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/lit/ - Literature

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16813909 No.16813909 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this board only interested in anglo literature? It's incredibly rare to see someone discuss a russian or german or a polish writer here.

>> No.16813916

We have Spanish threads and talk about many classics. There's an active Tolstoy thread up and start w the greeks is definitionally not anglo

>> No.16813918

4chan is an english speaking website. If you don't like it, go back to your native-language chan.

>> No.16813923

We can talk about German literature. What do you wanna talk about? Do you read Schiller?

>> No.16813928

>t. typical amerimutt pomo lover

>> No.16813941

let alone Asian lit

>> No.16813947

Plebs and mutts like >>16813918

>> No.16813953

well, why are you here if you hate it so much?

>> No.16813954

I agree w y'all but y'all need to learn to shill your stuff better

>> No.16813960

Start w the greeks is not anglo (French had a Loeb before them). It's timeless shit that stays. If you think something is timeless you could make the case a bit better

>> No.16813995

Lolwut? This board constantly talks about non-English literature, even though most of the time it's restricted to just several selected writers. Plus, since the majority of 4chan users are Anglos, that's to be expected.

>> No.16814022

This board makes fun of anglo writers, it hurts my feelings

>> No.16814725
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Polish people can only write about Poland and MUH martyrology (apart from maybe Lem and other literal who's) so no one gives a shit about us. Stopped reading books in polish half a year ago, one of the best lit choices of my life.

>> No.16814729

/lit/ always says start with the greeks but what greeks
this board has no sticky or anything

>> No.16814750

wait a second
did it *really* just get caught into a filter?????
the fuck

>> No.16814752

Go get your eyes checked, you seem to have dyslexia of some sorts.

>> No.16814753

But seriously, what language has more 20th century lit than English? As a guy mainly interested in modern and postmodern literature I see that about 90% of my to-read list is made up of English language books. From Woolf, Joyce and Faulkner to Pynchon, Ishiguro and DFW. Can other languages even compete?

>> No.16814760

it mentioned /pol/ so it got hidden by filter, whoops

>> No.16815008

English is lingua franca. Seethe more, 3rdworlders.

>> No.16815026

Because all continental European literature is basically "nothing matters and everything sucks". I'm not gonna read that pretentious mopey garbage.

>> No.16815102

start by reading the entire works of Socrates. you're welcome anon and good luck

>> No.16815244

Almost all English speaking countries are third world countries overrun by immigrants.

>> No.16815274

>Because all continental European literature is basically "nothing matters and everything sucks". I'm not gonna read that pretentious mopey garbage.
>but I am going to read autistic happy fun time with abstract concepts

>> No.16815286

we constantly have threads about tolstoy, dostoevsky, nabokov, nigger what u talkin bou

>> No.16815324

>English is French

>> No.16815337

translation arguments are tedious.

>> No.16815363

Wtf op? A lot of fags here love the russians, in fact there's a schedule for sucking rus/lit/ authors dongs, I think it's my turn now.

>omfg no
>no no no NO NO
>not dostoieski pls no

>> No.16815401

> We have Spanish threads
what confuses me the most about those spanish threads is anons complaining about anons speaking spanish ... in a spanish thread

>> No.16815425

burgers like to take a piss on ESL people but can barely speak english, one the simplest and dumbests modern languages.
then when they try pronoucing any word from another language, they make it sound spanish

>> No.16815441

where are the smart people on the internet
direct me to them so i may ruin their group

>> No.16815446

If it's so simple then feel free to use it correctly. No one can hear your accent here, so if you can use proper grammar and spelling no one will ever know your true identity. But you can't even do that, can you?

>> No.16815461

>then when they try pronoucing any word from another language, they make it sound spanish
You realize that most ESLs have horrible accents, don't you? You simply don't get called out on it because English speakers aren't insecure like you are.

>> No.16815492

It's not explicitly stated in the rules, but you're not supposed to have threads in other languages. There's some leeway but if you do too much it will get deleted. Note how the rules make a special exception for /int/ where it says that threads in other languages are allowed there.

>> No.16815531

>English is the simplest and dumbest language
Thirdworld cope. Stay irrelevant, non-anglo scum.

>> No.16815586

>bad faith argument by intentionally ignoring the meaning of the idiom "lingua franca."

>> No.16815609

>come to a site dominated by English speakers
"Why is this board only interested in anglo literature?"
>russian or german or a polish writer here.
Literally everyday people jerk off to Marx, Nietzsche, and Dostoevsky on this board. The greatest work of literature the poles have written is the Witcher, so of course you're not going to find a lot of polish literature on this board.

>> No.16815613

this is legitimately factual. in the US we have call center services staffed by ESL indians and mexicans and understand just fine. any trip to wal-mart in the south, southwest or westcoast north america and you'll have chinese and hispanics out the ass who barely speak the language and not only do we not complain, we help them effectively without giving it a second thought.

but if i try to muddle through a french saying with a european friend to get clarification on a translation, they scoff like it's their only hobby.

>> No.16815624
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Maestroposting dismisses your point

>> No.16815626


>> No.16815662

t. newfag

>> No.16815702

You’re mistaking European literature with French “literature”

>> No.16815703

Look in the /lit/ Top 100 and count how many non-Anglo books are there

>> No.16815777

I'm not trying to learn another language, I want to know and talk about spanish authors that's all, people in there just want to socialize, talk about their lives, blogposting, like Hilo Latino on /int/ but with books.

>> No.16815782

One of the biggest memes in here is that of "translation bad". Anglos are ignorant, dumb, short minded faggots who are to stupid to attempt to learn a second language. Put those together and you have people who literally only read works in English. Some of them like to suck on Harold Bloom's canon, too, which is filled with Anglo trash.

>> No.16815866

We have no practical reason to learn a language, so most of don't. The price of cultural dominance, one might say.

>> No.16816035


>> No.16816117

That's nothing to be proud of

>> No.16816130

It is. Say I wanted to learn French. Is there some frog nearby to snort at? I don't see any. When your entire nation is the size as one of our states things are different, I suppose.

>> No.16816190

Literature is not practical. You're probably a STEM piece of shit.

>> No.16816198

You literally have an ability to travel pretty much anywhere in the world yet you barely use it. Also in New York you can find people speaking hundreds of different languages

>> No.16816218

I'll only risk bumping this shit once. Stop replying to obvious bait threads, you faggots. When this board isn't talking about german idealists / goethe / nietzsche, they're talking about frenchfrogs foucault / sartre, tolstoy / dostoevsky, or borges. Or the greeks. The only time anglo authors are even talked about is sci-fi or whatever

>> No.16816231


>> No.16816233

I don't have any interest in your insipid "travel" hobby and I have no interest in going to a filthy shithole like New York.

>> No.16816243

you may prefer anglostuff but that greentext is quite true. also, don't forget, there is nothing more irrelevant than UK literature after WW2, at least burgers gave us good pomo while bongs spiraled into provincialism.

>> No.16816248

The fact remains. It's often a losing battle to try to keep up this sort of thing if you have absolutely no use for it in your everyday life and no possibility for immersion.

>> No.16816325

This is a french board

>> No.16816331

Enjoy being dumb and have a nice life, sheep.

>> No.16816360

As a Brit I can confirm, I read mainly post war American. English people (at least in UK) rarely learn a second language, everyone speaks English, there's good and bad. The bad means I am having to learn languages much slower and later, I will never achieve skill in another language (or it will take a while.) The good is I'm natural in English, that's useful if you plan to write in English. Some people know many languages but can't achieve great prose in one, rarely people can learn to write well in a second language, it happens but not often.

>> No.16816368

We make references to Pan Tadeusz all the time. It's not our fault you don't notice them.

>> No.16816384

When Europeans start to whine about how Anglos don't learn other languages, there's a hidden aspect that most people do not consider. And that aspect is that any Anglo would care enough about one of their languages in particular to put in the effort to learn it. It's part pride and part insecurity at their current enfeebled status. "Notice me, Anglo-senpai!" they cry.

>> No.16816405

There is absolutely zero reasons to learn a second language if your first is English and you come from an anglo country. To say otherwise is a cope from a non-anglo that learned English because it's the lingua franca of the globalist world.

>> No.16816425

>English is the french language
lul wut?

>> No.16816447

Lingua franca means "Frankish language."

>> No.16816458

What a sad human being you are

>> No.16816466

Indeed, how could anyone live without being a rootless cosmopolitan?

>> No.16816468

Are you dumb?

>> No.16816478

What a lazy copout

>> No.16816504

Are you? The terms comes from pidgin used between Christians and Muslims, and it was common in the past for non-Europeans to refer to all Christian Europeans as Franks.

>> No.16816517

Based, Based, Based. Traveling is effort. I'm staying here, gonna hide away with my Woolf, my Dickenson, my Sheakspeare. My bros wanna see the world, I wanna move to a quieter town than my already quite English town.

>> No.16816519

It's true. It's like there are a bunch of dogs barking in your backyard and you're expected to end up really liking one of them and letting it teach you how to bark in its particular style.

>> No.16816529

I don't find this insulting. Would I if I were more thoroughly deracinated?

>> No.16816620

I was just being honest, when I say this my bros who wanna travel (and have a lot already) go ape and lecture me on why it's amazing (like drug pushers) but I'm pretty sure it will be more effort than it's worth. Weeds cheap, books are cheap, my friends are perfect, I don't want more, wanting more causes the issues.

>> No.16816627


>> No.16817169

Most of us are from english speaking countries where writers from other languages are not as well known. I only speak and read one language so if you have any suggestions please share

>> No.16817417

you have to force the author with meme autism
just spam a thread every day for
Czesław Miłosz or
Witold Gombrowicz