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16809213 No.16809213 [Reply] [Original]

What book will make me rich?
I thought pic related might have been the book, but I'm reading it and I don't think it's gonna be this.

>> No.16809528

if i knew the book and were rich, i wouldnt be in 4chan

>> No.16809573

that book is trash

>> No.16809576

I read Taleb's angry polemic against IQ a few days ago. He had some quantitative insights I have no answers to because I'm not a statistician, but 80% of the article was about how IQ is racist therefore bad.

So maybe he's not someone worth reading.

>> No.16809709
File: 91 KB, 714x926, EVrkkZnWkAAlOiK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no book will make your rich, no mentor will make you rich, no anon will make you rich, no man will make rich, no government will make you rich, no wish will make you rich, no begging will make you rich, no stock will make you rich...what you need is initiative

unironically find a natural talent you enjoy doing that society wants but does not yet know how to get that you can provide.

also NNT is based beyond mediocristans and is only understood by extremistans, so become an extremistan by not being fooled by randomness, by increasing your exposure to positive black swans and limiting the effects of negative black swans by being antifragile, and by having skin in the game

>> No.16809740

I wasn't considering reading Taleb, but after seeing people complain that he thinks employment is slavery and now that I've seen this, I realise he's objectively correct and worth looking into.

>> No.16810726
File: 78 KB, 924x988, Can't spend all day in these tit cups.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wasn't considering reading Taleb, but after seeing people complain that he thinks employment is slavery and now that I've seen this, I realise he's objectively correct and worth looking into.

>> No.16810741

good post. but the real wealth are the friends you make along the way until they abandon you

>> No.16811039

I really really really really liked What I Learned Losing A Million Dollars

>> No.16811766

>no man will make rich
I guess all the rockerfellers just had a ton of initiative

>> No.16811776


>> No.16811835

I used to be like you bashing every rich person I could, but it never changed anything. I think rich people want you to think about them to divert your brain power.

>> No.16811847



some other good posts there as well

>> No.16811858

>I used to be like you bashing every rich person I could, but it never changed anything
Im not bashing rich people Im bashing the objectively false idea that wealth is simply a matter of initiative.

Its good to encourage initiative and highlight the power we have over our lives but over stating it is just as detrimental if not worse than understating it.

>I think rich people want you to think about them to divert your brain power.
Or do you think its more likely that they want you to think they earned all their money through initiative and hard work alone?

>> No.16812291
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>I.Q. is a reliable measure of nothing but very low intelligence
>at anything above average it's just noise

Then why is there such a demonstrable gap in racial I.Q. along the entire curve?

>> No.16812318

Is anal prolapse after deadlifting Lindy?

>> No.16812637
File: 122 KB, 1136x814, EVmTr_AXkAIvX7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically find better friends

unironically real wealth is freedom (money does not buy you freedom, it only buys you financial freedom)

>I think rich people want you to think about them to divert your brain power.
no, rich people want you to toil for them. in fact NNT says this in his book bed of procrustes: "work destroys your soul by stealthily invading your brain during the hours not officially spent working..." i'd add that work also steals your /fit/ body too.

no, you go balls deep inside lindy, then deadlift to grandma's wisdom

yes, acquiring wealth is not simply having initiative; acquiring wealth is multivariate. i wrote some shitty life /sig/ mathematics in /fit/ around a month ago. the money section went something like this:

money = businesses + assets
>businesses = natural talent + society needs that you can provide + specific knowledge + technical skills + people skills + capital + asymmetrical leverage
>assets = stocks + pieces of ownership of other businesses + angel investing + land + real estate

there are more variables to this, but those are the main points.

but for the case of OP's faggotness, his lack of initiative is spit-worthy because he would rather ask frog anons how to attain wealth than to dive deeper into the knowledge of attaining wealth

>> No.16812744

Financial freedom is the truest form of freedom in the world.

>> No.16812748

Based Rich Dad. The goal is financial freedom.

>> No.16812753

a book made of dollar bills

>> No.16813084

Taleb has an axe to grind against IQ because his people are generally low IQ and his ego won't allow him to accept that he comes from a low IQ group. In reality, this is fine and no one cares. But Taleb is a megalomaniac and he feels the need to deboonk something which very clearly is real.

>> No.16813110

lmao 2pl8

>> No.16813122

Yeah I read it, thank you. It’s not a very good article. Is he better elsewhere?

>> No.16813150

When I look at the man I see no race but Caucasian. What does he consider himself?

>> No.16813161


>> No.16813166

>but for the case of OP's faggotness, his lack of initiative is spit-worthy because he would rather ask frog anons how to attain wealth than to dive deeper into the knowledge of attaining wealth
But how do you find reliable sources of knowledge about attaining wealth considering how many financial gurus there are around? Do you just trust Taleb with a religious commitment and filter out the rest? Do you sift through all the shit these gurus write until you find a small nugget of some value? Do you have infinite time at your disposal to wade through all the bullshit before figuring out what works?

>> No.16814581

lol no, you can perceive his inferiority complex precisely right here because he calls himself Phoenician.

>> No.16815290

I don't know: I might agree with him. "Arab" is a huge basket containing everything from dark Afro-Semites to obvious Aryans. If he's looking for an ethnic identifier that makes the racial distinction with plausible deniability "Phoenician" isn't bad.

Most White anti-racists do this in the European diaspora. Americans will proudly identify as german-irish-english-french-hyphen-hyphen-etc-etc. It's how they cope with racial taboo while still boasting about ancestry.

What schizophrenics the jews have made of us!

>> No.16815308
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>no book will make your rich, no mentor will make you rich, no anon will make you rich, no man will make rich, no government will make you rich, no wish will make you rich, no begging will make you rich, no stock will make you rich...what you need is initiative

reminder that you jsut needed to know ''to big to fail'' to get rich

>> No.16815322

Phoenicians and Greeks (meds) are not low IQ groups.

>> No.16815341

t. voted Biden

>> No.16815381

I think Talebs books are some of the best you can read as an entrepreneur. I use his ideas to make a business I work for less fragile, or more robust. The owner puts a lot of trust in me so I have leeway with a lot of things.

One example, was that our business was looking into software solutions...Right now we use a bit of a hodgepodge and it isn't the greatest. But the main selling point of all these software suits is "it's everything in one!" and right away that should send off the taleb-alarm... A single point of failure should the software prove to be shit.

Instead we are working on upgrading our melange, picking options that integrate with each other, rather than a single software suit. Should one thing fail (scheduling, CRM, file management, project management) it will be easier to switch to something else without having the rest of our business get fucked as well.

>> No.16816394

incredibly based antifragilist

>> No.16816942

Another thing that was directly influenced by Taleb had to do with scheduling. We used to book appointments in short time windows, in a highly optimized fashion, calculating drive times and estimating appointment durations. However we found that once one appointment went on too long the whole day would get fucked and we had to spend a lot of time moving clients around and pissing a lot of them off as well. Now we just book morning or afternoon 4-hour windows, we get there when we get there. This is common for bigger companies to do, so it's not as interesting but still a valuable lesson against over-optimization.

>> No.16817151

He calls himself a Levantine and you'd fucking know this if you knew anything about him.

>> No.16817197

>become an extremistan by not being fooled by randomness, by increasing your exposure to positive black swans and limiting the effects of negative black swans by being antifragile, and by having skin in the game
What is it with this guy and his jargon? It's impossible to understand what his fans are talking about unless you've read one of his books.

>> No.16817588

I've never read any of those books and had no problem understanding him.