism is absolute. The pure and impure forces battle with each other.
He should read works like Wind in the Willows and Beatrix Potter to understand the nourishing and benign spirit. He should also read transgressive and disturbed works like Blood Meridian to understand the harmful and malicious spirit. Dostoevsky, Nabakov, Shakespeare, etc. are all a waste of time. Only horror and children's literature touch the true nature of reality. There is no dimension to the human experience outside of dualistic and antagonist forces.
There is nothing between them. No nuance, no complexity, no grey zone.
Regardless, it is better to be pure and innocent, so let him immerse even deeper into Moominvalley. To try to take away his innocence and purity makes you a corrupter and devil.

>> No.16827654
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I agree. I believe it's best to keep him reading works like Winnie the Pooh and an occasional disturbing novel like Blood Meridian or American Psycho. This is because there is nothing outside of duality, and anyone who claims otherwise is most certainly going to hell. Thank you for your advice, great sage.

>> No.16827873

You sound like a narcissistic, dehumanizing cunt. If your brother's in such a sorry state, why didn't you do anything earlier? Fucking useless retard.

>> No.16827920

You never had siblings? Stop talking outside of your expertise, ignorant.

>> No.16827987

gay books arent going to help your brother stop being a fag.beat him up or something.

>> No.16828022

I've lived >3 hours away for the past 10 years. I moved away from my family as soon as I turned 18 because they're wastes of oxygen.

>> No.16828083
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meanwhile I was worrying about something today and my mom asked me if I missed my sister (who has been away for like a month) and I busted out laughing because I literally hadn't thought of her since she left.

What's it like having a family of people who give half a shit about you?

>> No.16828160

Catch em dubs

>> No.16829860
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If he makes it to Waldun he'll be okay.

>> No.16829926

I should kill you.

>> No.16829929

Die whore

>> No.16829941

This post is pure LARP, hilarious to recommend something as vapid as Blood Meridian over Shakespeare really.

>> No.16829950

Give him
>Millionaire Fastlane: Mj Demarco
>Bronze Age Mindset
>Homebody: Rupi Kaur

Holy fucking edgy

>> No.16829958

>and I busted out laughing because I literally hadn't thought of her since she left.
This is not how human beings act.

>> No.16829980

Be a real brother. Teach him How to gym, how to sauna, how to eat healthy, essentially: teach a man to fish. Check up om him often, invigd him to do some real shit that develops his confidence and skillset. Of course buy him all Hermann Hesse, all Orwell, but that shit wont take him very far if he hasnt any physical direction.

>> No.16829992

Lol OP probably is a dyel, his brother won’t believe a word that’ll come out of his mouth regarding how to be a man. This is why he wants books to do the work

>> No.16830032

Probably isn’t that simple. Pampering makes men weak, knowing they can resist to victim mentality at any time. I’ve had friends that love the books I’ve recommended them. However when we do hard physical labor these (obese) start bitching like you wouldn’t believe - that your projecting your insecurities. Then when they come back with bloodwork showing their high blood pressure before the age of 30 - they slowly slither away.

>> No.16830232

I gave him a pull-up bar last christmas and showed him a good bodyweight routine. I live too far away to see him regularly so going to the gym etc with him isn't currently possible. Though I did/am encouraging him to move out ASAP, that will also help with diet since he wont be stuck in a house full of junk food.
He's lost a lot of weight in the last year or two and is much better off physically.

>> No.16830268 [DELETED] 

>>Only literature of the extremes is valuable to read. If you want your brother to become strong, then it is beneficial to have him read transgressive literature like Maldoror or Bataille. He must be made afraid, terrified, and traumatized, but he must be strong to defend the sanctity and purity of Snorkmaiden.
>Only literature of the extremes touches the ineffable.
i love this delusion of the postmodernist just craving to coom while feeling touching the transcendental

>> No.16830273


>>Only literature of the extremes is valuable to read. If you want your brother to become strong, then it is beneficial to have him read transgressive literature like Maldoror or Bataille. He must be made afraid, terrified, and traumatized, but he must be strong to defend the sanctity and purity of Snorkmaiden.
>Only literature of the extremes touches the ineffable.
i love this delusion of the postmodernist just craving to coom while feeling touching the transcendental. i guess this is why so many women and trannies are drawn to it.

>> No.16830344

>I live too far away to see him regularly
That’s a good start. How about you take a trip together? Perhaps an easy hike. That could be source of learning and good memories!

>> No.16830408

>Holy fucking edgy
she's not dead she's just fucked off somewhere for no reason in particular.
No reason that I know of anyway, we don't talk to each other at all.

I just laughed because she's basically a stranger to me that always treated me like shit so asking if I missed her was absurd.

>> No.16831628

Only literature of the extremes touches the ineffable. The more intense happiness/tranquility or the malevolence/misery, the better.
>thinks what I'm arguing is postmodern
>thinks my perspective is common

>> No.16831967

Give these to your brother if you hate him. Shit suggestions

>> No.16831978

well at least the Nietzsche. Look after your bro

>> No.16832596

>18 yr old
World According to Garp
Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Breakfast of Champions

>> No.16832616

The Catcher in the Rye and 1984 are the only books on that list that I've read on that list and they are fucking great. Not sure it's gonna help socialize his brother though.

>> No.16832654

Reading when you're 18 is fucking retarded. You should be out living life, having experiences, getting into adventures, chasing teen girls, doing dumb shit.
People are incapable of enjoying literature until they are like 25 because they have no meaningful life experiences yet, so it's beyond stupid to force that on someone.

>> No.16833284

Ask me how I know you're a taker, not a maker.

>> No.16834426

>people who spend 7 years repeating the same day of working 9-5 then sitting at home watching the latest pop TV/social media for 4 hours before heading to bed have more life experience
Good one.
If someone doesn't have a growth mindset or some sort of forced exposure to novel things they're not experiencing much at all. That's why motivation can be important.

>> No.16834471

>people who spend 12 years repeating the same day of indoctrination 9-5 then sitting at home watching the latest pop TV/social media for 4 hours before heading to bed have more life experience

>> No.16834483

Complete retard, not everyone wageslaves for an entire decade.

>> No.16834495

Not everyone does but the question is specifically about somebody who would.

>> No.16834502
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Why are you on /lit/ if you are illiterate?

>> No.16834530

It’s about someone who could

>> No.16834799
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This. Your youth years should be about being dumb and outgoing. Reading as a teen only made me jaded and despising of life early on and showed me even more stories of experiences others my age were having to be jealous of.