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16812236 No.16812236 [Reply] [Original]

>Obama in his memoir "A Promised Land" (which released today), on his how his discovery of Marx and Foucault in college became inseparable from “a strategy for picking up girls”:

>> No.16812244

He's a neolib

>> No.16812248

He sounds like a sexual predator.

>> No.16812251

if by sexual predator you mean normal college guy then yes

>> No.16812252

clearly he lurks here. he actually somewhat read meme authors to impress girls. unironically more of a /lit/izen than half the board

>> No.16812253

looking at this excerpt it seems he's a fairly decent writer.
he had a pretty good life desu
fucked bitches, and bombed innocents in the middle east.
absolutely nietzschean

>> No.16812264


>> No.16812265

based barack

>> No.16812269

You think a normal college guy reads Foucault?

>> No.16812271

Per capita more tapes happen on college campuses than big metros.

>> No.16812278

But I'm sure tapes happen too.

>> No.16812283

they don't? i am a literal neet barely going on 20 and i read infinitely more rigorous people than foucault

>> No.16812286

Also more sex and drinking in general
rape is just a byproduct of debauchery
not that big of a deal, it's when a truly evil fuck does some shit like purposefully getting some chick blacked out by drugging her drink and dragging her away from a party to have his way with her that's fucked up, which gives a bad name to all the drunken youths who just wanna do things they'll regret in the morning and suddenly half of them have plausible deniability so long as they throw the other half under the bus, which they have no problem doing because they barely have a frontal lobe at all

>> No.16812289

This actually humanizes Barack for me. I actually played basketball with him when I was 16 and he was campaigning in 08. He came to the gym where I was and tried to play basketball and "hoop" with us retards. He was so bad that I was embarrassed for him. Now I know why he sucked; he was a pseud thirsty for art hoes. Lol

>> No.16812292

No, but there are guys like that at every college

>> No.16812293

>As a strategy for picking up girls, my pseudo-intellectualism proved mostly worthless.

He was an incel.

>> No.16812297

I did the absolute same, only half consciously. Toweringly based.

>> No.16812300

it actually makes me feel somewhat connected to the ol war criminal desu

>> No.16812301

>not having some bisexual half negroid read you stumbling interpretations of your favourite philosophers in the faint hope he can convince you to pound his CIA funded asshole.
Why even live bros.

>> No.16812303

No, most college guys do not read much and definitely not niche writers like Foucault. The only philosophers they might know are Plato, Aristotle, and Nietzsche.

>> No.16812308

Yup, Obama is the whitest black president America could have had

>> No.16812310

that's the only reason he had a chance lol

>> No.16812325

Well, he is half the way

>> No.16812326

This is probably the biography of his ghost writer.

Kanye will be the president that succeeds Biden/Harris.

>> No.16812329

Smooth-skinned? What's he a fucking ghoul?

>> No.16812332

It really goes to show how much everyone hates and hated Hillary Rodham.

>> No.16812334

Some girls have such nice skin it stands out.

>> No.16812340

nah, no chance a ghostwriter would've written that shit. it would've been boilerplate niceties and not admitting you were a based pseud

>> No.16812341

Pretty sure he meant smooth brained.

>> No.16812343

Skinfags are worse than footfags

>> No.16812348
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>> No.16812355
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>> No.16812370

This the little anecdote by Obama and his ghost writer is probably mostly fiction with a hint of truth.

My guess is its a preclude to how he won Michelle over by just being his authentic self and not pretending to be what he's not. She's so great and understanding for accepting the real him or something like that.

Typical false relatability from a status seeking, messianic, neoliberal sociopath.

>> No.16812380

I love Obama so much bros, I wish he could have been President forever. He enacted a ton of policies I likes and because he was a Black Dem the liberals couldn't do a thing.

>> No.16812382

You're probably right that its false self deprecation. Id rather wish that he was just a loser and knew it though.

>> No.16812388

Boilerplate niceties aren't interesting. Autobios from politicans are usually money laundry for bribes: Blackwater or Lockheed or whomever buys 100K copies of your book the year after you leave office. But Obama's payoff phase is long over. He actually wants to sell this one to the public.

The lusting after pretty white coeds I can see. Unlike a lot of right wingers I don't think he's a closet case. Forming platonic friendships with them? That I doubt. I have never seen black men do this UNLESS they were flaming homosexuals.

>> No.16812389

He sounds like a bit of an insufferable cunt to be honest. This reads like the worst mix of a pick up artist and a pseud who thinks they are far wittier than they are

>> No.16812390

*I liked

>> No.16812397

Woman detected.

>> No.16812410

I've seen black guys thirst for hoes who friend zoned them, especially white ones. These are usually the black guys that grew somewhat middle class and not good or at sports and not good at music.

>> No.16812415

99% of college "rape" is girls getting drunk at a party, fucking a fellow drunk stranger, and regretting it at some point later and doing what women do best: playing the victim.

>> No.16812421

Pick up artists are betas.
Imagine acting the way women want and constructing a faux masculinity

>> No.16812427

The black guy in our group in school was obsessed with the slutty white girlfriend of one of the other guys. She fucked literally all of us except for him and wouldn't give him the time of day, and he ended up coming out as trans later in life.

>> No.16812440

Technically you are committing a sec crime even if you imply to a woman that you want a relationship, fuck her and say you don't want a relationship.
It was consensual with certain conditions. Faking those conditions is rape.

>> No.16812443

>Waiting until marriage for sex
Feelsgoodman, no need to worry about false rape accusations

>> No.16812452

I believe in abstinence and avoiding premarital sex, but sex is not a comittment to a relationship. Wtf. Also, that wouldn't be rape, but fraud.

>> No.16812458

I agree but my point has been floated a lot recently.

>> No.16812465

that's pretty embarrassing

>> No.16812470

Damn, people will do anything other than accept personal responsibility and accountability.

I just dont understand it. It might be because I have almost have a masochistic tendency to blame myself over others for perceived personal failure.

>> No.16812492

I know a girl that cheated on her boyfriend with a longtime friend but told her boyfriend she got raped lol and they are still together

>> No.16812494


>> No.16812500

Sad. Many such cases. Was this the actual reason for #believe all women?

>> No.16812502

everybody is a skinfag

>> No.16812505

What happened with the longtime friend?

>> No.16812512

idk he kinda dropped off the map after it happened

>> No.16812513

>I know a girl that cheated on her boyfriend with a longtime friend but told her boyfriend she got raped lol and they are still together
I can understand the bf in this situation. I'd believe my gf if she said she was raped; it automatically invokes very strong emotions and I wouldn't doubt her word at all. (The idea of someone falsely claiming rape is disgusting to me though; it is the one crime worse than murder, not a matter to take lightly at all).

>> No.16812517
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>> No.16812527

Hopefully out of shame.

>> No.16812539

I'm not.
Everyone knows it's what on the inside that counts.

>> No.16812545

Is Obama canceled?

>> No.16812550

Depends on major, it's not exactly uncommon to be assigned him in social sciences

>> No.16812555
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>> No.16812557

yeah I mean getting your name wrongfully smeared is pretty fucked up and would cause feelings of shame so probably

>> No.16812566

Oops, you are right. I thought the whore claimed some other guy raped her not the friend. I meant out of shame for cheating.

>> No.16812583

it used to be illegal to take a woman’s virginity without marrying her. i think that is a good law.

>> No.16812584

Nah, I'm all for shaming legitimate rapists but it was pretty obvious the friend and the woman had feelings for each other. I guess her bf is also her manager at her job too so I think she prob didn't wanna lose her job more than anything

>> No.16812599

Indeed. Make sex meaningful again.

>> No.16812613

Recipe for disaster.

>> No.16812615

Yeah for sure, dating coworkers is bad enough but dating someone below or above you is a terrible idea.

>> No.16812627

False. They don't even have real police and don't follow constitutional law (face your accuser) so it doesn't count.
Also spics and niggers don't snitch so it skews the data further.

>> No.16812633

The girl's boyfriend raped him. Then the dudes realized the love they had for each other and that only males of honor and honesty and integrity can love each other as god intended without the malicious narcissism of femininity. Karma is a real bitch. I heard the girl had a black baby with severe learning disabilities (I don't know how they could tell the difference though). She is morbidly overweight, lives in the ghetto and writes books as odes to Jewish feminists.

>> No.16812638

>it's a crime to change your mind

>> No.16812656

Woman detected.

>> No.16812658

One thing I think is pretty wild about the believe all women thing is that, back in the day in the US, there were an immense amount of cases of a white woman falsely claiming a black man raped her, and then said black man was lynched or what have you. Fanon, one of the best known black philosophers, writes about this. It's just weird to me that this piece of racist history isn't really discussed.

>> No.16812664


>> No.16812674

It isn't talked about because whites are expected to not voice their will to bring back lynching of blacks in a modern, civilized world.

>> No.16812691

jesus christ dude

>> No.16812697

No you aren't. An element of the crime of rape is "without consent," which can be satisfied if sex is procured by force or threat of harm, or when they cannot consent because they are unconscious or on drugs. The threat of harm must be imminent bodily harm; economic duress isnt sufficient. fraud can be of two types - fraud in factum and fraud in the inducement; fraud in factum, wherein you lie about the underlying nature of the act (e.g., this isn't sex, this is a medical exam) will satisfy the "without consent" element, but fraud in the inducement (e.g., if you have sex with me i will marry you) is never sufficient to negate consent.

>> No.16812707

Too be fair, that anon said that they dont personally believe it, but was stating what has become in vogue amongst certain circles.

>> No.16812709

And look where that got him in terms of girls

>> No.16812719

I'm probably much older than you, and Barack is older than me. In the 90s black undergrads rarely mingled with whites at all, socially. The ones who did were usually mulattoes getting laid on the reg, either with white girls or latinas, or other high yellow blacks who preferred to mix with the whites. The vast majority of blacks preferred their own company and formed a close knit community or clique, depending on the size.

I literally never saw black men in beta orbiter friendships with anyone, unless they were openly effeminate. I assume this pattern was even more pronounced in Barack's day.

I just don't buy it. Say what you will about Obama, you don't end up as POTUS by being a social fuckup that late in life. But it's exactly what you'd expect in the bio of a ghost writer.

>> No.16812731
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Was Obama based?

>> No.16812735


can you imagine fucking a girl for free. literally making her cum and not even wanting to be paid for it.
Can you imagine literally spending your own money to accommodate a woman and making her feel at home, having a lavish life full of sex and pleasures.

I wonder what would happen to society if men stopped putting women on a pedestal

>> No.16812740

I am mostly speaking of my own observations. I am from NC and my experience in regards to this is localized. Based on conversations with family members who are Obama's age though, my experience isn't all that different than how it was in the late 70s and 80s. Again though this experience is limited to NC in this discussion.

I agree that its probably hammed up in the book, but when I met Obama playing basketball, he seemed like a social loser to me.

>> No.16812790

The European system of jurisprudence is not really suited for other races and we should not have to share that system with anyone but ourselves. The legal process is especially inappropriate for blacks, most of whom have a very low time horizon. If you take time to explain to a dog why he's being punished he'll never associate the punishment with the behavior. Discipline must be immediate, or it's just abuse. So too with blacks. Trying to force them into our system is cruel. Yet they are violent and impulsive. If we are to live with them they must be made to understand they are not to harm whites. Lynching is actually the most humane form of discipline for their community.

Fun fact: in the history of the United States more whites were lynched than blacks. Fantastic claims are made for the death tallies but the real number is in the low hundreds.

>> No.16812811

I don't have to imagine it.

>> No.16812816

>Black people are analogous to dogs
>Why are my political beliefs unpopular
If this was any other site, I would have you pegged for a liberal "false-flagging" as conservative.

>> No.16812817

Have you read Sowell? Its just your prose style reminds me of his writings.

>> No.16812820


>> No.16812826

Foucault is literally the most cited academic, of course 'normal college guys' read him

>> No.16812844

>have read all the frenchies but foucault
>all ive read by him is the intro to AO

>> No.16812848

Sounds like fantastic memoirs akin to those of Churchill and Charles De Gaulle
How is it that politicians nowadays are unable to project themselves outside of their mere individuality? The above mentioned had a historical understanding of the role they played while those dumb fucks write psychological portraits only housewives and mental housewives (journalists, polisci students) would care about.

>> No.16812863

Isn't focault the math guy?

>> No.16812864

By normal, I mean the guy just going to college cause that is what he was told to do and is there to pick up chicks mostly.

Most undergrads barely read at all and you think they're reading fags like Foucault? All I've seen was kids reading genrefiction if anything.

>> No.16812865

Why do you insult dogs by comparing them to blacks? Do you realize that negative reinforcement does not work on dogs? Positive reinforcement clicker training works better. I recommend listening to Ian Dunbar rather than Cesar Millan who is a piece of shit. Alpha rolls are unethical, and dogs do not descend from wolves (they descend from common ancestors). Trying to discipline a dog with alpha rolls in order to assert dominance is counterproductive, since dogs do not form social groups like wolves. It is best to stick to positive reinforcement training with the use of a clicker and good treats.
Also, in regards to blacks, just use them for human experimentation in order to find cures to neurodegenerative disorders. Don't you see that even innocent rats and mice have more self-awareness than blacks? It is debatable whether blacks even have qualia. I, unfortunately, had to decapitate rats and collect their brains in my research lab, and it traumatized me; however, if I did this for blacks, I would be very happy. I would be happy to rid this world of such vermin. There is absolutely nothing wrong with "human" experimentation on blacks considering they're not human beings. Also, have you ever shot one? I have out of self-defense. Just slaughter them all.

>> No.16812868

>he doesn't know
Hubby can still be charged with rape. Not only that, but courts will side with the wahman.

>> No.16812871

The election is over so online election ops are over.

Your high-functioning black friends you met in your white milieus may not fit that bill, but the majority of blacks are in fact unpredictable, dumb, and don't like white people. You would know this if you grew up in majority-black neighborhoods or schools. I did. I can never be lied to about who blacks are.

My views are actually very popular when phrased the correct way. For example: "America should be a majority-white country" polls at about 60% approval. The post you replied to would simply have been a truism during most of western history. Only zealots and fanatics would have disagreed. Our ancestors weren't misguided or ignorant. The fanatics won, with the unflagging support of bankers.
Modern conservatives are worse than liberals in many ways. Conservatives are in a death race to prove how much they love nonwhites. The Trump campaign was gayer and browner than any in American history.

Q: What do you call a black man at CPAC?
A: Keynote speaker

>> No.16812908

They shill the poopdickers panopticon in every 101 or foundations class.

>> No.16812926

It was just an analogy. More people are training their dogs like this, and apparently it works well.

I have no desire to torment or dehumanize blacks. Pragmatically they would be poor subjects for medical experiments, as racial differences are quite significant in medicine. I simply want safety and sovereignty for whites. When our ancestors had this, what I described was the system they settled on, more or less. I assume they weren't stupid. Separation is a pragmatic and humane answer to the problem.

That said I do understand your desire for vengeance. Though they were merely bioweapons inflicted on us, our people still have suffered much at the unfettered hands of blacks. Our grievances should be honored. We deserve some form of justice. In mass conflicts, however, a simple armistice is what ends up being practical.

I just started reading Discipline & Punish. Is a Bentham dystopia the moral or the story?

>> No.16812932

>Kanye will be the president that succeeds Biden/Harris
god i wish

>> No.16812941

Your response is how I know it's true. The jews are bringing America to the point where Kanye West will seem like the sane conservative option. He was on the ballot in 14 states. That requires massive organization and capital. The oligarchs are positioning him to be the next Trumpian dark horse. Make no mistake. He WILL be president.

>> No.16812947

You ain't my bitch, nigga. Buy your own damn fries.

>> No.16812956

ingest pills

>> No.16812964

>"America should be a majority-white country" polls at about 60% approval
Dude. I am not white, and in my high school graduating class there were 3 whites, 1 of which was an immigrant from Canada. In my college, only ~10% of the population was White (~40% if you include Hispanics/Latinos). Like it or not, America is not going to be a white-majority country by 2050, and you need to learn to live with it.

>> No.16812988

You would have said the same thing about Trump when he considered running in 2012. You would have said the same when he did primary in 2016. You are not a political player character. You are an NPC.

I'm not interested in dialog with hostile nonwhites at this time.

>> No.16812991

absolutely this

>> No.16812999

There is no way to know how the future will be. Current trends do not equal future trends. Also not white.

>> No.16813001

Kanye doesn’t have the popularity anymore. Normies think he is crazy. Everyone thought trump was a self made millionaire and successful guy

>> No.16813017


>> No.16813064

Trump was —and is— also labeled a madman. Kayne can also be slotted into the self-made-millionaire archetype. Supporters will point to his music career and clothing brand. Conservatives will be reminded of his statements against abortion, his christian revivalism, and his support for Trump.

His rhetoric will be perfectly tailored to the zeitgeist the media will create when he has the opportunity to run. The oligarch planning committee, whomever they are, see this playbook as very useful. Kanye will repeat the performance, but with the White populist elements extirpated.

At least that's the plan. I would love to see something real shatter it like a mirror.

>> No.16813138


is anyone actually reading this?

>> No.16813203

If by maths you mean calculating how to get aids in a bath house, yes.

>> No.16813207

What if the woman was a man when the relationship started?

>> No.16813211

>This is probably the biography of his ghost writer.

you think someone would do that? get paid 65 mil in advance and still hire a ghostwriter?

>> No.16813213


>> No.16813217

where is this from?

>> No.16813224

oldfag reveal

>> No.16813256

>this board

>> No.16813272

you guys reckon the nobel takes this up for consideration?

>> No.16813400

This. His writer even threw in a little dog whistle with the reference to Marx. Obama is one of the fakest presidents ever.

>> No.16813428


>> No.16813444

If you weren’t reading Foucault in highschool and completely missing his point then you don’t belong here

>> No.16813458

based male feminist predator

>> No.16813481

t. never felt skin

>> No.16813486

No acne scars

>> No.16813502

Foucault, Fourier, what's the difference

>> No.16813509

lmao this is true

>> No.16813554

>Voting for a literal bipolar

>> No.16813569
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he and the clintons rape and murder children, so you are correct
he rapes kids
>Toweringly based.
could you say the same for his child raping?
for raping kids with the clintons? yes
it got him underage kids to rape
also, obama loved bath houses, but only when he was there to rape kids
in pedo terminology, pizza means underage girl and hotdog means underage boy
i am not sure what fries stands for
he is also a child sex predator, in case you're interested

>> No.16813572

Also, he rapes kids

>> No.16813635

So, Obama is cool but biden is cooler?

>> No.16813641

>I may not be Donald Trump now but just you wait; if I don’t make it, my children will
Wew, based obongo on the /trumptrain/

>> No.16813778

why play the pick up game, I thought that the BBC spell works like wonder on white arthoes?

>> No.16813784

only in /pol/cels dreams

>> No.16813786

I feel like you're getting at something, but I can't quite put it together

>> No.16813788

cope harder white boi

>> No.16813926

For me, it's child rape

>> No.16813931

mostly because of the constant orgies desu
>rape culture is rampant on college campuses, I don't feel safe :(
>keep subsidizing our parties with student money though

>> No.16814034
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>''Hey baby, you're a communist? Cause you're causing an uprising in my pants.''

Imagine a half-negro mutt saying this pick-up line to some girl in college.

>> No.16814048

>no mention of how big their asses were
Are we sure he's black?

>> No.16814049

Foucault is good and vastly overhated

>> No.16814075
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This reminds me of a uni chick, Nikki Yovino, from Long Island who claimed she got raped by two niggas so that her crush wouldn't think she was a slut. After going to trial, she confessed she made it up to save face.

>> No.16814090

many such cases to be sure

>> No.16814094

Forgot to add, she admitted that she consented to getting on the BLACKD train

>> No.16814247

What a bunch of mumbo jumbo. Might as well have written "ooga booga dooga mooga dooga" and it would've made just as much sense.

>> No.16814253

Red scare people need the rope

>> No.16814260

did the niggas get off (meaning legally)

>> No.16814295

based old man

>> No.16814468

I mean, she admitted that she made it all up so I would assume so

>> No.16814486

they both lost their athletic scholarship to the uni and so had to leave. as for legally, yes, no problems after her confession. I think they are sueing her now. found an updated article (happened in 2018) if you want to read up on it.

>> No.16814491

>they both lost their athletic scholarship to the uni and so had to leave.
>believe women

>> No.16814654

yeah okay racist

>> No.16814736

Why are you reading this shit?

>> No.16814884

It's times like this that I'm reminded of something my mother told me. I can't remember why, perhaps it was unprompted, but she told me that when she was an undergraduate a black guy asked her out numerous times. She said no everytime and instead married my father -- 5'6, balding, Air Force Minuteman and later gunshop employee. I guess what I'm trying to say is that Obama could not have fucked my mother even if he tried.

>> No.16815005

kek based obama

>> No.16815293

The costume is a little odd, granted, but there's a huge leap between a creepy costume and Obama being part of a Satanic pedo cult.

>> No.16815319

At least his being honest about it, which is the sign of a chad. Unike all those onions phil majors

>> No.16815327

>sentenced to one year
No wonder so many insecure men want to become women. Each has more privledge than a viscount.

>> No.16815370

I can just picture young mutt Obama trying to pick up girls with his jewfro and acne. Dude was lucky he got into politics, or he would have had a hard life.

>> No.16815402

would he have taken horrible oily shits?

>> No.16815518


made me smile warmly

made me laugh out loud

>> No.16815731


>> No.16815772


>> No.16815779

gotta big man over here

>> No.16815789

is Foucault niche?

>> No.16815797


>> No.16815951

This is honestly the most based thing I've ever read about Obama.

>> No.16815968

Based Obama

>> No.16816026

It's cute you think that white people aren't unpredictiable and dumb. lol

>> No.16816040

Kanye is anti establishment as it gets. Dude wants a theocracy

>> No.16816046

>implying /lit/ didn't drop out of highschool

>> No.16816154

Democratic Party and white women still haven’t figured this out.

>> No.16817024

someone post the pic of him and Epstein in the boat