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/lit/ - Literature

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1681676 No.1681676 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /lit/, /mu/ here, how does it feel that your favorite medium is no longer a relevant part of contemporary culture?

>> No.1681680

Sup /mu/! /lit/ here, how does it feel to be too uninformed to even participate in contemporary culture?

Always meant to ask you that, looking forward to your informative reply!

>> No.1681690

Yeah, well, I bet you've never even listened to Neutral Milk Hotel.

>> No.1681691
File: 27 KB, 354x357, 1301817328884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing stuff that people who actually participate in contemporary culture don't know about either

>> No.1681704
File: 54 KB, 485x340, justing faggot beiber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>contemporary culture

pic related. probably OP's favorite 'artist'

>> No.1681707

yeah books and music are totally mutually exclusive no way someone could have an interest in both let alone enjoy them at the same time!

>> No.1681711

But /mu/ is full of hipsters, metalfags, and dubsteptards. You wouldn't know good music if it bit you in the ass.

>> No.1681712

>implying contemporary literature isn't pretty darn good

>implying current music doesn't suck ass

>> No.1681713

I use music as white noise to drown out the sound of cars outside my window while im reading.So basically i wipe my ass with your medium. Your turn.

>> No.1681719

>implying music can bite

>> No.1681724


>implying you have even listened to current music off of the radio or TV.

>> No.1681735

Quite a few people have *literally* wiped their asses with yours.

>> No.1681741

yeah, you'll probably point me to IDM like Aphex Twin or Flying Lotus or that sort of shit or some random hipster band that you think is good but actually sucks

that shit sucks too

get over it

>> No.1681748


flying lotus isn't idm and i don't think people really call stuff idm anymore anyhow

>> No.1681750

If jesus got up on his soapbox and started singing instead of reading,there would be no christianity today.
Damn,that doesn't help further my point,does it?

>> No.1681751

oh, trying to get fancy on me with your crazy music words

not gonna work bub

>> No.1681752

>implying you know what contemporary culture is

pretentious faggot troll detected

>> No.1681756
File: 132 KB, 640x480, mario_wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jesus writting

>> No.1681763

>doing anything

>> No.1681762

Consensus is in: b&w scribbles on paper conquer all, music is invalid.

Dear moot please delete /mu/ tomorrow so we can have more room to post our poetry explorations and creative writing samples.

>> No.1681774

Good. I don't want a bunch of plebeians destroying literature through sales. Woman can have their shitty romance rags, fat losers can have their sci-fi/fantasy, but there are a lot of other general fiction writers out there that are good who likely wouldn't be able to be published if there were pop fiction writers in the same category.

>> No.1681775

oh wow

>> No.1681805

dear moot please make a /phi/ board so we can see how badly it shits up

>> No.1681963

/lit/ is not about paper it is about words. We were here at the beginning and we have to stay until the end. Take it easy good buddy.

>> No.1682222

it feels amazing. "contemporary culture", that is, middlebrow turds that are packaged and sold... you can have that shit. pop music is a game for twelve year olds that baby boomers have made somehow acceptable to all ages because of their bullshit nostalgia.

>> No.1682225
File: 55 KB, 300x398, kindle_2aNewsWeek1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, how does it feel to be a fag?

>> No.1682228

>not part of contemporary culture.

>> No.1682230
File: 65 KB, 578x741, stinky cheese man..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>contemporary culture
wuts dat lol

>> No.1682257

hey /mu/
fellow /mu/tant here

Stop being an annoying dickweed.

Sorry /lit/, not all of us are annoying twats, some us are quite nice.

>> No.1682258
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no, i just come here because they love me.

>> No.1682297

sup /mu/
/lit/ here

sup /lit/
/mu/ here

i hold dual citizenship with both boards
and i have learned you're all pretentious fucks

you're just being pretentious about different things

>> No.1682310

Not part of contemporary culture?
Ha! My friend you are a class A retard, how can literature not be its the fundamental basis of how everyone learns. Almost everyone has read a book and millions enjoy reading

>> No.1682316


>> No.1682332
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/mu/ can still be pretty good, just incredibly diluted since 2010.

like all boards, you'll find most of the quality posts and well thought out opinions come from the best tripfags from that board.Anonymous, not so much.

>> No.1682340

/mu/ likes metal too much

>> No.1682342

/lit/ has me

god knows how those poor dumb bastards talk about anything remotely substantial over there

>> No.1682345

succsful trool is succesfool

>> No.1682353