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16812430 No.16812430 [Reply] [Original]

>I am naturally a Nordic — a chalk-white, bulky Teuton of the Scandinavian or North-German forests — a Viking berserk killer — a predatory rover of Hengist and Horsa — a conqueror of Celts and mongrels and founders of Empires — a son of the thunders and the arctic winds, and brother to the frosts and the auroras — a drinker of foemen's blood from new picked skulls — a friend of the mountain buzzards and feeder of seacoast vultures — a blond beast of eternal snows and frozen oceans — a prayer to Odin and Thor and Woden and Alfadur, the raucous shouter of Niffelheim — a comrade of the wolves, and rider of nightmares
Lmao, this unironically emanates /pol/ LARP enegy. Lovecraft would have fit perfectly here.

>> No.16812444

Wasn't this tard part Welsh? And there's nothing bulky about that beanpole. But he got one thing in that quotation right - he does look like a predator.

>> No.16812459

thanks for the lols op. One of the best things I've ever read.

>> No.16812479

It probably wasn't as cringe at the time...

>> No.16812486

>I am naturally a Nordic — a chalk-white, bulky Teuton of the Scandinavian or North-German forests — a Viking berserk killer — a predatory rover of Hengist and Horsa — a conqueror of Celts and mongrels and founders of Empires — a son of the thunders and the arctic winds, and brother to the frosts and the auroras — a drinker of foemen's blood from new picked skulls — a friend of the mountain buzzards and feeder of seacoast vultures — a blond beast of eternal snows and frozen oceans — a prayer to Odin and Thor and Woden and Alfadur, the raucous shouter of Niffelheim — a comrade of the wolves, and rider of nightmares
Same, I too happen to be Indian.

>> No.16812497

Lovecraft is easily one of history’s greatest posters.
Him being part of a small circle of writers who all published in a couple of the same magazines, that’s exactly like any number of writing subreddits today.

He also wrote long rants about race and about the evils of communism. He was an absolute pseud on all matter of science and math but still loved to talk about them.

Apparently he wrote 100,000 letters in life.

Dude loved to post

>> No.16812518

These are some hilarious levels of LARP. How popular was LARPing in his time?

>> No.16812521

Born before his time, he would be a regular on /pol/, /lit/, and /x/ today

>> No.16812522

>Apparently he wrote 100,000 letters in his life
How the fuck is that possible? He only lived to 46. That's 6 letters a day, every day, since the day he was born.

>> No.16812530

>a conqueror of Celts
Has he seen the Celtic-Germanic border? lol

>> No.16812540

Do you think Lovecraft would be a shitposter on the level of guenonfag if he was alive today? I can picture him making posts ranting about niggers in /lit/ and shitposting about other schizo subjects

>> No.16812575

There was a belief among Anglos in the 19th century that they were superior to celts. Even Tolkien got offended when someone said his work had Celtic inspiration.
> “Needless to say they are not Celtic! Neither are the tales. I do know Celtic things (many in their original languages Irish and Welsh), and feel for them a certain distaste: largely for their fundamental unreason. They have bright colour, but are like a broken stained glass window reassembled without design. They are in fact ‘mad’ as your reader says—but I don’t believe I am.”

>> No.16812598

Tolkien didn't write in the 19th century

>> No.16813350

The opposite of cringe to me.

>> No.16813358

>foemen's blood from new picked skulls
This explains that big-ass forehead

>> No.16813446

not really tolkien loved welsh for phonoaesthetic reasons and clearly wouldn't gave read celtic tales if he thought lowly of them. he's not offended, merely saying that the celtic tales have a madness to them that he did not intend in his own writing so it's unfitting.

perhaps some 19th c anglos encouraged distinguishing the two but traditionally anglosaxon as a modern label (not historical people) is considered to be part celt. meaning the modern anglo identity mixes and embraces it. there is also some confusion about the word 'celt' as you can see here it also means the people who do remain distinct from english in addition the part of anglosaxon in addition to the language group in addition to whatever else someone associates with the word.

lovecraft is probably referring to anglos conquering britain but this was unlikely to be outright conquering, more like hundreds of years of migration and cultural/language dominance through assimilation. the celts there were heavily romanised too which is an interesting reversal on the usual, latin as the unprestigious.

celtic as a language group spanned much of europe before latin and germanic peoples/languages spread forth, there is a difference in how they did this because one did it through an empire and the other did not, sitll it's better to understand latin as a plurality. presentday germany was a celtic heartland of sorts. ofc language groups and historical geographic naming doesn't make a culture much less a clear race or ethnic group. the region set as germania by romans included plenty of celtic-speakers until much later. as well as finnic speakers and likely others.

>> No.16813448
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>> No.16813468

If Lovecraft lived today he would 100% be one of the shitposting autists here.

>> No.16813552

The "Blond Beast" is from Nietzsche, did HP read him ?

>> No.16813582
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>in the alternate universe where Lovecraft has a white cat named crackerman

>> No.16813620

Didn't he write a short story making fun of Germans?

>> No.16813758

It was a different time, that's how they communicated back then. So if you had a large circle of friends you might send letters to them every few days or so, which could easily add up to over 100,000.

>> No.16813760

Look at his hair hahahaha it not even blond

>> No.16813769
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Aren't Odin and Woden the same?

>> No.16813779

What did he say about race?

>> No.16813843

Lovecraft doesn’t even look white. I always thought he was a medi

>> No.16813873

Every philosopher or writer born prior to the invention of the internet was a LARPer

>> No.16813875

>I am naturally an intellectual - a learned descendant of the tribe of scribes, tolerant vanquisher of poltards and wielder of memes
Nice job falling for internet quotes moron

The whole thing is a pastiche of Americanism.
>Jefferson proposed, on the reverse, "Hengist and Horsa, the Saxon chiefs from whom we claim the honor of being descended, and whose political principles and form of government we have assumed."

>> No.16814025

Lovecraft was incredibly based. It is now popular to shit on him because lefties can't cope with that a massive influence on popular culture like him was redpilled.

>> No.16814109

Dude wants to be white so bad, he really hated himself

>> No.16814114

Lovecraft became left-wing by the end and renounced all of his previous racist ideas

>> No.16814116

saying that lovecraft was a "massive influence" on popular culture is a stretch

>> No.16814124

Normies are popular culture
Normies love horror movies and games and shows
Most contemporary horror has been influenced at some part by Lovecraft

>> No.16814129

>Most contemporary horror has been influenced at some part by Lovecraft

>> No.16814132

My proof is my intuition

>> No.16814137

Classy anecdotal evidence from someone scared of facts

>> No.16814138

Even looking like that, he still posts the shit quoted by OP.

>> No.16814185

Read what any modern horror writer has to say about him

>> No.16814205

Nah, he became a mature moderate
And all you phonescum zoomers should learn history. Whites were shitting themselves because an old black woman wouldn't sit in the special nigger seat on the bus in the 60's
But let's bash a struggling pulp writer from the 20's for caricaturing these same universal prejudices, that will make us look really clever and tolerant, right?
You're all supposed to have read books and thought about what you read

>> No.16814246

Horror is 5/10 at best just like comedy. It will never be real art.

>> No.16814285

Real art is never part of popular culture though

So the point still stands, Lovecraft has had a big influence on popular culture. Doesn't necessarily mean his influence has been good but it is what it is

>> No.16814579

So, this quote is false or not from him? What is the real source?

>> No.16815222

In his dying days he recanted and realized too late the glory of Socialism

>> No.16815399
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>Lovecraft would have fit perfectly here.
Lovecraft would be a paganlarper and seethe at the Christian threads.

>> No.16815405

>Welsh is beautiful.
probably the most objectively incorrect statement tolkien has ever said in his life (and I'm an atheist).

>> No.16815418

Leftists love Lovecraft.
Yeah anon it's not like Cthulhu is in South Park and Lovecraft monsters appear all over D&D-esque fantasy or anything.

>> No.16815510
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>haha yes I am a fearsome Nordic Barbarian
>fuck your Empires!

>> No.16815523
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He was a fedora tipper apparently.

>> No.16815919
File: 8 KB, 179x282, AC72EF0E-BDC6-41B0-9555-F8D79A5EB509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny one retard.

>> No.16816043

Who is this?

>> No.16816056

>Leftists love Lovecraft
Nope. Many of them like to shit on Lovecraft because muh racism.

>> No.16816429

Go home Chapo

>> No.16817045

that niggers and trannies and jannies are faggots and need to be "deloused"

>> No.16817076

yes he did

>> No.16817082

You know what i dont get, cuck? You limpwrists absolutely loathe Lovecraft, but at the same time you constantly use his Mythos.

>> No.16817098
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>He was an absolute pseud on all matter of science and math but still loved to talk about them.
Add in just about any other field and you've got yourself your average 4chan shitposter.

Godspeed, you stupid faggots.

>> No.16817104

i've noticed this too
every lovecraft book contains an introductory essay in which the editor bitches about how based and "racist" lovecraft was
then they still go on to spread and make money off of his works
that's the parasitic nature of the jew and the hypocritical nature of the r*ddit cuck all in one

>> No.16817233

Just some gay nip, don’t worry he won’t bite your ass

>> No.16817488

Full quote:
>to Frank Belknap Long
>Nothing must disturb my undiluted Englishry — God Save The King! I am naturally a Nordic — a chalk-white, bulky Teuton of the Scandinavian or North-German forests — a Vikinga berserk killer — a predatory rover of Hengist and Horsa — a conqueror of Celts and mongrels and founders of Empires — a son of the thunders and the arctic winds, and brother to the frosts and the auroras — a drinker of foemen's blood from new picked skulls — a friend of the mountain buzzards and feeder of seacoast vultures — a blond beast of eternal snows and frozen oceans — a prayer to Odin and Thor and Woden and Alfadur, the raucous shouter of Niffelheim — a comrade of the wolves, and rider of nightmares — aye — I speak truly — for was I not born with yellow hair and blue eyes.

What did he mean by this? No, seriously; I don't get it. Is he being ironic?

>> No.16817643

Don’t get me wrong, he’s easily one of my favourites, I just have no delusions about what he was like as a person.

And for the record my two favourite stories are The Rats in the Walls and The Music of Erich Zann.

Both Stephen King and Ramsey Campbell cite him as defining influences.

Lovecraft’s biggest influence isn’t so much the cosmic angle, hes a big cause of horror moving away from ‘the gothic’. The whole thing with crumbling castles, dark forests, bats, ghosts, haunted houses etc. See how many ‘ghost stories’ lovecraft wrote.

>> No.16817710

>Odin and Thor and Woden and Alfadur

Doesn't he realise Odin, Woden and Alfadr are literally the same?

Also, nice find OP. It definitely has cringe /pol/ energy, except that it's well written.

>> No.16817714

>Lovecraft’s biggest influence isn’t so much the cosmic angle, hes a big cause of horror moving away from ‘the gothic’. The whole thing with crumbling castles, dark forests, bats, ghosts, haunted houses etc. See how many ‘ghost stories’ lovecraft wrote.
Based Lovecraft. FUCK Gothic! It's fit only for movies and vidya.

>> No.16818826

I don't think neo nazis existed at that time

>> No.16818835 [DELETED] 

Naruto was over at pain the rest was garbage.

>> No.16818929

do you know anything about phonoaesthetics, linguistics, philology? what tolkien is speaking from? no? ok, anything you say is worthless.

>> No.16819634

Why do you exude a faggot reddit energy?

>> No.16819700

But his admiration of Poe? I don't understand.

>> No.16819880

Self-insert poetry/prose isn't LARP, it's the exact opposite.

>> No.16819950

Yukio Mishima

>> No.16819970

The Temple. It mostly makes fun of the Prussian feeling of superiority over (other?) Germans.

>> No.16819999

>Lovecraft’s biggest influence isn’t so much the cosmic angle, hes a big cause of horror moving away from ‘the gothic’. The whole thing with crumbling castles, dark forests, bats, ghosts, haunted houses etc. See how many ‘ghost stories’ lovecraft wrote.
this is complete bullshit. m. r. james is the guy responsible for moving supernatural literature away from the gothic. and on that note the gothic and ghost stories are entirely separate entities. you don't know at all what you're talking about.

>> No.16820332
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A lot of them don't even know about that stuff. They talk about how great he is but never read any of his shit, which is a common theme with them. The ones that do justify it with "He was a product of his time" and "He changed his views later".

>> No.16820356

there are no facts, remember what Nietzsche wrote to us

>> No.16820756

>Nope. Many of them like to shit on Lovecraft because muh racism.
So? The biggest critics of Lovecraft's character tend to be the biggest fans of his actual content. I can't believe you are so ignorant to believe Lovecraft ISN'T art ho bait.

>> No.16820772

>They talk about how great he is but never read any of his shit, which is a common theme with them.
Lovecraft isn't exactly a hard read, despite the shitty prose.

>> No.16820821

>There was a belief among Anglos in the 19th century that they were superior to celts.
Anglos always believed that, it's like one of the core tenants of Englishness lmao

>> No.16820897

Anglos think 'Celt' should refers exclusively to Scotts, Welsh and Irish. They forget there is a continuity of Celtic ancestry, though only partially of culture, with France and Spain. Seems to me like the Irish are the only real historical "losers", even the Scotts and Welsh have had interesting historical developments and show of strength.

>> No.16820909

>Whites were shitting themselves because an old black woman wouldn't sit in the special nigger seat on the bus in the 60's
And strangely life in the city was much better for them at the time.
>But let's bash a struggling pulp writer from the 20's for caricaturing these same universal prejudices
What do you mean caricaturing? He positively upholded them.
These prejudices weren't "universal" back then, btw. There always was, especially among the educated, a kind of racial progressivism.

>> No.16820924

Poe is much more than just Gothic horror. If anything, among Gothic writers, he's among those that pushed the furthest beyond the old romantic tropes.

>> No.16821172

It's not that they don't read Lovecraft because it's hard. It's that they seem him referenced all the time and want to come off as "In the Know" by imitating him with 0 effort. These faggots do this shit all the time with everything.

I think one hilarious example was an e-celeb named Yahtzee. I use to use his streams as background noise and he was so invested into Lovecraft that he made like 3-4 Lovecraft indie games ripping off his stuff. Yet somewhere he stated the ending for the book Shadow over Innsmouth completely wrong. He said the main character goes insane at the end of the Shadow over Innsmouth because they're breeding with fish people, that was the great reveal and its a racist allegory for race mixing. In actuality the main character goes insane because he turns out to be part fish person and is slowly turning into one of them and getting psychic messages from their colony under the ocean.

>> No.16821245
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>even the Scotts and Welsh have had interesting historical developments and show of strength.

>> No.16821325

Going to have to disagree

>> No.16821503

I just burst into tears, threw up a roman salute and shouted SIEG HEIL when I read this. Lovecraft was a beautiful and sublime Hyperborean genius

>> No.16821695

>he thinks traditional christian men want to read about nihilism and the universe being the result of uncaring anti-sublime monsters more than liberals do

>> No.16821723


Liberals dont actually read they are too busy with twatter and nitendo switch

>> No.16821726

tolkien is just a typical biased anglo.

>> No.16821743

Go be a libshit somewhere else you emotional sōycuck

>> No.16821761

Genre fiction like Lovecraft is barely one step above the same tier as playing video games.

>> No.16821769

this gets funnier every time I read it

>> No.16821772

Didn't live a tough life.

>> No.16821775
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Why are people like lovecraft such fucking larpers? They always want to be something else than they currently are. This anglo has brown hair and does not look even remotely nordic

>> No.16822011
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>Cheese, young man,—real cheese—is one of the foundation-stones of Indo-European tradition. It is mention'd in the earliest writings of the Grecians, and was a staple of the Mediterranean world. The virile Goth and Viking devour'd it till their hair and beards assum'd its colour, and it is paramount in the balladry of that 13th century which moustacheletted little Chestertons exalt as the high-water-mark of art, reason, culture and toleration. It laid the foundations of that Dutch greatness which evolved a Talman, and of the Swiss liberty embodied in the maxims of a Calvin. The painted prose of a Machen is redolent of Caerphilly cheese, and in conjunction with garlic and spaghetti the Italian Renaissance derives directly from the cheese of Parma. The greatness of the New World was first manifest in caseous refinement, and no Rhode-Islander fails to sniff with pride at the Narragansett cheeses which, together with Narragansett Pacers, made famous the quasi-Virginian plantations which drowsed on the west shoar of the Bay before the revolution. One of the redeeming features of the Province of New-York was the noted cheese industry of the Catskill and Shawangunk regions, which brought the name of "the cheese of Hurley" into the popular nursery rhymes of Dutch and English alike, and gave rise to the still surviving trade name of "York State Cheese". Modern science, in studying the moon's surface, confirms (according to the view of those sceptics who go beyond the rationalism of the 19th century) the dignity of green cheese as the primal nebular material of the electron; and antiquarians find curious and significant linkages in such spontaneously evolved cheese names as Phoenix and Kraft. The Phoenix—rising triumphant from the ashes—and Kraft, significant among Devonshire surnames as the source of the Love-Kraft line; the golden crest of whose arms is very obviously a fine cylindrical cheese, despite its conventional heraldick recognition as a "tower". No, young man—if you wish to defame real cheese, pray do so to somebody else than your Grandpa! To speak against so traditional an institution is the plainest bolshevism. The only way of destroying it that I favour, is the way in which I manage to destroy from 1½ to 2 lbs. of York State Medium per week!